
#' mhEdge
#' The main function for the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm. It returns the
#' posterior distribution of the edge directions.
#' @param data A matrix with the variables across the columns and the
#' observations down the rows. If there are genetic variants in the data these
#' variables must come before the remaining variables. If there are clinical
#' phenotypes in the data these variables must come after all other variables.
#' For example, if there is a data set with one genetic variant variable, three
#' gene expression variables, and one clinical phenotype variable the first
#' column in the data matrix must contain the genetic variant data, the next
#' three columns will contain the gene expression data, and the last column will
#' contain the clinical phenotype data.
#' @param adjMatrix An adjacency matrix indicating the edges that will be
#' considered by the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm. An adjacency matrix is a
#' matrix of zeros and ones. The ones represent an edge and its direction
#' between two nodes.
#' @param prior A vector containing the prior probability for the three edge
#' states.
#' @param nCPh The number of clinical phenotypes in the graph.
#' @param nGV The number of genetic variants in the graph.
#' @param pmr Logical. If true the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm will use the
#' Principle of Mendelian Randomization (PMR). This prevents the direction of an
#' edge pointing from a gene expression or a clinical phenotype node to a
#' genetic variant node.
#' @param burnIn A number between 0 and 1 indicating the percentage of the
#' sample that will be discarded.
#' @param iterations An integer for the number of iterations to run the MH
#' algorithm.
#' @param thinTo An integer indicating the number of observations the chain
#' should be thinned to.
#' @param progress Logical. If TRUE the runtime in seconds for the cycle finder
#' and log likelihood functions and a progress bar will be printed.
#' @return An object of class baycn containing 9 elements:
#' \itemize{
#' \item burnIn -- The percentage of MCMC iterations that will be discarded from
#' the beginning of the chain.
#' \item chain -- A matrix where each row contains the vector of edge states for
#' the accepted graph.
#' \item decimal -- A vector of decimal numbers. Each element in the vector is
#' the decimal of the accepted graph.
#' \item iterations -- The number of iterations for which the
#' Metropolis-Hastings algorithm is run.
#' \item posteriorES -- A matrix of posterior probabilities for all three edge
#' states for each edge in the network.
#' \item posteriorPM -- A posterior probability adjacency matrix.
#' \item likelihood -- A vector of log likelihood values. Each element in the
#' vector is the log likelihood of the accepted graph.
#' \item stepSize -- The number of MCMC iterations discarded between each
#' accepted graph.
#' \item time -- The runtime of the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm in seconds.
#' }
#' @references Martin, E. A. and Fu, A. Q. (2019). A Bayesian approach to
#' directed acyclic graphs with a candidate graph. \emph{arXiv preprint
#' arXiv:1909.10678}.
#' @importFrom methods new
#' @importFrom stats dbinom
#' @importFrom utils setTxtProgressBar txtProgressBar
#' @examples
#' # Generate data under topology m1_gv.
#' # Use ?simdata for a description and graph of m1_gv.
#' data_m1 <- simdata(b0 = 0,
#'                    N = 200,
#'                    s = 1,
#'                    graph = 'm1_gv',
#'                    ss = 1,
#'                    q = 0.27)
#' # Create an adjacency matrix with the true edges.
#' am_m1 <- matrix(c(0, 1, 0,
#'                   0, 0, 1,
#'                   0, 0, 0),
#'                 byrow = TRUE,
#'                 nrow = 3)
#' # Run the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm on the data from m1_gv using the
#' # Principle of Mendelian Randomization (PMR) and the true edges as the input.
#' mh_m1_pmr <- mhEdge(data = data_m1,
#'                     adjMatrix = am_m1,
#'                     prior = c(0.05,
#'                               0.05,
#'                               0.9),
#'                     nCPh = 0,
#'                     nGV = 1,
#'                     pmr = TRUE,
#'                     burnIn = 0.2,
#'                     iterations = 1000,
#'                     thinTo = 200,
#'                     progress = FALSE)
#' summary(mh_m1_pmr)
#' # Generate data under topology gn4.
#' # Use ?simdata for a description and graph of gn4.
#' data_gn4 <- simdata(b0 = 0,
#'                     N = 200,
#'                     s = 1,
#'                     graph = 'gn4',
#'                     ss = 1)
#' # Create an adjacency matrix with the true edges.
#' am_gn4 <- matrix(c(0, 1, 1, 0,
#'                    0, 0, 0, 1,
#'                    0, 0, 0, 0,
#'                    0, 0, 1, 0),
#'                  byrow = TRUE,
#'                  nrow = 4)
#' # Run the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm on the data from gn4 with the true
#' # edges as the input.
#' mh_gn4 <- mhEdge(data = data_gn4,
#'                  adjMatrix = am_gn4,
#'                  prior = c(0.05,
#'                            0.05,
#'                            0.9),
#'                  nCPh = 0,
#'                  nGV = 0,
#'                  pmr = FALSE,
#'                  burnIn = 0.2,
#'                  iterations = 1000,
#'                  thinTo = 200,
#'                  progress = FALSE)
#' summary(mh_gn4)
#' @export
mhEdge <- function (data,
                    prior = c(0.05,
                    nCPh = 0,
                    nGV = 0,
                    pmr = FALSE,
                    burnIn = 0.2,
                    iterations = 1000,
                    thinTo = 200,
                    progress = TRUE) {

  # Preprocessing checks -------------------------------------------------------

  # Check that data is a matrix.
  if (!is.matrix(data)) {

    stop ('data is not a matrix')


  # Check that adjMatrix is a square matrix.
  if (dim(adjMatrix)[1] != dim(adjMatrix)[2]) {

    stop ('adjMatrix must be a square matrix')


  # Check that adjMatrix has all zeros on the diagonal.
  if (sum(diag(adjMatrix)) != 0) {

    stop ('adjMatrix must have zeros on the diagonal')


  # Check that adjMatrix has the same number of columns as data.
  if (dim(adjMatrix)[1] != dim(data)[2]) {

    stop ('data must have the same number of columns as adjMatrix')


  # Check the prior probability vector has three elements.
  if (length(prior) != 3) {

    stop ('prior must have three elements')


  # Check the prior probability sums to 1.
  if (sum(prior) != 1) {

    stop ('prior must sum to 1')


  # Check that burnIn, thinTo, and iterations agree.
  if ((1 - burnIn) * iterations < thinTo) {

    stop ('thinTo is greater than the number of iterations after the burnIn')


  # Check that nGV > 0 if pmr is TRUE.
  if (pmr && nGV == 0) {

    stop('nGV must be at least 1 when pmr = TRUE')


  # Check that the number of genetic variants is less than or equal to the
  # number of nodes.
  if (nGV > dim(data)[2]) {

    stop ('nGV must be less than or equal to the number of columns in data')


  # Check that the number of clinical phenotypes is less than or equal to the
  # number of nodes.
  if (nCPh > dim(data)[2]) {

    stop ('nCPh must be less than or equal to the number of columns in data')


  # Save the time when baycn starts.
  startTime <- Sys.time()

  # Set up ---------------------------------------------------------------------

  # Determine the number of nodes in the graph.
  nNodes <- ncol(adjMatrix)

  # Get the coordinates of the non zero elements in the adjacency matrix.
  coord <- coordinates(adjMatrix = adjMatrix)

  # Determine the number of edges in the network
  nEdges <- dim(coord)[2]

  # Determine the edge type for each edge in the graph (gv-ge or ge-ge, gv-gv)
  edgeType <- detType(coord = coord,
                      nEdges = nEdges,
                      nCPh = nCPh,
                      nGV = nGV,
                      nNodes = nNodes,
                      pmr = pmr)

  # Calculate the probability of choosing from 1 to nEdges.
  ztbProb <- dbinom(x = 1:nEdges,
                    size = nEdges,
                    prob = 1 / nEdges) / (1 - (1 - 1/nEdges)^nEdges)

  # A vector of integers that indicate which iterations will be kept.
  keep <- whichIt(burnIn = burnIn,
                  iterations = iterations,
                  thinTo = thinTo)

  # Display runtime message for finding potential cycles.
  if (progress) {

    cat('Identifying potential cycles: ')

    begin_time <- Sys.time()


  # Check for potential cycles in the graph and return the edge directions, edge
  # numbers, and the decimal numbers for each cycle if any exist.
  cf <- cycleFndr(adjMatrix = adjMatrix,
                  nEdges = nEdges,
                  nCPh = nCPh,
                  nGV = nGV,
                  pmr = pmr,
                  position = coord)

  # Display runtime message for finding potential cycles.
  if (progress) {

    end_time <- Sys.time()

    cat(as.double(round(end_time - begin_time, 3),
                  units = 'secs'), 'seconds', '\n')


  # Initialize vectors, lists, and matrices ------------------------------------

  # A counter used to fill in the MarkovChain matrix.
  counter <- 0

  # Create a matrix to hold the accepted graph at each iteration of the MH
  # algorithm.
  MarkovChain <- matrix(nrow = thinTo,
                        ncol = nEdges)

  # Create a vector to hold the likelihood for the whole graph.
  likelihood <- vector(mode = 'numeric',
                       length = thinTo)

  # Create a vector to hold the decimal number for the accepted graph.
  graphDecimal <- vector(mode = 'integer',
                         length = thinTo)

  # Create a vector to hold the log likelihood for each node in the current
  # graph.
  currentLL <- vector(mode = 'numeric',
                      length = nNodes)

  # Create the likelihood environment ------------------------------------------

  # Create a new environment that has the log likelihood for all possible parent
  # combinations for each node. (LOG Likelihood Environment)
  logle <- logLikEnv(data = data,
                     nCPh = nCPh,
                     nGV = nGV,
                     nNodes = nNodes)

  # Generate a starting graph --------------------------------------------------

  # Randomly generate a starting graph.
  currentES <- sample(x = c(0, 1, 2),
                      size = nEdges,
                      replace = TRUE,
                      prob = prior)

  # Check if any gv nodes have ge node parents.
  if (pmr || nCPh >= 1) {

    # Reverse the direction of any ge -> gv, gv -> cph, or ge -> cph edges.
    currentES[edgeType == 1 & currentES == 1] <- 0


  # If there are potential directed cycles in the graph check if they are
  # present and remove them if they are.
  if (!is.null(cf$cycles)) {

    # Remove any directed cycles in the graph.
    currentES <- cycleRmvr(cycles = cf$cycles,
                           edgeID = cf$edgeID,
                           edgeType = edgeType,
                           currentES = currentES,
                           nCPh = nCPh,
                           nCycles = cf$nCycles,
                           nEdges = nEdges,
                           pmr = pmr,
                           prior = prior)


  # Turn the current edge states in to an adjacency matrix.
  currentAM <- toAdjMatrix(coordinates = coord,
                           graph = currentES,
                           nEdges = nEdges,
                           nNodes = nNodes)

  # Look up the log likelihood for each node.
  currentLL <- lull(data = data,
                    am = currentAM,
                    likelihood = currentLL,
                    llenv = logle,
                    nCPh = nCPh,
                    nGV = nGV,
                    nNodes = nNodes,
                    wNodes = 1:nNodes)

  # Copy the currentLL vector to the proposedLL vector. They need to be the same
  # before starting the MH algorithm because only the nodes that have different
  # parents in the proposed graph will have the likelihood changed in the
  # proposedLL vector.
  proposedLL <- currentLL

  # Start the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm ------------------------------------

  # Create progress bar.
  if (progress) {

    pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = iterations, style = 3)


  # Run through the iterations of the Metropolis Hastings algorithm.
  for (e in 1:iterations) {

    # Change the current graph to a different graph at each iteration.
    proposedES <- mutate(edgeType = edgeType,
                         graph = currentES,
                         nCPh = nCPh,
                         nEdges = nEdges,
                         pmr = pmr,
                         prior = prior,
                         ztbProb = ztbProb)

    # If there are potential directed cycles in the graph check if they are
    # present and remove them if they are.
    if (!is.null(cf$cycles)) {

      # Remove any directed cycles in the graph.
      proposedES <- cycleRmvr(cycles = cf$cycles,
                              edgeID = cf$edgeID,
                              edgeType = edgeType,
                              currentES = proposedES,
                              nCPh = nCPh,
                              nCycles = cf$nCycles,
                              nEdges = nEdges,
                              pmr = pmr,
                              prior = prior)


    # Get the indices for the edge states that are different between the current
    # and proposed edge state vectors.
    difference <- divergent(coordinates = coord,
                            currentES = currentES,
                            proposedES = proposedES)

    proposedAM <- convertAM(adjMatrix = currentAM,
                            coordinates = coord,
                            edgeStates = proposedES,
                            wEdges = difference$dEdges)

    # Look up the log likelihood for each node whose parents have changed.
    proposedLL <- lull(data = data,
                       am = proposedAM,
                       likelihood = currentLL,
                       llenv = logle,
                       nCPh = nCPh,
                       nGV = nGV,
                       nNodes = nNodes,
                       wNodes = difference$dNodes)

    # Determine whether to accept the proposed graph proposedES or the current
    # graph currentES.
    decision <- caRatio(current = currentES,
                        currentLL = currentLL,
                        edgeType = edgeType,
                        nCPh = nCPh,
                        pmr = pmr,
                        proposed = proposedES,
                        proposedLL = proposedLL,
                        prior = prior,
                        wEdges = difference$dEdges)

    # If the proposed graph is accepted then change the currentES and currentLL
    # vectors to the proposedES and proposedLL
    if (decision == 'proposed') {

      currentES <- proposedES
      currentLL <- proposedLL
      currentAM <- proposedAM


    # Store the accepted graph after burnin and thinning.
    if (e %in% keep) {

      # Update the counter if e is in the keep vector
      counter <- counter + 1

      # Store the accepted graph in the MarkovChain matrix
      MarkovChain[counter, ] <- currentES

      # Store the log likelihood of the accepted graph.
      likelihood[[counter]] <- sum(currentLL)

      # Calculate the decimal for the accepted graph.
      graphDecimal[[counter]] <- sum(currentES * 3^(0:(nEdges - 1)))


    # Update progress bar.
    if (progress) {

      setTxtProgressBar(pb, e)



  # Close the progress bar.
  if (progress) {



  # Posterior probability matrix -----------------------------------------------

  # Create a matrix to hold the posterior probability of each edge.
  posteriorES <- as.data.frame(matrix(nrow = nEdges,
                                      ncol = 4))

  # zero - the edge points from the node with a smaller index to the
  # node with a larger index
  # one - the edge points from the node with a larger index to the
  # node with a smaller index
  # two - the edge is absent between the two nodes
  colnames(posteriorES) <- c('nodes', 'zero', 'one', 'two')

  rownames(posteriorES) <- paste('edge', 1:nEdges, sep = '')

  # Calculate the proportion of 0, 1, and 2 for each edge in the
  # network.
  for (e in 1:nEdges) {

    # calculate the posterior probability for state 0, 1, and 2
    edge_0 <- sum(MarkovChain[, e] == 0)
    edge_1 <- sum(MarkovChain[, e] == 1)
    edge_2 <- sum(MarkovChain[, e] == 2)

    posteriorES[e, 2:4] <- c(round(edge_0 / thinTo, 4),
                             round(edge_1 / thinTo, 4),
                             round(edge_2 / thinTo, 4))

    # Determine which nodes the edge is between
    posteriorES[e, 1] <- paste0(colnames(data)[coord[1, e]],
                                colnames(data)[coord[2, e]])


  # Posterior probability adjacency matrix -------------------------------------

  # Probabilities for upper triangular matrix
  upper <- posteriorES[, 2]

  # Probabilities for lower triangular matrix
  lower <- posteriorES[, 3]

  # Initialize a pxp matrix to fill in later with the estimated probabilities
  # from bacyn.
  posteriorPM <- matrix(0, nrow = nNodes, ncol = nNodes)

  # loop through the row column coordinates of the true edge indicies to fill in
  # the posterior edge probabilities.
  for (v in 1:nEdges) {

    # Fill in the upper triangular matrix from the '0' column.
    posteriorPM[coord[1, v], coord[2, v]] <- upper[[v]]

    # Fill in hte lower triangular matrix from the '1' column.
    posteriorPM[coord[2, v], coord[1, v]] <- lower[[v]]


  # name the rows and columns with the names from the data matrix.
  colnames(posteriorPM) <- colnames(data)
  rownames(posteriorPM) <- colnames(data)

  # Calculate the stepSize based on the burnIn, iterations, and thinTo
  stepSize <- ifelse(burnIn == 0,
                     ceiling(iterations / thinTo),
                     ceiling(((1 - burnIn) * iterations) / thinTo))

  # Save the time when baycn ends.
  endTime <- Sys.time()

  # Create a baycn object ------------------------------------------------------
  baycnObj <- new('baycn',
                  burnIn = burnIn * 100,
                  chain = MarkovChain,
                  decimal = graphDecimal,
                  iterations = iterations,
                  posteriorES = posteriorES,
                  posteriorPM = posteriorPM,
                  likelihood = likelihood,
                  stepSize = stepSize,
                  time = as.double((endTime - startTime),
                                   units = 'secs'))

  return (baycnObj)

Evatar/baycn documentation built on Aug. 1, 2020, 6:31 p.m.