
Defines functions kabsch_R

Documented in kabsch_R

# DCDencode 
#' Kabsch Algorithm in R code
#' Aligns two sets of points via rotation and translation after
#'   solving the superpositioning problem in an Eigenvalue Ansatz.
#' Given two sets of points, with one specified as the reference set,
#' the other set will be rotated so that the RMSD between the two is minimized.
#' The format of the matrix is that there should be one row for each of
#' n observations, and the number of columns, d, specifies the dimensionality
#' of the points. The point sets must be of equal size and with the same
#' ordering, i.e. point one of the second matrix is mapped to point one of
#' the reference matrix, point two of the second matrix is mapped to point two
#' of the reference matrix, and so on.
#' @param P n x d matrix of reference points.
#' @param Q n x d matrix of points to align to to \code{pm}
#' @return Matrix \code{qm} rotated and translated so that the ith point
#'	is aligned to the ith point of \code{pm} in the least-squares sense.
#' @references
#' \url{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kabsch_algorithm}
#' (C) 2019 Jamie Macpherson and Jens Kleinjung

kabsch_R = function(Q, P) {
	## cast array into matrix
	dim(Q) = c(3, 4);
	Q.m = t(Q);

	dim(P) = c(3, 4);
	P.m = t(P);

	## center objects
	# center Q.m
	Qc = scale(Q.m, center = TRUE, scale = FALSE)

	# center P
	Pc = scale(P.m, center = TRUE, scale = FALSE)

	## determine the cross-covariance matrix
	C = crossprod(Pc, Qc)

	## compute a single value decomposition of the
	## cross-covariance matrix
	C.svd = svd(C)

	## use the sign of the determinant to ensure a right-hand coordinate system
	## (this is only required if the fragments are stereogenic systems, which
	## they aren't)
	#d = det(C.svd$u) * det(C.svd$v)

	## determine the optimal rotation matrix
	U = tcrossprod(C.svd$u, C.svd$v)

	## rotate matrix P unto Q
	Prot = Pc %*% U

	## determine the RMSD between rotated P and Q
	# squared differences
	Dsr.sq = (Prot - Qc)**2

	rmsd = sqrt(sum(apply(Dsr.sq, 1, sum)) / dim(Dsr.sq)[1]);

	## spit out the optimal fit RMSD between Q and P

Fraternalilab/DCDencode documentation built on March 17, 2021, 10:12 p.m.