
# (DEPRECATED) Visualizes promoter activity and transcript model for a gene of 
# interest
# @param result A SummarizedExperiment object with assays giving promoter 
#   counts,activity and gene expression and promoter gene id mapping stored as
#   row data
# @param gene A character vector of length 1. Single gene of interest to 
#   be plotted
# @param txdb A TxDb object. The txdb must correspond to the genome version 
#   used in running proActiv. Here, it is recommended to use the same txdb in 
#   generating promoter annotations
# @param ranges A list of GRanges. Each entry in the list should correspond to 
#   a transcript that will be visualized, with Genomic Ranges giving the exons 
#   corresponding to that transcript 
# @param cex.title A numeric value. Size of axis labels. Defaults to 0.9
# @param cex.axis A numeric value. Size of axis and axis ticks. Defaults to 0.9
# @param cex.main A numeric value. Size of plot name. Defaults to 1
# @param blk.width A numeric value. The width of promoters blocks in the 
#   data track. Defaults to 500 (bases)
# @param blk.fill A character vector of length 1. The fill colour of the 
#   promoter blocks in the data track. Defaults to 'grey' 
# @param blk.border A character vector of length 1. The border colour of the 
#   promoter blocks in the data track. Defaults to 'darkgrey'
# @param label.col A character vector of length 1. The font colour of the 
#   promoter ID label in the annotation track. Defaults to 'black'
# @param label.size A numeric value. The size of the promoter ID label in the 
#   annotation track. Defaults to 0.7
# @param arrow.width A numeric value. The width of promoter arrows in the 
#   annotation track. This value is internally calculated based on the gene 
#   of interest 
# @param arrow.fill A character vector of length 1. The fill colour of the 
#   promoter arrows in the annotation track. Defaults to 'transparent'
# @param arrow.border A character vector of length 1. The border colour of 
#   the promoter arrows in the annotation track. Defaults to 'grey'
# @export
# @return Outputs a plot of the promoters of the gene of interest across 
#   conditions, along with a model of transcripts belonging to the gene 
# @examples 
# ## First, run proActiv to generate a summarizedExperiment result
# files <- list.files(system.file('extdata/vignette/junctions', 
#                       package = 'proActiv'), 
#                       full.names = TRUE)
# promoterAnnotation <- promoterAnnotation.gencode.v34.subset
# result <- proActiv(files = files,
#                        promoterAnnotation  = promoterAnnotation,
#                        condition = rep(c('A549','HepG2'), each=3),
#                        ncores = 1)
# ## Read in pre-computed ranges
# txdb <- AnnotationDbi::loadDb(system.file('extdata/vignette/annotations',
#                                   'gencode.v34.annotation.rap1gap.sqlite',
#                                   package = 'proActiv'))
# ## Declare a gene of interest
# gene <- 'ENSG00000076864.19'
# ## Call plot 
# plotPromoters(result = result, gene = gene, txdb = txdb)
# @importFrom Gviz plotTracks GenomeAxisTrack
# @importFrom SummarizedExperiment rowData colData
# @importFrom S4Vectors complete.cases
# plotPromoters <- function(result, gene, txdb, ranges,
#                             cex.title = 0.9, cex.axis = 0.9, cex.main = 1,
#                             blk.width = 500, blk.fill = 'grey',
#                             blk.border = 'darkgrey',
#                             label.col = 'black', label.size = 0.7,
#                             arrow.width = NULL, arrow.fill = 'transparent', 
#                             arrow.border = 'grey') {
#     result.gene <- result[rowData(result)$geneId == gene, ]
#     rdata <- rowData(result.gene)[complete.cases(rowData(result.gene)),]
#     groups <- unique(colData(result.gene)$condition)
#     if (nrow(rdata) == 0) {
#         stop('Gene ID selected is either not present or has only one transcript 
#             which is a single-exon transcript. proActiv does not estimate 
#             promoter activity in such cases.')
#     }
#     message(paste0('Plotting ', gene))
#     grtrack <- getGeneRegionTrack(rdata, gene, txdb, ranges)
#     dtracklist <- getDataTrack(rdata, groups, blk.width = blk.width,
#                                 fill.histogram = blk.fill, 
#                                 col.histogram = blk.border)
#     atrack <- getAnnotationTrack(rdata, grtrack, arrow.width = arrow.width,
#                                 fontcolor.feature = label.col,
#                                 cex.feature = label.size,
#                                 fill = arrow.fill, col = arrow.border)
#     gtrack <- GenomeAxisTrack()
#     message('Creating Plot...')
#     plotTracks(c(grtrack, dtracklist, atrack, gtrack), type='histo', 
#                 main = gene, col.axis = 'black', col.title = 'black', 
#                 background.title = 'transparent', cex.title = cex.title, 
#                 cex.axis = cex.axis, cex.main = cex.main)
#     }

# (Deprecated) Helper function to get data track
# @importFrom GenomicRanges GRanges values
# @importFrom Gviz DataTrack
# @importFrom IRanges IRanges
# @importFrom S4Vectors 'mcols<-' mcols 'values<-'
# getDataTrack <- function(rdata, groups, blk.width,
#                             fill.histogram, col.histogram) {
#     message('Creating Data Track...')
#     ## Set dummy width for visualization
#     if (is.null(blk.width)) {
#         blk.width <- blk.width
#     }
#     blk.offset <- 0
#     if (unique(rdata$strand) == '-') {
#         blk.offset <- -blk.width
#     } 
#     ## GRanges summarizing promoter activity and coordinates
#     gr <- GRanges(seqnames = rdata$seqnames, 
#                     strand = rdata$strand,
#                     ranges = IRanges(start = rdata$start + blk.offset, 
#                                         width = blk.width)) 
#     values(gr) <- rdata[,grep('mean', colnames(rdata))]
#     names(mcols(gr)) <- gsub('.mean', '', names(mcols(gr)))
#     ## Set max y limit
#     maxy <- max(unlist(mcols(gr))) + 0.5
#     dtracklist <- vector("list", length(groups))
#     for (i in seq_len(length(groups))) {
#         dtracklist[[i]] <- DataTrack(gr[,groups[i]], 
#                                     name = groups[i], ylim = c(0, maxy),
#                                     fill.histogram = fill.histogram,
#                                     col.histogram = col.histogram)
#     }
#     return(dtracklist)
#     }

# Helper function to get gene region track
# @importFrom GenomicFeatures exonsBy
# @importFrom Gviz GeneRegionTrack
# @importFrom GenomicRanges GRangesList
# getGeneRegionTrack <- function(rdata, gene, txdb, ranges) {
#     message('Creating Gene Region Track...')
#     txs.gene <- rdata$txId[[1]]
#     if ( missing(txdb) & missing(ranges)) {
#         stop('Either txdb or ranges must be provided')
#     } else if (!missing(txdb) & !missing(ranges)) {
#         stop('Both `txdb` and `ranges` arguments are provided: 
#                 Please specify only one')
#     } else if (missing(ranges)) {
#         exons.gene <- suppressWarnings(exonsBy(txdb, by = 'tx', 
#                                                use.names = TRUE)[txs.gene])
#     } else {
#         exons.gene <- ranges
#     }
#     gene.model <- as(GRangesList(exons.gene), 'data.frame')
#     gene.model <- gene.model[,c('seqnames','start','end'
#                                 ,'strand','group_name')]
#     colnames(gene.model)[1] <- 'chromosome'
#     colnames(gene.model)[5] <- 'transcript'
#     grtrack <- GeneRegionTrack(gene.model,
#                             transcriptAnnotation = 'transcript',
#                             name = as.character(gene.model$chromosome[1]))
#     return(grtrack)
#     }

# Helper function to get annotation track
# @importFrom Gviz AnnotationTrack
# @importFrom GenomicRanges start end
# getAnnotationTrack <- function(rdata, grtrack, arrow.width,
#                                 fontcolor.feature, cex.feature, 
#                                 fill, col) {
#     message('Creating Annotation Track...')
#     ## Adjust arrow start depending on stand - Gviz quirks
#     if (is.null(arrow.width)) {
#         min.coord <- min(c(start(grtrack), end(grtrack)))
#         max.coord <- max(c(start(grtrack), end(grtrack)))
#         arrow.width <- diff(c(min.coord, max.coord))/sqrt(nrow(rdata)+1)
#     }
#     arrow.offset <- 0
#     if (unique(rdata$strand) == '-') {
#         arrow.offset <- -arrow.width
#     } 
#     atrack <- AnnotationTrack(start = rdata$start + arrow.offset, 
#                             width = arrow.width,
#                             chromosome = rdata$seqnames, 
#                             strand = rdata$strand,
#                             group = paste0('prmtr.', rdata$promoterId),
#                             featureAnnotation = 'group', name = '',
#                             fontcolor.feature = fontcolor.feature,
#                             cex.feature = cex.feature,
#                             fill = fill, col = col)
#     return(atrack)
#     }
GoekeLab/proActiv documentation built on Jan. 30, 2022, 3:52 a.m.