
distance <- function(x,y, method="euclidean") {
           "euclidean" = sqrt(sum((x-y)^2))
           ## implement other methods here.

getDistance <- function(mat, method="euclidean") {
    nr <- nrow(mat)
    d <- matrix(NA, ncol=nr, nrow=nr)
    colnames(d) <- rownames(mat)
    rownames(d) <- rownames(mat)

    for (i in 1:nr) {
        for (j in i:nr) {
            d[i,j] <- distance(mat[i,], mat[j,], method)
            if (i != j)
                d[j,i] <- d[i,j]

getClosest <- function(d) {
    nr <- nrow(d)
    h <- min(d[lower.tri(d)])
    node <- names(unlist(sapply(1:nr, function(i)
                                which(d[i,] == h))))
    hc <- list(node=node, h=h)

linkage <- function(d, method, cn, cls, dist) {
    sc <- getClosest(d)
    node <- sc$node

    if ( method == "complete" ) {
        h <- apply(d[node,], 2, max)
    } else if (method == "single") {
        h <- apply(d[node,], 2, min)
    } else {
        ## step 1, expand known clusters
        nodes <- node
        ii <- grep("__c", nodes)
        node2 <- nodes
        while (length(ii) > 0) {
            node2 <- nodes[-ii]
            for (i in ii) {
                node2 <- c(node2, cls[[nodes[i]]]$node)
            ii <- grep("__c", node2)
            nodes <- node2
            if (length(ii) > 0) {
                node2 <- nodes[-ii]
        ## step 2, calcuate mean
        h <- apply(dist[node2,], 2, mean)

        ## step 3, merge known clusters.
        if(length(cls) >=1) {
            for (i in 1:length(cls)) {
                nn <- cls[[i]]$node
                h <- c(h, mean(h[nn]))
                names(h)[length(h)]= names(cls[i])
                h <- h[!names(h) %in% nn]
        h <- h[colnames(d)]

    h <- h[! names(h) %in% node]
    d <- d[!rownames(d) %in% node,]
    if (is.null(dim(d))) {
        nm <- names(d)
        d <- matrix(d, nrow=1)
        colnames(d) <- nm
        rownames(d) <- nm[!nm %in% node]
    rn <- rownames(d)
    d <- d[,!colnames(d) %in% node]
    if(is.null(dim(d))) {
        d <- matrix(d)
        rownames(d) <- rn
        colnames(d) <- rn
    d <- rbind(d, h)
    d <- cbind(d, h=c(h,0))
    rownames(d)[rownames(d) == "h"] <- cn
    colnames(d)[colnames(d) == "h"] <- cn
    result <- list(subCluster=sc, d=d)

##' hiarachical cluster matrix
##' @title hcluster
##' @param mat matrix
##' @param method one of single, complete, and average
##' @param dist.method method for calculating distance 
##' @return list 
##' @author G Yu
##' @export
hcluster <- function(mat,
                     dist.method="euclidean") {
    d <- getDistance(mat, dist.method)
    dist <- d
    nr <- nrow(d)
    cls <- list()
    for (i in 1:(nr-1)) {
        cn <- paste("__c", i, sep="-")
        sc <- linkage(d, method, cn, cls, dist)
        cls[[i]] <- sc$subCluster
        names(cls)[i] <- cn
        d <- sc$d
    result <- list(clusters=cls,
    class(result) <- "hcluster"

##' @method plot hcluster
##' @author G Yu
##' @export
plot.hcluster <- function(hclusterResult, main="Cluster Dendrogram", xlab="", ylab="Height") {
    cls <- hclusterResult$clusters
    labels <- rownames(hclusterResult$data)
    tn <- sapply(cls, function(i) rev(i$node))
    h <- sapply(cls, function(i) i$h)
    nl <- tn[,ncol(tn)]
    idx <- which(! nl %in% labels)
    while(length(idx)) {
        i <- idx[1]
        if (i > 1) {
            start <- nl[1:(i-1)]
        } else {
            start <- c()
        if ((i+1) <= length(nl)) {
            end <- nl[(i+1):length(nl)]
        } else {
            end <- c()
        nl <- c(start, tn[, nl[i]], end)
        idx <- which(! nl %in% labels)

    ord <- sapply(nl, function(i) which(i == labels))

    m <- t(tn)
    nidx <- m %in% labels
    m[nidx] <- -sapply(m[nidx], function(i) which(i== labels))
    m[!nidx] <- sapply(m[!nidx], function(i) unlist(strsplit(i, "-"))[2])
    m <- matrix(as.numeric(m), ncol=2)

    hr <- list(merge=m,
    stats:::plot.hclust(hr, main=main, xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, sub="")

## perf <- sapply(2:20, function(i) {
##     res <- kmeans(iris[,-5], centers=3, iter.max=i)
##     lev <- sapply(1:3, function(j)
##                   names(which.max(table(iris[res$cluster == j, 5]))))
##     sum(as.numeric(factor(iris[,5], levels=lev)) == res$cluster)/length(iris[,5])

## })
GuangchuangYu/mlass documentation built on May 6, 2019, 9:02 p.m.