
#                    ** create.fleets.ctrl **
# Dorleta Garc?a - Azti Tecnalia
# 28/05/2013 10:42:07
#   :: ARGUMENTS ::
# - ** fltsnames ** : character vector with fleet names
# - ** n.flts.stks ** : numeric vector with the same length as fltsnames with the  declaration the stocks caugth by each of the fleets.
# - ** flts.stksnames **: character vector with length = sum(n.flts.stks), with the names of the stocks caught by the fleet, 
#        o the  first n.flts.stks[1] elements correspond to the stocks caught by the first fleet in fltsnames
#        o the  following n.flts.stks[2] elements correspond to the stocks caught by the second fleet in fltsnames
#        o and so on.
# - ** catch.threshold **: if(NULL) => 0.9 for all the stocks (NULL is the default)  
#                   else it must be an FLQuant with dim = c(nstks,ny,1,ns,nit)
# - ** effort.models **:  characted vector with the same length as fltsnames with the effort model followed by each of the fleet. 
#         the first element correspond with the effort model of the first fleet in fltsnames, the second with the second and so on.
#         The default is NULL in which case 'fixedEffort' is used for **all** the fleets.    
# - ** capital.models **:  characted vector with the same length as fltsnames with the capital model followed by each of the fleet. 
#         the first element correspond with the capital model of the first fleet in fltsnames, the second with the second and so on.
#         The default is NULL in which case 'fixedCapital' is used for **all** the fleets. 
# - ** catch.models **:  characted vector with the same length as sum(n.flts.stks) with the catch model followed by each of the fleet for each stock. 
#         the first element correspond with the catch model of the first fleet in fltsnames and the first stock in flts.stksnames, the second with the second and so on.
#         The default is NULL in which case 'CobbDouglasAge' is used for **all** the fleets. 
# - ** price.models **:  characted vector with the same length as sum(n.flts.stks) with the price model followed by each of the fleet for each stock. 
#         the first element correspond with the price model of the first fleet in fltsnames and the first stock in flts.stksnames, the second with the second and so on.
#         The default is NULL in which case 'fixedPrice' is used for **all** the fleets. 
# - ** flq **: An flquant to give structure to the FLQuants to be used within the function, 
#         the dimensioan and dimnames in 'year', 'season' and 'iter' will be used to create the necessary FLQuants. 
# - ...: Any extra arguments necessary in the model specific creators. '...' are extracted using 'list(...)', this generates a named list with the extra arguments.
#        To assure the correct functioning the extra arguments must have a name, for example, elas = FLQuant(1,dimnames = DimsNms) and 
#        the creators for specific models must have to arguments 'res' and largs: 
#           o 'res': the element with the general structure created in the main function 
#           o 'larg': A named list with the elements necessary within the creator. For example if we use elas = FLQuant(1,dimnames = DimsNms) 
#                 in the call to the main function within the specific creator this element will be used as 'largs$elas'.

create.fleets.ctrl <- function(fltsnames,  n.flts.stks, flts.stksnames, catch.threshold = NULL,  seasonal.share = NULL, 
                                effort.models = NULL, capital.models = NULL, catch.models = NULL, price.models = NULL, flq, ...){
    effort.models.available  <- c('fixedEffort', 'SMFB', 'SSFB', 'MaxProfit')
    catch.models.available   <- c('CobbDouglasAge', 'CobbDouglasBio')
    price.models.available   <- c('fixedPrice', 'elasticPrice')
    capital.models.available <- c('fixedCapital', 'SCD')
    nfls <- length(fltsnames) 
    res  <- vector('list', nfls + 2)
    names(res) <- c('catch.threshold', 'seasonal.share', fltsnames)
    stknms <- unique(flts.stksnames)
    extra.args <- list(...) # a named list with the extra arguments in the call to the function, it'll contain the arguments for specific  creators.
    # Give default values to NULL elements.
    if(is.null(catch.threshold)){ res[['catch.threshold']] <- FLQuant(0.9, dimnames = list(stock = stknms, year = dimnames(flq)[['year']], 
                                                                        season = dimnames(flq)[['season']], iter = dimnames(flq)[['iter']]))
        res[['catch.threshold']] <- catch.threshold
    # Seasonal share.
        res[['seasonal.share']]        <- vector('list', length(unique(flts.stksnames)))
        names(res[['seasonal.share']]) <- unique(flts.stksnames)
        Dims <- c(list(fleet = fltsnames), dimnames(flq)[2:6])
        for(i in 1: length(res[['seasonal.share']])) res[['seasonal.share']][[i]] <- FLQuant(1/dim(flq)[4], dimnames = Dims)
        res[['seasonal.share']] <- seasonal.share
    if(is.null(effort.models))  effort.models   <- rep('fixedEffort', nfls)                                                                      
    if(is.null(capital.models)) capital.models  <- rep('fixedCapital', nfls)  
    if(is.null(catch.models))   catch.models    <- rep('CobbDouglasAge', sum(n.flts.stks)) 
    if(is.null(price.models))   price.models    <- rep('fixedPrice', sum(n.flts.stks))  
    # check that all flq-s differ only in first (quant) dimension.
    test.flqs <- lapply(c('flq', names(extra.args)[grep(pattern = 'flq', names(extra.args))]), get)
    if(length(test.flqs)>1) if(!equal.flq.Dimnames(test.flqs, 2:5)) stop("All the input 'FLquant's must share 'year', 'unit', 'season', 'area' and 'iter' dimensions.")

    # Check foo.models
    # effort models
    if(length(effort.models) != nfls) stop("'effort.models' must be NULL or must have the same length as fltsnames'")
    if(!all(effort.models %in% effort.models.available)){ 
        wmod <- effort.models[which(!(effort.models %in% effort.models.available))]  
        warning(paste(unique(wmod), collapse = ', ')," in 'effort.models' is not an internal FLBEIA effort model. If you want to use create.fleets.ctrl you must create, ", paste(paste('create', unique(wmod) ,'ctrl', sep = "."), collapse = ", ")," function.")
    # catch models.
    if(length(catch.models) != sum(n.flts.stks)) stop("'catch.models' must be NULL or must have the same length as stknames'")
    if(!all(catch.models %in% catch.models.available)){ 
        wmod <- catch.models[which(!(catch.models %in% catch.models.available))]  
        warning(paste(unique(wmod), collapse = ', ')," in 'catch.models' is not an internal FLBEIA catch model. If you want to use create.fleets.ctrl you must create, ", paste(paste('create', unique(wmod) ,'ctrl', sep = "."), collapse = ", ")," function.")
    # price models.
    if(length(price.models) != sum(n.flts.stks)) stop("'price.models' must be NULL or must have the same length as stknames'")
    if(!all(price.models %in% price.models.available)){ 
        wmod <- price.models[which(!(price.models %in% price.models.available))]  
        warning(paste(unique(wmod), collapse = ', ')," in 'price.models' is not an internal FLBEIA price model. If you want to use create.fleets.ctrl you must create, ", paste(paste('create', unique(wmod) ,'ctrl', sep = "."), collapse = ", ")," function.")
    # capital models.
    if(length(capital.models) != nfls) stop("'capital.models' must be NULL or must have the same length as stknames'")
    if(!all(capital.models %in% capital.models.available)){ 
        wmod <- capital.models[which(!(capital.models %in% capital.models.available))]  
        warning(paste(unique(wmod), collapse = ', ')," in 'capital.models' is not an internal FLBEIA capital model. If you want to use create.fleets.ctrl you must create, ", paste(paste('create', unique(wmod) ,'ctrl', sep = "."), collapse = ", ")," function.")
    # Some check to test if declared number of stocks coincide with that used in the name declaration-
#    if(length(nflsts.mtrs) != nfls) stop("The length of 'fltsnames' and 'nflts.mtrs' must coincide")
#    if(sum(nflts.mtrs) != length(flts.mtrsnames)) stop("The total number of metiers declared in 'nflts.mtrs' must be equal to the length of 'flts.mtrsnames'.")
    if(sum(n.flts.stks) != length(flts.stksnames)) stop("The total number of stocks declared in 'n.flts.stks' must be equal to the length of 'flts.stksnames'.")
    if(length(effort.models) != nfls) stop("The length of 'effort.models' must coincide with the number of fleets")
    if(length(capital.models) != nfls) stop("The length of 'capital.models' must coincide with the number of fleets")
    names(effort.models)  <- fltsnames
    names(capital.models) <- fltsnames
    names(n.flts.stks)    <- fltsnames
    names(price.models)   <- flts.stksnames
    names(catch.models)   <- flts.stksnames
    # Create the fleet/metier/stock GENERAL structure in res. 
    k1 <- 1
    k2 <- 1
    for(f in fltsnames){  # fleet structure
        res[[f]]        <- vector('list', n.flts.stks[f] + 2) # minimum length
        names(res[[f]]) <- c('effort.model', 'capital.model', flts.stksnames[k1:(k1 + n.flts.stks[f] - 1)])
        res[[f]][['effort.model']]  <- unname(effort.models[f])
        res[[f]][['capital.model']] <- unname(capital.models[f])
        for(st in flts.stksnames[k1:(k1+n.flts.stks[f]-1)]){ # stock structure.  
            res[[f]][[st]] <- vector('list', 2) # minimun length
            names(res[[f]][[st]])  <- c('catch.model', 'price.model')
            res[[f]][[st]][['catch.model']] <- unname(catch.models[k2])
            res[[f]][[st]][['price.model']] <- unname(price.models[k2])
            k2 <- k2 + 1
        k1 <- k1 + n.flts.stks[f]
    # Add the function specific elements by fleet/stock.
    k1 <- 1
    jf <- 1
    for(f in fltsnames){  # fleet level functions; effort and capital models
        effmodcreator <- paste('create', effort.models[f],  'ctrl', sep = '.')
        capmodcreator <- paste('create', capital.models[f], 'ctrl', sep = '.')
        res[[f]] <- eval(call(effmodcreator, resf = res[[f]], fltname = f, largs = extra.args))
        res[[f]] <- eval(call(capmodcreator, resf = res[[f]], fltname = f, largs = extra.args))
        for(st in flts.stksnames[k1:(k1+n.flts.stks[jf]-1)]){ # stock level functios: catch and price models.  
            catchmodcreator <- paste('create', catch.models[k1], 'ctrl', sep = '.')
            pricemodcreator <- paste('create', price.models[k1], 'ctrl', sep = '.')
            res[[f]][[st]] <- eval(call(catchmodcreator, resfst = res[[f]][[st]], fltname = f, stkname = st, largs = extra.args))
            res[[f]][[st]] <- eval(call(pricemodcreator, resfst = res[[f]][[st]], fltname = f, stkname = st, largs = extra.args))
            k1 <- k1 + 1
        jf <- jf + 1


#                       ** create.fixedEffort.ctrl **
create.fixedEffort.ctrl <- function(resf,fltname,largs) return(resf)

#                       ** create.SMFB.ctrl **
# extra args: restriction.fltname, effort.restr.fltname
create.SMFB.ctrl <- function(resf, fltname,largs){

    # if NULL set default values
    rest      <- ifelse(is.null(largs[[paste('restriction', fltname,sep='.')]]), 'catch', largs[[paste('restriction', fltname,sep='.')]])
    effrest   <- ifelse(is.null(largs[[paste('effort.restr', fltname,sep='.')]]), 'max', largs[[paste('effort.restr', fltname,sep='.')]])

    if(is.na(effrest)) warning("Effort restriction in (effort.rest argument) is missing for fleet, ", fltname, ", NA used, you MUST fill it otherwise SMFB will not work.")
    resf[['restriction']]  <- rest 
    resf[['effort.restr']] <- effrest


#                       ** create.MaxProfit.stkCnst.ctrl **
# extra args:  stk.cnst.fltname
create.MaxProfit.ctrl <- function(resf,fltname,largs){
    # if NULL set default values, the 3rd stock in resf list, it can happen that is not an stock name.
  effort.restr   <- ifelse(is.null(largs[[paste('effort.restr', fltname,sep='.')]]),  NA, largs[[paste('effort.restr', fltname,sep='.')]])
    rest      <- ifelse(is.null(largs[[paste('restriction', fltname,sep='.')]]), NA, largs[[paste('restriction', fltname,sep='.')]])

    if(is.na( effort.restr )) warning("Effort constraint in (effort.restr argument) is missing for fleet, ",  fltname, ", NA used, you MUST fill it otherwise MaxProfit will not work.")
    if(is.na( rest )) warning("Catch/landing restriction in (srestriction argument) is missing for fleet, ",  fltname, ", NA used, you MUST fill it otherwise MaxProfit will not work.")

    resf[['effort.restr']] <- effort.restr
    resf[['restriction']]  <- rest 

#                       ** create.fixedCapital.ctrl **
create.fixedCapital.ctrl <- function(resf,fltname,largs) return(resf)

#                       ** create.SCD.ctrl **
# extra args: NONE
# This function does not contain extra arguments in fleets.ctrl, the 
# extra information is stored in covars because they are system variables.
create.SCD.ctrl <- function(resf,fltname,largs) return(resf)

#                   ** create.fixedPrice.ctrl **
create.fixedPrice.ctrl <- function(resfst, fltname, stkname, largs) return(resfst)

#                   ** create.elasticPrice.ctrl **
# extra args: flq.stkname
create.elasticPrice.ctrl <- function(resfst, fltname, stkname, largs){
    flq.stk <- largs[[paste('flq', stkname,sep = ".")]]
    resfst[["pd.els"]]   <- flq.stk
    resfst[["pd.La0"]]   <- flq.stk
    resfst[["pd.Pa0"]]   <- flq.stk
    resfst[["pd.total"]] <- TRUE
    warning( "You have selected 'elasticPrice' price model for fleet, '", fltname, "', and stock, '", stkname, 
        "'.\n Thus, you have to fill 'pd.els', 'pd.La0' and 'pd.Pa0' FLQuants in fleets.ctrl[['", fltname,"']][['", stkname,"']].\n", sep = "")


#                   ** create.CobbDouglasAge.ctrl **
#                   ** create.CobbDouglasBio.ctrl **
create.CobbDouglasAge.ctrl <- create.CobbDouglasBio.ctrl <- function(resfst, fltname, stkname, largs) return(resfst)
ElsevierSoftwareX/SOFTX-D-15-00067 documentation built on May 4, 2019, 2:34 p.m.