
Defines functions bind_excess_hh

Documented in bind_excess_hh

#' Bind excess communting partial tables
#' This function allows you to create a distance cost matrix
#' @param tabflows A long table of flows
#' @param matcost A squared matrix of cost
#' @param idpol A squared matrix of cost
#' @param idori A squared matrix of cost
#' @param iddes A squared matrix of cost
#' @param idflow A squared matrix of cost
#' @param variable A squared matrix of cost
#' @param modal A squared matrix of cost
#' @return A squared matrix of flows
#' @examples
#' # Import data
#' @export

# Bind partial minimal matrices ----

bind_excess_hh <- function(tabflows, matcost, idpol, idori, iddes, idflow, variable, modal){
  listFlows <- list()
  for(i in 1:length(modal)){
    for(j in c("1", "2", "3")){
      tempFlows <- tabflows[tabflows[[variable]] == modal[[i]] & tabflows$LOGMT == j, ]
      matFlowsPart <- cast_tabflows(idpol = idpol,
                                    tabflows = tempFlows,
                                    idori = idori,
                                    iddes = iddes,
                                    idflow = idflow)
      matFlowsPartMin <- excess_commuting(matflows = matFlowsPart, matcost = matcost)
      tabFlowsPart <- melt(matFlowsPartMin, as.is = TRUE)
      colnames(tabFlowsPart) <- c("ORI", "DES", "FLOW")
      tabFlowsPart$CSP <- modal[[i]]
      listFlows[[length(listFlows) + 1]] <- tabFlowsPart
    tabFinal <- do.call(rbind, listFlows) %>%
      filter(FLOW > 0)
Geographie-cites/toyspace documentation built on July 11, 2019, 6:07 p.m.