
#' Create Shiny App Shortcut
#' Creates an executable file that, when ran, will open the co-located shiny
#' app using the user's default internet browser.
#' @param shinyDirectory The top-level directory containing the code and
#' materials for the shiny application. Also where the
#' final shortcut file will be saved.
#' @param OS The operating system that R is being ran on. Must be one of
#' \code{"windows"} or \code{"unix"}.
#' @param gitIgnore If True then all produced files will be added to a
#' \code{.gitignore} file in the specified directory (if there is no
#' such file it will be created).
#' @details Calling \code{shinyShortcut} will write an executable file
#' that will run the shiny app in the user's default browser.
#' This executable is stored in a created folder named  .shiny_run'
#' whilst a shortcut that will silently run the executable
#' is saved in the home directory as 'shinyShortcut' (this will
#' be a .vbs script on windows or a .desktop file on unix systems).
#' These files can then be linked to from other locations such as the
#' user's desktop.
#' @examples
#' shinyShortcut()
#' @export
shinyShortcut <- function(shinyDirectory = getwd(), OS = .Platform$OS.type,
                          gitIgnore = FALSE) {

  # if relevant files exist delete them first
  unlink(file.path(shinyDirectory, ".shiny_run"),
         recursive = TRUE, force = TRUE)
  unlink(file.path(shinyDirectory, "shiny_run.desktop"),
         recursive = FALSE, force = TRUE)
  unlink(file.path(shinyDirectory, "shinyShortcut.vbs"),
         recursive = FALSE, force = TRUE)
  unlink(file.path(shinyDirectory, "shinyShortcut.cmd"),
         recursive = FALSE, force = TRUE)

  dir.create(file.path(shinyDirectory, ".shiny_run"))

  if (OS == "windows") {

    # write batch file to .shiny_run
    rscriptForwardDash <-
      file.path(R.home(), "bin", "Rscript.exe")
    rscript <- gsub("/", "\\\\", rscriptForwardDash)

    shinyCommand <- paste0(
      "shiny::runApp(\'", shinyDirectory, "\',",
      " launch.browser = TRUE)"

    batchCode <- paste0("\"", rscript, "\"", " -e ",
                        "\"", shinyCommand, "\"")

    batchReference <- file.path(shinyDirectory,

    write(batchCode, batchReference)
    message("* Writing .shiny_run/shinyShortcut.cmd")

    # write vbs file to home directory
    batchReferenceBackDash <-
      gsub("/", "\\\\", batchReference)

    vbsCode <- paste0(
      "Set objShell = WScript.CreateObject(\"WScript.Shell\")",
      "\"), 0, True"

    vbsReference <- file.path(shinyDirectory,

    write(vbsCode, vbsReference)
    message("* Writing shinyShortcut.vbs")

  } else if (OS == "unix"){

    # write bash file to .shiny_run
    rscript <-
      paste("#!", file.path(R.home(), "bin", "Rscript"))

    shinyCommand <- paste0(
      "shiny::runApp('", shinyDirectory, "',",
      " launch.browser = TRUE)"

    bashCode <- paste0(rscript, "\n\n",

    bashReference <- file.path(shinyDirectory,

    write(bashCode, bashReference)
    message("* Writing .shiny_run/shinyShortcut.r")

    # make executable
    system(paste0("chmod +x ", bashReference))

    # add shortuct in home directory
    shortcut_code <- paste0(
      "[Desktop Entry]\n",
      "Comment=Run Shiny App\n",
      "Exec=", bashReference, "\n",

    shortcut_reference <- file.path(shinyDirectory,

    write(shortcut_code, shortcut_reference)
    message("* Writing shinyShortcut.desktop")

    # make executable
    system(paste0("chmod +x ", shortcut_reference))

  } else stop("OS must be one of \"windows\" or \"unix\"")

  # if specified, add files and folder to local .gitignore file
  if (gitIgnore){
    cat(c("\n.shiny_run/", "\nshinyShortcut"), sep = "",
        file = file.path(shinyDirectory, ".gitignore"),
        append = TRUE)
    message("* Adding `.shiny_run/` and `shinyShortcut` to .gitignore")
Ewan-Keith/shinyShortcut documentation built on May 6, 2019, 4:08 p.m.