
Defines functions f.cumprod f.xRatio

#' @author Gerald C. Nelson, \email{nelson.gerald.c@@gmail.com}
#' @keywords alcoholic beverages, fish data from the book Fish to 2030
# Intro ---------------------------------------------------------------

#Copyright (C) 2015 - 2018 Gerald C. Nelson, except where noted

# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details at http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.

#' \description{
#' This script reads in fish and alcoholic beverage data from FAO's Food Balance Sheet data
#' and parameters for IMPACT and generates scenarios of per capita availability for fish composite food items and
#' beer, wine and spirits. The output file is dt.fishnAlcScenarios
#' The fish food availability data are taken from FAO's FBS data set.
#' }

sourceFile <- "dataManagement.fishnAlc.R"
description <- "This script reads in fish and alcoholic beverage data from FAO's Food Balance Sheet data and parameters for IMPACT and generates scenarios of per capita availability for fish composite food items and beer, wine and spirits. The output file is dt.fishnAlcScenarios. The fish food availability data are taken from FAO's FBS data set."

# options(warn=2)

# load data files and key variables
IMPACTfish <- fileNameList("IMPACTfish") # spreadsheet name with data from Fish to 2030
IMPACTfish_code <- keyVariable("IMPACTfish_code") # names of the composites with fish, aquatic mammals and plants that are eaten
IMPACTalcohol_code <- keyVariable("IMPACTalcohol_code")
fishNalcNames <- c(IMPACTfish_code, IMPACTalcohol_code)

FBSyearsToAverage.baseyear <- keyVariable("FBSyearsToAverage.baseyear") # years over which the FBS data should be averaged to create base year values for elasticity calculations, currently 2005
FBSyearsToAverage.startyear <- keyVariable("FBSyearsToAverage.startyear") # years over which the FBS data should be averaged to create starting values, currently 2010
keepYearList <- keyVariable("keepYearList") # list of years we need to keep for later use between 2010 and 2050

# Get the middle of the total number of FBS yearsToAverage. 
# middleYear is what we'll average on for the first two observations in calculating future food availability
middleYear.baseyear <- FBSyearsToAverage.baseyear[as.integer(length(FBSyearsToAverage.baseyear) / 2) + 1]
middleYear.startyear <- FBSyearsToAverage.startyear[as.integer(length(FBSyearsToAverage.startyear) / 2) + 1]

dt.regions.all <- getNewestVersion("dt.regions.all", fileloc("uData"))
#dt.GDPperCap <- getNewestVersion("dt.pcGDPX0", fileloc("iData"))
dt.GDPperCap <- readRDS(paste0(fileloc("iData"), "dt.pcGDPX0"))
#dt.pop <- getNewestVersion("dt.PopX0", fileloc("iData")) # now just used to weight the population share of IMPACT regions that make up multiple ISO codes Oct 13, 2018
dt.pop <- readRDS(paste0(fileloc("iData"), "dt.PopX0"))
dt.FBS <- getNewestVersion("dt.FBS", fileloc("uData")) #dt.FBS is in kgPerCapPerYear
# as of July 24, 2018 FBS also has KcalPerCapPerDay; remove it here for this script
dt.FBS <- dt.FBS[!variable %in% "KcalPerCapPerDay", ]
#keep just the IMPACT fish and alcohol names in the FBS data and the base and start years to average
dt.FBS <- dt.FBS[IMPACT_code %in% fishNalcNames & year %in% c(FBSyearsToAverage.baseyear, FBSyearsToAverage.startyear)]

# average FBS data for three years around baseyear and startyear
formula.wide <- "ISO_code + IMPACT_code ~ year"
dt.FBS.wide <- data.table::dcast(
  data = dt.FBS,
  formula = formula.wide,
  value.var = "value")

dt.FBS.wide[, value.baseyear := rowMeans(.SD), .SDcols = FBSyearsToAverage.baseyear]
dt.FBS.wide[, value.startyear := rowMeans(.SD), .SDcols = FBSyearsToAverage.startyear]
keepListCol <- c("ISO_code", "IMPACT_code", "value.baseyear", "value.startyear")
dt.FBS.wide[, setdiff(names(dt.FBS.wide), keepListCol) := NULL]
# change name of values to align with other data
setnames(dt.FBS.wide, old = c("value.baseyear", "value.startyear"), new = c(middleYear.baseyear, middleYear.startyear))

dt.FBS <- melt(dt.FBS.wide,
               id.vars = c("ISO_code", "IMPACT_code"),
               measure.vars = c(middleYear.baseyear, middleYear.startyear),
               variable.name = "year",
               variable.factor = FALSE)

# convert FBS data to IMPACT regions
# note that FBS doesn't have data for all regions
# regionList.FBS <- sort(unique(dt.FBS$ISO_code)) # Regions with FBS data
# regionList.IMPACT <- sort(unique(dt.regions.all$region_code.IMPACT159)) # IMPACT regions
# regionList.ISO <- sort(unique(dt.regions.all$ISO_code)) # ISO regions
# regionList.missing.FBS <- sort(regionList.ISO[!regionList.ISO %in% regionList.FBS]) # regions in ISO but not in FBS
# # 'big' countries without FBS data are Burundi, Bahrain, Bermuda, Bhutan, Congo (Democratic Republic aka Zaire), Equatorial Guinea,
# # Greenland, Libya, Papua New Guinea, Somalia, Syria, Taiwan - as of May 12, 2018
# dt.regions.all <- dt.regions.all[!region_code.IMPACT159 %in% keyVariable("dropListCty"),]

# prepare the FBS per capita food availability data -----
# FBS data are by ISO regions
# aggregate FBS data to region_code.IMPACT159; mean of per capita availability weighted by population shares in middleYear.startyear
#  keep population data by  ISO code for middleYear.startyear
dt.pop.initialYears <- dt.pop[year %in% c(middleYear.baseyear, middleYear.startyear),]
dt.pop.initialYears[, scenario := NULL]
dt.pop.initialYears <- unique(dt.pop.initialYears)

# aggregate to IMPACT regions
dt.FBS <- merge(dt.FBS, dt.regions.all, by = "ISO_code")
keepListCol <- c("region_code.IMPACT159", "year", "IMPACT_code", "value")
dt.FBS[, setdiff(names(dt.FBS), keepListCol) := NULL]
dt.FBS <- merge(dt.FBS, dt.pop.initialYears, by = c("region_code.IMPACT159", "year"))
dt.FBS <- dt.FBS[, value := weighted.mean(value, PopX0), by = c("IMPACT_code", "region_code.IMPACT159", "year")]
dt.FBS[, PopX0 := NULL] # added Oct 13, 2018
dt.FBS <- unique(dt.FBS)

# the value variable in dt.FBS is in kg per person per year. Convert to per day here. 
# It is converted back to per year below to align with other food items from IMPACT.
dt.FBS[, value := value/keyVariable("DinY")]
#dt.FBS[variable %in% "kgPerCapPerYear", variable := "kgPerCapPerDay"]

# identify the n-1 year for the elasticity calculations. If the start year is X2010 and the interval is 5 years, the year0 is X2005
year1 <- as.numeric(substr(keepYearList[1], 2, 5)); year2 <- as.numeric(substr(keepYearList[2], 2, 5))
year0 <- year1 - (year2 - year1)
year0 <- paste("X",year0, sep = "")
keepYearList <- c(year0,keepYearList)

dt.GDPperCap[, pcGDPX0.lag1 := data.table::shift(pcGDPX0, type = "lag"), by = c("region_code.IMPACT159", "scenario")]
dt.GDPperCap[, delta.GDP := pcGDPX0 - pcGDPX0.lag1]
dt.GDPperCap[,GDPRatio := delta.GDP/(pcGDPX0 + pcGDPX0.lag1)] # is this needed? Seems to be.Hmmm. it is either 1 or NA. Changed from - to + in the denominator Oct 13, 2018
keepListCol <- c("region_code.IMPACT159", "scenario", "year","delta.GDP", "GDPRatio")
dt.GDPperCap[, setdiff(names(dt.GDPperCap), keepListCol) := NULL]

dt.incElas.alc <- data.table::data.table(region_code.IMPACT159 = rep(dt.regions.all$region_code.IMPACT159, each = length(keepYearList)),
                                        year = keepYearList,
                                        c_beer.elas = 0.50,
                                        c_wine.elas = 1.00,
                                        c_spirits.elas = 1.00)

#' @param - fishIncElast - fish income elasticity note: these use the older IMPACT region names and there are only 115 regions
dt.incElas.fish <- data.table::as.data.table(openxlsx::read.xlsx(
  IMPACTfish, sheet = "IncDmdElas", cols = 1:11, startRow = 1, colNames = TRUE))

#Column names can't have a "-" in them. This code changes them to underscore
data.table::setnames(dt.incElas.fish, old = colnames(dt.incElas.fish), new = gsub("-", "_", colnames(dt.incElas.fish)))
# in code below, start with item 2 because item 1 is region
data.table::setnames(dt.incElas.fish, old = c("region", colnames(dt.incElas.fish)[!colnames(dt.incElas.fish) %in% "region"]),
                     new = c("region", paste(colnames(dt.incElas.fish)[!colnames(dt.incElas.fish) %in% "region"], "elas", sep = ".")))
data.table::setnames(dt.incElas.fish, old = "region", new = "region_code.IMPACT115")

# add elasticity of zero for aquatic plants and animals (c_aqpl and c_aqan)
dt.incElas.fish[, c("c_aqan.elas", "c_aqpl.elas") := 0]

#' if fixFish is TRUE, deal with the missing species - shrimp, tuna, and salmon
#' rename shrimp elasticities to crustacean elasticities
#' remove salmon and tuna elasticities

switch.fixFish <- keyVariable("switch.fixFish")
if (switch.fixFish == TRUE) {
  dt.incElas.fish[, c_Crust.elas := NULL]
  data.table::setnames(dt.incElas.fish, old = "c_shrimp.elas", new = "c_Crust.elas")
  itemsToRemove <- c("c_Shrimp", "c_Tuna", "c_Salmon")
  fishNalcNames <- fishNalcNames[!fishNalcNames %in% itemsToRemove]
  itemsToRemove <- c("c_Tuna.elas", "c_Salmon.elas") # because shrimp already removed above
  dt.incElas.fish[, (itemsToRemove) := NULL]
# fish_code.elast.list <-
#   names(dt.incElas.fish)[2:length(dt.incElas.fish)]

# set max income elasticity to 1 if TRUE
switch.changeElasticity <- keyVariable("switch.changeElasticity")
if (switch.changeElasticity == TRUE) {
  #  temp <- names(dt.incElas.fish)[2:length(names(dt.incElas.fish))]
  temp <- names(dt.incElas.fish)[grep("elas", names(dt.incElas.fish))]
  for (j in temp)
      i = which(dt.incElas.fish[[j]] > 1L),
      j = j,
      value = 1L

# next few lines assign income elasticities to all the region_code.IMPACT159 countries. For non-159 countries, elasticities are set to values for ROW.
dt.incElas.fish <- merge(dt.incElas.fish, dt.regions.all, by = "region_code.IMPACT115")

# Need to get rid of all region_code.IMPACT159 that are in ROW for region_code.IMPACT115. The logic below appears to work. Oct 29, 2018
regions.159 <- unique(dt.regions.all$region_code.IMPACT159)
dt.incElas.fish <- dt.incElas.fish[!(region_code.IMPACT115 %in% "ROW" &  
                                     region_code.IMPACT159 %in% regions.159), ]

keepListCol <- c( "region_code.IMPACT159", paste0(fishNalcNames, ".elas"))
dt.incElas.fish[, setdiff(names(dt.incElas.fish), keepListCol) := NULL]
dt.incElas.fish <- unique(dt.incElas.fish)

# need to weight fish elasticities for individual  countries in regions by their population. oct 29, 2018

# BLT, BLX, CHM, CHP, GSA, ITP, MOR, OBN, RAP, SDP, SPP still duplicated in region_code.IMPACT159 so need to run the code below. No longer true as of at least Nov 6, 2018. So commenting it out
# dt.incElas.fish <- merge(dt.incElas.fish, dt.pop.initialYears, by = c("region_code.IMPACT159"))
# fishElas <- names(dt.incElas.fish)[!names(dt.incElas.fish) %in% c("region_code.IMPACT159", "year")]
# for (i in fishElas){
#   dt.incElas.fish <- dt.incElas.fish[, (i) := weighted.mean(get(i), PopX0), by = c( "region_code.IMPACT159", "year")]
# }
# dt.incElas.fish[, c("PopX0", "year") := NULL] # this gets rid of years 2005 and 2010 and leaves duplicated rows that can't be removed with unique
# dt.incElas.fish <- unique(dt.incElas.fish)

# create a fish elasticities data table with the same income elasticities in all years
 dt.years <- data.table::data.table(year = rep(keepYearList, each = nrow(dt.incElas.fish)))
 #'@param - dt.incElas.fish - fish elasticities for each region in the SSP data and all years
dt.incElas.fish <- cbind(dt.years, dt.incElas.fish)
# xxxxx
inDT <- dt.incElas.fish
outName <- "dt.incElas.fish" # not used elsewhere
desc <- "Fish income elasticities estimates to 2050; capped at 1.0. Assumed to be identical in all scenarios and all time periods"
cleanup(inDT, outName, fileloc("mData"), desc = desc)

#combine alcohol and fish income elasticities
dt.incElas.fishnalc <- merge(dt.incElas.fish, dt.incElas.alc, by = c("region_code.IMPACT159", "year"))
dt.incElas.fishnalc <- unique(dt.incElas.fishnalc)

#' The goal is to estimate food demand (and set it equal to food availability) based on the food availability values from the FBS, income elasticities from
#' Fish to 2030 and the income levels from the SSPs or other sources. Note that everything is in per capita.
#' In the case of GDP, it is per capita per year.
#' In the case of availability it is per capita (kg) per day. Whether this is per day or per year depends on the /DinY code above.
#' We have all the GDP per cap values and per cap availability for 2005 and 2010. Above we average over 2004-6 for the base year( given by the variable FBSyearsToAverage.baseyear)
#' and 2009-11 for the start year; the year after which the availability values are estimated.
#' So we need to calculate availabiliity going forward, stepwise. Using the arc elasticity formula
# arc income elasticity elasInc = [(Qn - Qn-1)/(Qn + Qn-1)/2] / [(Yn - Yn-1) /(Yn + Yn-1)/2)]
# [(Qn - Qn-1)/(Qn + Qn-1)] = elasInc * [(Yn - Yn-1) /(Yn + Yn-1))]
# let x = elasInc * [(Yn - Yn-1) /(Yn + Yn-1))]
# x * (Qn + Qn-1) = (Qn - Qn-1)
# x * Qn + x* Qn-1 + Qn-1 = Qn
# x* Qn - Qn + x* Qn-1 + Qn-1 = 0
# Qn * (x - 1) + Qn-1 * (x + 1) = 0
# Qn * (x - 1) = - Qn-1 * (x + 1)
#' this is the formula that does the stepwise estimation of availability
# Qn = - Qn-1 (1 + x)/(x - 1) = Qn-1 (1+x)/(1-x)

# variables names equivalent to the variables above
# delta.GDP = Yn - Yn-1
# sum.GDP = Yn + Yn-1
# GDPRatio := delta.GDP/(value.GDP + GDP.lag1) = delta.GDP/sum.GDP = (Yn - Yn-1)/(Yn + Yn-1)
# (x) := get(elasNames) * GDPRatio = x
# (xRatio) := get(1 + x)/(x - 1)

# Combine GDP and FBS data
formula.wide <- "region_code.IMPACT159  + year ~ IMPACT_code"
dt.FBS.wide <- data.table::dcast(
  data = dt.FBS,
  formula = formula.wide,
  value.var = "value")
# remove X2010 data from dt.FBS because only the X2005 data are used for projection. Not currently being done, July 25, 2018
dt.GDPFBS <- merge(dt.GDPperCap, dt.FBS.wide, by = c("region_code.IMPACT159", "year"), allow.cartesian=TRUE, all.x = TRUE) # has NAs for future estimated values

# add income elasticity data to the GDP and FBS data
dt.GDPFBSelas <- merge(dt.GDPFBS, dt.incElas.fishnalc, by = c("region_code.IMPACT159", "year"), allow.cartesian=TRUE)
# after the line above there are many duplicates. This may be because of the allow.cartesian.
# It may have also been because of dups in dt.incElas.fishnalc, removed starting Oct 29, 2019
dt.GDPFBSelas <- unique(dt.GDPFBSelas)

# create columns to hold intermediate results
elasNames <- paste(fishNalcNames,"elas", sep = ".")
temp.inc <- paste0("temp.inc.", fishNalcNames)
x <- paste0("x.", fishNalcNames)
xRatio <- paste0("xRatio.", fishNalcNames)
# xRatio.denom <- paste0("xRatio.denom.", fishNalcNames)
# xRatio.numer <- paste0("xRatio.numer.", fishNalcNames)
Qn <- fishNalcNames
Qn.test <- paste0("test.", fishNalcNames)
# calculate x
dt.GDPFBSelas[, (x) := lapply(.SD, "*", GDPRatio), .SDcols = (elasNames)]

# calculate xRatio
f.xRatio <- function(xIn) {return((1 + xIn)/(1 - xIn))}
dt.GDPFBSelas[, (xRatio) := lapply(.SD, FUN = f.xRatio), .SDcols = (x)]

keepListCol <- c("scenario", "region_code.IMPACT159", "year", Qn, xRatio)
dt.GDPFBSelas[, setdiff(names(dt.GDPFBSelas), (keepListCol)) := NULL]

# see https://stackoverflow.com/questions/50082978/r-how-to-use-mapply-with-a-data-table-and-two-lists-of-column-names?noredirect=1#comment87182401_50082978

f.cumprod <- function(x, y)  cumprod(c(x[1], y[-1]))
dt.GDPFBSelas[, (Qn) := Map(f.cumprod,  mget(Qn), mget(xRatio)), by = .(region_code.IMPACT159, scenario)]

keepListCol <- c("scenario", "region_code.IMPACT159", "year", fishNalcNames)
dt.GDPFBSelas[, setdiff(names(dt.GDPFBSelas), keepListCol) := NULL]

# dt.GDPFBSelas units are kgs per person per day. To align with dt.foodAvailability they need to be per year.
daysinyear <- keyVariable("DinY")
dt.GDPFBSelas[, (fishNalcNames) := lapply(.SD, "*", daysinyear), .SDcols = (fishNalcNames)]
# some countries have no consumption of the fish or alcoholic beverage items
dt.GDPFBSelas[, (names(dt.GDPFBSelas)) := lapply(.SD, function(x){x[is.na(x)] <- 0; x}), .SDcols = names(dt.GDPFBSelas)]

idVarsFishnAlc <- c("scenario", "region_code.IMPACT159", "year")
#' #' get the names of the fish and alcoholic beverages that are included in dt.fishScenario
measureVarsFishnAlc <- names(dt.GDPFBSelas)[!names(dt.GDPFBSelas) %in% idVarsFishnAlc]
dt.GDPFBSelas.melt <- data.table::melt(dt.GDPFBSelas,
                                       id.vars = idVarsFishnAlc,
                                       variable.name = "IMPACT_code",
                                       measure.vars = measureVarsFishnAlc,
                                       value.name = "FoodAvailability",
                                       variable.factor = FALSE)

dt.GDPFBSelas.melt <- unique(dt.GDPFBSelas.melt) # added May 15, 2018, not sure why it is needed.
keepYearList <- keyVariable("keepYearList") # get original list
inDT <- dt.GDPFBSelas.melt[year %in% keepYearList]
outName <- "dt.fishnAlcScenarios"
desc <- "Scenarios of fish and alcoholic beverages availability by fish composite and country. Average availability, kgs per person per year"
cleanup(inDT,outName, fileloc("mData"), desc = desc) # changed to mData Oct 30, 2018
finalizeScriptMetadata(metadataDT, sourceFile)
GeraldCNelson/nutmod documentation built on May 8, 2023, 8:04 a.m.