
Defines functions estimateCVM.vaf

estimateCVM.vaf <-
             lagmax = (max(T) - min(T)) / 2,
             CI = FALSE,
             diagnose = FALSE,
             spline = FALSE) {
    T <- T - min(T)
    dT <- mean(diff(T))
    if (sd(diff(T)) / mean(diff(T)) > 1e-10) stop("Sorry - time intervals must be constant to use this method.")

    lag <- T[T < lagmax]
    V <- diff(Z) / diff(T)

    if (spline) {
      VZT <- getV.spline(Z, T)
      V <- VZT$V
      T <- VZT$T
      Z <- VZT$Z

    lag.scalar <- lag / dT
    vaf <- apply(as.matrix(lag.scalar), 1, getVaf, V = V)

    truncate <- 30
    if (min(vaf) < exp(-3)) {
      truncate <- min(which(vaf < exp(-3)))
      vaf <- vaf[1:(truncate - 1)]
      lag <- lag[1:(truncate - 1)]

    if (truncate < 3 | truncate == "Inf") {
      warning("Data are too sparcely sampled for any estimate of tau.")
      beta.hat <- NA
      beta.CI <- NA
    } else if (truncate < 10) {
      warning("Data are too sparcely sampled for robust estimate of tau.")
      beta.hat <- lm(log(vaf) ~ lag - 1)$coef
      beta.CI <- NA
    } else {
      y <- log(vaf / vaf[1])
      x <- lag

      tau.gls <- try(
        gls(y ~ x - 1, correlation = corAR1(form = ~ 1), weights = varExp()),
        silent = TRUE

      if (is(tau.gls) != "try-error") {
        beta.hat <- tau.gls$coef
        beta.CI <- intervals(tau.gls)[[1]][c(1, 3)]
      } else {
        tau.lm <- lm(log(vaf[vaf > 0]) ~ lag[vaf > 0] - 1)
        beta.hat <- tau.lm$coef
        beta.CI <- beta.hat + c(-1, 1) * qt(0.975, df = length(vaf[vaf > 0]) - 1) * summary(tau.lm)$coef[1, 2]
        warning("Generalized least squares fit failed - confidence intervals are probably suspect.")

    tau.hat <- as.numeric(-1 / beta.hat)
    nu.hat <- mean(Mod(V))
    results <- data.frame(tau.hat = tau.hat, nu.hat = nu.hat)

    if (CI) {
      # nu estimates
      rho.hat <- cor(Mod(V[-1]), Mod(V[-length(V)]))
      nu.se <- sd(Mod(V)) / sqrt(length(V)) / (1 - rho.hat) / 2
      nu.CI <- nu.hat + c(-1, 1) * qnorm(0.975) * nu.se

      # tau estimates
      tau.CI <- -1 / beta.CI

      # compile results
      results <- data.frame(t(results), rbind(tau.CI, nu.CI))
      row.names(results) <- c("tau", "nu")
      names(results) <- c("Estimate", "C.I.low", "C.I.high")

    if (diagnose) {
      plot(lag, vaf, bty = "l", cex.lab = 1.25, cex.sub = 1.25, font.sub = 2, col = rgb(0, 0, 0, .5), pch = 19)
      curve(nu.hat^2 * 4 / pi * exp(-x / tau.hat), add = TRUE, col = 2, lwd = 3, lty = 2)
      legend("topright", lty = c(NA, 2), pch = c(1, NA), legend = c("observed", "fitted"), col = 1:2, lwd = 1:2, bty = "n")

EliGurarie/smoove documentation built on Aug. 2, 2022, 10:26 p.m.