#' @title Initialising test file for a specific function
#' @description This function initialises a test-ds.function.R file in the respective testthat structure
#' @details The initial file for now contains the typical open and closing as well as the simple null-argument
#' test of the first argument in the function call.
#' @param function_name Name of the ds.function
#' @return Nothing for now. Files will be created
#' @author Florian Schwarz for the German Institute of Human Nutrition
#' @import dplyr
#' @import here
#' @import stringr
#' @import fs
#' @export
init.dsFunctionTest <- function(function_name = NULL){
# Input checks
stop("Please provide the name of the DataSHIELD function for which a test shall be created!", call.=FALSE)
#### for a single function first
block1 <- c()
block2 <- c()
block3 <- c()
#### Checking Argument Names of the Function
function_filename <- paste0(function_name, ".R")
R_functions <- CodeCheck.ArgumentOverview(path_to_dsPackages = here::here() %>% dirname(),
package_type = "Client")
Arguments_Function <- R_functions |>
dplyr::filter(Function_FileName == paste0(function_name, ".R")) |>
dplyr::select(!(Function_FileName)) |>
Arguments_Function <- na.omit(Arguments_Function)
Client_R_Paths_ds <- FilePathFinder(path = here::here() %>% dirname(),
type = "Client") |>
dplyr::filter(Function_FileName == paste0(function_name, ".R"))
Client_Arguments <- internal_arguments(df = Client_R_Paths_ds, type = "codelines")
stop_message <- c()
stop_argument <- c()
codeline_nr <- c()
index <- 1L
for (k in 1:length(Arguments_Function)){
for (i in 1:length(Client_Arguments[[1]][[1]])){
length_argument <- nchar(Arguments_Function[k])
null_test <- paste0("if(is.null(", Arguments_Function[k], ")){")
if(substr(stringr::str_trim(Client_Arguments[[1]][[1]][i]), 1, 14+length_argument) == null_test){
if(substr(stringr::str_trim(Client_Arguments[[1]][[1]][i+1]), 1, 5) == "stop("){
if(substr(stringr::str_trim(Client_Arguments[[1]][[1]][i+2]), 1, 1) == "}"){
if_stop_message <- stringr::str_trim(Client_Arguments[[1]][[1]][i+1])
if_stop_message <- gsub("stop\\(", "", if_stop_message)
stop_message[index] <- gsub(", call.=FALSE\\)", "", if_stop_message)
stop_argument[index] <- Arguments_Function[k]
index <- index + 1L
stop_message_collector <- data.frame(stop_argument,
testopeningDirectory <- fs::path_package(package = "DSFunctionCreator", "templates/Tests/Client/TestStructure")
save_as = paste0("/client_test_opening_", function_name, ".R"),
data = list(function_input = function_name),
directory = "Tests/Client/TestStructure",
package = "DSFunctionCreator")
block1 <- readLines(paste0(testopeningDirectory, "/client_test_opening_", function_name, ".R"))
argNullDirectory <- fs::path_package(package = "DSFunctionCreator", "templates/Tests/Client/Null")
save_as = paste0("/client_test_arg_null_1_", function_name, ".R"),
data = list(function_input = function_name,
stop_message = stop_message_collector$stop_message[1]),
directory = "Tests/Client/Null",
package = "DSFunctionCreator")
block2 <- readLines(paste0(argNullDirectory, "/client_test_arg_null_1_", function_name, ".R"))
block3 <- readLines(fs::path_package(package = "DSFunctionCreator",
# This completes the first part of the function by creating a template file upon choosing the building blocks (TRUE/FALSE)
writeLines(text = c(block1,
con = here::here(paste0("tests/testthat/test-", function_name, ".R")))
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