
Defines functions permutePval permutePval.default permutePval.PcevClassical permutePval.PcevBlock permutePval.PcevSingular wilksPval wilksPval.default wilksPval.PcevClassical wilksPval.PcevSingular wilksPval.PcevBlock roysPval roysPval.default roysPval.PcevClassical roysPval.PcevSingular roysPval.PcevBlock print.Pcev

Documented in permutePval permutePval.default permutePval.PcevBlock permutePval.PcevClassical permutePval.PcevSingular roysPval roysPval.default roysPval.PcevBlock roysPval.PcevClassical roysPval.PcevSingular wilksPval wilksPval.default wilksPval.PcevBlock wilksPval.PcevClassical wilksPval.PcevSingular

# Permutation methods----

#' Permutation p-value
#' Computes a p-value using a permutation procedure.
#' @param pcevObj A pcev object of class \code{PcevClassical} or \code{PcevSingular} 
#'   \code{PcevBlock}
#' @param shrink Should we use a shrinkage estimate of the residual variance?
#' @param index If \code{pcevObj} is of class \code{PcevBlock}, \code{index} is a
#'   vector describing the block to which individual response variables
#'   correspond.
#' @param nperm The number of permutations to perform.
#' @param ... Extra parameters.
#' @export
permutePval <- function(pcevObj, ...) UseMethod("permutePval")

#' @rdname permutePval
permutePval.default <- function(pcevObj, ...) {
  stop(strwrap("This function should be used with a Pcev object of class 
               PcevClassical, PcevSingular or PcevBlock"),
       call. = FALSE)

#' @rdname permutePval
permutePval.PcevClassical <- function(pcevObj, shrink, index, nperm, ...) {
  results <- estimatePcev(pcevObj, shrink)
  N <- nrow(pcevObj$Y)
  PCEV <- pcevObj$Y %*% results$weights
  initFit <- lm.fit(pcevObj$X, PCEV)
  df1 <- ncol(pcevObj$X) - 1
  df2 <- N - ncol(pcevObj$X)
  initFstat <- (sum((mean(PCEV) - initFit$fitted.values)^2)/df1)/(sum(initFit$residuals^2)/df2)
  initPval <- pf(initFstat, df1, df2, lower.tail = FALSE)
  if (nperm) {
    permutationPvalues <- replicate(nperm, expr = {
      tmp <- pcevObj
      tmp$Y <- tmp$Y[sample(N), ]
      tmpRes <- try(estimatePcev(tmp, shrink, index), silent = TRUE)
      if (inherits(tmpRes, "try-error")) {
      } else {
        tmpPCEV <- tmp$Y %*% tmpRes$weights
        tmpFit <- lm.fit(tmp$X, tmpPCEV)
        tmpFstat <- (sum((mean(tmpPCEV) - tmpFit$fitted.values)^2)/df1)/(sum(tmpFit$residuals^2)/df2)
        return(pf(tmpFstat, df1, df2, lower.tail = FALSE))
    pvalue <- mean(permutationPvalues < initPval)
  } else {
    pvalue <- NA
  results$pvalue <- pvalue

#' @rdname permutePval
permutePval.PcevBlock <- function(pcevObj, shrink, index, nperm, ...) {
  results <- estimatePcev(pcevObj, shrink, index)
  N <- nrow(pcevObj$Y)
  PCEV <- pcevObj$Y %*% results$weights
  initFit <- lm.fit(pcevObj$X, PCEV)
  df1 <- ncol(pcevObj$X) - 1
  df2 <- N - ncol(pcevObj$X)
  initFstat <- (sum((mean(PCEV) - initFit$fitted.values)^2)/df1)/(sum(initFit$residuals^2)/df2)
  initPval <- pf(initFstat, df1, df2, lower.tail = FALSE)
  if (nperm) {
    permutationPvalues <- replicate(nperm, expr = {
      tmp <- pcevObj
      tmp$Y <- tmp$Y[sample(N), ]
      tmpRes <- try(estimatePcev(tmp, shrink, index), silent = TRUE)
      if (inherits(tmpRes, "try-error")) {
      } else {
        tmpPCEV <- tmp$Y %*% tmpRes$weights
        tmpFit <- lm.fit(tmp$X, tmpPCEV)
        tmpFstat <- (sum((mean(tmpPCEV) - tmpFit$fitted.values)^2)/df1)/(sum(tmpFit$residuals^2)/df2)
        return(pf(tmpFstat, df1, df2, lower.tail = FALSE))
    pvalue <- mean(permutationPvalues < initPval)
  } else {
    pvalue <- NA
  results$pvalue <- pvalue

#' @rdname permutePval
permutePval.PcevSingular <- function(pcevObj, shrink, index, nperm, ...) {
  results <- estimatePcev(pcevObj, shrink)
  N <- nrow(pcevObj$Y)
  PCEV <- pcevObj$Y %*% results$weights
  initFit <- lm.fit(pcevObj$X, PCEV)
  df1 <- ncol(pcevObj$X) - 1
  df2 <- N - ncol(pcevObj$X)
  initFstat <- (sum((mean(PCEV) - initFit$fitted.values)^2)/df1)/(sum(initFit$residuals^2)/df2)
  initPval <- pf(initFstat, df1, df2, lower.tail = FALSE)
  if (nperm) {
    permutationPvalues <- replicate(nperm, expr = {
      tmp <- pcevObj
      tmp$Y <- tmp$Y[sample(N), ]
      tmpRes <- try(estimatePcev(tmp, shrink, index), silent = TRUE)
      if (inherits(tmpRes, "try-error")) {
      } else {
        tmpPCEV <- tmp$Y %*% tmpRes$weights
        tmpFit <- lm.fit(tmp$X, tmpPCEV)
        tmpFstat <- (sum((mean(tmpPCEV) - tmpFit$fitted.values)^2)/df1)/(sum(tmpFit$residuals^2)/df2)
        return(pf(tmpFstat, df1, df2, lower.tail = FALSE))
    pvalue <- mean(permutationPvalues < initPval)
  } else {
    pvalue <- NA
  results$pvalue <- pvalue

# Wilks methods----

#' Wilks' lambda exact test
#' Computes a p-value using Wilks' Lambda.
#' The null distribution of this test statistic is only known in the case of a
#' single covariate, and therefore this is the only case implemented.
#' @param pcevObj A pcev object of class \code{PcevClassical} or 
#'   \code{PcevBlock}
#' @param shrink Should we use a shrinkage estimate of the residual variance?
#' @param index If \code{pcevObj} is of class \code{PcevBlock}, \code{index} is
#'   a vector describing the block to which individual response variables 
#'   correspond.
#' @param ... Extra parameters.
#' @export
wilksPval <- function(pcevObj, ...) UseMethod("wilksPval")

#' @rdname wilksPval
wilksPval.default <- function(pcevObj, ...) {
  stop(strwrap("This function should be used with a Pcev object of class 
               PcevClassical, PcevBlock or PcevSingular"),
       call. = FALSE)

#' @rdname wilksPval
wilksPval.PcevClassical <- function(pcevObj, shrink, index, ...) {
  results <- estimatePcev(pcevObj, shrink)
  N <- nrow(pcevObj$Y)
  p <- ncol(pcevObj$Y)
  d <- results$largestRoot
  wilksLambda <- (N - p - 1)/p * d
  df1 <- p
  df2 <- N - p - 1
  pvalue <- pf(wilksLambda, df1, df2, lower.tail = FALSE)
  results$pvalue <- pvalue

#' @rdname wilksPval
wilksPval.PcevSingular <- function(pcevObj, shrink, index, ...) {
  stop(strwrap("Wilks test is only available for estimation = all."),
       call. = FALSE)

#' @rdname wilksPval
wilksPval.PcevBlock <- function(pcevObj, shrink, index, ...) {
  stop("Only inference = \"permutation\" is available for the block approach.",
       call. = FALSE)

# Roy's largest root methods----

#' Roy's largest root exact test
#' In the classical domain of PCEV applicability this function uses Johnstone's
#' approximation to the null distribution of ' Roy's Largest Root statistic.
#' It uses a location-scale variant of the Tracy-Widom distribution of order 1.
#' Note that if \code{shrink} is set to \code{TRUE}, the location-scale 
#' parameters are estimated using a small number of permutations.
#' @param pcevObj A pcev object of class \code{PcevClassical} or 
#'   \code{PcevBlock}
#' @param shrink Should we use a shrinkage estimate of the residual variance?
#' @param index If \code{pcevObj} is of class \code{PcevBlock}, \code{index} is
#'   a vector describing the block to which individual response variables 
#'   correspond
#' @param nperm Number of permutations for Tracy-Widom empirical estimate.
#' @param ... Extra parameters.
#' @export
roysPval <- function(pcevObj, ...) UseMethod("roysPval")

#' @rdname roysPval
roysPval.default <- function(pcevObj, ...) {
  stop(strwrap("This function should be used with a Pcev object of class 
               PcevClassical or PcevSingular"),
       call. = FALSE)

#' @rdname roysPval
roysPval.PcevClassical <- function(pcevObj, shrink, index, ...) {
  results <- estimatePcev(pcevObj, shrink)
  n <- nrow(pcevObj$Y)
  p <- ncol(pcevObj$Y)
  q <- ncol(pcevObj$X) - 1
  d <- results$largestRoot
  params <- JohnstoneParam(p, n - q, q)
  if (shrink) {
    # Estimate the null distribution using 
    # permutations and MLE
    null_dist <- replicate(25, expr = {
      tmp <- pcevObj
      tmp$Y <- tmp$Y[sample(n), ]
      tmpRes <- try(estimatePcev(tmp, shrink, index), silent = TRUE)
      if (inherits(tmpRes, "try-error")) {
      } else {
    # Fit a location-scale version of TW distribution
    # Note: likelihood may throw warnings at some evaluations, 
    # which is OK
    oldw <- getOption("warn")
    options(warn = -1)
    res <- optim(c(params[1], params[2]), function(param) logLik(param, log(null_dist)), 
                 control = list(fnscale = -1))
    options(warn = oldw)
    mu1 <- res$par[1]
    sigma1 <- res$par[2]
    TW <- (log(d) - mu1)/sigma1
    pvalue <- RMTstat::ptw(TW, beta = 1, lower.tail = FALSE, log.p = FALSE)
  } else {
    # TW <- (log(theta/(1-theta)) - mu)/sigma
    TW <- (log(d) - params[1])/params[2]
    pvalue <- RMTstat::ptw(TW, beta = 1, lower.tail = FALSE, log.p = FALSE)
  results$pvalue <- pvalue

#' @rdname roysPval
roysPval.PcevSingular <- function(pcevObj, shrink, index, nperm, ...) {
  results <- estimatePcev(pcevObj, shrink)
  n <- nrow(pcevObj$Y)
  p <- ncol(pcevObj$Y)
  q <- ncol(pcevObj$X) 
  d <- results$largestRoot
  if (missing(nperm)) nperm <- 50

  null_dist <- replicate(nperm, expr = {
    tmp <- pcevObj
    tmp$Y <- tmp$Y[sample(n), ]
    tmpRes <- try(estimatePcev(tmp, shrink, index), silent = TRUE)
    if (inherits(tmpRes, "try-error")) {
    } else {
  # Use method of moments
  muTW <- -1.2065335745820
  sigmaTW <- sqrt(1.607781034581)
  muS <- mean(log(null_dist))
  sigmaS <- stats::sd(log(null_dist))
  sigma1 <- sigmaS/sigmaTW
  mu1 <- muS - sigma1 * muTW
  TW <- (log(d) - mu1)/sigma1
  pvalue <- RMTstat::ptw(TW, beta = 1, lower.tail = FALSE, log.p = FALSE)

  results$pvalue <- pvalue

#' @rdname roysPval
roysPval.PcevBlock <- function(pcevObj, shrink, index, ...) {
  stop("Only inference = \"permutation\" is available for the block approach.",
       call. = FALSE)

# Print method----

#' @export
print.Pcev <- function(x, ...) {
  # Provide a summary of the results
  N <- nrow(x$pcevObj$Y)
  p <- ncol(x$pcevObj$Y)
  q <- ncol(x$pcevObj$X)
  if (x$Wilks) {
    exact <- "Wilks' lambda test)"
  } else {
    exact <- "Roy's largest root test)"
  cat("\nPrincipal component of explained variance\n")
  cat("\n", N, "observations,", p, "response variables\n")
  cat("\nEstimation method:", x$methods[1])
  cat("\nInference method:", x$methods[2])
  if (x$methods[2] == "exact") {
    cat("\n(performed using", exact)
  pvalue <- x$pvalue
  if (!is.na(pvalue)) {
    if (pvalue == 0) {
      if (x$methods[2] == "permutation") {
        pvalue <- paste0("< ", 1/x$nperm)
      if (x$methods[1] == "exact") {
        pvalue <- "~ 0"
  cat("\nP-value obtained:", pvalue, "\n")
  if (x$shrink) cat("\nShrinkage parameter rho was estimated at", x$rho, "\n")
  cat("\nVariable importance factors")
  if (p > 10) cat(" (truncated)\n") else cat("\n")
  cat(format(sort(x$VIMP, decreasing = TRUE)[1:10], digits = 3), 
GreenwoodLab/pcev documentation built on May 6, 2019, 6:35 p.m.