
Defines functions fmt_dcimals g_legend getSwitchChoice getGdxFileName truncateDT facetMaps generateBreakValues storeWorldMapDF gdxLibraryLocationCheck gdxrrwExistenceCheck regionAgg countryCodeCleanup countryCodeLookup countryNameLookup filelocFBS fileNameList metadata keyVariable cleanupNutrientNames cleanupGraphFiles cleanup clearMemory finalizeScriptMetadata createScriptMetaData removeOldVersions removeFcn getNewestVersionIMPACT getNewestVersion fileloc createMissingDir sourcer

#' Nutrient Modeling Functions
#' @keywords utilities, nutrient data management functions
#' @title "Functions to facilitate management of nutrient data"
#' @name nutrientModFunctions.R
#' @author Gerald C. Nelson, \\email{nelson.gerald.c@@gmail.com}
# Copyright (C) 2015 - 2018 Gerald C. Nelson, except where noted

# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at
# your option) any later version.  This program is distributed in the
# hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
# PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more details at
# http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.  Contributors to the work include
# Brendan Power (for coding assistance), Joanne E. Arsenault (for
# constructing the nutrient requirements worksheet) and Joanne E.
# Arsenault, Jessica Bogard, Keith Lividini and Malcolm Reilly (for
# nutrition expertise)

# dtplyr provides backend so data table works with dplyr
# tidyverse includes ggplot2, tibble, tidyr, and readr
# qdapRegex needed for the TC (title case) function, added Nov 3, 2018
# gtools needed for capwords function
# scales needed for the rescale function used below
#' @description {
#' This is the script with all the widely used functions in the nutrient modeling project.
#' }

sourceFile <- "nutrientModFunctions.R"
description <- "This is the script with all the widely used functions in the nutrient modeling project."

fontFamily <- "Cambria"

# sourcer is currently only used in automate.R but could potentially be used elsewhere
sourcer <- function(srcFile) {
  srcFile <- paste0("R/", srcFile)
  cat("\nRunning ", srcFile, "\n")

createMissingDir <- function(dirNeeded)
  if (!dir.exists(dirNeeded)) {dir.create(dirNeeded)}

#' fileloc directory locations for files
#' @param variableName Name of variable holding a path
#' @param rawData - raw data directory
#' @param mData main data directory
#' @param iData directory with IMPACT data
#' @param uData directory with data that are universal to all scenarios
#' @param gDir  the path to the graphics directory
#' @param resultsPaperDir directory with results for the paper
#' @param resultsDir directory for results
#' @param FBSData directory where FBS data are kept
#' @param SSPData the path to the SSP data directory
#' @param IMPACTRawData the path to the raw IMPACT data directory
#' @param IMPACTCleanData  the path to the cleaned up IMPACT data directory
#' @return Value of the variableName to be assigned in another script
#' fileloc()
#' @return Value of the variableName to be assigned in another script
#' @export

fileloc <- function(variableName) {
  gdxChoice <- "SSPs"
  rawData <- "data-raw"
  mData <- paste("data/", gdxChoice, sep = "")
  gDir <- paste("graphics", gdxChoice, sep = "/")
  iData <- paste(mData, "IMPACTData/", sep = "/")
  uData <- "data/universalData"
  nutData <- "data-raw/NutrientData"
  resultsTop <- "results"
  resultsDir <- paste("results/", gdxChoice, sep = "")
  resultsPaperDir <- "results/nutPaper"
  shinyApp <- "nutrientModeling"
  shinyAppData <- "nutrientModeling/data"
  FBSData <- paste(rawData, "FBSData", sep = "/")
  SSPData <- paste(rawData, "SSPData", sep = "/")
  IMPACTRawData <- paste(rawData, "IMPACTData", sep = "/")
  IMPACTCleanData <- paste(mData, "IMPACTData/", gdxChoice, sep = "/")
  NutrientData <- paste(rawData, "NutrientData", sep = "/")
  nutrientDataDetails <- paste(rawData, "NutrientData", "nutrientDetails", sep = "/")
  if (variableName == "list") {
  } else {
    return(eval(parse(text = variableName)))

#' getNewestVersion
#' @param fileShortName The substantive (first) part of the file name.
#' @return The most recent file.
#' getNewestVersion()
#' @export
getNewestVersion <- function(fileShortName, directory, fileType) {
  if (missing(directory)) {mData <- fileloc("mData")} else {mData <- directory}
  if (missing(fileType)) {fileType <- "rds"}
  # see
  # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7381641/regex-matching-beginning-and-end-strings
  # for an explanation of this regex expression
  # regExp <- paste("(?=^", fileShortName, ")(?=.*rawData$)", sep = "")
  #  regExp <- paste("(?=^", fileShortName, ")(?=.*", fileType, "$)", sep = "")
  # stringChar <- unlist(strsplit(list.files(mData)[1], ".", fixed = TRUE))
  # # this is still a potential problem. If the first file in the directory doesn't have the same date
  # dateOfFirst <- stringChar[length(stringChar) - 1]
  # tailLength <- 15 # to remove data and the period and csv or rds
  # if (fileType == "xlsx") tailLength <- 16 # for xlsx files
  # fillIn <- paste('.{', tailLength, '}$', sep = "")
  fileShortNameTest <- paste(fileShortName,"_2", sep = "") # this should get rid of the multiple files problem
  filesofFileType <- list.files(mData)[grep(fileType,list.files(mData))]
  # Note: added grepteststring, changed grep to grepl and fixed to FALSE June 14, 2018
  greptestString <- paste0("^", fileShortNameTest)
  fileLongName <- filesofFileType[grepl(greptestString, filesofFileType, fixed = FALSE)]
  #  cat("\nfileLongName ", fileLongName)
  #  temp <- gsub(fillIn, "", list.files(mData))
  # filesList <-
  #   grep(regExp,
  #        list.files(mData),
  #        value = TRUE,
  #        perl = TRUE)
  # print(filesList)
  # newestFile <- filesList[length(filesList)]
  #  if (length(newestFile) == 0) {
  # check to see if the short file name is in the list from the relevant directory
  # cat("\nfileShortName is ", fileShortName))
  #  print(fileLongName)
  if (length(fileLongName) == 0) {
    cat("\nCan't find ", fileShortName, " in  directory ", mData, "\n")
    stop(sprintf("\nThere is no file  '%s' in directory %s, \n", fileShortName, mData))
  if (length(fileLongName) > 1) {
    cat("\nTwo versions of ", fileShortName, " in  directory ", mData, "\n")
    stop(sprintf("\nTwo or more files with  '%s' in their names in directory %s, \n", fileShortName, mData))
  #       cat(fileLongName)
  outFile = readRDS(paste(mData, fileLongName, sep = "/"))

#' Title getNewestVersionIMPACT
#' @description read in a .rds file that includes the file fileShortName from the data/IMPACTData directory
#' @param fileShortName The substantive (first) part of the file name.
#' @return The most recent .rds file of IMPACT data
#' getNewestVersionIMPACT()
#' @export
getNewestVersionIMPACT <- function(fileShortName) {
  getNewestVersion(fileShortName, fileloc("iData"))

# removeFcn used in removeOldVersions
removeFcn <- function(regExp,dir) {
  oldVersionList <-
         value = TRUE,
         perl = TRUE)
  if (length(oldVersionList) > 0) {
    #      print(oldVersionList)
    file.remove(paste(dir, oldVersionList, sep = "/"))

#' Title removeOldVersions - removes old version of a rawData file
#' @param fileShortName short name of the file to be removed
#' @param dir directory of the file to be removed
#' removeOldVersions()
#' @export
removeOldVersions <- function(fileShortName,dir) {
  # remove .rawData versions
  regExp <- paste("(?=^", fileShortName, ")(?=.*rawData$)", sep = "")
  removeFcn(regExp, dir)
  # remove .rds versions
  regExp <- paste("(?=^", fileShortName, ")(?=.*rds$)", sep = "")
  removeFcn(regExp, dir)
  # remove .xlsx versions
  regExp <- paste("(?=^", fileShortName, ")(?=.*xlsx$)", sep = "")
  removeFcn(regExp, dir)
  # remove .csv versions
  regExp <- paste("(?=^", fileShortName, ")(?=.*csv$)", sep = "")
  removeFcn(regExp, dir)

createScriptMetaData <- function(srcFile) {
  if (!exists("metadataDT")){
    metadataDT <<- data.table(outName = character(0), sourcecode = character(0), destDir = character(0), desc = character(0), colNames = character(0))

finalizeScriptMetadata <- function(metadataDT, sourceFile) {
  write.csv(metadataDT, file = paste("documentation/metadata", sourceFile, "csv", sep = "."), row.names = FALSE)

clearMemory <- function(srcFile, gdxChoice = gdxChoice) {
  cat("Clearing memory after running", srcFile, "\n")
  rmList <- ls(envir = as.environment(1)) # pos=1 says do this in the global environment
  rmList <- rmList[!rmList %in% "gdxChoice"]
  rm(list = rmList, envir = as.environment(1))
  # The sourcer function is run here in case the automate script is used to run all the R scripts

#' Title cleanup - remove old versions and save rds and xlsx or csv versions of the file
#' @param inDT name of the data table or frame to be written out
#' @param outName short name of the file to be written out
#' @param destDir directory where the cleanup takes place
#' @param writeFiles format to use for writing output in addition to RDS
#' @description brief description of the contents of the file
cleanup <- function(inDT, outName, destDir, writeFiles, desc) {
  srcFile <- get("sourceFile", envir = .GlobalEnv)
  if (missing(writeFiles)) {writeFiles = "xlsx"}
  if (missing(destDir)) {destDir = fileloc("mData")}
  colNames <- paste(colnames(inDT), collapse = ", ")
  outInfo <- list(outName, srcFile, destDir, desc, colNames)
  metadataDT <<- rbind(metadataDT, outInfo)
  #  cat("\n", "Outfilename: ", outName, " Destination: ", Destination," Script: ", srcFile," Desc: ", desc," Col. names: ", colNames, "\n")
  #convert to a standard order
  oldOrder <- names(inDT)
  startOrder <- c("scenario",keyVariable("region"),"year")
  if (all(startOrder %in% oldOrder)) {
    remainder <- oldOrder[!oldOrder %in% startOrder]
  removeOldVersions(outName, destDir)
  sprintf("\nWriting the rds for %s to %s ", outName, destDir)
  # print(proc.time())
  # next line removes any key left in the inDT data table; this may be an issue if a df is used
  data.table::setkey(inDT, NULL)
  outFile <- paste(destDir, "/", outName, "_", Sys.Date(), ".rds", sep = "")
  saveRDS(inDT, file = outFile)
  # # update files documentation -----
  # Note: fileDocumentation.csv is currently not being used.
  # fileDoc <- data.table::as.data.table(read.csv(paste(fileloc("rawData"), "fileDocumentation.csv", sep = "/"),
  #     header = TRUE, colClasses = c("character","character","character")))
  # fileDoc <- fileDoc[!fileShortName == outName]
  # fileDocUpdate <- as.list(c(outName, outFile, paste0(names(inDT), collapse = ", ")))
  # fileDoc <- rbind(fileDoc, fileDocUpdate)
  # write.csv(fileDoc, paste(fileloc("mData"), "fileDocumentation.csv", sep = "/"), row.names = FALSE)
  # #print(proc.time())
  if (missing(writeFiles)) {writeFiles = "xlsx"}
  if (nrow(inDT) > 75000) {
    sprintf("\nThe number of rows in the data, %s, is greater than 50,000. Not writing xlsx or csv", nrow(inDT))
    writeFiles <- writeFiles[!writeFiles %in% c("xlsx")]
  if ("csv"  %in% writeFiles) {
    sprintf("\nWriting the csv for %s to %s ", outName, destDir)
    write.csv(inDT,file = paste(destDir, "/", outName, "_", Sys.Date(), ".csv", sep = ""), row.names = FALSE)
  if ("xlsx"  %in% writeFiles) {
    #    cat("\nwriting the xlsx for ", outName, " to ", dir, sep = ""))
    wbGeneral <- openxlsx::createWorkbook()
    longName <- outName
    outName <- strtrim(outName, c(31))
    openxlsx::addWorksheet(wb = wbGeneral, sheetName = outName)
      inDT,  sheet = outName, startRow = 1, startCol = 1, rowNames = FALSE,
      colNames = TRUE, withFilter = TRUE)
      wbGeneral, sheet = outName, cols = 1:ncol(inDT), widths = "auto" )
    numStyle <- openxlsx::createStyle(numFmt = "0.000")
      wbGeneral, sheet = outName, style = numStyle, rows = 1:nrow(inDT) + 1, cols = 2:ncol(inDT), # +1 added Mar 24, 2017
      gridExpand = TRUE )
    xcelOutFileName = paste(destDir, "/", longName, "_", Sys.Date(), ".xlsx", sep = "") # added longName functionality June 20, 2018
    openxlsx::saveWorkbook(wbGeneral, xcelOutFileName, overwrite = TRUE)
    #   cat("\nDone writing the xlsx for ", outName, sep = "")
    #  print(proc.time())

cleanupGraphFiles <- function(inGraphFile, outName, destDir, desc) {
  sprintf("start cleanup for %s", outName)
  srcFile <- get("srcFile", envir = .GlobalEnv)
  removeOldVersions(outName, destDir)
  if (missing(destDir)) {destDir = fileloc("mData")}
  colNames <- paste(inDT$names, collapse = ", ")
  outInfo <- list(outName, srcFile, destDir, desc, colNames)
  metadataDT <<- rbind(metadataDT, outInfo)
  sprintf("\nWriting the rds for %s to %s ", outName, destDir)
  # print(proc.time())
  # next line removes any key left in the inDT data table; this may be an issue if a df is used
  data.table::setkey(inDT, NULL)
  outFile <- paste(destDir, "/", outName, "_", Sys.Date(), ".rds", sep = "")
  saveRDS(inGraphFile, file = outFile)

cleanupNutrientNames <- function(nutList) {
  nutList <- gsub("food_group_code","Food group code", nutList)
  nutList <- gsub("_g_reqRatio","", nutList)
  nutList <- gsub("reqRatio","", nutList)
  nutList <- gsub("vit_","Vitamin ", nutList)
  nutList <- gsub("_µg","", nutList, fixed = TRUE)
  nutList <- gsub("_mg","", nutList)
  nutList <- gsub("_g","", nutList)
  nutList <- gsub("totalfiber","total fiber", nutList)
  nutList <- gsub(".ratio.foodGroup","", nutList)
  nutList <- gsub(".sum.all","", nutList)
  nutList <- gsub("rootsNPlantain","roots and plantain", nutList)
  nutList <- gsub("nutsNseeds","nuts and oilseeds", nutList)
  nutList <- gsub("alcohol","alcoholic beverages", nutList)
  nutList <- gsub("beverages","nonalcoholic beverages", nutList)
  nutList <- gsub("alcoholic nonalcoholic beverages","alcoholic beverages", nutList)
  nutList <- gsub("ft_acds_tot_sat", "saturated fat", nutList)
  nutList <- gsub("_g_AMDR", "", nutList)
  nutList <- gsub("Vitamin b", "Vitamin B", nutList)
  nutList <- gsub("Vitamin c", "Vitamin C", nutList)
  nutList <- gsub("Vitamin d", "Vitamin D", nutList)
  nutList <- gsub("Vitamin e", "Vitamin E", nutList)
  nutList <- gsub("Vitamin k", "Vitamin K", nutList)
  nutList <- TC(nutList)
  nutList <- gsub("A_rae","A (RAE)", nutList)

#' Title keyVariable - Return a key variable, or a list of all possibilities
#' @param keepYearList list of scenario years to keep
#' @param keepYearList.FBS list of FBS years to keep
#' @param FBSyearsToAverage years to average over for base data set
#' @param IMPACTfish_codevariable name list for fish consumption items for IMPACT
#' @param IMPACTalcohol_code variable name list for alcoholic beverages consumption for IMPACT
#' @param IMPACTfoodCommodList variable name lists for IMPACT food commodities
#' @param scenarioListSSP.pop list of scenarios in the SSP pop data
#' @param scenarioListSSP.GDP list of scenarios in the SSP GDP|PPP data
#' @param DinY number of days in a year
#' @param reqsList nutrient requirements basic list
#' @param reqsList_RDA_macro <list of RDAs for macro nutrients
#' @param reqsList_RDA_minrls <list of RDAs for mineral nutrients
#' @param reqsList_RDA_vits <list of RDAs for vitamin nutrients
#' @param reqsListSSP nutrient requirements by SSP age groups
#' @param switch.useCookingRetnValues apply the cooking retention values to the nutrient content
#' @param userName Name of person running the scripts and generating results
#' @param region  Aggregation scheme from individual countries to regions
#' @param switch.fixFish - if TRUE, fix salmon, tuna, and crustaceans
#' @param switch.changeElasticity - if TRUE, set max fish income elasticities to 1
#' @param commonList - names of the lists of nutrient names common to the nutrient lookup table and the requirements
#' @param dropListCty list of countries to drop because of insufficient data
#' @param allAfricaCodes list of all African countries
#' @param SSAfricaCodes list of Sub Saharan African countries
#' @param regions.AfricanAgFutures list of countries used in the African Ag Futures project
#' @param tenregions list of 10 countries to to provide individual country graphs for in the nutrient modeling project

#' @return list of key variables
#' keyVariable()
#' @export

keyVariable <- function(variableName) {
  switch.fixFish <- "TRUE"
  switch.useCookingRetnValues <- "TRUE"
  switch.changeElasticity <- "TRUE"
  switch.vars <- "TRUE"
  switch.fortification <- "FALSE" # only relevant if switch.vars is TRUE
  region <- "region_code.IMPACT159"
  keepYearList <- c("X2010", "X2015", "X2020", "X2025", "X2030", "X2035", "X2040", "X2045", "X2050")
  keepYearList.FBS <- c("X2000", "X2001", "X2002", "X2003", "X2004", "X2005",
                        "X2006", "X2007", "X2008", "X2009", "X2010", "X2011")
  FBSyearsToAverage.baseyear <- c("X2004", "X2005", "X2006")
  FBSyearsToAverage.startyear <- c("X2009", "X2010", "X2011")
  fishComposites <- c("c_Mllsc", "c_ODmsrl", "c_OPelag", "c_Crust", "c_OMarn", "c_FrshD")
  foodGroups <- c("alcohol", "beverages", "cereals", "dairy", "eggs", "fish", "fruits", "meats", "nutsNseeds", "oils", "pulses", "rootsNPlantain", "sweeteners", "vegetables")
  keepListYears.composites <- c("Y2011", "Y2012", "Y2013")
  #' note shrimp, tuna, and salmon are removed in dataManagement.fish.R
  IMPACTfish_code <- c("c_Shrimp", "c_Crust", "c_Salmon", "c_FrshD", "c_ODmrsl",
                       "c_Tuna",  "c_OMarn",  "c_Mllsc", "c_OPelag", "c_FshOil", "c_aqan",
  IMPACTalcohol_code <- c("c_wine", "c_beer", "c_spirits")
  IMPACTfoodCommodList <- sort(c("cbeef", "cpork", "clamb", "cpoul", "ceggs", "cmilk", "cbarl", "cmaiz",
                                 "cmill", "crice", "csorg", "cwhea", "cocer", "ccass", "cpota", "cswpt",
                                 "cyams", "corat", "cbean", "cchkp", "ccowp", "clent", "cpigp", "copul",
                                 "cbana", "cplnt", "csubf", "ctemf", "cvege", "csugr", "cgrnd", "cgdol",
                                 "crpol", "csoyb", "csbol", "csnfl", "csfol", "cplol", "cpkol", "crpsd",
                                 "ctols", "ctool", "ccoco", "ccafe", "cteas", "cothr", "ctoml", IMPACTfish_code, #ctoml added May 31 to be consistent with IFPRI list. FAO includes this as a food item.
  macronutrients <- c("carbohydrate_g", "fat_g",  "protein_g", "totalfiber_g")
  vitamins <- c("vit_a_rae_µg", "vit_b6_mg", "vit_b12_µg", "vit_c_mg", "vit_d_µg", "vit_e_mg", "vit_k_µg",
                "folate_µg", "niacin_mg", "riboflavin_mg", "thiamin_mg")
  minerals <- c("calcium_mg",  "iron_mg", "magnesium_mg", "phosphorus_mg",
                "potassium_g", "zinc_mg")
  fattyAcids <- c("ft_acds_tot_sat_g", "ft_acds_mono_unsat_g", "ft_acds_plyunst_g",
  other <- c("ethanol_g", "caffeine_mg", "cholesterol_mg")
  energy <- c("kcals_fat_g", "kcals_carbohydrate_g", "kcals_protein_g",
              "kcals_ethanol_g", "kcals_sugar_g", "kcals_ft_acds_tot_sat_g")  # note that "energy_kcal" is removed from this list
  addedSugar <- c("sugar_g")
  reqsList_RDA_macro <- c("carbohydrate_g", "totalfiber_g", "protein_g")
  reqsList_RDA_vits <- c("vit_a_rae_µg", "vit_c_mg", "vit_d_µg", "vit_e_mg", "vit_k_µg", "thiamin_mg", "riboflavin_mg",
                         "niacin_mg", "vit_b6_mg", "folate_µg", "vit_b12_µg", "pantothenicacid_mg", "biotin_µg", "choline_mg")
  reqsList_RDA_minrls <- c("calcium_mg", "chromium_μg", "copper_μg", "fluoride_mg", "iodine_μg", "iron_mg",
                           "magnesium_mg", "manganese_mg", "molybdenum_μg", "phosphorus_mg", "selenium_μg", "zinc_mg",
                           "potassium_g", "sodium_g", "chloride_g")
  #These are the scenario numbers for the IIASA data with population disaggregated.
  scenarioListSSP.pop <- c("SSP1_v9_130115", "SSP2_v9_130115", "SSP3_v9_130115",
                           "SSP4_v9_130115", "SSP5_v9_130115")
  scenarioListSSP.GDP <- c("SSP1_v9_130325", "SSP2_v9_130325", "SSP3_v9_130325",
                           "SSP4_v9_130325", "SSP5_v9_130325")
  scenarioListIMPACT <- c("SSP2_NoCC", "SSP2_HGEM", "SSP1_NoCC", "SSP3_NoCC") # for gdxChoice = "SSPs"
  SSAfricaCodes <- c("AGO", "BDI", "BEN", "BFA", "BWA", "CAF", "CIV", "CMR",
                     "COD", "COG", "DJI", "ERI", "ETH", "GAB", "GHA", "GIN",
                     "GMB", "GNB", "GNQ", "KEN", "LBR", "LSO", "MDG", "MLI", "MOZ", "MRT", # removed "MOR". It's in north Africa. Added Mauritania
                     "MWI", "NAM", "NER", "NGA", "RWA", "SDN", "SDP", "SEN", "SLE", #removed "OAO" other Atlantic Ocean
                     "SOM", "SSD", "SWZ", "TCD", "TGO", "TZA", "UGA", "ZAF", "ZMB", "ZWE")
  allAfricaCodes <- c("AGO", "BDI", "BEN", "BFA", "BWA", "CAF", "CIV", "CMR", "COD", "COG", "DJI", "DZA",
                      "EGY", "ERI", "ETH", "GAB", "GHA", "GIN", "GMB", "GNB", "GNQ", "KEN", "LBR", "LBY", "LSO", "MDG", "MLI",
                      "MOR", "MOZ", "MRT", "MWI", "NAM", "NER", "NGA", "RWA", "SDN", "SEN", "SLE", "SOM", "SWZ", "TCD", "TGO",
                      "TUN", "TZA", "UGA", "ZAF", "ZMB", "ZWE")
  regions.AfricanAgFutures <- c("ETH", "NGA", "MWI", "MOZ", "ZMB", "ZWE")
  tenregions <- sort(c("NIC", "BRA", "CHM", "ETH", "IND", "GHA", "TZA", "FRP", "VNM", "USA"))
  # scenarioListIMPACT <- as.character(read.csv(file = paste(fileloc("mData"),"scenarioListIMPACT.csv", sep = "/"), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)[,1])
  DinY <- 365 #see http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9465817/count-days-per-year for a way to deal with leap years
  #' #' countries to remove because of poor data
  #' FSM - Micronesia, Federated States of
  #' GRD - Grenada
  #' PRK - Korea, Democratic People's Republic of
  #' GRL - has no data in FAO's FBS
  reqsList <-
      "req_MRVs" # added March 24, 2017
  # ,
  reqsListPercap <- paste(reqsList,"_percap", sep = "")
  reqsListSSP <- paste(reqsList,"_ssp", sep = "")
  dropListCty <- c("GRL", "FSM", "GRD", "PRK")
  commonList <- paste("common.", reqsList, sep = "")
  c( "common.EAR", "common.RDA.vits", "common.RDA.minrls", "common.RDA.macro", "common.AMDR_hi", "common.AMDR_lo","common.UL.vits","common.UL.minrls")
  userName <- "Gerald C. Nelson"
  if (variableName == "list") {
        # "scenarioListIMPACT",
  } else {
    return(eval(parse(text = variableName)))

# used in automate.R
metadata <- function() {
  metadata <-
      file_name_location = character(1),
      file_description = character(1),
      stringsAsFactors = FALSE
  metadata[(nrow(metadata) + 1), ] <-
    c(fileNameList("DRIs"), "data on nutrient requirements")
  metadata[(nrow(metadata) + 1), ] <-
      "Source of EARS, RDAs, and ULs"
  metadata[(nrow(metadata) + 1), ] <-
    c(fileNameList("CSEs"), "Consumer Surplus Equivalents for IMPACT commodities")
  metadata[(nrow(metadata) + 1), ] <-
      "Lookup table from ISO codes to various regional groupings")
  # metadata[(nrow(metadata) + 1), ] <-
  #   c(gdxFileName, "IMPACT demand data in gdx form")
  # metadata[(nrow(metadata) + 1), ] <-
  #   c(gdxChoice, "project source of gdx-based demand data")
  # metadata[(nrow(metadata) + 1), ] <-
  #   c(fileNameList("R_GAMS_SYSDIR"),
  #     "Location and name of GAMS program; needed for the gdx data import process"
  #   )
  metadata[(nrow(metadata) + 1), ] <-
    c(fileNameList("IMPACTfish"), "data on fish from the IMPACT fish model")
  # nutrient data ------
  metadata[(nrow(metadata) + 1), ] <-
    c(fileNameList("nutrientLU"), "nutrient lookup data for IMPACT commodities")
  metadata[(nrow(metadata) + 1), ] <-
    c(fileNameList("foodGroupLU"), "commodity to food group lookup table")
  # SSP information ----
  metadata[(nrow(metadata) + 1), ] <-
    c(fileNameList("SSPdataZip"), "zip file containing the SSP data")
  metadata[(nrow(metadata) + 1), ] <-
    c(fileNameList("SSPcsv"), "csv file inside the SSP zip file")
  metadata[(nrow(metadata) + 1), ] <-
      "List of SSP models to extract population from")
  metadata[(nrow(metadata) + 1), ] <-
      "List of SSP models to extract GDP data from")
  metadata[(nrow(metadata) + 1), ] <-
      "lookup tables for SSP to DRI age and gender groups")
  # FBS information ----
  metadata[(nrow(metadata) + 1), ] <-
    c(filelocFBS("FBSdataZip"), "Zip file containing the FBS data")
  metadata[(nrow(metadata) + 1), ] <-
    c("FBS data creation date", filelocFBS("createDate"))
  metadata[(nrow(metadata) + 1), ] <-
    c("FBS lookup table", filelocFBS("FBSlookupTableLink"))
  metadata[(nrow(metadata) + 1), ] <-
      "File in the FBS zip file containing the FBS data")
  metadata[(nrow(metadata) + 1), ] <-
      "Lookup table for FAOSTAT and other country identification"
  metadata[(nrow(metadata) + 1), ] <-
      "List of all ISO 3 codes and the names of the countries they represent")
  inDT <- data.table::as.data.table(metadata)
  outName <- "dt.metadata"
  desc <- "Metadata of various kinds"
  cleanup(inDT,outName, fileloc("resultsDir"), desc = desc)

#' Title fileNameList returns a list of filenames, with or without complete paths
#' @param DRIFileName - the name of the spreadsheet with the DRI data
#' @param DRIs - the path to and the name of the DRI data file
#' @param CSEFileName - the name of the file with consumer support equivalents (CSEs)
#' @param CSEs - the path to and the file name for the CSE data
#' @param IMPACT159regionsFileName - the file name with the IMPACT159 regions names
#' @param IMPACT159regions - the path to and the file name for the IMPACT159 regions names
#' @param IMPACTregionsUpdateJun2016 - update to IMPACT regions in June 2016
#' @param IMPACTstdRegionsFileName - file name with IMPACT standard global regions
#' @param IMPACTstdRegions - path and file name for the list of IMPACT standard regions
#' @param IMPACTgdxfileName- file name with IMPACT demand results
#' @param IMPACTgdx - name and path to IMPACT demand results gdx file
#' @param gdxLib - path to gdx library
#' @param R_GAMS_SYSDIR - path to gdx library
#' @param IMPACTfishInfo - file name with info in IMPACT fish elasticities and quantities
#' @param IMPACTfish - path and file name for IMPACT fish elasticities and quantities
#' @param IMPACTalcoholInfo - file name with info in IMPACT alcohol elasticities
#' @param IMPACTalcohol - path and file name for IMPACT alcohol elasticities and quantities
#' @param IMPACTfood - path and file name for IMPACT food results
#' @param nutrientFileName - file name for nutrient lookup data
#' @param nutrientLU - path and file name for nutrient lookup data
#' @param dt.foodGroupLUFileName - file name for the commodity to food group lookup spreadsheet
#' @param dt.foodGroupLU - path and file name for the commodity to food group lookup
#' @param SSPdataZipFile - file name of the SSP data in zip format
#' @param SSPdataZip - path and file name for the SSP data zip file
#' @param SSPcsv - name of the SSP data file in the zip file
#' @param modelListPop - list of models (currently only one) for the population data
#' @param modelListGDP - list of models (currently only one) for the GDP data
#' @param SSP_DRI_ageGroupLUFileName - lookup tables for SSP to DRI age and gender groups
#' @param SSP_DRI_ageGroupLU - lookup tables for SSP to DRI age and gender groups
#' @source \url{http://faostat3.fao.org/download/FB/FBS/E} Source of FBS data
#' @return Nothing
#' fileNameList()
#' @export
fileNameList <- function(variableName) {
  IMPACTCleanData <- fileloc("IMPACTCleanData")
  nutrientDataDetails <- paste(fileloc("rawData"), "NutrientData/nutrientDetails", sep = "/")
  SSPData <- fileloc("SSPData")
  DRIFileName <- "DRI_IOM_V8.xlsx"
  mData <- fileloc("mData")
  DRIs  <- paste(nutrientDataDetails, DRIFileName, sep = "/")
  # CSE - consumer support equivalent
  #Note: the price a consumer pays is Pc * (1-CSE)
  CSEFileName <- "CSEs20150824.xlsx"
  CSEs  <- paste(fileloc("IMPACTRawData"), CSEFileName, sep = "/")
  regionsLookupName <- "regions lookup June 15 2018.xlsx" # adds regions for the USAID priorities work
  regionsLookup <- paste(fileloc("rawData"),regionsLookupName, sep = "/")
  R_GAMS_SYSDIR <- "/Applications/GAMS/gams24.5_osx_x64_64_sfx"
  IMPACTfishInfo <- "Fish Elasticities and Quantities IMPACT.xlsx"
  IMPACTfish   <- paste(fileloc("IMPACTRawData"), IMPACTfishInfo, sep = "/")
  IMPACTalcoholInfo <- "Alcohol Elasticities and Quantities IMPACT.xlsx"
  IMPACTalcohol   <- paste(fileloc("IMPACTRawData"), IMPACTalcoholInfo, sep = "/")
  IMPACTfoodFileName <- "dt.IMPACTfood"
  IMPACTfoodFileInfo <-  paste(mData,"/IMPACTData/",IMPACTfoodFileName,sep = "")
  # nutrient data ------
  nutrientFileName <-  "dt.IMPACTnutrientlookup"
  nutrientLU  <- paste(mData, nutrientFileName, sep = "/")
  foodGroupLUFileName <- "food commodity to food group table V4.xlsx"
  foodGroupLU <- paste(nutrientDataDetails, foodGroupLUFileName, sep = "/")
  # SSP information ----
  if (variableName %in% c("SSPcsv", "SSPdataZip")) {
    SSPdataZipFile   <- "SspDb_country_data_2013-06-12.csv.zip"
    SSPdataZip  <- paste(SSPData, SSPdataZipFile, sep = "/")
    #get the name of the file inside the zip. Assumes only 1
    zipHolder   <- unzip(SSPdataZip, list = TRUE)
    SSPcsv <- zipHolder$Name[1]
  modelListPop <- "IIASA-WiC POP"
  modelListGDP <- "OECD Env-Growth"
  SSP_DRI_ageGroupLUFileName <-  "SSP_DRI_ageGroupLookUp.xlsx"
  SSP_DRI_ageGroupLU <-
    paste(nutrientDataDetails, SSP_DRI_ageGroupLUFileName, sep = "/")
  if (variableName == "list") {
    #list of variables that can be returned
        #       "IMPACTgdxfileName",
        #       "IMPACTgdx",
  } else {
    return(eval(parse(text = variableName)))

# Food Balance Sheet Information information ----
#' Title filelocFBS Returns a list of files and paths for FBS-related data
#' @source  \url{http://www.fao.org/countryprofiles/iso3list/en/}
#' @param FBSdataZipFile - file name for the Food Balance Sheet data in zip file
#' @param FBSdataZip - path and file name for the Food Balance Sheet zip file
#' @param FBScsv - name of the FBS csv file contained the FBS zip file
#' @param FBSCommodityInfoFileName - worksheet with the list of FBS food items by code, name, definition, and IMPACT commodity code
#' @param FBSCommodityInfo - path and file name to the worksheet with the list of FBS food items by code, name, definition, and IMPACT commodity code
#' @param FAOCountryNameCodeLookupFile - file with lookup info for FAO codes and others including ISO3
#' @param FAOCountryNameCodeLookup - path and file name for the lookup spreadsheet
#' @param ISOCodesFile - file name with ISO country codes
#' @param ISOCodes - path and file name for the ISO country codes
#' @param FBSregionsToDrop - countries that do not have enough information or are large regions
#' @return The content of the variable name.
#' filelocFBS()
#' @export
filelocFBS <- function(variableName) {
  FBSData <- fileloc("FBSData")
  rawData <- fileloc("rawData")
  #' FBS to ISO lookup table
  FBSlookupTableLink <- "http://www.fao.org/countryprofiles/iso3list/en/"
  FBSdataZipFile <- "FoodBalanceSheets_E_All_Data.zip"
  FBSdataZip <- paste(FBSData, FBSdataZipFile, sep = "/")
  list <- unzip(FBSdataZip, list = TRUE)
  createDate <- as.character(list$Date[1])
  temp <-
    unzip(FBSdataZip, list = TRUE) #get the name of the file inside the zip. Assumes only 1
  FBScsv <- temp$Name[1]
  FBSCommodityInfoFileName <- "FBStoIMPACTlookupV3.xlsx"
  FBSCommodityInfo <-
    paste(FBSData, FBSCommodityInfoFileName, sep = "/")
  FAOCountryNameCodeLookupFile <- "FAOCountryNameCodeLookup.xlsx"
  FAOCountryNameCodeLookup <-
    paste(FBSData, FAOCountryNameCodeLookupFile, sep = "/")
  ISOCodesFile <- "ISOCountrycodes.xlsx"
  ISOCodes <- paste(rawData, ISOCodesFile, sep = "/")
  #These regions are reported as their individual member countries during the relevant
  # time period (e.g. after 1999 for Belgium-Luxembourg). Their data entries are all NA.
  # Although Ethiopia PDR doesn't have data, Ethiopia does.
  FBSregionsToDrop <- c("Belgium-Luxembourg", "Czechoslovakia", "Ethiopia PDR",
                        "Montenegro", "Serbia", "Serbia and Montenegro", "Yugoslav SFR", "Europe",
                        "Eastern Europe", "Southern Europe", "Western Europe", "European Union",
                        "USSR", "World", "Netherlands Antilles (former)", "Caribbean")
  if (variableName == "list") {
      #list of variables that can be returned
  } else {
    return(eval(parse(text = variableName)))

countryNameLookup <- function(countryCode, directory) {
  if (missing(directory)) {mData <- fileloc("mData")} else {mData <- directory}
  dt.regions <- getNewestVersion('dt.regions.all', fileloc("uData"))
  if (!countryCode %in% dt.regions$region_code.IMPACT159) {
    stop(sprintf("The country code you entered (%s) is not in the lookup table", countryCode))
  } else {
    countryName <- dt.regions[region_code.IMPACT159 == countryCode,region_name.IMPACT159]
countryCodeLookup <- function(countryName, directory) {
  if (missing(directory)) {mData <- fileloc("mData")} else {mData <- directory}
  dt.regions <- getNewestVersion('dt.regions.all', fileloc("uData"))
  if (!countryName %in% dt.regions$region_name.IMPACT159) {
    stop(sprintf("The country name you entered (%s) is not in the lookup table", countryName))
  } else {
    countryCode <- dt.regions[region_name.IMPACT159 == countryName, region_code.IMPACT159]

countryCodeCleanup <- function(DT) {
  #converts IMPACT code to ISO3 code for largest country in the region.
  DT <- DT[region_code.IMPACT159 %in% "FRP", region_code.IMPACT159 := "FRA"]
  DT <- DT[region_code.IMPACT159 %in% "CHM", region_code.IMPACT159 := "CHN"]
  DT <- DT[region_code.IMPACT159 %in% "CHP", region_code.IMPACT159 := "CHE"]
  DT <- DT[region_code.IMPACT159 %in% "DNP", region_code.IMPACT159 := "DNK"]
  DT <- DT[region_code.IMPACT159 %in% "FNP", region_code.IMPACT159 := "FIN"]
  DT <- DT[region_code.IMPACT159 %in% "ITP", region_code.IMPACT159 := "ITA"]
  DT <- DT[region_code.IMPACT159 %in% "MOR", region_code.IMPACT159 := "MAR"]
  DT <- DT[region_code.IMPACT159 %in% "SPP", region_code.IMPACT159 := "ESP"]
  DT <- DT[region_code.IMPACT159 %in% "UKP", region_code.IMPACT159 := "GBR"]
  DT <- DT[region_code.IMPACT159 %in% "BLX", region_code.IMPACT159 := "BEL"]
  DT <- DT[region_code.IMPACT159 %in% "SDP", region_code.IMPACT159 := "SDN"]
  DT <- DT[region_code.IMPACT159 %in% "RAP", region_code.IMPACT159 := "ARE"]
  DT <- DT[region_code.IMPACT159 %in% "GSA", region_code.IMPACT159 := "SUR"]
  DT <- DT[region_code.IMPACT159 %in% "CRB", region_code.IMPACT159 := "TTO"]
  DT <- DT[region_code.IMPACT159 %in% "OSA", region_code.IMPACT159 := "SIN"]
  DT <- DT[region_code.IMPACT159 %in% "BLT", region_code.IMPACT159 := "LTU"]
  DT <- DT[region_code.IMPACT159 %in% "OBN", region_code.IMPACT159 := "SRB"]
  DT <- DT[region_code.IMPACT159 %in% "OAO", region_code.IMPACT159 := "CPV"]
  DT <- DT[region_code.IMPACT159 %in% "OIO", region_code.IMPACT159 := "MDV"]
  DT <- DT[region_code.IMPACT159 %in% "OPO", region_code.IMPACT159 := "WSM"]

# test data for reqRatiodatasetup
countryCode <- "AFG"; years <- c("X2010", "X2030", "X2050")
reqTypeChoice <- "RDA_reqRatio_macro_all"

regionAgg <- function(aggChoice) {
  # region info setup for aggregating -----
  dt.regions.all <- getNewestVersion("dt.regions.all", fileloc("uData"))
  I3regions <- sort(unique(dt.regions.all$region_code.IMPACT159))
  tenregions <- keyVariable("tenregions") # returns country codes
  regions.AfricanAgFutures <- keyVariable("regions.AfricanAgFutures") # returns country codes
  AfricaWest <- c("Benin", "Burkina Faso", "Cape Verde", "Ivory Coast", "Gambia", "Ghana", "Guinea", "Guinea-Bissau",
                  "Liberia", "Mali", "Mauritania", "Niger", "Nigeria", "Senegal", "Sierra Leone", "Togo")
  dropList.AfricaWest <- c("Cape Verde", "Gambia", "Guinea", "Guinea-Bissau", "Mauritania")
  AfricaEast <- sort(c("Tanzania", "Kenya", "Uganda", "Rwanda", "Burundi", "South Sudan", "Djibouti", "Eritrea", "Ethiopia",
                       "Somalia", "Comoros", "Mauritius", "Seychelles", "Mozambique", "Madagascar", "Malawi", "Zambia", "Sudan"))
  dropList.AfricaEast <- c("Comoros", "Djibouti", "Eritrea", "Seychelles", "Somalia", "South Sudan")
  AggReg1 <- sort(unique(dt.regions.all$region_code.AggReg1))
  AggReg2 <- sort(unique(dt.regions.all$region_code.AggReg2))
  twoEconGroup <- sort(unique(dt.regions.all$region_code.EconGroup))
  WB <- sort(unique(dt.regions.all$region_code.WB.income))
  regionNamestenregions <- unique(dt.regions.all[region_code.IMPACT159 %in% tenregions, region_name.IMPACT159])
  regionNamesAggReg1 <- unique(dt.regions.all$region_name.AggReg1)
  regionNamesAggReg2 <- unique(dt.regions.all$region_name.AggReg2)
  regionNamestwoEconGroup <- unique(dt.regions.all$region_name.EconGroup)
  regionNamesWB <- unique(dt.regions.all$region_name.WB)
  # regionCodestenregions
  if (aggChoice == "tenregions") {
    keepListCol <- c("region_code.IMPACT159", "region_code", "region_name.IMPACT159")
    dt.regions.all <- dt.regions.all[region_code.IMPACT159 %in% tenregions,]
    dt.regions.all <- dt.regions.all[, region_code := region_code.IMPACT159]
  # regionCodes regions.AfricanAgFutures
  if (aggChoice == "regions.AfricanAgFutures") {
    keepListCol <- c("region_code.IMPACT159", "region_code", "region_name.IMPACT159")
    dt.regions.all <- dt.regions.all[region_code.IMPACT159 %in% regions.AfricanAgFutures,]
    dt.regions.all <- dt.regions.all[, region_code := region_code.IMPACT159]
  # regionCodesI3regions
  if (aggChoice == "I3regions") {
    keepListCol <- c("region_code.IMPACT159", "region_code", "region_name.IMPACT159")
    dt.regions.all <- dt.regions.all[, region_code := region_code.IMPACT159]
  # regionCodesAggReg1
  if (aggChoice == "AggReg1") {
    keepListCol <- c("region_code.IMPACT159", "region_code.AggReg1", "region_name.AggReg1")
  # regionCodesAggReg2
  if (aggChoice == "AggReg2") {
    keepListCol <- c("region_code.IMPACT159", "region_code.AggReg2", "region_name.AggReg2")
  # regionCodestwoEconGroup
  if (aggChoice == "twoEconGroup") {
    keepListCol <- c("region_code.IMPACT159", "region_code.EconGroup", "region_name.EconGroup")
  # regionCodesWB
  if (aggChoice == "WB") {
    keepListCol <- c("region_code.IMPACT159", "region_code.WB.income", "region_name.WB.income")
  dt.regions <- unique(dt.regions.all[, (keepListCol), with = FALSE])
  data.table::setnames(dt.regions, old = keepListCol, new = c("region_code.IMPACT159", "region_code", "region_name"))

gdxrrwExistenceCheck <- function() {
  # the GAMS gdxrrw package is needed to import data from IMPACT (in R scripts gdxrrwSetup.R, dataPrep.IMPACT.R and dataManagement.IMPACT.R)
  gdxrrwText <- 'The gdxrrw package is needed to run this. It is not available from CRAN; use this url:
https://support.gams.com/gdxrrw:interfacing_gams_and_r. Download the relevant file and use the following command to install
- install.packages("gdxrrw_1.0.4.tgz",repos = NULL). Replace gdxrrw_1.0.4.tgz with the
name of the file you downloaded. Note that if you need the source version, download and install gdxrrw_1.0.4.tar.gz or a newer version. If you put it in the main directory of your project, the install.packages command will find it.
After GAMS is installed you need to tell R where the GAMS library is located. Here are some examples
- mac installation - /Applications/GAMS/gams24.5_osx_x64_64_sfx
- linux installation - /opt/gams/gams24.3_linux_x64_64_sfx
- windows installation - C:\\GAMS\\win32\24.7
  Sometimes there is a problem with the way the package has been zipped. If you get a message like
rawToChar(block[seq_len(ns)], run the following commands in a shell.

- mv gdxrrw_1.0.4.tar.gz foo.tar.gz
- gunzip foo.tar.gz
- tar xf foo.tar
- tar czf gdxrrw_1.0.4.tar.gz gdxrrw'
  new.packages <- list.of.packages[!(list.of.packages %in% installed.packages()[,"Package"])]
  list.of.packages <- c("gdxrrw")
  new.packages <- list.of.packages[!(list.of.packages %in% installed.packages()[,"Package"])]
  if (!length(new.packages) == 0) {
    stop("gdxrrw package not installed")

gdxLibraryLocationCheck <- function() {
  dt.metadata <- getNewestVersion("dt.metadata", fileloc("resultsDir"))
  gdxLibLoc <- dt.metadata[file_description %in%
                             "Location and name of GAMS program; needed for the gdx data import process", file_name_location]
  if (gdxrrw::igdx(gamsSysDir = gdxLibLoc, silent = TRUE) %in% 0L) {
    cat("\nThe nutrient modeling software thinks your GAMS liberary path is", gdxLibLoc, " R can't find it there.")
    if (choice %in% "n") {
      cat("\nType the correct path in the console; e.g. C:\\GAMS\\win32\24.7 ")
      GAMSlibloc <- readline()
      dt.metadata[file_description %in% "Location and name of GAMS program; needed for the gdx data import process", file_name_location := GAMSlibloc]
      cat("\nThe nutrient modeling software now thinks your GAMS liberary path is", gdxLibLoc)
      inDT <- dt.metadata
      outName <- dt.metadata.gdx
      desc <- "Metadata on the gdx file with IMPACT results."
      cleanup(inDT, outName, fileloc("resultsDir"), desc = desc)

# store world map dataframe -----
storeWorldMapDF <- function() {
  srcFile <- "storeWorldMapDF in R/nutrientModFunctions.R"
  # check to see if worldMap already exists
  # naturalearth world map geojson
  # updated source of data is http://www.naturalearthdata.com/downloads/50m-cultural-vectors/
  #world <- readOGR(dsn="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nvkelso/natural-earth-vector/master/geojson/ne_50m_admin_0_countries.geojson", layer="OGRGeoJSON")
  #world <- readOGR(dsn = "data-raw/spatialData/ne_50m_admin_0_countries.geojson", layer = "OGRGeoJSON")
  #  world <- rgdal::readOGR(dsn = "data-raw/spatialData/ne_110m_admin_0_countries.geojson", layer = "OGRGeoJSON")
  # changed to uDir June 9, 2018  filelocMap <- "data-raw/spatialData"
  filelocMap <- fileloc("uData")
  fn <- file.path(filelocMap, "ne_50m_admin_0_countries.zip")
  cat("\n") # so the output from download.file starts on a new line
  # temp <- list.files(fileloc("uData"))
  # if (length(grep("worldMap", temp)) == 0) { commented out July 22, 2018
  # on the assumption that this is only run when something is wrong with the existing map.
  suppressMessages(download.file("http://www.naturalearthdata.com/http//www.naturalearthdata.com/download/50m/cultural/ne_50m_admin_0_countries.zip", fn))
  unzip(fn, exdir = filelocMap)
  #   shpFile <- file.path(filelocMap, "ne_50m_admin_0_countries")
  world.raw <- rgdal::readOGR(dsn = filelocMap, layer = "ne_50m_admin_0_countries")
  # centroids of interest if adding names to the center of a polygon. Not used at the moment
  # centroids.df <- as.data.frame(coordinates(world.raw))
  # names(centroids.df) <- c("Longitude", "Latitude")
  # create new regions code is based on https://philmikejones.me/tutorials/2015-09-03-dissolve-polygons-in-r/
  #keep just the basic information needed
  regions.to.merge <- c("SSD", "SDN") # ISO codes for all the countries in the new region
  # SSD - South Sudan
  # SDN - Sudan
  # impact code SDP - Sudan Plus (combines SSD and SDN)
  dataToKeep <- c("ISO_A3", "NAME_EN", "REGION_UN") # get the complete list with names(world.raw)
  #need to have values for each of the items in dataToKeep for the new region
  name.newRegion <- "Sudan"
  ISOcode.newRegion <- "SDN"
  REGION_UN.newRegion <- "Africa"
  lu <- data.frame(ISO_A3 = ISOcode.newRegion,
                   NAME_EN = name.newRegion,
                   REGION_UN = REGION_UN.newRegion) # data frame to be added to the new region polygon
  world.raw@data <- world.raw@data[,dataToKeep]
  world.raw.subset <- subset(world.raw, ISO_A3 %in% regions.to.merge)
  # add a column to disolve over with gUnaryUnion
  world.raw.subset@data$region.new <- name.newRegion
  world.raw.subset <- gUnaryUnion(world.raw.subset, id = world.raw.subset@data$region.new)
  #now add back in the descriptive data data frame
  # If you want to recreate an object with a data frame
  # make sure row names match
  row.names(world.raw.subset) <- as.character(1:length(world.raw.subset))
  world.raw.subset <- SpatialPolygonsDataFrame(world.raw.subset, lu)
  # now remove the merged regions from the original file
  temp <- subset(world.raw, !ISO_A3 %in% regions.to.merge)
  # now add back the new region
  world.raw <- rbind(temp, world.raw.subset)
  # remove antarctica and some other small countries
  world <- world.raw[!world.raw$ISO_A3 %in% c("ATA"),]
  othersToRemove <- c("ABW", "AIA", "ALA", "AND", "ASM", "AFT")
  world <- world[!world$ISO_A3 %in% othersToRemove,]
  SSAfricaCodes <- keyVariable("SSAfricaCodes")
  allAfricaCodes <- keyVariable("allAfricaCodes")
  africa <- world[world@data$REGION_UN == "Africa",]
  africa$REGION_UN <- factor(africa$REGION_UN)
  europe <-   world[world@data$REGION_UN  == "Europe",]
  europe$REGION_UN <- factor(europe$REGION_UN)
  americas <- world[world@data$REGION_UN  == "Americas",]
  americas$REGION_UN <- factor(americas$REGION_UN)
  asia <- world[world@data$REGION_UN  == "Asia",]
  asia$REGION_UN <- factor(asia$REGION_UN)
  # alternate projections
  projVal.longlat <- '+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs +ellps=WGS84  +towgs84=0,0,0'
  # wintri projection
  projVal.wintri <- "+proj=wintri +datum=WGS84 +no_defs +over" #this doesn't work when you try to create a shapefile with raster:shapefile
  # mercator projection
  projVal.mercat <- "+proj=merc +lon_0=0 +k=1 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs"
  #Robinson projection
  projVal.robin <- "+proj=robin +datum=WGS84 +ellps=WGS84"
  defaultProj <- projVal.longlat
  world <- sp::spTransform(world, CRSobj = defaultProj)
  africa <- sp::spTransform(africa, CRSobj = defaultProj)
  europe <- sp::spTransform(europe, CRSobj = defaultProj)
  americas <- sp::spTransform(americas, CRSobj= defaultProj)
  asia <- sp::spTransform(asia, CRSobj = defaultProj)
  fpusMap <- readOGR(dsn = "data-raw/IMPACTData/IMPACT_FPU_Map", layer = "fpu2015_polygons_v3_multipart_polygons", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  data <- fpusMap@data
  data$region_code.IMPACT159 <- substring(data$FPU2015,5,7) # add region_code.IMPACT159 column to the fpusMap data frame
  fpusMap <- gSimplify(fpusMap, tol = 0.1, topologyPreserve=TRUE) # just keeps the geometry; need next line to put data back in
  fpusMap = SpatialPolygonsDataFrame(fpusMap, data=data)
  fpusMap <- sp::spTransform(fpusMap, CRSobj = defaultProj)
  fpusMap <- gBuffer(fpusMap, byid=TRUE, width=0)
  yieldData <- getNewestVersion("yieldData", fileloc("mData"))
  # keep only the SSAfrica countries for data.fpus.SSA
  fpusMap_SSA <- subset(fpusMap, region_code.IMPACT159  %in% SSAfricaCodes)
  # redo factor after subsetting
  fpusMap_SSA$FPU2015 <- factor(fpusMap_SSA$FPU2015)
  fpusMap_SSA$USAFPU <- factor(fpusMap_SSA$USAFPU)
  fpusMap_SSA$region_code.IMPACT159 <- factor(fpusMap_SSA$region_code.IMPACT159)
  # all the fpus on the African continent
  allAfricaCodes <- keyVariable("allAfricaCodes")
  fpusMap_allAfrica <- subset(fpusMap, region_code.IMPACT159  %in% allAfricaCodes)
  # redo factor after subsetting
  fpusMap_allAfrica$FPU2015 <- factor(fpusMap_allAfrica$FPU2015)
  fpusMap_allAfrica$USAFPU <- factor(fpusMap_allAfrica$USAFPU)
  fpusMap_allAfrica$region_code.IMPACT159 <- factor(fpusMap_allAfrica$region_code.IMPACT159)
  # raster::shapefile(fpusMap_SSA, "fpusMap_SSA.shp", overwrite = TRUE)
  # fpusMap_SSA@data <- data.fpus.SSA
  # saveRDS(world, file = paste(filelocMap, "worldFile.RDS", sep = "/"))
  # saveRDS(africa, file = paste(filelocMap, "africaFile.RDS", sep = "/"))
  # saveRDS(europe, file = paste(filelocMap, "europeFile.RDS", sep = "/"))
  # saveRDS(americas, file = paste(filelocMap, "americasFile.RDS", sep = "/"))
  # saveRDS(asia, file = paste(filelocMap, "asiaFile.RDS", sep = "/"))
  # saveRDS(fpusMap, file = paste(filelocMap, "fpusMap.RDS", sep = "/"))
  #world.simp <- gSimplify(world, tol = .1, topologyPreserve = TRUE)
  # alternative would be CRS("+proj=longlat")) for WGS 84
  # dat_url <- getURL("https://gist.githubusercontent.com/hrbrmstr/7a0ddc5c0bb986314af3/raw/6a07913aded24c611a468d951af3ab3488c5b702/pop.csv")
  # pop <- read.csv(text=dat_url, stringsAsFactors=FALSE, header=TRUE)
  # gpclibPermit() # seems to be needed now May 29, 2018 but maybe not
  worldMap <- broom::tidy(world, region = "ISO_A3")
  worldMap$region <- worldMap$id # added Juy 22, 2018 to get rid of warning about a missing region column
  inDT <- worldMap
  outName <- "worldMap"
  desc <- "World map file used to create facet maps of the world"
  cleanup(inDT, outName, fileloc("uData"), desc = desc)
  africaMap <- broom::tidy(africa, region = "ISO_A3")
  africaMap$region <- africaMap$id # added Juy 22, 2018 to get rid of warning about a missing region column
  inDT <- africaMap
  outName <- "africaMap"
  desc <- "Africa map file used to create facet maps of Africa"
  cleanup(inDT, outName, fileloc("uData"), desc = desc)
  europeMap <- broom::tidy(europe, region = "ISO_A3")
  inDT <- europeMap
  outName <- "europeMap"
  desc <- "Europe map file used to create facet maps of Europe"
  cleanup(inDT, outName, fileloc("uData"), desc = desc)
  americasMap <- broom::tidy(americas, region = "ISO_A3")
  inDT <- americasMap
  outName <- "americasMap"
  desc <- "Americas map file used to create facet maps of Americas"
  cleanup(inDT, outName, fileloc("uData"), desc = desc)
  asiaMap <- broom::tidy(asia, region = "ISO_A3")
  inDT <- asiaMap
  outName <- "asiaMap"
  desc <- "Asia map file used to create facet maps of Asia"
  cleanup(inDT, outName, fileloc("uData"), desc = desc)
  fpusMap <- broom::tidy(fpusMap, region = "FPU2015")
  inDT <- fpusMap
  outName <- "fpusMap"
  desc <- "World map file with food production unit (FPU) polygons used to create facet maps of FPU level data"
  cleanup(inDT, outName, fileloc("uData"), desc = desc)
  fpusMap_SSA <- broom::tidy(fpusMap_SSA, region = "FPU2015")
  fpusMap_SSA$region <- fpusMap_SSA$id
  inDT <- fpusMap_SSA
  outName <- "fpusMap_SSA"
  desc <- "Sub-Saharan AFrica map file with food production unit (FPU) polygons used to create facet maps of FPU level data"
  cleanup(inDT, outName, fileloc("uData"), desc = desc)
  fpusMap_allAfrica <- broom::tidy(fpusMap_allAfrica, region = "FPU2015")
  fpusMap_allAfrica$region <- fpusMap_allAfrica$id
  inDT <- fpusMap_allAfrica
  outName <- "fpusMap_allAfrica"
  desc <- "All AFrica map file with food production unit (FPU) polygons used to create facet maps of FPU level data"
  cleanup(inDT, outName, fileloc("uData"), desc = desc)

# generateBreakValues added Sep 13, 2018. May not be appropriate
generateBreakValues <- function(fillLimits, numLimits, decimals) {
  fillRange <- fillLimits[2] - fillLimits[1]
  fillStep <- fillRange/numLimits
  breakValues <- numeric(numLimits)
  breakValues[1] <- round(fillLimits[1], digits = decimals)
  breakValues[numLimits] <- round(fillLimits[2], digits = decimals)
  for (i in 2:(numLimits - 1)) {
    breakValues[i] <- breakValues[i-1] + fillStep
  #' middle two values shift the palette gradient
  #  breakValues <- scales::rescale(c(breakValue.low, breakValue.low + fillRange/3, breakValue.low + fillRange/1.5, breakValue.high))
  # breakValues <- round(c(breakValue.low, breakValue.low + fillRange/3, breakValue.low + fillRange/1.5, breakValue.high), digits = decimals)
  #  breakValues <- rescale(breakValues, to = c(0,1)) # the break values MUST be from 0 to 1. Already done in facetMaps() July 10, 2018

# not sure the scales library is being used
# new version that allows different maps, added Sep 13, 2108. Not sure why graphsListHolder left out. Added back in Oct 8, 2018
facetMaps <- function(mapFile, DTfacetMap, fileName, legendText, fillLimits, palette, facetColName, graphsListHolder, displayOrder, width = 7, height = 4) {
  #b <- rescale(breakValues, to = c(0,1)) # the values option in scale_fill_gradientn MUST be from 0 to 1
  numLimits = 4
  bb <- generateBreakValues(fillLimits = fillLimits, numLimits = numLimits, decimals = 0)
  b <- rescale(bb, to = c(0,1))
  f <- fillLimits
  cat("fillLimits :", f, "\n")
  cat("breaks :", b, "\n")
  cat("width :", width,  "\n")
  cat("height :", height,  "\n")
  p <- palette
  n <- facetColName
  displayOrder <- gsub("X", "", displayOrder)
  d <- data.table::copy(DTfacetMap)
  d[, (n) := factor(get(n), levels = displayOrder)]
  keepListCol <- c("id", facetColName, "value")
  if (!isTRUE(all.equal(sort(names(d)), sort(keepListCol)))) {d[, setdiff(names(d), keepListCol) := NULL]} # this format added Oct 30, 2018
  d <- unique(d)
  gg <- ggplot(data = d, aes(map_id = id))
  gg <- gg + geom_map(aes(fill = value), map = mapFile, color=NA, linewidth = 0.5) # "#ffffff" is white
  gg <- gg + expand_limits(x = mapFile$long, y = mapFile$lat)
  gg <- gg + ggthemes::theme_map()
  gg <- gg + facet_wrap(facets = n)
  gg <- gg + theme(legend.position = "bottom")
  #  gg <- gg + geom_point(data = xd, aes(size="xx.sub1", shape = NA), colour = "grey50")#  gg <- gg + guides(colour = guide_legend(title.position = "top"))
  # gg <- gg + guides(colour = guide_colourbar(title.position="top", title.hjust = 0.5),
  #        size = guide_legend(title.position="top", title.hjust = 0.5))
  gg <- gg +  theme(axis.ticks = element_blank(),
                    axis.title = element_blank(),
                    axis.text.x = element_blank(),
                    axis.text.y = element_blank(),
                    strip.text = element_text(family = fontFamily, face = "plain", size = 7))
  gg <- gg + scale_fill_gradientn(colors = p, name = legendText,
                                  na.value = "grey50",
                                  guide = "colorbar") #, values = bb, breaks = f, limits = f, labels = f, aesthetics = "fill")
  graphsListHolder[[fileName]] <- gg
  assign("graphsListHolder", graphsListHolder, envir = .GlobalEnv)
  createMissingDir(fileloc("gDir")) # checks for the existence of the directory and if its not available, creates it Dec 21, 2018
  ggsave(file = paste0(fileloc("gDir"),"/",fileName,".png"), plot = gg,
         width = width, height = height)
  # use scenarios as columns. Not sure this will work for all files. Oct 22, 2018
  formula.wide <- paste0("id ~ ", facetColName)
  temp <- dcast(data = d, formula = formula.wide, value.var = "value")
  inDT <- temp # changed to temp from d Oct 31, 2018
  outName <- paste(fileName, "_data")
  desc <- paste("data for ", fileName )
  cleanup(inDT, outName, fileloc("gDir"), "csv", desc = desc)
  return(gg) # If this is returned and not captured by gg <- xxx then it appears in the plot window of rstudio

# truncates the column value to the range of fillLimits
# function to make sure every country gets a color. The fillLimits values are identified ahead of time and entered manually into the code below
truncateDT <- function(DT, fillLimits) {
  dt <- copy(DT)
  # truncate range, upper and lower
  dt[value < fillLimits[1], value := fillLimits[1]]
  dt[value > fillLimits[2], value := fillLimits[2]]

# added Oct 8, 2018 so that everytime this function is sourced it checks for a gdxChoice value in the global environment
gdxChoice <- "SSPs"

getGdxFileName <- function(gdxChoice) {
  gdxSwitchCombo <- read.csv(file = paste0(getwd(), "/results/", gdxChoice, "/gdxInfo.csv"), header = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  gdxChoice <- gdxSwitchCombo[, 1]

getSwitchChoice <- function() {
  #   gdxSwitchCombo <- read.csv(file = paste0(getwd(), "/results/", gdxChoice, "/gdxInfo.csv"), header = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  gdxChoice <- "4"
  if (gdxChoice == 1) choice = 1
  if (gdxChoice == 2) choice = c(1,2)
  if (gdxChoice == 3) choice = c(1,2,3)
  if (gdxChoice == 4) choice = c(4)

# # use this function to get a tablegrob. Which can then be placed in a plot. This is done in aggNorder.R
g_legend <- function(plot.in) {
  tmp <- ggplot2::ggplot_gtable(ggplot_build(plot.in))
  leg <- which(sapply(tmp$grobs, function(x) x$name) == "guide-box")
  legend <- tmp$grobs[[leg]]

fmt_dcimals <- function(decimals = 0) {
  function(x) format(x,nsmall = decimals,scientific = FALSE)
GeraldCNelson/nutmod documentation built on May 8, 2023, 8:04 a.m.