
Defines functions read_acs1year_geoheaders_ read_acs1year_areas_ read_acs1year_geo_ read_acs1year_geoheader_file_ read_acs1year_tablecontents_ read_acs1year_1_file_tablecontents_ read_acs1year_filesegment_ read_acs1year

Documented in read_acs1year

# package function =======================================================
#' Read summary file 1 of ACS 1-year estimates
#' @description This function retrieves data from summary file of ACS 1-year
#' estimates. In addition to selected geographic headers and table contents,
#' it also returns total population and coordinates of selected geographic
#' areas, as well as summary levels and geographic components.
#' @param year  year of the estimate
#' @param states vector of state abbreviations, such as "IN" and c("MA", "RI").
#' @param table_contents selected references of contents in census tables. Users
#'        can choose a name for each reference, such as in
#'        c("abc = B01001_009", "fff = B00001_001").
#'        Try to make names meaningful. To find the references of table contents
#'        of interest, search with function \code{\link{search_tablecontents}}.
#' @param areas For metro area, in the format like "New York metro".
#'       For county, city, or town, must use the exact name as those in
#'       \code{\link{dict_fips}} in the format like "kent county, RI",
#'       "Boston city, MA", and "Lincoln town, RI". And special examples like
#'       "Salt Lake City city, UT" must keep the "city" after "City".
#' @param geo_headers vector of references of selected geographci headers to be
#'        included in the return. Search with \code{\link{search_geoheaders}}
#' @param summary_level select which summary level to keep, default to keep all.
#'        It takes strings including "state", "county", "county subdivision",
#'        "place", "tract", "block group", and "block" for the most common
#'        levels. It also take code. Search all codes with
#'        \code{\link{search_summarylevels}}.
#' @param geo_comp select which geographic component to keep, "*" to keep every
#'        geo-component, "total" for "00", "urban" for "01", "urbanized area"
#'        for "04", "urban cluster" for "28", "rural" for "43". Others should
#'        input code, which can be found with function
#'        \code{\link{search_geocomponents}}. Availability of geocomponent
#'        depends on summary level.
#' @param with_margin  read also margin of error in addition to estimate
#' @param dec_fill whether to fill geo_headers codes with data from decennial
#'        census. The #'        codes in ACS summary file are incomplete.
#'        "dec2010" using decennial census 2010 data.
#' @param show_progress  whether to show progress in fread()

#' @return A data.table of selected data.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # read summary data using areas of selected cities
#' aaa <- read_acs1year(
#'     year = 2016,
#'     states = c("UT", "RI"),
#'     table_contents = c("male = B01001_002", "female = B01001_026"),
#'     areas = c("Salt Lake City city, UT",
#'               "Providence city, RI",
#'               "PLACE = RI19180"),
#'     summary_level = "place",
#'     with_margin = TRUE
#' )
#' # read data using geoheaders - all major counties
#' bbb <- read_acs1year(
#'     year = 2015,
#'     states = c("UT", "RI"),
#'     table_contents = c("male = B01001_002", "female = B01001_026"),
#'     geo_headers = c("COUNTY"),
#'     summary_level = "county",
#'     with_margin = TRUE
#' )
#' }
#' @export

read_acs1year <- function(year,
                          table_contents = NULL,
                          areas = NULL,
                          geo_headers = NULL,
                          summary_level = NULL,
                          geo_comp = "total",
                          with_margin = FALSE,
                          dec_fill = NULL,
                          show_progress = TRUE){

    ### check if the path to census is set ###

    if (Sys.getenv("PATH_TO_CENSUS") == ""){
            "Please set up the path to downloaded census data, ",
            "following the instruction at",

    ### check whether to download data ###

    path_to_census <- Sys.getenv("PATH_TO_CENSUS")

    # check if need to download generated data from census2010
    generated_data <- paste0(path_to_census, "/generated_data")
    if (!file.exists(generated_data)){
    } else {
        version_file <- paste0(generated_data, "/version.txt")
        if (!file.exists(version_file)){
        } else {
            version = readChar(version_file, 5)
            if (version != "0.6.0"){

    # check whether to download census data
    not_downloaded <- c()
    for (st in states){
        # only check for this one file
        if (!file.exists(paste0(
            path_to_census, "/acs1year/", year, "/g", year, "1",
            tolower(st), ".csv"
            not_downloaded <- c(not_downloaded, st)
    if (length(not_downloaded) > 0){
            "Do you want to download ",
            " ACS 1-year survey summary files of states ",
            paste0(not_downloaded, collapse = ", "),
            " and save it to your computer? ",
            "It is necessary for extracting the data."
        continue <- switch(
            menu(c("yes", "no")),
        if (continue){
            download_census("acs1", year, not_downloaded)
        } else {
            stop("You choose not to download data.")

    ### read data ###

    if (is.null(summary_level)) summary_level <- "*"
    states <- toupper(states)    # allow lowerscase input
    if (is.null(areas) + is.null(geo_headers) == 0){
        stop("Must keep at least one of arguments areas and geo_headers NULL")

    # add population to table contents so that it will never empty, remove it
    # from table_contents if "B01003_001" is included.
    if (any(grepl("B01003_001", table_contents))){
        message("B01003_001 is the population column.")
    table_contents <- table_contents[!grepl("B01003_001", table_contents)]
    table_contents <- c("population = B01003_001", table_contents) %>%

    content_names <- organize_tablecontents(table_contents) %>%
        .[, name]
    table_contents <- organize_tablecontents(table_contents) %>%
        .[, reference] %>%
        toupper()    # allow lowcase in reference input

    # turn off warning, fread() gives warnings when read non-scii characters.
    options(warn = -1)

    if (!is.null(areas)){
        dt <- read_acs1year_areas_(
            year, states, table_contents, areas, summary_level, geo_comp,
            with_margin, dec_fill, show_progress
    } else {
        geo_headers <- unique(geo_headers)
        dt <- read_acs1year_geoheaders_(
            year, states, table_contents, geo_headers, summary_level, geo_comp,
            with_margin, dec_fill, show_progress

    setnames(dt, table_contents, content_names)

    if (with_margin){
                 paste0(table_contents, "_m"),
                 paste0(content_names, "_margin"))

    options(warn = 0)

# internal functions ===========================================================
# Args_____
# year: integer, year of the survey
# state: state abbreviation
# geo_headers : vector of geographic headers such as c("PLACE", "CBSA")
# table_contents: vector of the table content references like
#     c("B01001_009", "B00001_001", "B10001_002")
# est_marg: stringe, read estimate data or margin of error data, takes value
#     "e" for estimate and "m" for margin of error
# show_progress: wheather to show progress of fread()

read_acs1year_filesegment_ <- function(year,
                                       est_marg = "e",
                                       show_progress = TRUE){
    # read all data in a file segment and assign right column names

    path_to_census <- Sys.getenv("PATH_TO_CENSUS")

    # get column names from file segment, then add six ommitted ones
    lookup <- get(paste0("lookup_acs1year_", year))
    table_contents <- lookup[file_segment == file_seg, reference]
    ommitted <- c("FILEID", "FILETYPE", "STUSAB", "CHARITER",
                  "SEQUENCE", "LOGRECNO")
    col_names <- c(ommitted, table_contents)

    file <- paste0(path_to_census, "/acs1year/", year, "/", est_marg, year, "1",
                   tolower(state), file_seg, "000.txt")

    if (show_progress){
        cat("\nReading", toupper(state), year,
            "ACS 1-year survey file segment",
            paste0(file_seg, "_", est_marg, "."))

    dt <- tryCatch({
        fread(file, header = FALSE, showProgress = show_progress,
              integer64 = "numeric") %>%
    }, error = function(err){
        message("\nPlease double check the original data: ")
        # if error, return a empty data.table
        dt <- setnames(data.table(matrix(nrow = 0, ncol = length(col_names))),
                       col_names) %>%
            .[, LOGRECNO := as.integer(LOGRECNO)]

    # # convert non-numeric columns to numeric
    # # some missing data are denoted as ".", which lead to the whole column read
    # # as character
    # for (col in table_contents){
    #     if (is.character(dt[, get(col)])){
    #         dt[, (col) := as.numeric(get(col))]
    #     }
    # }

    # add "_e" or "_m" to show the data is estimate or margin
    setnames(dt, table_contents, paste0(table_contents, "_", est_marg))



read_acs1year_1_file_tablecontents_ <- function(year,
                                                est_marg = "e",
                                                show_progress = TRUE){
    # select table_contents from one file segment

    table_contents <- paste0(table_contents, "_", est_marg)

    dt <- read_acs1year_filesegment_(year, state, file_seg, est_marg, show_progress) %>%
        .[, c("LOGRECNO", table_contents), with = FALSE] %>%

    # convert non-numeric columns to numeric
    # some missing data are denoted as ".", which lead to the whole column read
    # as character
    for (col in table_contents){
        if (is.character(dt[, get(col)])){
            dt[, (col) := as.numeric(get(col))]


read_acs1year_tablecontents_ <- function(year, state, table_contents,
                                         est_marg = "e",
                                         show_progress = TRUE){
    # select table_contents that could be from multiple file segment of a state

    # locate data files for the content
    lookup <- get(paste0("lookup_acs1year_", year))
    file_content <- lookup_tablecontents(table_contents, lookup)

    dt <- purrr::map2(file_content[, file_seg],
                      file_content[, table_contents],
                      function(x, y) read_acs1year_1_file_tablecontents_(
                          year, state, file_seg = x, table_contents = y,
                          est_marg = est_marg,
                          show_progress = show_progress
                      )) %>%
        purrr::reduce(merge, all = TRUE)


read_acs1year_geoheader_file_ <- function(year,
                                          show_progress = TRUE) {
    # read all data in a geographic record file and assign column names

    path_to_census <- Sys.getenv("PATH_TO_CENSUS")

    if (show_progress) {
        cat("\nReading", state, year,
            "ACS 1-year survey geography file.")

    file <- paste0(path_to_census, "/acs1year/", year, "/g", year, "1",
                   tolower(state), ".csv")

    # geographic header records file varies from year to year
    if (year >= 2011){
        dict_geoheader <- dict_acs_geoheader_2011_now
    } else if (year == 2010){
        dict_geoheader <- dict_acs_geoheader_2010
    }else if (year == 2009){
        dict_geoheader <- dict_acs_geoheader_2009_1year
    } else if (year >= 2006 & year <= 2008){
        dict_geoheader <- dict_acs_geoheader_2006_2008_1year
    } else if (year == 2005){
        dict_geoheader <- dict_acs_geoheader_2005_1year

    # use "Latin-1" for encoding special spanish latters such as ñ in Cañada
    # read all columns and then select as the file is not as big as those in
    # decennial census.
    geo <- fread(file, header = FALSE, encoding = "Latin-1" ,
                 showProgress = show_progress, colClasses = "character") %>%
        setnames(dict_geoheader$reference) %>%
        .[, LOGRECNO := as.numeric(LOGRECNO)]


read_acs1year_geo_ <- function(year,
                               geo_headers = NULL,
                               show_progress = TRUE) {
    # read selected geoheaders from geographic header records

    # default geoheaders are always included in output. Do not include them in
    # the geo_headers argument
    default_geoheaders <- c("GEOID", "STUSAB", "NAME",
                            "LOGRECNO", "SUMLEV", "GEOCOMP")
    geo_headers <- toupper(geo_headers) %>%
        unique() %>%

    geo <- read_acs1year_geoheader_file_(year, state, show_progress) %>%
        .[, c(default_geoheaders, geo_headers), with = FALSE] %>%


read_acs1year_areas_ <- function(year,
                                 table_contents = NULL,
                                 areas = NULL,
                                 summary_level = "*",
                                 geo_comp = "*",
                                 with_margin = FALSE,
                                 dec_fill = NULL,
                                 show_progress = TRUE){
    # read ACS 1-year data of selected areas

    # convert areas to the form of data.table
    #    geoheader  code state                    name
    # 1:     PLACE 62360    UT     Providence city, UT
    # 2:    COUNTY   005    RI      Newport County, RI
    dt_areas <- convert_areas(areas)

    # this is used to extract geographic headers
    if (!is.null(areas)) geo_headers <- unique(dt_areas[, geoheader])

    # switch summary level to code
    summary_level <- switch_summarylevel(summary_level)
    geo_comp <- switch_geocomp(geo_comp)

    # lookup of the year
    lookup <- get(paste0("lookup_acs1year_", year))

    for (content in table_contents) {
        if (!tolower(content) %in% tolower(lookup$reference)){
            stop(paste("The table content reference", content,
                       "does not exist."))

    # === read files ===

    lst_state <- list()
    for (st in states) {
        geo <- read_acs1year_geo_(year, st, c(geo_headers, "STATE"),
                                  show_progress = show_progress) %>%
            # convert STATE fips to state abbreviation
            .[, state := convert_fips_to_names(STATE)] %>%

        # read estimate and margin from each file
            # get files for table contents
            dt <- read_acs1year_tablecontents_(
                year, st, table_contents, "e", show_progress
            if (with_margin) {
                margin <- read_acs1year_tablecontents_(
                    year, st, table_contents, "m", show_progress
                dt <- merge(dt, margin)
            acs <- merge(geo, dt)
        } else {
            acs <- geo

        # add coordinates from census 2010 data
        if (is.null(dec_fill)){
            acs <- add_coord(acs, st)
        } else if (dec_fill == "dec2010"){
            acs[, (geo_headers) := NULL]
            acs <- add_coord(acs, st, geo_headers)

        lst_state[[st]] <- acs[SUMLEV %like% summary_level & GEOCOMP %like% geo_comp]


    combined <- rbindlist(lst_state) %>%
        .[, LOGRECNO := NULL] %>%
        .[, STATE := NULL] %>%

    if (!is.null(table_contents)){
        setnames(combined, paste0(table_contents, "_e"), table_contents)

    # select data for argument geo_headers
    if (is.null(areas)) {
        selected <- combined
    } else {
        selected <- map(
                combined[get(dt_areas[x, geoheader]) %like% dt_areas[x, code] &
                             STUSAB %like% dt_areas[x, state]] %>%
                .[, area := dt_areas[x, name]]
        ) %>%
        # %>%
        #     # no use of the geoheaders
        #     .[, unique(dt_areas[, geoheader]) := NULL]

    # reorder columns
    begin <- c("area", "GEOID", "NAME")
    end <- c("GEOCOMP", "SUMLEV", "state", "STUSAB", "lon", "lat")
    if (with_margin){
        # estimate and margin together
        contents <- paste0(rep(table_contents, each = 2),
                           rep(c("", "_m"), length(table_contents)))
    } else {
        contents <- table_contents
    setcolorder(selected, c(begin, geo_headers, contents, end))


read_acs1year_geoheaders_ <- function(year,
                                      table_contents = NULL,
                                      geo_headers = NULL,
                                      summary_level = "*",
                                      geo_comp = "*",
                                      with_margin = FALSE,
                                      dec_fill = NULL,
                                      show_progress = TRUE){
    # read ACS 1-year data of selected geoheaders

    # switch summary level to code when it is given as plain text
    summary_level <- switch_summarylevel(summary_level)
    geo_comp <- switch_geocomp(geo_comp)

    # lookup of the year
    lookup <- get(paste0("lookup_acs1year_", year))

    for (content in table_contents) {
        if (!tolower(content) %in% tolower(lookup$reference)){
            stop(paste("This table content", content, "does not exist."))

    # === read files ===

    lst_state <- list()
    for (st in states) {
        geo <- read_acs1year_geo_(year, st,
                                  c(geo_headers, "STATE"),
                                  show_progress = show_progress) %>%
            # convert STATE fips to state abbreviation
            .[, state := convert_fips_to_names(STATE)] %>%

        # read estimate and margin from each file
            # get files for table contents
            dt <- read_acs1year_tablecontents_(year, st, table_contents,
                                               "e", show_progress)
            if (with_margin) {
                margin <- read_acs1year_tablecontents_(year, st, table_contents,
                                                       "m", show_progress)

                dt <- merge(dt, margin)

            acs <- merge(geo, dt)
        } else {
            acs <- geo

        # add coordinates from census 2010 data
        if (is.null(dec_fill)){
            acs <- add_coord(acs, st)
        } else if (dec_fill == "dec2010"){
            acs[, (geo_headers) := NULL]
            acs <- add_coord(acs, st, geo_headers)

        lst_state[[st]] <- acs[SUMLEV %like% summary_level &
                                   GEOCOMP %like% geo_comp]

    combined <- rbindlist(lst_state) %>%
        .[, LOGRECNO := NULL] %>%

    if (!"STATE" %in% geo_headers){
        combined[, STATE := NULL]

    if (!is.null(table_contents)){
        setnames(combined, paste0(table_contents, "_e"), table_contents)

    # reorder columns
    begin <- c("GEOID", "NAME")
    end <- c("GEOCOMP", "SUMLEV", "state", "STUSAB", "lon", "lat")

    if (with_margin){
        # estimate and margin together
        contents <- paste0(rep(table_contents, each = 2),
                           rep(c("", "_m"), length(table_contents)))
    } else {
        contents <- table_contents
    setcolorder(combined, c(begin, geo_headers, contents, end))

GL-Li/totalcensus documentation built on Jan. 30, 2024, 9:07 p.m.