#' @title
#' Evaluate and gives the best match to any date format using lubridate library
#' @description
#' This function takes a tibble and a specific column. This column is evaluated
#' one observation after the other, and finally gives the best matching date
#' format for the whole column. The best matching format is tested across seven
#' different formats provided by the lubridate library. Along with the format,
#' the percentage of matching is given in the output tibble. The information of
#' the best matching format can be used to mutate a column using
#' [as_any_date()]. The default format is yyyy-mm-dd.
#' @details
#' Contrary to lubridate library or [as.Date()], the function evaluates
#' the column as a whole, and does not cast the column if there is ambiguity
#' between values. For example, ('19-07-1983', '02-03-1982') implies that 02
#' refers to the day and 03 refers to the month, since that order works for the
#' first element, and doesn't otherwise.
#' @param tbl R object(dataframe or tibble) of the input tbl
#' @param col A character string specifying a column of interest
#' @seealso
#' [lubridate::ymd()],[lubridate::ydm()],[lubridate::dmy()],
#' [lubridate::myd()],[lubridate::mdy()],[lubridate::dym()],
#' [lubridate::my()] ,[lubridate::ym()],
#' [lubridate::as_date()],[as.Date()],
#' [which_any_date()],[as_any_date()]
#' @return
#' A tibble with information concerning the best matching date format, given an
#' object to be evaluated.
#' @examples
#' {
#' library(tidyr)
#' ##### Example 1 -------------------------------------------------------------
#' # Non-ambiguous dates ----------------------------------------------------
#' time <-
#' tibble(time = c(
#' "1983-07-19",
#' "2003-01-14",
#' "2010-09-29",
#' "2023-12-12",
#' "2009-09-03",
#' "1509-11-30",
#' "1809-01-01"))
#' guess_date_format(time)
#' ##### Example 2 -------------------------------------------------------------
#' # Ambiguous dates ----------------------------------------------------
#' time <-
#' tibble(time = c(
#' "1983-19-07",
#' "1983-10-13",
#' "2009-09-03",
#' "1509-11-30"))
#' guess_date_format(time)
#' ##### Example 3 -------------------------------------------------------------
#' # Non date format dates --------------------------------------------------
#' time <-
#' tibble(time = c(
#' "198-07-19",
#' "200-01-14",
#' "201-09-29",
#' "202-12-12",
#' "2000-09-03",
#' "150-11-3d0",
#' "180-01-01"))
#' guess_date_format(time)
#' }
#' @import dplyr lubridate tidyr stringr
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @export
guess_date_format <- function(tbl, col = NULL){
if(is.null(col)) col <- tbl %>% names
tbl <- tbl %>% select(all_of(col))
test <- tibble(
name_var = as.character(),
`Date format` = as.character(),
`% values formated` = as.numeric())
for(i in tbl %>% names){
# stop()}
column <-
tbl %>%
select(var = all_of(i)) %>%
dplyr::filter(!is.na(.data$var)) %>%
test_sample <-
column %>%
sample_n(min(nrow(column), 100)) %>%
distinct() %>%
rowwise() %>%
ymd = ymd(.data$var, quiet = TRUE),
ydm = ydm(.data$var, quiet = TRUE),
dmy = dmy(.data$var, quiet = TRUE),
myd = myd(.data$var, quiet = TRUE),
mdy = mdy(.data$var, quiet = TRUE),
dym = dym(.data$var, quiet = TRUE),
my = my(.data$var, quiet = TRUE),
ym = ym(.data$var, quiet = TRUE)) %>%
ungroup %>%
summarise(across(-c("var"), ~ sum(!is.na(.)))) %>%
cols = everything(),
names_to = "Date format",
values_to = "nb_values") %>%
dplyr::filter(.data$`nb_values` == max(.data$`nb_values`))
test_all <- column %>%
mutate(ymd = NA_Date_ ,
ydm = NA_Date_ ,
dmy = NA_Date_ ,
myd = NA_Date_ ,
mdy = NA_Date_ ,
dym = NA_Date_,
my = NA_Date_ ,
ym = NA_Date_)
if(sum(test_sample$nb_values) != 0){
if(sum(test_sample$`Date format` %in% "ymd") == 1)
test_all <- test_all %>% mutate(ymd = ymd(.data$var, quiet = TRUE))
if(sum(test_sample$`Date format` %in% "ydm") == 1)
test_all <- test_all %>% mutate(ydm = ydm(.data$var, quiet = TRUE))
if(sum(test_sample$`Date format` %in% "dmy") == 1)
test_all <- test_all %>% mutate(dmy = dmy(.data$var, quiet = TRUE))
if(sum(test_sample$`Date format` %in% "myd") == 1)
test_all <- test_all %>% mutate(myd = myd(.data$var, quiet = TRUE))
if(sum(test_sample$`Date format` %in% "mdy") == 1)
test_all <- test_all %>% mutate(mdy = mdy(.data$var, quiet = TRUE))
if(sum(test_sample$`Date format` %in% "dym") == 1)
test_all <- test_all %>% mutate(dym = dym(.data$var, quiet = TRUE))
if(sum(test_sample$`Date format` %in% "my") == 1)
test_all <- test_all %>% mutate(my = my(.data$var, quiet = TRUE))
if(sum(test_sample$`Date format` %in% "ym") == 1)
test_all <- test_all %>% mutate(ym = ym(.data$var, quiet = TRUE))
test_col <-
test_all %>%
# ungroup %>%
summarise(across(-'var', ~ sum(!is.na(.)))) %>%
cols = everything(),
names_to = "Date format",
values_to = "nb_values") %>%
name_var = i,
`% values formated` =
round(100*(.data$nb_values / (
tbl %>% select(var = all_of(i)) %>%
distinct %>% dplyr::filter(!is.na(.data$var)) %>% nrow)),2),
`% values formated` =
ifelse(is.na(.data$`% values formated`),
0,.data$`% values formated`),
`Date match` = case_when(
.data$`% values formated` == 0 ~ "No match",
.data$`% values formated` == 100 ~ paste0("Exact match"),
TRUE ~ paste0("Ambiguous match")),
) %>%
.data$name_var,.data$`Date match`,.data$`% values formated`,
.data$nb_values) %>%
"Date format" = paste0(.data$`Date format`,collapse = ", "),
.groups = 'keep') %>%
ungroup() %>%
arrange(-.data$nb_values) %>%
slice(1) %>%
`Date match` = ifelse(str_detect(.data$`Date format`,","),
"Ambiguous match",.data$`Date match`)
# `Date format` = ifelse(
# .data$`% values formated` == 100 & ,
# str_split_1(.data$`Date format`,",")[[1]],.data$`Date format`),
) %>%
test <- bind_rows(test,test_col)
#' @title
#' Evaluates and gives the possible format(s) for an object to be evaluated
#' @description
#' This function takes a character string or a vector. This vector is evaluates
#' one observation after the other, and gives the best matching date format
#' for each of them (independently). The best matching format is tested across
#' seven different formats provided by the lubridate library. The information of
#' the best matching format can be used to mutate a column using
#' [as_any_date()].
#' @details
#' Contrary to lubridate library or [as.Date()], the function evaluates
#' the different possibilities for a date. For example, c('02-03-1982') can be
#' either March the 2nd or February the 3rd. The function will provide
#' "mdy, dmy" as possible formats. If no format is found, the function returns
#' NA.
#' @param x object to be coerced. Can be a character string or a vector.
#' @param format A character identifying the format to apply to the object to
#' test.
#' That format can be 'ymd','ydm','dmy','myd','mdy','dym', 'ym', 'my' or
#' 'as_date' in that specific order ('ymd" will be chose as a default format,
#' then 'ymd', etc.).
#' @return
#' A character string of the possible date formats given a parameter to be
#' tested. The length of the vector is the length of the input object.
#' @seealso
#' [lubridate::ymd()],[lubridate::ydm()],[lubridate::dmy()],
#' [lubridate::myd()],[lubridate::mdy()],[lubridate::dym()],
#' [lubridate::my()] ,[lubridate::ym()],
#' [lubridate::as_date()],[as.Date()],
#' [guess_date_format()],[as_any_date()]
#' @examples
#' {
#' time <- c(
#' "1983-07-19",
#' "31 jan 2017",
#' "1988/12/17",
#' "31-02-05",
#' "02-02-02",
#' "2017 october the 2nd",
#' "02-07-2012",
#' "19-07-83",
#' "19-19-19")
#' which_any_date(time)
#' }
#' @import dplyr lubridate stringr
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @export
which_any_date <- function(
x,format = c("ymd","ydm","dmy","myd","mdy","dym","my", "ym","as_date")){
test <- c()
x_origin <- x
x <- unique(x)
if(length(x) == 0) return("ymd")
for(i in seq_len(length(x))){
if(is.na(x[i])){ test[i] <- NA_character_ }
test[i] <-
if("ymd" %in% format & !is.na(ymd(x[i], quiet = TRUE))) "ymd",
if("ydm" %in% format & !is.na(ydm(x[i], quiet = TRUE))) "ydm",
if("dmy" %in% format & !is.na(dmy(x[i], quiet = TRUE))) "dmy",
if("myd" %in% format & !is.na(myd(x[i], quiet = TRUE))) "myd",
if("mdy" %in% format & !is.na(mdy(x[i], quiet = TRUE))) "mdy",
if("dym" %in% format & !is.na(dym(x[i], quiet = TRUE))) "dym",
if("my" %in% format & !is.na(my(x[i], quiet = TRUE))) "my",
if("ym" %in% format & !is.na(ym(x[i], quiet = TRUE))) "ym",
if("as_date" %in% format & !is.na(suppressWarnings(as_date(x[i]))))
"as_date") %>%
toString }}
test <-
test %>%
na_if("") %>%
str_remove(pattern = ", as_date")
test <-
full_join(tibble(x = x_origin),tibble(test, x),by = 'x') %>%
mutate(test = ifelse(str_detect(.data$`test`,"ymd"),"ymd",.data$`test`)) %>%
#' @title
#' Create objects of class "Date"
#' @description
#' This function takes a character string or a vector. This vector is evaluates
#' one observation after the other, and casts the best matching date format
#' for each of them (independently). The best matching format is tested across
#' seven different formats provided by the lubridate library. The user can
#' specify the wanted matching format (and can be helped using
#' [which_any_date()] for each value or [guess_date_format()]
#' for the values as a whole.
#' @details
#' Contrary to lubridate library or [as.Date()], the function evaluates
#' the different possibilities for a date. For example, c('02-03-1982') can be
#' either March the 2nd or February the 3rd. The function will cast the value as
#' NA, and a warning, since there is an ambiguity that cannot be solved, unless
#' the user provides the format to apply.
#' @param x object to be coerced.
#' @param format A character identifying the format to apply to the object.
#' That format can be 'ymd','ydm','dym','dmy','mdy','myd','my','ym'.
#' @seealso
#' [lubridate::ymd()],[lubridate::ydm()],[lubridate::dmy()],
#' [lubridate::myd()],[lubridate::mdy()],[lubridate::dym()],
#' [lubridate::my()] ,[lubridate::ym()],
#' [lubridate::as_date()],[as.Date()],
#' [guess_date_format()],[which_any_date()]
#' @return
#' A R Object of class 'Date'.
#' @examples
#' {
#' library(dplyr)
#' library(tidyr)
#' ##### Example 1 -------------------------------------------------------------
#' # Ambiguous dates -----------------------------------------------------------
#' as_any_date('19 02 12')
#' as_any_date('19 02 12', format = "ymd")
#' as_any_date('19 02 12', format = "dym")
#' ##### Example 2 -------------------------------------------------------------
#' # Non-ambiguous dates -------------------------------------------------------
#' time <-
#' tibble(time = c(
#' "1983 07-19",
#' "14-01-1925",
#' "12/13/2015",
#' "2009-09-13",
#' "17-12-12",
#' "coucou",
#' "2025 jan the 30th",
#' "1809-01-19"))
#' time %>% mutate(new_time = as_any_date(time))
#' }
#' @import dplyr lubridate stringr
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @export
as_any_date <- function(
x = as.character(),
format = c("dmy","dym","ymd","ydm","mdy","myd","my", "ym", "as_date")){
date_guess <- guess_date_format(tibble(x))
if(date_guess$`Date match` == "Exact match"){
date_test <- rep(date_guess$`Date format`,length(x))
date_test <- which_any_date(x, format)
wrn3 <- wrn4 <- 0
for(i in seq_len(length(date_test))){
# stop()}
if(!is.na(date_test[i]) & length(x) == 0){date_test <- as.character(x)}
else if(
is.na(date_test[i]) & is.na(x[i])){date_test[i] <- NA_Date_}
else if(
is.na(date_test[i]) & !is.na(x[i])){date_test[i] <- NA_Date_;wrn3 <- i}
else if(
str_detect(date_test[i], ",")){date_test[i] <- NA_Date_;wrn4 <- i}
if(date_guess$`Date match` == "Exact match"){
date_test <- as.character(do.call(date_test[1], list(x)))
date_test <-
tibble(x,date_test) %>%
rowwise() %>%
x = ifelse(is.na(.data$`date_test`),
as.character(eval(parse(text =
))))) %>%
if(wrn3 > 0)
call. = FALSE,
"All formats failed to parse for some values.",
"\n","\n\nUseful tip:"," Use which_any_date(x) to get formats.")
if(wrn4 > 0)
call. = FALSE,
"Ambiguous date format (",x[wrn4],"). Please provide format.",
"\n","\n\nUseful tip:"," Use which_any_date(x) to get formats.")
date_final <- ymd(date_test)
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