
Defines functions summarizeBirds.OrganizedBirds summarizeBirds getSpatioTemporal countsYearMonth getSpatial getTemporal

Documented in getSpatial getSpatioTemporal getTemporal summarizeBirds summarizeBirds.OrganizedBirds

#' Collect temporal data
#' An internal function. Takes the data.frame resulting from the temporal overlay
#' for a specific grid and summarizes basic variables as a time series
#' @param birdOverlay A birdOverlay which is the result of the \code{\link{overlayBirds}}-function.
#' @param visitCol A character string for specifying the columns that identify a visit.
#' @return The overlay data.frame for a specific grid, including the spillover visits.
#' @keywords internal
#' @importFrom lubridate ymd
getTemporal <- function(birdOverlay, visitCol = NULL) {
  if (length(birdOverlay$observationsInGrid) > 1) stop("The input should ALWAYS be a overlayBirds whith only one gridcell")

  data <- birdOverlay$observationsInGrid[[1]]

  if (is.null(visitCol)) {
    visitCol <- attr(birdOverlay, "visitCol")

  datesFormated <- ymd(apply(data[, c("year", "month", "day")], 1, paste0, collapse = "-"))
  if (any(is.na(datesFormated))) stop("Some combinations of y-m-d tunred into invalid dates")

  ts <- xts::as.xts(zoo(data[, !names(data) %in% c("year", "month", "day")]),

  tempData <- xts::apply.daily(ts,
                                 return(c("nObs" = length(x[,1]),
                                          "nVis" = length(unique(x[, visitCol])),
                                          "nSpp" = length(unique(x[, "scientificName"]))


#' Collect spatial data
#' An internal function. Takes the data.frame resulting from the spatial overlay
#' for a specific grid and summarizes basic variables as a polygon spatial layer
#' @param birdOverlay An birdOverlay which is the result of the \code{\link{overlayBirds}}-function.
#' @param visitCol A character string for specifying the columns that identify a visit.
#' @return The a sf over the overlay grid with a data.frame
#' @importFrom dplyr summarise n n_distinct
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @keywords internal
getSpatial <- function(birdOverlay, visitCol=NULL) {

  dataList <- birdOverlay$observationsInGrid
  nCells <- length(dataList)
  if (is.null(visitCol)) {
    visitCol <- attr(birdOverlay, "visitCol")

  res <- data.frame("nObs" = as.numeric(rep(NA,nCells)),
                    "nVis"= as.numeric(rep(NA,nCells)),
                    "nSpp" = as.numeric(rep(NA,nCells)),
                    "avgSll" = as.numeric(rep(NA,nCells)),
                    "nDays" = as.numeric(rep(NA,nCells)),
                    "nYears" = as.numeric(rep(NA,nCells)),
                    "visitsUID" = as.character(rep(NA,nCells)),
                    stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

  cols2use <- c("scientificName", "year", "month", "day", visitCol)

  dataRes <- lapply(dataList[birdOverlay$nonEmptyGridCells],
                    x <- x[,cols2use]
                    colnames(x) <- c("scientificName", "year", "month", "day", "visitCol")

                    tmp <- c("nObs" = length(x[,"scientificName"]),
                             "nVis" = length(unique(x[,"visitCol"])),
                             "nSpp" = length(unique(x[,"scientificName"])),
                             "avgSll" = median(summarise(group_by(x, .data$visitCol),
                                                        avgSLL = n_distinct(.data$scientificName))$avgSLL),
                             "nDays" = length(unique( paste0(x[,"year"],"-",
                                                             as.numeric(x[,"month"]), "-",
                                                             as.numeric(x[,"day"]))) ),
                             "nYears" = length(unique(x[,"year"])),
                             "visitsUID" = paste0(unique(x[,"visitCol"]), collapse = ",")

  dataRes <- data.frame(matrix(unlist(dataRes),
                               nrow = length(dataRes), byrow = TRUE),
                        stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

  dataRes$X1 <- as.numeric(dataRes$X1)
  dataRes$X2 <- as.numeric(dataRes$X2)
  dataRes$X3 <- as.numeric(dataRes$X3)
  dataRes$X4 <- as.numeric(dataRes$X4)
  dataRes$X5 <- as.numeric(dataRes$X5)
  dataRes$X6 <- as.numeric(dataRes$X6)

  res[birdOverlay$nonEmptyGridCells,] <- dataRes

  rownames(res) <- row.names(birdOverlay$grid)

  resSp <- st_sf(cbind(res, birdOverlay$grid))



# Internal function for getSpatiotemporal()
# An internal function to be applied in a lapply
#' @importFrom dplyr group_by summarise n n_distinct
#' @importFrom rlang .data
countsYearMonth <- function(x, yearsAll, visitCol) {
  ## Yearly Monthly

  vars <- c("nObs", "nVis", "nSpp", "avgSll", "nDays")

  resYM <- array(0, dim = c(length(yearsAll), 13, length(vars)),
             dimnames = list(as.character(yearsAll), c(month.abb,"Year"), vars))
  resYMvisits <- array(NA, dim = c(length(yearsAll), 13),
                       dimnames = list(as.character(yearsAll), c(month.abb,"Year")))

  xGBYM <- group_by(x, .data$year, .data$month)
  tmp <- summarise(xGBYM,
                   nObs = n(),
                   nVis = n_distinct(!!! rlang::syms(visitCol)),
                   nSpp = n_distinct(.data$scientificName),
                   avgSll = NA,
                   nDays = n_distinct(.data$day),
                   visitUID = paste0(unique(!!! rlang::syms(visitCol)), collapse = ",")) ## a string with all cell_visit names

  wYears <- sort(match( tmp$year, yearsAll))
  wMonths <- tmp$month

  xGBYMV <- group_by(x, .data$year, .data$month, !!! rlang::syms(visitCol))
  tmpSLL <- summarise(xGBYMV, SLL = n_distinct(.data$scientificName))
  tmp$avgSll <- (summarise(tmpSLL, avgSLL = median(.data$SLL)))$avgSLL

  for (i in 1:nrow(tmp)) {
    resYM[wYears[i], wMonths[i], ] <- as.numeric(tmp[i, (1:length(vars)) + 2 ])
    resYMvisits[wYears[i], wMonths[i]] <- tmp$visitUID[i]

  ### Only Yearly
  if (is.null(nrow(resYM[,1:12,"nObs"]))) {
    resYM[,13,"nObs"] <- sum(resYM[,1:12,"nObs"], na.rm = TRUE)
    resYM[,13,"nVis"] <- sum(resYM[,1:12,"nVis"], na.rm = TRUE)
    resYM[,13,"nDays"] <- sum(resYM[,1:12,"nDays"], na.rm = TRUE)
    resYM[,13,"nObs"] <- rowSums(resYM[,1:12,"nObs"], na.rm = TRUE)
    resYM[,13,"nVis"] <- rowSums(resYM[,1:12,"nVis"] , na.rm = TRUE)
    resYM[,13,"nDays"] <- rowSums(resYM[,1:12,"nDays"] , na.rm = TRUE)

  xGBY <- group_by(x, .data$year)

  tmp <- summarise(xGBY, nSpp = n_distinct(.data$scientificName)  )
  wYears <- sort(match( tmp$year, yearsAll))
  resYM[wYears, 13, "nSpp"] <- as.matrix(tmp)[, 2]

  xGBYV <- group_by(x, .data$year, !!! rlang::syms(visitCol))
  tmpSLL <- summarise(xGBYV, SLL = n_distinct(.data$scientificName))
  tmp <- summarise(tmpSLL, avgSLL = median(.data$SLL))

  resYM[wYears, 13, "avgSll"] <- tmp$avgSLL

  if (is.null(nrow(resYMvisits[, 1:12]))) {
    resYMvisits[, 13] <- paste0(na.omit(resYMvisits[, 1:12]), collapse = ",")
    resYMvisits[, 13] <- apply(resYMvisits[, 1:12] ,1,
                               FUN = function(x) paste0(na.omit(x), collapse = ",") )

  return(list("resYM" = resYM, "resYMvisits" = resYMvisits))

#' Collect spatio-temporal data
#' An internal function. Takes the data.frame resulting from the spatial overlay
#' for a specific grid and summarises basic variables as a list of arrays
#' @param birdOverlay An birdOverlay which is the result of the
#' \code{\link{overlayBirds}}-function.
#' @param visitCol A character string for specifying the columns that identify a
#' visit.
#' @return A list with two arrays
#' @importFrom dplyr group_by summarise n n_distinct
#' @keywords internal
getSpatioTemporal <- function(birdOverlay, visitCol=NULL) {

  dataList <- birdOverlay$observationsInGrid

  if (is.null(visitCol)) {
    visitCol <- attr(birdOverlay, "visitCol")

  sppAll <- sort(
                                   FUN = function(x){
                                     res <- ifelse(!is.na(x),

  yearRng <- range(
                           FUN = function(x){
                             res <- ifelse(!is.na(x),

  yearMax <- yearRng[2] ## Take from birdTemporal
  yearMin <- yearRng[1] ## Take from birdTemporal
  yearsAll <- seq(yearMin, yearMax)

  wNonEmpty <- birdOverlay$nonEmptyGridCells
  gridLength <- length(dataList)

  visitsAll <- sort(
                               FUN = function(x){
                                 res <- ifelse(!is.na(x),
                                               x[, visitCol],

  # Variables to summarize Number of observations, Number of visits, Number of unique Species, Average species list length.
  vars <- c("nObs", "nVis", "nSpp", "avgSll", "nDays")

  resYM <- array(dim = c(gridLength, length(yearsAll), 13, length(vars)),
                 dimnames = list(names(dataList), as.character(yearsAll), c(month.abb, "Yearly"), vars))
  resYMvisits <- array(dim = c(gridLength, length(yearsAll), 13),
                       dimnames = list(names(dataList), as.character(yearsAll), c(month.abb, "Yearly")))

  for (g in wNonEmpty) {
    x <- dataList[[g]]
    tmpYM <- countsYearMonth(x, yearsAll, visitCol)
    resYM[g,,,] <- tmpYM$resYM
    resYMvisits[g,,] <- tmpYM$resYMvisits

  return(list("resYM" = resYM, "resYMvisits" = resYMvisits))


#' Summarize the OrganizedBirds
#' Takes a OrganizedBirds-object and a SpatialPolygons*-grid and summarizes it
#' in spatial and  temporal dimensions.
#' If \code{spillOver = NULL} the splitting is done spatially according to the
#' overlay of observations and grid cells, without further consideration of
#' coherence for visits (visit UID). If \code{spillOver = c("unique", "duplicate")}
#' the splitting will be done spatially in a first step, and then:
#' if \code{(spillOver = "unique")} assigns (and moves) all observations with same
#' visitUID to the grid cell with most observations (or picks one grid cell at
#' random if there is a tie); or if \code{(spillOver = "duplicate")} duplicates
#' all observations with same visitUID across all grid cells containing at least
#' one observation with that visitUID.
#' The later approach is useful when the amount of observations spilled over
#' neighbouring cells is minimal and information over the spatial extent of the
#' sampling effort is more important than sample independence.
#' @param x An OrgnanizedBirds-object created by \code{\link{organizeBirds}}
#' @param grid A sf, SpatialPolygons or SpatialPolygonsDataFrame-object with
#'   grid cells for the study area. This variable is optional and can be set to
#'   NULL, which will treat the area for all observations as one single
#'   grid cell.
#' @param spillOver Specifies if the function should search for observations done
#' during the same visit (identified by visit UID) but that fall outside the grid
#' cell. Default is \code{NULL}. It also accepts \code{c("unique", "duplicate")}.
#' See Details for more information on how to use this.
#' @return A SummarizedBirds-object
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' ob <- organizeBirds(bombusObsShort)
#' grid <- makeGrid(gotaland, gridSize = 10)
#' SB <- summarizeBirds(ob, grid)
#' nObsG <- rowSums(SB$spatioTemporal[,,13,"nObs"], na.rm = FALSE)
#' nObsG2 <- SB$spatial$nObs
#' any(nObsG != nObsG2, na.rm = TRUE) ## Check, two ways to obtain the same
#' }
summarizeBirds <- function(x, grid, spillOver = NULL){

## TODO make a summarizeBirds.default

## TODO include an exclude variable in summarizeBirds that remove different parts
## of the results to save up memory?

#' @rdname summarizeBirds
#' @export
summarizeBirds.OrganizedBirds <- function(x, grid, spillOver = NULL){
  if (!inherits(x, "OrganizedBirds")) {
    stop("The object 'x' must be of class OrganizedBirds. See the function 'organizedBirds()'.")

  visitCol <- attr(x, "visitCol")
  if (!(visitCol %in% colnames(x$spdf)))
    stop(paste("There is not column called", visitCol, "in your organised dataset."))

  useSpatial <- FALSE #If the function should (can) export spatial data. Changes if grid is a sf

  #The variables to export!
  temporal <- NULL
  spatial <- NULL
  spatioTemporal <- NULL
  visits <- NULL
  wNonEmptyCells <- NULL

  if (!is.null(grid)) {
    if (inherits(grid, c("sf","sfc","SpatialPolygonsDataFrame", "SpatialPolygons"))) {
      if (inherits(grid, c("SpatialPolygonsDataFrame", "SpatialPolygons"))) {
        grid <- st_as_sf(grid)

      bOver <- overlayBirds(x, grid = grid, spillOver = spillOver) # To use in the spatial analysis
      wNonEmptyCells <- bOver$nonEmptyGridCells

      #To use in the temporal analysis where the entire area could be interpreted as a single grid cell
      areaGrid <- suppressMessages(st_union(grid))
      suppressMessages(bTOver <- overlayBirds(x, grid = areaGrid, spillOver = spillOver))

      useSpatial <- TRUE
      stop("The grid can only be NULL or of class sf or SpatialPolygonsDataFrame")
    areaGrid <- OB2Polygon(x)
    bTOver <- overlayBirds(x, grid = areaGrid, spillOver = spillOver)
    message("To get the most out of summarizeBirds you should have a grid.")

  #Here we use a modifyed version of bOver where the grid is only one single cell.
  temporal <- getTemporal(bTOver)
  if (useSpatial) {
    #If we have spatial grid data:
    spatial <- getSpatial(bOver)
    spatioTemporal <- getSpatioTemporal(bOver,  visitCol = visitCol)
    wNonEmptyCells <- bOver$nonEmptyGridCells
    spatial <- getSpatial(bTOver)
    spatioTemporal <- getSpatioTemporal(bTOver, visitCol = visitCol)
    wNonEmptyCells <- bTOver$nonEmptyGridCells
  res <- list("temporal" = temporal,
              "spatial" = spatial,
              "spatioTemporal" = spatioTemporal$resYM,
              "spatioTemporalVisits" = spatioTemporal$resYMvisits,
              "overlaid" = if (useSpatial) bOver$observationsInGrid else bTOver$observationsInGrid
  class(res) <- "SummarizedBirds"
  attr(res,"visitCol") <- visitCol #The column(s) that identify a visit
  attr(res,"spillOver") <- spillOver #If spillover has been used
  attr(res,"spatial") <- useSpatial #If there is a spatial grid in the object
  attr(res, "nonEmptyGridCells") <- wNonEmptyCells



#' @rdname summarizeBirds
#' @aliases summarizeBirds
#' @export
summariseBirds <- summarizeBirds  ## To include the Brits as well
Greensway/BIRDS documentation built on Oct. 19, 2023, 2:35 a.m.