Man pages for Gregor-Mendel-Institute/gwaR
A collection of R functions to conduct GWAS analysis (in Arabidopsis thaliana)

araGenesaraGenome as a nicely formatted GRanges object
araGenomeThe araGenome object.
expression_by_snpBased on a GWAS table and a rank, returns a table of...
format_gwasRead an arbitrary GWAS table.
get_accessionsObtain accession ids that carry a SNP. This function takes a...
get_expressionGet expression data for a gene of interest
get_nearest_genesFind genes that are closest to a SNP.
get_overlapping_genesFind genes that overlap with a SNP.
get_phenotypeSubset a larger wide-format phenotype table to a defined...
limix500rowslimix example output; 500 random rows
linkage_phenotypesCalculate linkage around SNP of interest and obtain...
mine_geneGet information from thalemine.
phenotype_by_snpGet intersection between phenotype, and SNP presence.
plot_acc_mapPlot an interactive map of accessions that carry a SNP of...
plot_gwasPlot annotated manhattan plot
polymorph_impactRetrieve impacts of SNPs within a certain range around a GWAS...
read_limixRead a GWAS result file from limix (csv) and put it into a...
sequenced_accessionsA list of sequenced accessions as of 2020
snp_linkageCalculate linkage around SNP of interest.
Gregor-Mendel-Institute/gwaR documentation built on Feb. 8, 2023, 8:34 p.m.