
Defines functions `%||%` `%|0|%` inc dec lzy_chr i hh shell_transformer glue_sh okular xelatex github google stackoverflow twitter youtube compact `%==%` `%!=%` is_na temp_dir temp_file vcapply vdapply viapply vlapply trim_ws list_files file_mtime is_dir get_minor_r_version get_os

Documented in compact dec file_mtime get_os github google hh i inc is_dir is_na list_files lzy_chr okular shell_transformer stackoverflow temp_dir temp_file trim_ws twitter vcapply vdapply viapply vlapply xelatex youtube

#' Pipe operator
#' @name %>%
#' @rdname pipe
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @usage lhs \%>\% rhs

#' Inverse Value Matching
#' Complement of \code{\%in\%}. Returns the elements of \code{x} that are not in \code{y}.
#' @title \%nin\%
#' @param x vector of items
#' @param y vector of all values
#' @return logical vecotor of items in x not in y
#' @author Kieran Healy
#' @rdname nin
#' @export
"%nin%" <- function(x, y) {
  return( !(x %in% y) )

#' Default value for `NULL`.
#' This infix function makes it easy to replace `NULL`s with a
#' default value. It's inspired by the way that Ruby's or operation (`||`)
#' works.
#' @param x,y If `x` is NULL, will return `y`; otherwise returns
#'   `x`.
#' @export
#' @name null-default
#' @examples
#' 1 %||% 2
#' NULL %||% 2
`%||%` <- function(x, y) {
  if (is.null(x)) {
  } else {

#' Default value for `length(x) == 0`.
#' This infix function makes it easy to replace a length 0 value with a
#' default value. It's inspired by the way that Ruby's or operation (`||`)
#' works.
#' @param x,y If `length(x) == 0`, will return `y`; otherwise returns
#'   `x`.
#' @export
#' @name length-zero-default
#' @examples
#' "bacon" %|0|% "eggs"
#' NULL %|0|% "eggs"
`%|0|%` <- function(x, y) { if (length(x) == 0) y else x }

#' Increase by 1
#' @export
inc <- function(x) {
    x + 1L

#' Decrease by 1
#' @export
dec <- function(x) {
    x - 1L

#' Create character vector without quotes
#' @export
lzy_chr <- function(...) {

#' First five and last five rows.
#' @export
i <- function(d, n=6) rbind(head(d, n), tail(d, n))

#' First five columns and rows.
#' @export
hh <- function(d) d[1:5, 1:5]

#' System convenience functions ------------------------------------------------
#' Glue to shell functions
#' @importFrom glue glue
#' @export
shell_transformer <- function(code, envir) {
  shQuote(eval(parse(text = code), envir))
#' @export
glue_sh <- function(..., .envir = parent.frame()) {
  glue::glue(..., .envir = .envir, .transformer = shell_transformer)

#' Open pdf with okular
#' @export
okular <- function(path_to_file) {
  ok_path <- normalizePath(Sys.which('okular'))
  system(glue_sh('{ok_path} {path_to_file}'), wait = F)

#' Compile LaTeX via xelatex
#' @export
xelatex <- function(path_to_file) {
  system(glue_sh('xelatex --interaction=nonstopmode {path_to_file}'))
  ## NOTE: ignores warnings/errors

#' Search github
#' @export
github <- function(string) {

#' Search google
#' @export
google <- function(string) {

#' Search stackoverlow
#' @export
stackoverflow <- function(string) {

#' Search twitter
#' @export
twitter <- function(string) {

#' Search youtube
#' @export
youtube <- function(string) {
      .open = "<<",
      .close = ">>"

### Ripped from https://github.com/r-lib/covr/blob/master/R/utils.R

#' compact
#' @export
compact <- function(x) {
  x[viapply(x, length) != 0]

#' identical infix
#' @export
#' @param x Object
#' @param y Object
#' @name is-identical
`%==%` <- function(x, y) identical(x, y)

#' not identical infix
#' @export
#' @param x Object
#' @param y Object
#' @name is-not-identical
#' @export
`%!=%` <- function(x, y) !identical(x, y)

#' is na
#' @export
is_na <- function(x) {
    !is.null(x) && !is.symbol(x) && is.na(x)

#' temp dir
#' @export
temp_dir <- function() {

#' temp file
#' @export
temp_file <- function(pattern = "file", tmpdir = temp_dir(), fileext = "") {
  normalize_path(tempfile(pattern, tmpdir, fileext))

#' vcapply
#' @export
vcapply <- function(X, FUN, ...) vapply(X, FUN, ..., FUN.VALUE = character(1))

#' vdapply
#' @export
vdapply <- function(X, FUN, ...) vapply(X, FUN, ..., FUN.VALUE = numeric(1))

#' viapply
#' @export
viapply <- function(X, FUN, ...) vapply(X, FUN, ..., FUN.VALUE = integer(1))

#' vlapply
#' @export
vlapply <- function(X, FUN, ...) vapply(X, FUN, ..., FUN.VALUE = logical(1))

#' trim whitespace
#' @export
trim_ws <- function(x) {
    x <- sub("^[ \t\r\n]+", "", x, perl = TRUE)
  sub("[ \t\r\n]+$", "", x, perl = TRUE)

### Ripped from https://github.com/r-lib/pak/blob/master/R/utils.R

#' format items
#' @export
format_items <- function (x) {
  paste0(glue::glue_collapse(glue::backtick(x), sep = ", ", last = " and "))

#' string trim
#' @export
str_trim <- function (x) {
  sub("^\\s+", "", sub("\\s+$", "", x))

#' list files
#' @export
list_files <- function(path) {
    if (!file.exists(path)) return(character())
  fs <- dir(path, full.names = TRUE)
    basename(fs[! is_dir(fs)])

#' modify time
#' @export
file_mtime <- function(...) {
    file.info(..., extra_cols = FALSE)$mtime

#' is directory
#' @export
is_dir <- function(...) {
    file.info(..., extra_cols = FALSE)$isdir

get_minor_r_version <- function(x = getRversion()) {
    x <- package_version(x)
  vapply(unclass(x), function(x) paste(x[1:2], collapse = "."), character(1))

#' get operating system
#' @export
get_os <- function() {
  if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows") {
  } else if (Sys.info()["sysname"] == "Darwin") {
  } else if (.Platform$OS.type == "unix") {
  } else {
GarrettMooney/moonmisc documentation built on Oct. 19, 2019, 7:51 p.m.