
#' MapPlot
#' Map Spatialized Communities
#' Maps of interpolated values from points of a spatialized community (a [wmppp.object]) are produced.
#' `x` may be:
#' - an "Accumulation" object produced e.g. by the function [DivAccum].
#' A map of diversity of the chosen order within the chosen neighborhoods of points is obtained by kriging.
#' - an [fv] object produced by a distance-based measure of spatial structure, such as [dbmss:Mhat], with individual values.
#' Then a map of the local value of the function is produced, following \insertCite{Getis1987}{SpatDiv}.
#' @param x An object to map.
#' @param ... Further parameters passed to the function [image].
#' Standard base graphic arguments such as `main` can be used.
#' @param AllowJitter If `TRUE`, duplicated points are jittered to avoid their elimination by the kriging procedure.
#' @param Nbx The number of columns (pixels) of the resulting map, 128 by default.
#' @param Nby The number of rows (pixels) of the resulting map, 128 by default.
#' @param Palette The color palette of the map.
#' @param SuppressMargins If `TRUE`, the map has reduced margins.
#' If `FALSE`, the current margin parameters are used.
#' @param Contour If `TRUE`, contours are added to the map.
#' @param Contournlevels The number of levels of contours.
#' @param Contourcol The color of the contour lines.
#' @param Points If `TRUE`, the points that brought the data are added to the map.
#' @param pch The symbol used to represent points.
#' @param Pointcol The color of the points.
#' @return An [autoKrige] object that can be used to produce alternative maps.
#' @export
MapPlot <-
function (x, ...) 

#' @rdname MapPlot
#' @inheritParams DivAccum
#' @param Order The order of diversity, i.e. the value of $q$.
#' @param NeighborHood The neighborhood size, i.e. the number of neighbors or the distance to consider.
#' @method MapPlot Accumulation
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Generate a random community
#' spCommunity <- rSpCommunity(1, size=50, S=10)
#' # Calculate the species accumulation curve
#' accum <- DivAccum(spCommunity, q.seq=c(0,1), n.seq=4, Individual=TRUE)
#' # Plot the local richness, accumulated up to 5 individuals.
#' MapPlot(accum, Order=0, NeighborHood=5)
MapPlot.Accumulation <-
function (x, Order, NeighborHood, AllowJitter = TRUE,
          Nbx = 128, Nby = 128, Contour = TRUE, 
          Palette = grDevices::topo.colors(128, alpha=1), 
          SuppressMargins = TRUE,
          Contournlevels = 10, Contourcol = "dark red",
          Points = FALSE, pch=20, Pointcol = "black",
          ..., CheckArguments = TRUE)
  if (CheckArguments)
  if (is.null(dim(x$Neighborhoods)))
    stop("The Accumulation object does not contain individual data to plot.")
  # Jitter
  if (AllowJitter) {
    # Find duplicates
    Dups <- spatstat.geom::duplicated.ppp(x$SpCommunity, rule="unmark")
    if (sum(Dups)>0) {
      # Extract the duplicates and jitter them
      Dupswmppp <- spatstat.geom::rjitter(x$SpCommunity[Dups])
      # Put the coordinates back into the original wmppp
      x$SpCommunity$x[Dups] <- Dupswmppp$x
      x$SpCommunity$y[Dups] <- Dupswmppp$y
  # Convert numeric values of Order and Neighborhood into their index
  Order <- which(as.numeric(rownames(x$Neighborhoods)) == Order)
  NeighborHood <- which(as.numeric(colnames(x$Neighborhoods)) == NeighborHood)
  # Verify that values exist: if which() did not match, we get integer(0) for Order or NeighborHood
  # then data is of length 0.
  if (length(x$Neighborhoods[Order, , ]) == 0) stop("Incorrect Order.") 
  if (length(x$Neighborhoods[, NeighborHood, ]) == 0) stop("Incorrect Neighborhood.") 

  # Detect points with NA values
  is_not_na <- !is.na(x$Neighborhoods[Order, NeighborHood, ])

  # Convert the SpCommunity to a SpatialPointsDataFrame
  sdfCommunity <- sp::SpatialPointsDataFrame(
    coords=data.frame(x=x$SpCommunity$x[is_not_na], y=x$SpCommunity$y[is_not_na]), 
    data=data.frame(Accumulation=x$Neighborhoods[Order, NeighborHood, is_not_na])
  # Prepare a grid
  xy <- spatstat.geom::gridcentres(x$SpCommunity, Nbx, Nby)
  is_inside <- spatstat.geom::inside.owin(xy$x, xy$y, x$SpCommunity$window)
  xygrid <- sp::SpatialPoints(cbind(xy$x[is_inside], xy$y[is_inside]))
  sp::gridded(xygrid) <- TRUE
  # Proceed to krigeing
  krigedCommunity <- automap::autoKrige(Accumulation~1, sdfCommunity, new_data=xygrid)
  # Map
  if (SuppressMargins) {
    OldPar <- par("mar")
    par(mar=c(0, 0, 2, 0))
  graphics::image(krigedCommunity$krige_output, col=Palette, asp=1, ...)
  if (Contour)
    graphics::contour(krigedCommunity$krige_output, add=TRUE, nlevels=Contournlevels, col=Contourcol)
    graphics::points(x=x$SpCommunity$x[is_not_na], y=x$SpCommunity$y[is_not_na], pch=pch, col=Pointcol)
  if (SuppressMargins) {
  # Return the kriged community to allow further processing

#' @rdname MapPlot
#' @param ReferenceType The point type used to calculate the function values.
#' The default value is "", i.e. all point types, but it will generate an error if the actual reference type is different.
#' @param r The distance at which the function value must be considered.
#' The default value is the median distance used to calculate the function values.
#' @method MapPlot fv
#' @export
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @examples
#' # Generate a random community
#' spCommunity <- rSpCommunity(1, size=50, S=3, Species = paste0("sp",1:3))
#' library("dbmss")
#' M_i <- Mhat(spCommunity, ReferenceType = "sp1", Individual = TRUE)
#' MapPlot(M_i, spCommunity, ReferenceType = "sp1", r=0.2, Points=TRUE)
MapPlot.fv <-
function (x, spCommunity, ReferenceType = "", r = median(x$r), AllowJitter = TRUE,
          Nbx = 128, Nby = 128, Contour = TRUE, 
          Palette = grDevices::topo.colors(128, alpha=1), 
          SuppressMargins = TRUE,
          Contournlevels = 10, Contourcol = "dark red",
          Points = FALSE, pch=20, Pointcol = "black",
          ..., CheckArguments = TRUE)
  if (CheckArguments)
  # Reduce the community to the reference type
  if (ReferenceType != "") {
    is_ReferenceType <- spCommunity$marks$PointType == ReferenceType
    spCommunity <- spCommunity[is_ReferenceType]
  # Check the consistency between x and spCommunity
  if (spCommunity$n != sum(startsWith(colnames(x), paste0(attr(x, "valu"), "_"))))
    stop(paste("The number of reference points in the function value is different from \n", 
               "that of the reference points of the spatialized community"))

  # Jitter
  if (AllowJitter) {
    # Find duplicates
    Dups <- spatstat.geom::duplicated.ppp(spCommunity, rule="unmark")
    if (sum(Dups)>0) {
      # Extract the duplicates and jitter them
      Dupswmppp <- spatstat.geom::rjitter(spCommunity[Dups])
      # Put the coordinates back into the original wmppp
      spCommunity$x[Dups] <- Dupswmppp$x
      spCommunity$y[Dups] <- Dupswmppp$y
  # Find the max r value of x lower than or equal to argument r
  r_to_plot <- max(x$r[x$r<=r])

  # Convert the data to a SpatialPointsDataFrame
  df <- as.data.frame(x)
  # Pivot longer. Columns are named M_1, etc. for function M
  df <- tidyr::pivot_longer(
    cols = tidyselect::starts_with(paste0(attr(x, "valu"),"_")),
    names_to = "point",
    values_to = "dbmss"
  # Filter the appropriate distance
  df <- dplyr::filter(
    r == r_to_plot
  # Select the function value column only
  df <- dplyr::select(
  # Detect points with NA values
  is_not_na <- !is.na(df$dbmss)

  # Make a SpatialPointsDataFrame
  sdfCommunity <- sp::SpatialPointsDataFrame(
    coords=data.frame(x=spCommunity$x[is_not_na], y=spCommunity$y[is_not_na]),
  # Prepare a grid
  xy <- spatstat.geom::gridcentres(spCommunity, Nbx, Nby)
  is_inside <- spatstat.geom::inside.owin(xy$x, xy$y, spCommunity$window)
  xygrid <- sp::SpatialPoints(cbind(xy$x[is_inside], xy$y[is_inside]))
  sp::gridded(xygrid) <- TRUE
  # Proceed to krigeing
  krigedCommunity <- automap::autoKrige(dbmss~1, sdfCommunity, new_data=xygrid)
  # Map
  if (SuppressMargins) {
    OldPar <- par("mar")
    par(mar=c(0, 0, 2, 0))
  graphics::image(krigedCommunity$krige_output, col=Palette, asp=1, ...)
  if (Contour)
    graphics::contour(krigedCommunity$krige_output, add=TRUE, nlevels=Contournlevels, col=Contourcol)
    graphics::points(x=spCommunity$x[is_not_na], y=spCommunity$y[is_not_na], pch=pch, col=Pointcol)
  if (SuppressMargins) {
  # Return the kriged community to allow further processing
EricMarcon/SpatDiv documentation built on May 25, 2023, 12:54 p.m.