# https://r-pkgs.org/whole-game.html
### module score ###
#' Calculate a sample-wise module score given a list of genes
#' this is inspired by Tirosh et al, Science (2016) and the AddModuleScore function in Seurat
#' @param gem matrix, a gene expresssion matrix with rows=genes and columns=samples
#' @param genelist character vector, genes for which to calculate module score
#' @param numbins integer, how many bins to split the input genelist into, for selection of control genes
#' @param numcontrolgenesperbin integer, how many control genes to select per bin
#' @return a vector of numerics, sample-wise module scores
#' @export
#' @examples
modulescore <- function(gem, genelist, numbins=NULL, numcontrolgenesperbin=NULL){
testgenes <- genelist
controlgenes <- rownames(gem)
controlgenes <- controlgenes[!(controlgenes %in% testgenes)]
#testmeans <- Matrix::rowMeans(gem[rownames(gem) %in% genes,])
### bin the genes by avg expression ###
#get average gene expression
avgs <- Matrix::rowMeans(gem)
avgs <- avgs[order(avgs)]
#cut; get the gene bins
bins <- cut_number(avgs, n=numbins)
bindf <- data.frame(genenames = names(avgs),
bins = bins)
#select control genes from same expression bins
controlgenes <- c()
for(genedex in 1:length(testgenes)){
#get gene and bin
gene <- testgenes[genedex]
genebin <- bindf[bindf$genenames == gene,2]
#select all genes from that bin, to sample from
tmpcontrols <- bindf[bindf$bins == genebin,]
#exclude the actual test genes
tmpcontrols <- tmpcontrols[!(tmpcontrols$genenames %in% testgenes),]
#if num controls exceeds bin size, take all genes in bin...
numtotake <- ifelse(nrow(tmpcontrols) < numcontrolgenesperbin,
yes = nrow(tmpcontrols),
no = numcontrolgenesperbin)
#sample the genes
tmpcontrols <- sample(tmpcontrols$genenames, size = numtotake, replace = F)
controlgenes <- unique(c(controlgenes,
#get control gene mean expression for each sample
samplemeans_controls <- Matrix::colMeans( gem[rownames(gem) %in% controlgenes,] )
#get test genes mean expression for each samoke
samplemeans_test <- Matrix::colMeans( gem[rownames(gem) %in% testgenes,] )
#subtract them to get module score
modulescore <- samplemeans_test - samplemeans_controls
### filtering outlier genes ###
# we have observed a strange phenomenon in which each individual replicate
# expresses certain outlier genes at a very high level.
# Thus we will try to define and filter out outlier genes.
# Outlier genes will be defined as genes with 5x higher expression
# than ALL other samples in the same genotype.
# if the gene has this characteristic, it is removed from both genotypes
# #normalize with DESeq2
# gemx <- t( t(gem) / DESeq2::estimateSizeFactorsForMatrix(gem) )
# badgenes <- c()
# for(genotype in unique(md$Condition) ){
# #get the gem for each genotype
# mdtmp <- md[md$Condition == genotype,]
# tmpgem <- gemx[,colnames(gemx) %in% mdtmp$SampleID]
# message('\nStarting ', genotype)
# #progress bar
# total = nrow(tmpgem) - 1
# pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = total, style = 3)
# genotype_badgenes <- c()
# for(genedex in c(1:nrow(tmpgem)) ){
# #get genename
# genename <- rownames(tmpgem)[genedex]
# #get gem for genotype
# generow <- tmpgem[genedex,]
# ## test if the max is higher than 5x any of the others... ##
# #get the max gene
# maxsamp <- max(generow)
# #test if ALL of the others are hgiher than maxsamp / 5
# maxdivfive <- maxsamp / 5
# # actual test:
# outliergene <- ifelse(test = all(test = generow[-which.max(generow)] < maxdivfive),
# yes = T, no = F)
# if(outliergene){
# genotype_badgenes <- c(genotype_badgenes, genename)
# }
# setTxtProgressBar(pb, genedex)
# } #end gem sweep
# badgenes <- c(badgenes, genotype_badgenes)
# }
# badgenes <- unique(badgenes)
# #remove these from the gem and test...
# gem <- gem[!(rownames(gem) %in% badgenes),]
# rm(gemx, badgenes, tmpgem, mdtmp, pb, genotype_badgenes)
# rm(genedex,genename,generow,maxdivfive,maxsamp, outliergene, total, genotype)
#' Regress out a variable from a gene expression matrix with linear regression
#' Remove the effect of a variable from a gene expression matrix. This is done with linear regression. For each gene, we take lm(gene expression ~ var_to_reg). We use the residuals from this linear model as the new expression values.
#' This was inspired by the Seurat::ScaleData function for single-cell analysis.
#' @param gem a matrix or data.frame; gene expression values with rows = genes aand columns = samples
#' @param var_to_reg a vector with length = ncol(gem) (ie a variable with some number for each sample)
#' @param scale T/F, default T, scale gem before lm
#' @param center T/F, default T, center gem before lm
#' @return
#' @export
#' @examples
regressout <- function(gem, var_to_reg, scale=NULL, center=NULL){
genes <- rownames(gem)
if(!(scale == F & center == F )){
gem <- as.data.frame(t(scale(t(gem), center=center, scale = scale)))
message('Initiating regression for matrix')
total = nrow(gem) - 1
pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = total, style = 3)
l <- vector(mode = 'list', length = nrow(gem))
for(i in 1:nrow(gem)){
x <- t(gem[i,])[,1]
l[[i]] <- lm(x ~ var_to_reg)$residuals
setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)
rgem <- as.data.frame(bind_rows(l))
rownames(rgem) <- genes
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