getImputedNAs_GeneSymbol_SNP6: getImputedNAs_GeneSymbol_SNP6

Description Usage Arguments Details Value

View source: R/getImputedNAs.R


Get a matrix of boolean values. A true in this matrix indicates that value is an NA which was added when the Gene Survey data was created.


getImputedNAs_GeneSymbol_SNP6(theGeneEq, theZipFile="/rsrch1/bcb/batcheffects/GENE_REPORT/", theRemoveDupFlag = TRUE, theVerboseFlag = FALSE)



A vector of gene symbol names as found in the getNames_ function for this data type.


Default: For DQS Servers. If you are on a server where the GENE_REPORT directory is on a different path, you can pass in a value to override the default of "/rsrch1/bcb/batcheffects/GENE_REPORT/".


Default: FALSE. Remove the duplicate barcodes from the same control samples used in different diseases.


Default: FALSE. TRUE means write all output, which can be very verbose.


Get a matrix of boolean values. A true in this matrix indicates that value is an NA which was added when the Gene Survey data was created. This means the data should be interpreted as not measured or not reported rather than reported as an NA.


Returns a matrix of values, with colnames being the sample ids (barcodes) and rownames the requested ids. Samples and row ids are in sorted order, not requested order.

GeneSurvey/TCGAGeneReport documentation built on May 6, 2019, 6:27 p.m.