#' Initializes generators defined by \code{generator_fasta_label_folder} function
#' Initializes generators defined by \code{\link{generator_fasta_label_folder}} function. Targets get encoded in order of directories.
#' Number of classes is given by length of \code{directories}.
#' @inheritParams generator_fasta_lm
#' @inheritParams generator_fasta_label_header_csv
#' @inheritParams generator_fasta_label_folder
#' @inheritParams train_model
#' @param directories Vector of paths to folder containing fasta files. Files in one folder should belong to one class.
#' @param val Logical, call initialized generator "genY" or "genValY" where Y is an integer between 1 and length of directories.
#' @param target_middle Split input sequence into two sequences while removing nucleotide in middle. If input is x_1,..., x_(n+1), input gets split into
#' input_1 = x_1,..., x_m and input_2 = x_(n+1),..., x_(m+2) where m = ceiling((n+1)/2) and n = maxlen. Note that x_(m+1) is not used.
#' @param read_data If true the first element of output is a list of length 2, each containing one part of paired read.
#' @examplesIf reticulate::py_module_available("tensorflow")
#' # create two folders with dummy fasta files
#' path_input_1 <- tempfile()
#' dir.create(path_input_1)
#' create_dummy_data(file_path = path_input_1, num_files = 2, seq_length = 5,
#' num_seq = 2, vocabulary = c("a", "c", "g", "t"))
#' path_input_2 <- tempfile()
#' dir.create(path_input_2)
#' create_dummy_data(file_path = path_input_2, num_files = 3, seq_length = 7,
#' num_seq = 5, vocabulary = c("a", "c", "g", "t"))
#' gen_list <- generator_initialize(directories = c(path_input_1, path_input_1),
#' batch_size = 4, maxlen = 5)
#' z1 <- gen_list[[1]]()
#' z1[[1]]
#' z1[[2]]
#' @returns List of generator function.
#' @export
generator_initialize <- function(directories,
format = "fasta",
batch_size = 256,
maxlen = 250,
max_iter = 10000,
vocabulary = c("a", "c", "g", "t"),
verbose = FALSE,
shuffle_file_order = FALSE,
step = 1,
seed = 1234,
shuffle_input = FALSE,
file_limit = NULL,
path_file_log = NULL,
reverse_complement = FALSE,
reverse_complement_encoding = FALSE,
val = FALSE,
ambiguous_nuc = "zero",
proportion_per_seq = NULL,
target_middle = FALSE,
read_data = FALSE,
use_quality_score = FALSE,
padding = TRUE,
added_label_path = NULL,
add_input_as_seq = NULL,
skip_amb_nuc = NULL,
max_samples = NULL,
file_filter = NULL,
concat_seq = NULL,
use_coverage = NULL,
set_learning = NULL,
proportion_entries = NULL,
sample_by_file_size = FALSE,
n_gram = NULL,
n_gram_stride = 1,
add_noise = NULL,
return_int = FALSE,
reshape_xy = NULL) {
num_class <- length(directories)
if (!is.null(reshape_xy)) {
reshape_xy_bool <- TRUE
reshape_x_bool <- ifelse(is.null(reshape_xy$x), FALSE, TRUE)
if (reshape_x_bool && !all(c('x', 'y') %in% names(formals(reshape_xy$x)))) {
stop("function reshape_xy$x needs to have arguments named x and y")
reshape_y_bool <- ifelse(is.null(reshape_xy$y), FALSE, TRUE)
if (reshape_y_bool && !all(c('x', 'y') %in% names(formals(reshape_xy$y)))) {
stop("function reshape_xy$y needs to have arguments named x and y")
} else {
reshape_xy_bool <- FALSE
# adjust batch_size
if (is.null(set_learning) && (length(batch_size) == 1) && (batch_size %% length(directories) != 0)) {
batch_size <- ceiling(batch_size/length(directories)) * length(directories)
if (!val) {
message(paste("Batch size needs to be multiple of number of targets. Setting batch_size to", batch_size))
num_targets <- length(directories)
if (!is.null(set_learning)) {
reshape_mode <- set_learning$reshape_mode
samples_per_target <- set_learning$samples_per_target
buffer_len <- set_learning$buffer_len
maxlen <- set_learning$maxlen
concat_maxlen <- NULL
if (reshape_mode == "concat") {
if (sum(batch_size) %% length(directories) != 0) {
stop_text <- paste("batch_size is", batch_size, "but needs to be multiple of number of classes (",
length(directories), ") for set learning with 'concat'")
buffer_len <- ifelse(is.null(set_learning$buffer_len), 0, set_learning$buffer_len)
concat_maxlen <- (maxlen * samples_per_target) + (buffer_len * (samples_per_target - 1))
if (any(c("z", "Z") %in% vocabulary) & !is.null(set_learning$buffer_len)) {
stop("'Z' is used as token for separating sequences and can not be in vocabulary.")
if (!is.null(set_learning$buffer_len)) {
vocabulary <- c(vocabulary, "Z")
if (any(batch_size[1] != batch_size)) {
stop("Set learning only implemented for uniform batch_size for all classes.")
new_batch_size <- batch_size
batch_size <- samples_per_target * batch_size
if (length(batch_size) == 1) {
batch_size <- rep(batch_size/num_targets, num_targets)
argg <- c(as.list(environment()))
# variables with just one entry
argg["directories"] <- NULL
argg["file_filter"] <- NULL
argg["val"] <- NULL
argg["vocabulary"] <- NULL
argg["num_targets"] <- NULL
argg["verbose"] <- NULL
argg["maxlen"] <- NULL
argg["max_iter"] <- NULL
argg["read_data"] <- NULL
argg["use_quality_score"] <- NULL
argg["added_label_path"] <- NULL
argg["add_input_as_seq"] <- NULL
argg["skip_amb_nuc"] <- NULL
argg["concat_seq"] <- NULL
argg["reverse_complement_encoding"] <- NULL
argg["use_coverage"] <- NULL
argg["set_learning"] <- NULL
argg["proportion_entries"] <- NULL
argg["sample_by_file_size"] <- NULL
argg["n_gram"] <- NULL
argg["n_gram_stride"] <- NULL
argg[["add_noise"]] <- NULL
argg[["return_int"]] <- NULL
argg[["num_class"]] <- NULL
argg[["reshape_xy"]] <- NULL
for (i in 1:length(argg)) {
if (length(argg[[i]]) == 1) {
assign(names(argg)[i], rep(argg[[i]], num_targets))
if ((length(argg[[i]]) != 1) & (length(argg[[i]]) != num_targets) & !(is.null(argg[[i]]))) {
stop_message <- paste("Incorrect argument length,", names(argg[i]), "argument vector must have length 1 or", num_targets)
if (!val) {
gen_train_list <- list()
# create generator for every folder
for (i in 1:num_class) {
numberedGen <- paste0("gen", i)
gen_train_list[[numberedGen]] <- generator_fasta_label_folder(path_corpus = directories[[i]],
format = format[i],
batch_size = batch_size[i],
maxlen = maxlen,
max_iter = max_iter,
vocabulary = vocabulary,
verbose = verbose,
shuffle_file_order = shuffle_file_order[i],
step = step[i],
seed = seed[i],
shuffle_input = shuffle_input[i],
file_limit = file_limit[i],
path_file_log = path_file_log[i],
reverse_complement = reverse_complement[i],
reverse_complement_encoding = reverse_complement_encoding,
num_targets = num_targets,
ones_column = i,
ambiguous_nuc = ambiguous_nuc[i],
proportion_per_seq = proportion_per_seq[i],
read_data = read_data,
use_quality_score = use_quality_score,
padding = padding[i],
file_filter = file_filter,
added_label_path = added_label_path,
add_input_as_seq = add_input_as_seq,
skip_amb_nuc = skip_amb_nuc,
max_samples = max_samples[i],
concat_seq = concat_seq,
use_coverage = use_coverage,
proportion_entries = proportion_entries,
sample_by_file_size = sample_by_file_size,
n_gram = n_gram,
masked_lm = NULL,
n_gram_stride = n_gram_stride,
add_noise = add_noise,
return_int = return_int,
reshape_xy = reshape_xy)
} else {
gen_val_list <- list()
# create generator for every folder
for (i in 1:num_class) {
# different names for validation generators
numberedGenVal <- paste0("genVal", as.character(i))
gen_val_list[[numberedGenVal]] <- generator_fasta_label_folder(path_corpus = directories[[i]],
format = format[i],
batch_size = batch_size[i],
maxlen = maxlen,
max_iter = max_iter,
vocabulary = vocabulary,
verbose = verbose,
shuffle_file_order = shuffle_file_order[i],
step = step[i],
seed = seed[i],
shuffle_input = shuffle_input[i],
file_limit = file_limit[i],
path_file_log = path_file_log[i],
reverse_complement = reverse_complement[i],
reverse_complement_encoding = reverse_complement_encoding,
num_targets = num_targets,
ones_column = i,
ambiguous_nuc = ambiguous_nuc[i],
proportion_per_seq = proportion_per_seq[i],
read_data = read_data,
use_quality_score = use_quality_score,
padding = padding[i],
file_filter = file_filter,
added_label_path = added_label_path,
add_input_as_seq = add_input_as_seq,
skip_amb_nuc = skip_amb_nuc,
max_samples = max_samples[i],
concat_seq = concat_seq,
use_coverage = use_coverage,
proportion_entries = proportion_entries,
sample_by_file_size = sample_by_file_size,
masked_lm = NULL,
n_gram = n_gram,
n_gram_stride = n_gram_stride,
add_noise = add_noise,
return_int = return_int,
reshape_xy = reshape_xy)
if (!val) {
} else {
#' Generator wrapper
#' Combines generators created by \code{\link{generator_initialize}} into a single generator.
#' @inheritParams generator_fasta_lm
#' @inheritParams generator_fasta_label_folder
#' @inheritParams train_model
#' @inheritParams reshape_tensor
#' @param val Train or validation generator.
#' @param path Path to input files.
#' @param voc_len Length of vocabulary.
#' @param gen_list List of generator functions.
#' @examplesIf reticulate::py_module_available("tensorflow")
#' # create two folders with dummy fasta files
#' path_input_1 <- tempfile()
#' dir.create(path_input_1)
#' create_dummy_data(file_path = path_input_1, num_files = 2, seq_length = 5,
#' num_seq = 2, vocabulary = c("a", "c", "g", "t"))
#' path_input_2 <- tempfile()
#' dir.create(path_input_2)
#' create_dummy_data(file_path = path_input_2, num_files = 3, seq_length = 7,
#' num_seq = 5, vocabulary = c("a", "c", "g", "t"))
#' maxlen <- 5
#' p <- c(path_input_1, path_input_1)
#' gen_list <- generator_initialize(directories = p,
#' batch_size = 4, maxlen = maxlen)
#' gen <- generator_fasta_label_folder_wrapper(val = FALSE, batch_size = 8,
#' path = p, voc_len = 4,
#' maxlen = maxlen,
#' gen_list = gen_list)
#' z <- gen()
#' dim(z[[1]])
#' z[[2]]
#' @returns A generator function.
#' @export
generator_fasta_label_folder_wrapper <- function(val,
batch_size = NULL,
path = NULL, voc_len = NULL,
maxlen = NULL,
gen_list = NULL,
set_learning = NULL) {
if (is.null(set_learning)) {
samples_per_target <- NULL
new_batch_size <- NULL
reshape_mode <- NULL
buffer_len <- NULL
} else {
reshape_mode <- set_learning$reshape_mode
samples_per_target <- set_learning$samples_per_target
buffer_len <- set_learning$buffer_len
maxlen <- set_learning$maxlen
concat_maxlen <- NULL
if (reshape_mode == "concat") {
if (sum(batch_size) %% length(path) != 0) {
stop_text <- paste("batch_size is", batch_size, "but needs to be multiple of number of classes (",
length(path), ") for set learning with 'concat'")
buffer_len <- ifelse(is.null(set_learning$buffer_len), 0, set_learning$buffer_len)
concat_maxlen <- (maxlen * samples_per_target) + (buffer_len * (samples_per_target - 1))
if (!is.null(set_learning$buffer_len)) {
vocabulary <- c(vocabulary, "Z")
if (any(batch_size[1] != batch_size)) {
stop("Set learning only implemented for uniform batch_size for all classes.")
new_batch_size <- batch_size
batch_size <- samples_per_target * batch_size
if (!val) {
function() {
directories <- path
# combine generators to create one batch
subBatchTrain <- gen_list[["gen1"]]()
if (is.list(subBatchTrain[[1]])) {
num_inputs <- length(subBatchTrain[[1]])
} else {
num_inputs <- 1
xTrain <- subBatchTrain[[1]]
yTrain <- subBatchTrain[[2]]
if (num_inputs > 1) {
x_train_list <- list()
for (i in 1:num_inputs) {
x_train_list[[i]] <- xTrain[[i]]
if (length(directories) > 1) {
for (i in 2:length(directories)) {
subBatchTrain <- gen_list[[paste0("gen", i)]]()
yTrain <- abind::abind(yTrain, subBatchTrain[[2]], along = 1)
if (num_inputs == 1) {
xTrain <- abind::abind(xTrain, subBatchTrain[[1]], along = 1)
} else {
for (j in 1:num_inputs) {
x_train_list[[j]] <- abind::abind(x_train_list[[j]], subBatchTrain[[1]][[j]], along = 1)
if (num_inputs > 1) {
xTrain <- x_train_list
if (!is.null(samples_per_target)) {
l <- reshape_tensor(x = xTrain, y = yTrain,
new_batch_size = new_batch_size,
samples_per_target = samples_per_target,
buffer_len = buffer_len,
reshape_mode = reshape_mode)
} else {
return(list(X = xTrain, Y = yTrain))
} else {
function() {
directories <- path
# combine generators to create one batch
subBatchVal <- gen_list[["genVal1"]]()
if (is.list(subBatchVal[[1]])) {
num_inputs <- length(subBatchVal[[1]])
} else {
num_inputs <- 1
xVal <- subBatchVal[[1]]
yVal <- subBatchVal[[2]]
if (num_inputs > 1) {
x_val_list <- list()
for (i in 1:num_inputs) {
x_val_list[[i]] <- xVal[[i]]
if (length(directories) > 1) {
for (i in 2:length(directories)) {
subBatchVal <- gen_list[[paste0("genVal", i)]]()
yVal <- abind::abind(yVal, subBatchVal[[2]], along = 1)
if (num_inputs == 1) {
xVal <- abind::abind(xVal, subBatchVal[[1]], along = 1)
} else {
for (j in 1:num_inputs) {
x_val_list[[j]] <- abind::abind(x_val_list[[j]], subBatchVal[[1]][[j]], along = 1)
if (num_inputs > 1) {
xVal <- x_val_list
if (!is.null(samples_per_target)) {
l <- reshape_tensor(x = xVal, y = yVal,
new_batch_size = new_batch_size,
samples_per_target = samples_per_target,
buffer_len = buffer_len,
reshape_mode = reshape_mode)
} else {
return(list(X = xVal, Y = yVal))
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