
Defines functions run_confidentPrediction run_LION run_LncADeep run_rpiCOOL run_RPISeq run_lncPro

Documented in run_confidentPrediction run_LION run_LncADeep run_lncPro run_rpiCOOL run_RPISeq

#' Predict RNA-Protein Interaction Using lncPro Method
#' @description This function can predict lncRNA/RNA-protein interactions using lncPro method. Model retraining and feature extraction are also supported.
#' Programs "RNAsubopt" from software "ViennaRNA Package" and "Predator" is required. Please also note that
#' "Predator" is only available on UNIX/Linux and 32-bit Windows OS.
#' @param seqRNA RNA sequences loaded by function \code{\link[seqinr]{read.fasta}} from \code{\link[seqinr]{seqinr-package}}.
#' Or a list of RNA/protein sequences.
#' RNA sequences will be converted into lower case letters.
#' @param seqPro protein sequences loaded by function \code{\link[seqinr]{read.fasta}} from \code{\link[seqinr]{seqinr-package}}.
#' Or a list of protein sequences.
#' Protein sequences will be converted into upper case letters.
#' Each sequence should be a vector of single characters.
#' @param mode a string. Set \code{"prediction"} to predict ncRNA-protein pairs and return prediction results;
#' set \code{"retrain"} to build a new random forest model using the input data;
#' set \code{"feature"} to return a data frame contains the extracted features.
#' Users can use the extracted features generated by \code{mode = "feature"} to train classifiers
#' with other machine learning algorithms. Default: \code{"prediction"}.
#' @param args.RNAsubopt,args.Predator string (in format such as "-N --pfScale 1.07") specifying additional arguments for "RNAsubopt" (except "-p") and "Predator" (except "-a" and "-b"). This is used when you want to control their behaviours. Arguments for "RNAsubopt" and "Predator" please refer to their manual. Default: \code{NULL}.
#' @param path.RNAsubopt,path.Predator a string specifying the location of "RNAsubopt" and "Predator" program.
#' @param path.stride a string specifying the location of file "stride.dat" required by program Predator.
#' @param workDir.Pro a string specifying the directory for temporary files used for process protein sequences.
#' The temp files will be deleted automatically when
#' the calculation is completed. If the directory does not exist, it will be created automatically.
#' @param prediction (only when \code{mode = "prediction"}) set \code{"original"} to use original lncPro algorithm,
#' or set \code{"retrained"} to call retrained model.
#' The retrained model is constructed with the same features as the original version, but random classifier is employed to
#' build the classifier.
#' @param retrained.model (only when \code{mode = "prediction"} and \code{prediction = "retrained"})
#' use the default model or a new retrained model to predict ncRNA-protein pairs?
#' If \code{NULL}, default machine learning model will be used. Or pass the model generated by this function
#' with parameter \code{"mode = retrain"}. Default: \code{NULL}. See examples below.
#' @param label a string or a vector of strings or \code{NULL}.
#' Optional when \code{mode = "prediction"} or \code{mode = "feature"}: used to give labels or notes to the output result.
#' Required when \code{mode = "retrain"}: must be a vector of strings that corresponds to input sequences.
#' Each string indicates the class of each input pair. Default: \code{NULL}.
#' @param positive.class (only when \code{mode = "retrain"}) \code{NULL} or a string used to indicate
#' which class is the positive class, Should be one
#' of the classes in \code{label} or leave \code{positive.class = NULL}.
#' In the latter case, the first class in \code{label} will be used
#' as the positive class. Default: \code{NULL}.
#' @param folds.num (only when \code{mode = "retrain"}) an integer indicates the number of folds for cross validation.
#' Default: \code{10} for 10-fold cross validation.
#' @param ntree integer, number of trees to grow. See \code{\link[randomForest]{randomForest}}.
#' Default: \code{3000}.
#' @param mtry.ratios (only when \code{mode = "retrain"}) used to indicate the ratios of \code{mtry} when tuning the random forest classifier.
#' \code{mtry} = ratio of mtry * number of features Default: \code{c(0.1, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8)}.
#' @param seed (only when \code{mode = "retrain"}) an integer indicates the random seed for data splitting.
#' @param parallel.cores an integer that indicates the number of cores for parallel computation.
#' Default: \code{2}. Set \code{parallel.cores = -1} to run with all the cores. \code{parallel.cores} should be == -1 or >= 1.
#' @param cl parallel cores to be passed to this function.
#' @param ... (only when \code{mode = "retrain"}) other parameters (except \code{ntree} and \code{mtry}) passed to \code{\link[randomForest]{randomForest}} function.
#' @return
#' If \code{mode = "prediction"}, this function returns a data frame that contains the predicted results.
#' If \code{mode = "retrain"}, this function returns a random forest classifier.
#' If \code{mode = "feature"}, this function returns a data frame that contains the extracted features.
#' @details
#' The method is proposed by lncPro. This function, \code{runlncPro}, has
#' improved and fixed the original code.
#' \code{runlncPro} depends on the program "RNAsubopt" of software "ViennaRNA"
#' (\url{http://www.tbi.univie.ac.at/RNA/index.html}) and "Predator"
#' (\url{https://bioweb.pasteur.fr/packages/pack@predator@2.1.2}).
#' Parameter \code{path.RNAsubopt} can be simply defined as \code{"RNAsubopt"} as
#' default when the OS is UNIX/Linux. However, for some OS, such as Windows, users may
#' need to specify the \code{path.RNAsubopt} if the path of "RNAsubopt" haven't been
#' added in environment variables (e.g. \code{path.RNAsubopt = '"C:/Program Files/ViennaRNA/RNAsubopt.exe"'}).
#' Program "Predator" is only available on UNIX/Linux and 32-bit Windows OS.
#' @section References:
#' Lu Q, Ren S, Lu M, \emph{et al}.
#' Computational prediction of associations between long non-coding RNAs and proteins.
#' BMC Genomics 2013; 14:651
#' @importFrom caret createFolds
#' @importFrom caret confusionMatrix
#' @importFrom randomForest randomForest
#' @importFrom parallel makeCluster
#' @importFrom parallel clusterExport
#' @importFrom parallel parLapply
#' @importFrom parallel parSapply
#' @importFrom parallel stopCluster
#' @importFrom parallel detectCores
#' @importFrom parallel mcmapply
#' @importFrom seqinr a
#' @importFrom seqinr s2c
#' @importFrom seqinr getSequence
#' @importFrom seqinr write.fasta
#' @importFrom utils data
#' @importFrom stats predict
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' # Following codes only show how to use this function
#' # and cannot reflect the genuine performance of tools or classifiers.
#' data(demoPositiveSeq)
#' seqRNA <- demoPositiveSeq$RNA.positive
#' seqPro <- demoPositiveSeq$Pro.positive
#' # Predicting ncRNA-protein pairs (you need to use your own paths):
#' path.RNAsubopt <- "RNAsubopt"
#' path.Predator <- "/mnt/external_drive_1/hansy/predator/predator"
#' path.stride <- "/mnt/external_drive_1/hansy/predator/stride.dat"
#' workDir.Pro <- "tmp"
#' Res_lncPro_1 <- run_lncPro(seqRNA = seqRNA, seqPro = seqPro, mode = "prediction",
#'                            path.RNAsubopt = path.RNAsubopt, path.Predator = path.Predator,
#'                            path.stride = path.stride, workDir.Pro = workDir.Pro,
#'                            prediction = "original", label = "lncPro_original",
#'                            parallel.cores = 10) # using original algorithm
#' Res_lncPro_2 <- run_lncPro(seqRNA = seqRNA, seqPro = seqPro, mode = "prediction",
#'                            path.RNAsubopt = path.RNAsubopt, path.Predator = path.Predator,
#'                            path.stride = path.stride, workDir.Pro = workDir.Pro,
#'                            prediction = "retrained", retrained.model = NULL,
#'                            label = "lncPro_retrained",
#'                            parallel.cores = 10) # using default rebuilt model
#' # Train a new model:
#' # Argument "label" which indicates the class of each input pair is required here.
#' # "label" should correspond to the classes of "seqRNA" and "seqPro".
#' # "positive.class" should be one of the classes in argument "label" or can be set as "NULL".
#' # In the latter case, the first label in "label" will be used as the positive class.
#' # Parameters of random forest, such as "replace", "nodesize", can be passed using "..." argument.
#' lncPro_model = run_lncPro(seqRNA = seqRNA, seqPro = seqPro, mode = "retrain",
#'                           path.RNAsubopt = path.RNAsubopt, path.Predator = path.Predator,
#'                           path.stride = path.stride, workDir.Pro = workDir.Pro,
#'                           label = rep(c("Interact", "Non.Interact"), each = 10),
#'                           positive.class = NULL, folds.num = 10,
#'                           ntree = 100, seed = 1, parallel.cores = 2, replace = FALSE)
#' # Predicting using new built model by setting "retrained.model = lncPro_model":
#' Res_lncPro_3 <- run_lncPro(seqRNA = seqRNA, seqPro = seqPro, mode = "prediction",
#'                            path.RNAsubopt = path.RNAsubopt, path.Predator = path.Predator,
#'                            path.stride = path.stride, workDir.Pro = workDir.Pro,
#'                            prediction = "retrained", retrained.model = lncPro_model,
#'                            label = rep(c("Interact", "Non.Interact"), each = 10),
#'                            parallel.cores = 10)
#' # Only extracting features:
#' lncPro_feature_df <- run_lncPro(seqRNA = seqRNA, seqPro = seqPro,
#'                                 mode = "feature", path.RNAsubopt = path.RNAsubopt,
#'                                 path.Predator = path.Predator, path.stride = path.stride,
#'                                 workDir.Pro = workDir.Pro, label = "Interact",
#'                                 parallel.cores = 10)
#' # Extracted features can be used to build classifiers using other machine learning
#' # algorithms, which provides users with more flexibility.
#' }
#' @export

run_lncPro <- function(seqRNA, seqPro, mode = c("prediction", "retrain", "feature"),
                       args.RNAsubopt = NULL, args.Predator = NULL,
                       path.RNAsubopt = "RNAsubopt", path.Predator = "Predator/predator",
                       path.stride = "Predator/stride.dat", workDir.Pro = getwd(),
                       prediction = c("original", "retrained"), retrained.model = NULL,
                       label = NULL, positive.class = NULL, folds.num = 10,
                       ntree = 3000, mtry.ratios = c(0.1, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8), seed = 1,
                       parallel.cores = 2, cl = NULL, ...) {

        mode <- match.arg(mode, choices = c("prediction", "retrain", "feature"))
        prediction <- match.arg(prediction)

        if (!file.exists(path.stride)) stop("The path of stride.dat is not correct! Please check parameter path.stride.")
        if (length(seqRNA) != length(seqPro)) stop("The number of RNA sequences should match the number of protein sequences!")
        if (!is.null(label)) {
                if (length(label) == 1) {
                        label <- rep(label, length(seqPro))
                if (length(label) != length(seqPro)) stop("The length of label should be one or match the length of sequences!")

        if (mode == "retrain") {
                if (length(label) != length(seqRNA) | length(unique(label)) != 2) {
                        stop("label is required and should correspond to input sequences!")
                if (!is.null(positive.class)) {
                        if (!positive.class %in% label) stop("positive.class should be NULL or one of the classes in label.")

        message("+ Initializing...  ", Sys.time())

        message("- Checking sequences...  ")

        check_idx <- which(lengths(seqRNA) <= 4095)
        if (length(check_idx) < length(seqRNA)) {
                message("  * Due to the limitation of RNAsubopt,")
                message("    sequences with length more than 4095 nt will be omitted.")
                message("    ", length(seqRNA) - length(check_idx), " of ", length(seqRNA), " pairs have been removed.")
                seqRNA <- seqRNA[check_idx]
                seqPro <- seqPro[check_idx]
                if (!is.null(label)) label <- label[check_idx]

        check_idx <- which(lengths(seqPro) >= 30)
        if (length(check_idx) < length(seqPro)) {
                message("  * Due to the limitation of predator,")
                message("    sequences with length less than 30 amino acids will be omitted.")
                message("    ", length(seqPro) - length(check_idx), " of ", length(seqPro), " pairs have been removed.")
                seqRNA <- seqRNA[check_idx]
                seqPro <- seqPro[check_idx]
                if (!is.null(label)) label <- label[check_idx]

        close_cl <- FALSE
        if (is.null(cl)) {
                message("- Creating cores...  ")
                parallel.cores <- ifelse(parallel.cores == -1, parallel::detectCores(), parallel.cores)
                cl <- parallel::makeCluster(parallel.cores)
                close_cl <- TRUE

        # parallel.cores <- ifelse(parallel.cores == -1, parallel::detectCores(), parallel.cores)
        # cl <- parallel::makeCluster(parallel.cores)

        seqRNA <- parallel::parLapply(cl, seqRNA, Internal.checkRNA)

        data(aaindex, package = "seqinr", envir = environment())
        aaindex <- get("aaindex")

        if (mode == "prediction" & prediction == "original") {
                message("\n", "+ Extracting features from RNA sequences...  ", Sys.time())
                lncProFeatures.RNA <- Internal.lncPro_extractFeatures(cl = cl, seqs = seqRNA, seqType = "RNA",
                                                                      args.RNAsubopt = args.RNAsubopt,
                                                                      path.RNAsubopt = path.RNAsubopt,
                                                                      aaindex = aaindex)

                message("\n", "+ Extracting features from protein sequences...  ", Sys.time())
                lncProFeatures.Pro <- Internal.lncPro_extractFeatures(cl = cl, seqs = seqPro, seqType = "Pro",
                                                                      args.Predator = args.Predator,
                                                                      path.Predator = path.Predator,
                                                                      path.stride = path.stride,
                                                                      workDir.Pro = workDir.Pro, aaindex = aaindex)
                if (close_cl) parallel::stopCluster(cl)

                lncProFeatures.RNA.df <- data.frame(lncProFeatures.RNA, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
                lncProFeatures.Pro.df <- data.frame(lncProFeatures.Pro, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
        } else {
                featureSetPhysChem <- featurePhysChem(seqRNA = seqRNA, seqPro = seqPro,
                                                      cl = cl, Fourier.len = 10, physchemRNA = c("hydrogenBonding", "vanderWaal"),
                                                      physchemPro = c("polarity.Grantham", "polarity.Zimmerman",
                                                                      "hphob.KyteDoolittle", "hphob.BullBreese"))
                featureSetStruct <- featureStructure(seqRNA = seqRNA, seqPro = seqPro,
                                                     cl = cl, structureRNA.num = 6, structurePro = "ChouFasman",
                                                     Fourier.len = 10, workDir.Pro = workDir.Pro,
                                                     args.RNAsubopt = args.RNAsubopt,
                                                     args.Predator = args.Predator,
                                                     path.RNAsubopt = path.RNAsubopt,
                                                     path.Predator = path.Predator,
                                                     path.stride = path.stride)
                if (close_cl) parallel::stopCluster(cl)

                featureSet <- cbind(featureSetPhysChem, featureSetStruct)

        if (length(names(seqRNA)) != 0) names.seqRNA <- names(seqRNA) else names.seqRNA <- "RNA.noName"
        if (length(names(seqPro)) != 0) names.seqPro <- names(seqPro) else names.seqPro <- "Protein.noName"

        if (mode == "prediction") {
                if (prediction == "original") {
                        message("\n", "+ Predicting pairs using lncPro...  ", Sys.time())
                        message("- Original algorithm selected.  ", Sys.time())

                        scores <- t(parallel::mcmapply(Internal.lncPro_finalScore, lncProFeatures.RNA.df,
                                                       lncProFeatures.Pro.df, mc.cores = parallel.cores))
                        Prediction <- ifelse(scores[,1] > 50, "Interact", "Non.Interact")

                        if (is.null(label)) {
                                outRes <- data.frame(RNA_Name = names.seqRNA, Pro_Name = names.seqPro,
                                                     lncPro_original_pred = Prediction,
                                                     lncPro_original_prob = scores[,1]/100,
                                                     stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
                        } else {
                                outRes <- data.frame(RNA_Name = names.seqRNA, Pro_Name = names.seqPro,
                                                     label = label, lncPro_original_pred = Prediction,
                                                     lncPro_original_prob = scores[,1]/100,
                                                     stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
                } else {
                        message("\n", "+ Predicting pairs using lncPro...  ", Sys.time())
                        if (is.null(retrained.model)) {
                                message("- Default retrained model selected.  ", Sys.time())
                                data(mod_lncPro, package = "LION", envir = environment())
                                mod_lncPro <- get("mod_lncPro")
                        } else {
                                message("- Using model provided by user.  ", Sys.time())
                                mod_lncPro <- retrained.model

                        res <- stats::predict(mod_lncPro, featureSet, type = "response")
                        prob <- stats::predict(mod_lncPro, featureSet, type = "prob")

                        if (is.null(label)) {
                                outRes <- cbind(RNA_Name = names.seqRNA, Pro_Name = names.seqPro,
                                                lncPro_retrain_pred = as.character(res),
                                                lncPro_retrain_prob = prob[,1])
                                outRes <- data.frame(outRes, stringsAsFactors = F)
                        } else {
                                outRes <- cbind(RNA_Name = names.seqRNA, Pro_Name = names.seqPro, label = label,
                                                lncPro_retrain_pred = as.character(res),
                                                lncPro_retrain_prob = prob[,1])
                                outRes <- data.frame(outRes, stringsAsFactors = F)
                message("\n", "+ Completed.  ", Sys.time())
        } else if (mode == "feature") {
                if (!is.null(label)) featureSet <- cbind(label = label, featureSet)
                message("\n", "+ Completed.  ", Sys.time())
        } else {
                featureSet <- cbind(label = label, featureSet)
                message("\n", "+ Retraining model...  ", Sys.time())
                retrained.model <- Internal.randomForest_tune(datasets = list(featureSet), label.col = 1,
                                                              positive.class = positive.class, folds.num = folds.num,
                                                              ntree = ntree,
                                                              mtry.ratios = mtry.ratios,
                                                              seed = seed, return.model = TRUE,
                                                              parallel.cores = parallel.cores, ...)
                message("\n", "+ Completed.  ", Sys.time())

#' Predict RNA-Protein Interaction Using RPISeq Method
#' @description This function can predict lncRNA/RNA-protein interactions using RPISeq method.
#' Both the web-based original version and retrained model are available. Network is required to use
#' the original version. Model retraining and feature extraction are also supported.
#' @param seqRNA RNA sequences loaded by function \code{\link[seqinr]{read.fasta}} from \code{\link[seqinr]{seqinr-package}}.
#' Or a list of RNA/protein sequences.
#' RNA sequences will be converted into lower case letters.
#' @param seqPro protein sequences loaded by function \code{\link[seqinr]{read.fasta}} from \code{\link[seqinr]{seqinr-package}}.
#' Or a list of protein sequences.
#' Protein sequences will be converted into upper case letters.
#' Each sequence should be a vector of single characters.
#' @param mode a string. Set \code{"prediction"} to predict ncRNA-protein pairs and return prediction results;
#' set \code{"retrain"} to build a new random forest model using the input data;
#' set \code{"feature"} to return a data frame contains the extracted features.
#' Users can use the extracted features generated by \code{mode = "feature"} to train classifiers
#' with other machine learning algorithms. Default: \code{"prediction"}.
#' @param prediction (only when \code{mode = "prediction"}) set \code{"web"} to use original web-based RPISeq algorithm (network is required),
#' or set \code{"retrained"} to call retrained model.
#' @param retrained.model (only when \code{mode = "prediction"} and \code{prediction = "retrained"})
#' use the default model or a new retrained model to predict ncRNA-protein pairs?
#' If \code{NULL}, default machine learning model will be used. Or pass the model generated by this function
#' with parameter \code{"mode = retrain"}. Default: \code{NULL}. See examples below.
#' @param label a string or a vector of strings or \code{NULL}.
#' Optional when \code{mode = "prediction"} or \code{mode = "feature"}: used to give labels or notes to the output result.
#' Required when \code{mode = "retrain"}: must be a vector of strings that corresponds to input sequences.
#' Each string indicates the class of each input pair. Default: \code{NULL}.
#' @param positive.class (only when \code{mode = "retrain"}) \code{NULL} or a string used to indicate
#' which class is the positive class, Should be one
#' of the classes in \code{label} or leave \code{positive.class = NULL}.
#' In the latter case, the first class in \code{label} will be used
#' as the positive class. Default: \code{NULL}.
#' @param folds.num (only when \code{mode = "retrain"}) an integer indicates the number of folds for cross validation.
#' Default: \code{10} for 10-fold cross validation.
#' @param ntree integer, number of trees to grow. See \code{\link[randomForest]{randomForest}}.
#' Default: \code{3000}.
#' @param mtry.ratios (only when \code{mode = "retrain"}) used to indicate the ratios of \code{mtry} when tuning the random forest classifier.
#' \code{mtry} = ratio of mtry * number of features Default: \code{c(0.1, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8)}.
#' @param seed (only when \code{mode = "retrain"}) an integer indicates the random seed for data splitting.
#' @param parallel.cores an integer that indicates the number of cores for parallel computation.
#' Default: \code{2}. Set \code{parallel.cores = -1} to run with all the cores. \code{parallel.cores} should be == -1 or >= 1.
#' @param cl parallel cores to be passed to this function.
#' @param ... (only when \code{mode = "retrain"}) other parameters (except \code{ntree} and \code{mtry}) passed to \code{\link[randomForest]{randomForest}} function.
#' @return
#' If \code{mode = "prediction"}, this function returns a data frame that contains the predicted results.
#' If \code{mode = "retrain"}, this function returns a random forest classifier.
#' If \code{mode = "feature"}, this function returns a data frame that contains the extracted features.
#' @section References:
#' Muppirala UK, Honavar VG, Dobbs D.
#' Predicting RNA-protein interactions using only sequence information.
#' BMC Bioinformatics 2011; 12:489
#' @importFrom caret createFolds
#' @importFrom caret confusionMatrix
#' @importFrom randomForest randomForest
#' @importFrom parallel makeCluster
#' @importFrom parallel clusterExport
#' @importFrom parallel parSapply
#' @importFrom parallel stopCluster
#' @importFrom parallel detectCores
#' @importFrom seqinr count
#' @importFrom seqinr getSequence
#' @importFrom RCurl postForm
#' @importFrom stats predict
#' @examples
#' # Following codes only show how to use this function
#' # and cannot reflect the genuine performance of tools or classifiers.
#' data(demoPositiveSeq)
#' seqRNA <- demoPositiveSeq$RNA.positive
#' seqPro <- demoPositiveSeq$Pro.positive
#' # Predicting ncRNA-protein pairs:
#' Res_RPISeq_1 <- run_RPISeq(seqRNA = seqRNA, seqPro = seqPro, mode = "prediction",
#'                            label = "Interact", prediction = "web",
#'                            parallel.cores = 2) # using web server
#' Res_RPISeq_2 <- run_RPISeq(seqRNA = seqRNA, seqPro = seqPro, mode = "prediction",
#'                            prediction = "retrained", retrained.model = NULL,
#'                            parallel.cores = 2) # using default rebuilt model
#' # Train a new model:
#' # Argument "label" which indicates the class of each input pair is required here.
#' # "label" should correspond to the classes of "seqRNA" and "seqPro".
#' # "positive.class" should be one of the classes in argument "label" or can be set as "NULL".
#' # In the latter case, the first label in "label" will be used as the positive class.
#' # Parameters of random forest, such as "nodesize", can be passed using "..." argument.
#' RPI_model <- run_RPISeq(seqRNA = seqRNA, seqPro = seqPro, mode = "retrain",
#'                        label = rep(c("Interact", "Non.Interact"), each = 10),
#'                        positive.class = "Interact", folds.num = 5,
#'                        ntree = 300, seed = 1, parallel.cores = 2, nodesize = 2)
#' # Predicting using new built model by setting "retrained.model = RPI_model":
#' Res_RPISeq_3 <- run_RPISeq(seqRNA = seqRNA, seqPro = seqPro, mode = "prediction",
#'                            prediction = "retrained", retrained.model = RPI_model,
#'                            label = rep(c("Interact", "Non.Interact"), each = 10),
#'                            parallel.cores = 2)
#' # Only extracting features:
#' RPISeq_feature_df <- run_RPISeq(seqRNA = seqRNA, seqPro = seqPro, mode = "feature",
#'                                 label = "Interact", parallel.cores = 2)
#' # Extracted features can be used to build classifiers using other machine learning
#' # algorithms, which provides users with more flexibility.
#' @export

run_RPISeq <- function(seqRNA, seqPro, mode = c("prediction", "retrain", "feature"),
                       prediction = c("web", "retrained"), retrained.model = NULL,
                       label = NULL, positive.class = NULL, folds.num = 10,
                       ntree = 3000, mtry.ratios = c(0.1, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8), seed = 1,
                       parallel.cores = 2, cl = NULL, ...) {

        mode <- match.arg(mode, choices = c("prediction", "retrain", "feature"))
        prediction <- match.arg(prediction)
        if (length(seqRNA) != length(seqPro)) stop("The number of RNA sequences should match the number of protein sequences!")
        if (!is.null(label)) {
                if (length(label) == 1) {
                        label <- rep(label, length(seqPro))
                if (length(label) != length(seqPro)) stop("The length of label should be one or match the length of sequences!")
        if (mode == "retrain") {
                if (length(label) != length(seqRNA) | length(unique(label)) != 2) {
                        stop("label is required and should correspond to input sequences!")
                if (!is.null(positive.class)) {
                        if (!positive.class %in% label) stop("positive.class should be NULL or one of the classes in label.")

        message("+ Initializing...  ", Sys.time())
        # message("- Creating cores...  ")
        # parallel.cores <- ifelse(parallel.cores == -1, parallel::detectCores(), parallel.cores)
        # cl <- parallel::makeCluster(parallel.cores)

        close_cl <- FALSE
        if (is.null(cl)) {
                message("- Creating cores...  ")
                parallel.cores <- ifelse(parallel.cores == -1, parallel::detectCores(), parallel.cores)
                cl <- parallel::makeCluster(parallel.cores)
                close_cl <- TRUE

        seqRNA <- parallel::parLapply(cl, seqRNA, Internal.checkRNA)

        if (length(names(seqRNA)) != 0) names.seqRNA <- names(seqRNA) else names.seqRNA <- "RNA.noName"
        if (length(names(seqPro)) != 0) names.seqPro <- names(seqPro) else names.seqPro <- "Protein.noName"

        if (mode %in% c("retrain", "feature") | prediction == ("retrained")) {
                featureSet <- featureFreq(seqRNA = seqRNA, seqPro = seqPro,
                                          featureMode = "conc", computePro = "RPISeq", k.Pro = 3,
                                          k.RNA = 4, normalize = "row", cl = cl)

        if (mode == "prediction") {
                message("\n", "+ Predicting pairs using RPISeq...  ", Sys.time())
                if (prediction == "web") {
                        message("- Original algorithm (web server-based) selected.")

                        ProSeq <- sapply(seqPro, seqinr::getSequence, as.string = T)
                        RNASeq <- sapply(seqRNA, seqinr::getSequence, as.string = T)

                        parallel::clusterExport(cl, c("ProSeq", "RNASeq",
                                                      "Internal.get_RPISeqWeb_res"), envir = environment())
                        RPISeq <- parallel::parSapply(cl, 1:length(ProSeq), function(pairNum) {
                                RPISeq_res <- Internal.get_RPISeqWeb_res(ProSeq[[pairNum]], RNASeq[[pairNum]])
                        RPISeq <- t(RPISeq)
                        RPISeq <- data.frame(RPISeq, stringsAsFactors = F)
                        RFres  <- ifelse(RPISeq$RF_prob  > 0.5, "Interact", "Non.Interact")
                        SVMres <- ifelse(RPISeq$SVM_prob > 0.5, "Interact", "Non.Interact")

                        if (is.null(label)) {
                                outRes <- cbind(RNA_Name = names.seqRNA, Pro_Name = names.seqPro,
                                                RPISeq_Web_RF_pred = RFres, RPISeq_Web_SVM_pred = SVMres,
                                                RPISeq_Web_RF_prob = RPISeq$RF_prob,
                                                RPISeq_Web_SVM_prob = RPISeq$SVM_prob)
                                outRes <- data.frame(outRes, stringsAsFactors = F)
                        } else {
                                outRes <- cbind(RNA_Name = names.seqRNA, Pro_Name = names.seqPro, label = label,
                                                RPISeq_Web_RF_pred = RFres, RPISeq_Web_SVM_pred = SVMres,
                                                RPISeq_Web_RF_prob = RPISeq$RF_prob,
                                                RPISeq_Web_SVM_prob = RPISeq$SVM_prob)
                                outRes <- data.frame(outRes, stringsAsFactors = F)

                } else {
                        if (is.null(retrained.model)) {
                                message("- Default retrained model selected.")
                                data(mod_RPISeq, package = "LION", envir = environment())
                                mod_RPISeq <- get("mod_RPISeq")
                        } else {
                                message("- Using model provided by user.  ", Sys.time())
                                mod_RPISeq <- retrained.model

                        res <- stats::predict(mod_RPISeq, featureSet, type = "response")
                        prob <- stats::predict(mod_RPISeq, featureSet, type = "prob")

                        if (is.null(label)) {
                                outRes <- cbind(RNA_Name = names.seqRNA, Pro_Name = names.seqPro,
                                                RPISeq_retrain_pred = as.character(res),
                                                RPISeq_retrain_prob = prob[,1])
                                outRes <- data.frame(outRes, stringsAsFactors = F)
                        } else {
                                outRes <- cbind(RNA_Name = names.seqRNA, Pro_Name = names.seqPro, label = label,
                                                RPISeq_retrain_pred = as.character(res), RPISeq_retrain_prob = prob[,1])
                                outRes <- data.frame(outRes, stringsAsFactors = F)
                row.names(outRes) <- NULL
                if (close_cl) parallel::stopCluster(cl)
                message("\n", "+ Completed.  ", Sys.time())
        } else if (mode == "feature") {
                if (close_cl) parallel::stopCluster(cl)
                if (!is.null(label))  featureSet <- cbind(label = label, featureSet)
                message("\n", "+ Completed.  ", Sys.time())
        } else {
                if (close_cl) parallel::stopCluster(cl)
                message("\n", "+ Retraining model...  ", Sys.time())

                featureSet <- cbind(label = label, featureSet)
                retrained.model <- Internal.randomForest_tune(datasets = list(featureSet), label.col = 1,
                                                              positive.class = positive.class, folds.num = folds.num,
                                                              ntree = ntree,
                                                              mtry.ratios = mtry.ratios,
                                                              seed = seed, return.model = TRUE,
                                                              parallel.cores = parallel.cores, ...)
                message("\n", "+ Completed.  ", Sys.time())

#' Predict RNA-Protein Interaction Using rpiCOOL's Features
#' @description This function can predict lncRNA/RNA-protein interactions using rebuilt model trained with rpiCOOL's feature set.
#' Model retraining and feature extraction are also supported.
#' The codes of this function slightly differ from rpiCOOL's script.
#' @param seqRNA RNA sequences loaded by function \code{\link[seqinr]{read.fasta}} from \code{\link[seqinr]{seqinr-package}}. Or a list of RNA/protein sequences.
#' RNA sequences will be converted into lower case letters.
#' @param seqPro protein sequences loaded by function \code{\link[seqinr]{read.fasta}} from \code{\link[seqinr]{seqinr-package}}. Or a list of protein sequences.
#' Protein sequences will be converted into upper case letters.
#' Each sequence should be a vector of single characters.
#' @param mode a string. Set \code{"prediction"} to predict ncRNA-protein pairs and return prediction results;
#' set \code{"retrain"} to build a new random forest model using the input data;
#' set \code{"feature"} to return a data frame contains the extracted features.
#' Users can use the extracted features generated by \code{mode = "feature"} to train classifiers
#' with other machine learning algorithms. Default: \code{"prediction"}.
#' @param retrained.model (only when \code{mode = "prediction"})
#' use the default model or a new retrained model to predict ncRNA-protein pairs?
#' If \code{NULL}, default machine learning model will be used. Or pass the model generated by this function
#' with parameter \code{"mode = retrain"}. Default: \code{NULL}. See examples below.
#' @param label a string or a vector of strings or \code{NULL}.
#' Optional when \code{mode = "prediction"} or \code{mode = "feature"}: used to give labels or notes to the output result.
#' Required when \code{mode = "retrain"}: must be a vector of strings that corresponds to input sequences.
#' Each string indicates the class of each input pair. Default: \code{NULL}.
#' @param positive.class (only when \code{mode = "retrain"}) \code{NULL} or a string used to indicate
#' which class is the positive class, Should be one
#' of the classes in \code{label} or leave \code{positive.class = NULL}.
#' In the latter case, the first class in \code{label} will be used
#' as the positive class. Default: \code{NULL}.
#' @param folds.num (only when \code{mode = "retrain"}) an integer indicates the number of folds for cross validation.
#' Default: \code{10} for 10-fold cross validation.
#' @param ntree integer, number of trees to grow. See \code{\link[randomForest]{randomForest}}.
#' Default: \code{3000}.
#' @param mtry.ratios (only when \code{mode = "retrain"}) used to indicate the ratios of \code{mtry} when tuning the random forest classifier.
#' \code{mtry} = ratio of mtry * number of features Default: \code{c(0.1, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8)}.
#' @param seed (only when \code{mode = "retrain"}) an integer indicates the random seed for data splitting.
#' @param parallel.cores an integer that indicates the number of cores for parallel computation.
#' Default: \code{2}. Set \code{parallel.cores = -1} to run with all the cores. \code{parallel.cores} should be == -1 or >= 1.
#' @param cl parallel cores to be passed to this function.
#' @param ... (only when \code{mode = "retrain"}) other parameters (except \code{ntree} and \code{mtry}) passed to \code{\link[randomForest]{randomForest}} function.
#' @return
#' If \code{mode = "prediction"}, this function returns a data frame that contains the predicted results.
#' If \code{mode = "retrain"}, this function returns a random forest classifier.
#' If \code{mode = "feature"}, this function returns a data frame that contains the extracted features.
#' @section References:
#' Akbaripour-Elahabad M, Zahiri J, Rafeh R, \emph{et al}.
#' rpiCOOL: A tool for In Silico RNA-protein interaction detection using random forest.
#' J. Theor. Biol. 2016; 402:1-8
#' @importFrom caret createFolds
#' @importFrom caret confusionMatrix
#' @importFrom randomForest randomForest
#' @importFrom parallel makeCluster
#' @importFrom parallel clusterExport
#' @importFrom parallel parLapply
#' @importFrom parallel parSapply
#' @importFrom parallel stopCluster
#' @importFrom parallel detectCores
#' @importFrom seqinr count
#' @importFrom seqinr getSequence
#' @importFrom stats predict
#' @examples
#' # Following codes only show how to use this function
#' # and cannot reflect the genuine performance of tools or classifiers.
#' data(demoPositiveSeq)
#' seqRNA <- demoPositiveSeq$RNA.positive
#' seqPro <- demoPositiveSeq$Pro.positive
#' # Predicting ncRNA-protein pairs:
#' Res_rpiCOOL_1 <- run_rpiCOOL(seqRNA = seqRNA, seqPro = seqPro, mode = "prediction",
#'                              retrained.model = NULL, label = "rpiCOOL_res",
#'                              parallel.cores = 2) # using default rebuilt model
#' # Train a new model:
#' # Argument "label" which indicates the class of each input pair is required here.
#' # "label" should correspond to the classes of "seqRNA" and "seqPro".
#' # "positive.class" should be one of the classes in argument "label" or can be set as "NULL".
#' # In the latter case, the first label in "label" will be used as the positive class.
#' # Parameters of random forest, such as "replace", can be passed using "..." argument.
#' rpiCOOL_model = run_rpiCOOL(seqRNA = seqRNA, seqPro = seqPro, mode = "retrain",
#'                             label = rep(c("Interact", "Non.Interact"), each = 10),
#'                             positive.class = NULL, folds.num = 5, ntree = 300,
#'                             seed = 1, parallel.cores = 2, replace = FALSE)
#' # Predicting using new built model by setting "retrained.model = rpiCOOL_model":
#' Res_rpiCOOL_2 <- run_rpiCOOL(seqRNA = seqRNA, seqPro = seqPro, mode = "prediction",
#'                              retrained.model = rpiCOOL_model, label = NULL,
#'                              parallel.cores = 2)
#' # Only extracting features:
#' rpiCOOL_feature_df <- run_rpiCOOL(seqRNA = seqRNA, seqPro = seqPro, mode = "feature",
#'                                   label = "feature", parallel.cores = 2)
#' # Extracted features can be used to build classifiers using other machine learning
#' # algorithms, which provides users with more flexibility.
#' @export

run_rpiCOOL <- function(seqRNA, seqPro, mode = c("prediction", "retrain", "feature"),
                        retrained.model = NULL, label = NULL, positive.class = NULL,
                        folds.num = 10, ntree = 3000, mtry.ratios = c(0.1, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8),
                        seed = 1, parallel.cores = 2, cl = NULL, ...) {

        mode <- match.arg(mode, choices = c("prediction", "retrain", "feature"))
        if (length(seqRNA) != length(seqPro)) stop("The number of RNA sequences should match the number of protein sequences!")
        if (!is.null(label)) {
                if (length(label) == 1) {
                        label <- rep(label, length(seqPro))
                if (length(label) != length(seqPro)) stop("The length of label should be one or match the length of sequences!")
        if (mode == "retrain") {
                if (length(label) != length(seqRNA) | length(unique(label)) != 2) {
                        stop("label is required and should correspond to input sequences!")
                if (!is.null(positive.class)) {
                        if (!positive.class %in% label) stop("positive.class should be NULL or one of the classes in label.")

        message("+ Initializing...  ", Sys.time())
        # message("- Creating cores...  ")
        # parallel.cores <- ifelse(parallel.cores == -1, parallel::detectCores(), parallel.cores)
        # cl <- parallel::makeCluster(parallel.cores)

        close_cl <- FALSE
        if (is.null(cl)) {
                message("- Creating cores...  ")
                parallel.cores <- ifelse(parallel.cores == -1, parallel::detectCores(), parallel.cores)
                cl <- parallel::makeCluster(parallel.cores)
                close_cl <- TRUE

        seqRNA <- parallel::parLapply(cl, seqRNA, Internal.checkRNA)

        if (length(names(seqRNA)) != 0) names.seqRNA <- names(seqRNA) else names.seqRNA <- "RNA.noName"
        if (length(names(seqPro)) != 0) names.seqPro <- names(seqPro) else names.seqPro <- "Protein.noName"

        # message("- Extracting sequence-based features...  ", Sys.time())
        featureSetFreq <- featureFreq(seqRNA = seqRNA, seqPro = seqPro,
                                      featureMode = "conc", computePro = "rpiCOOL", k.Pro = 3,
                                      k.RNA = 4, normalize = "none", cl = cl)

        # message("- Extracting motif-based features...  ", Sys.time())
        featureSetMotif <- featureMotifs(seqRNA = seqRNA, seqPro = seqPro, featureMode = "comb",
                                         motifRNA = "rpiCOOL", motifPro = "rpiCOOL",
                                         cl = cl)
        if (close_cl) parallel::stopCluster(cl)

        featureSet <- cbind(featureSetFreq, featureSetMotif)

        if(mode == "prediction") {
                message("\n", "+ Predicting pairs using rpiCOOL (retrained model)...  ", Sys.time())

                if (is.null(retrained.model)) {
                        message("- Default retrained model selected. ")
                        data(mod_rpiCOOL, package = "LION", envir = environment())
                        mod_rpiCOOL <- get("mod_rpiCOOL")
                } else {
                        message("- Using model provided by user.")
                        mod_rpiCOOL <- retrained.model

                res <- stats::predict(mod_rpiCOOL, featureSet, type = "response")
                prob <- stats::predict(mod_rpiCOOL, featureSet, type = "prob")

                if (is.null(label)) {
                        outRes <- cbind(RNA_Name = names.seqRNA, Pro_Name = names.seqPro,
                                        rpiCOOL_retrain_pred = as.character(res),
                                        rpiCOOL_retrain_prob = prob[,1])
                        outRes <- data.frame(outRes, stringsAsFactors = F, row.names = NULL)
                } else {
                        outRes <- cbind(RNA_Name = names.seqRNA, Pro_Name = names.seqPro, label = label,
                                        rpiCOOL_retrain_pred = as.character(res), rpiCOOL_retrain_prob = prob[,1])
                        outRes <- data.frame(outRes, stringsAsFactors = F, row.names = NULL)
                message("\n", "+ Completed.  ", Sys.time())
        } else if (mode == "feature") {
                if (!is.null(label)) featureSet <- cbind(label = label, featureSet)
                message("\n", "+ Completed.  ", Sys.time())
        } else {
                featureSet <- cbind(label = label, featureSet)
                message("\n", "+ Retraining model...  ", Sys.time())
                retrained.model <- Internal.randomForest_tune(datasets = list(featureSet), label.col = 1,
                                                              positive.class = positive.class, folds.num = folds.num,
                                                              ntree = ntree,
                                                              mtry.ratios = mtry.ratios,
                                                              seed = seed, return.model = TRUE,
                                                              parallel.cores = parallel.cores, ...)
                message("\n", "+ Completed.  ", Sys.time())

#' Predict RNA-Protein Interaction Using LncADeep's Features
#' @description This function can predict lncRNA/RNA-protein interactions using rebuilt model trained with LncADeep's feature set.
#' Model retraining and feature extraction are also supported.
#' LncADeep selects 110 features to build its classifier.
#' Here, the 110 top features are determined by averaging feature scores of 33 evaluation results provided by
#' LncADeep. LncADeep's original model is trained using deep neural network (DNN). Considering that DNN architecture is hard
#' to perform parameter tuning, we rebuild the model using the same machine algorithm (random forest) as the other methods.
#' Users can build DNN model with the features generated by this function.
#' @param seqRNA RNA sequences loaded by function \code{\link[seqinr]{read.fasta}} from \code{\link[seqinr]{seqinr-package}}. Or a list of RNA/protein sequences.
#' RNA sequences will be converted into lower case letters.
#' @param seqPro protein sequences loaded by function \code{\link[seqinr]{read.fasta}} from \code{\link[seqinr]{seqinr-package}}. Or a list of protein sequences.
#' Protein sequences will be converted into upper case letters.
#' Each sequence should be a vector of single characters.
#' @param mode a string. Set \code{"prediction"} to predict ncRNA-protein pairs and return prediction results;
#' set \code{"retrain"} to build a new random forest model using the input data;
#' set \code{"feature"} to return a data frame contains the extracted features.
#' Users can use the extracted features generated by \code{mode = "feature"} to train classifiers
#' with other machine learning algorithms. Default: \code{"prediction"}.
#' @param retrained.model (only when \code{mode = "prediction"})
#' use the default model or a new retrained model to predict ncRNA-protein pairs?
#' If \code{NULL}, default machine learning model will be used. Or pass the model generated by this function
#' with parameter \code{"mode = retrain"}. Default: \code{NULL}. See examples below.
#' @param label a string or a vector of strings or \code{NULL}.
#' Optional when \code{mode = "prediction"} or \code{mode = "feature"}: used to give labels or notes to the output result.
#' Required when \code{mode = "retrain"}: must be a vector of strings that corresponds to input sequences.
#' Each string indicates the class of each input pair. Default: \code{NULL}.
#' @param positive.class (only when \code{mode = "retrain"}) \code{NULL} or a string used to indicate
#' which class is the positive class, Should be one
#' of the classes in \code{label} or leave \code{positive.class = NULL}.
#' In the latter case, the first class in \code{label} will be used
#' as the positive class. Default: \code{NULL}.
#' @param folds.num (only when \code{mode = "retrain"}) an integer indicates the number of folds for cross validation.
#' Default: \code{10} for 10-fold cross validation.
#' @param ntree integer, number of trees to grow. See \code{\link[randomForest]{randomForest}}.
#' Default: \code{3000}.
#' @param mtry.ratios (only when \code{mode = "retrain"}) used to indicate the ratios of \code{mtry} when tuning the random forest classifier.
#' \code{mtry} = ratio of mtry * number of features Default: \code{c(0.1, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8)}.
#' @param seed (only when \code{mode = "retrain"}) an integer indicates the random seed for data splitting.
#' @param parallel.cores an integer that indicates the number of cores for parallel computation.
#' Default: \code{2}. Set \code{parallel.cores = -1} to run with all the cores. \code{parallel.cores} should be == -1 or >= 1.
#' @param cl parallel cores to be passed to this function.
#' @param ... (only when \code{mode = "retrain"}) other parameters (except \code{ntree} and \code{mtry}) passed to \code{\link[randomForest]{randomForest}} function.
#' @return
#' If \code{mode = "prediction"}, this function returns a data frame that contains the predicted results.
#' If \code{mode = "retrain"}, this function returns a random forest classifier.
#' If \code{mode = "feature"}, this function returns a data frame that contains the extracted features.
#' @section References:
#' Yang C, Yang L, Zhou M, \emph{et al}.
#' LncADeep: an ab initio lncRNA identification and functional annotation tool based on deep learning.
#' Bioinformatics. 2018; 34(22):3825-3834.
#' @importFrom caret createFolds
#' @importFrom caret confusionMatrix
#' @importFrom randomForest randomForest
#' @importFrom parallel makeCluster
#' @importFrom parallel clusterExport
#' @importFrom parallel parLapply
#' @importFrom parallel parSapply
#' @importFrom parallel stopCluster
#' @importFrom parallel detectCores
#' @importFrom seqinr count
#' @importFrom seqinr getSequence
#' @importFrom stats predict
#' @examples
#' # Following codes only show how to use this function
#' # and cannot reflect the genuine performance of tools or classifiers.
#' data(demoPositiveSeq)
#' seqRNA <- demoPositiveSeq$RNA.positive
#' seqPro <- demoPositiveSeq$Pro.positive
#' # Predicting ncRNA-protein pairs:
#' Res_LncADeep_1 <- run_LncADeep(seqRNA = seqRNA, seqPro = seqPro, mode = "prediction",
#'                                retrained.model = NULL, label = "LncADeep_res",
#'                                parallel.cores = 2) # using default rebuilt model
#' # Train a new model:
#' # Argument "label" which indicates the class of each input pair is required here.
#' # "label" should correspond to the classes of "seqRNA" and "seqPro".
#' # "positive.class" should be one of the classes in argument "label" or can be set as "NULL".
#' # In the latter case, the first label in "label" will be used as the positive class.
#' # Parameters of random forest, such as "nodesize", can be passed using "..." argument.
#' LncADeep_model <- run_LncADeep(seqRNA = seqRNA, seqPro = seqPro, mode = "retrain",
#'                                label = rep(c("Interact", "Non.Interact"), each = 10),
#'                                positive.class = NULL, folds.num = 5, ntree = 100,
#'                                seed = 1, parallel.cores = 2, nodesize = 2)
#' # Predicting using new built model by setting "retrained.model = LncADeep_model":
#' Res_LncADeep_2 <- run_LncADeep(seqRNA = seqRNA, seqPro = seqPro, mode = "prediction",
#'                                retrained.model = LncADeep_model, label = NULL,
#'                                parallel.cores = 2)
#' # Only extracting features:
#' LncADeep_feature_df <- run_LncADeep(seqRNA = seqRNA, seqPro = seqPro, mode = "feature",
#'                                     label = "feature", parallel.cores = 2)
#' # Extracted features can be used to build classifiers using other machine learning
#' # algorithms, which provides users with more flexibility.
#' @export

run_LncADeep <- function(seqRNA, seqPro, mode = c("prediction", "retrain", "feature"),
                        retrained.model = NULL, label = NULL, positive.class = NULL,
                        folds.num = 10, ntree = 3000, mtry.ratios = c(0.1, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8),
                        seed = 1, parallel.cores = 2, cl = NULL, ...) {

        mode <- match.arg(mode, choices = c("prediction", "retrain", "feature"))
        if (length(seqRNA) != length(seqPro)) stop("The number of RNA sequences should match the number of protein sequences!")
        if (!is.null(label)) {
                if (length(label) == 1) {
                        label <- rep(label, length(seqPro))
                if (length(label) != length(seqPro)) stop("The length of label should be one or match the length of sequences!")
        if (mode == "retrain") {
                if (length(label) != length(seqRNA) | length(unique(label)) != 2) {
                        stop("label is required and should correspond to input sequences!")
                if (!is.null(positive.class)) {
                        if (!positive.class %in% label) stop("positive.class should be NULL or one of the classes in label.")

        message("+ Initializing...  ", Sys.time())
        # message("- Creating cores...  ")
        # parallel.cores <- ifelse(parallel.cores == -1, parallel::detectCores(), parallel.cores)
        # cl <- parallel::makeCluster(parallel.cores)

        close_cl <- FALSE
        if (is.null(cl)) {
                message("- Creating cores...  ")
                parallel.cores <- ifelse(parallel.cores == -1, parallel::detectCores(), parallel.cores)
                cl <- parallel::makeCluster(parallel.cores)
                close_cl <- TRUE

        seqRNA <- parallel::parLapply(cl, seqRNA, Internal.checkRNA)

        if (length(names(seqRNA)) != 0) names.seqRNA <- names(seqRNA) else names.seqRNA <- "RNA.noName"
        if (length(names(seqPro)) != 0) names.seqPro <- names(seqPro) else names.seqPro <- "Protein.noName"

        # message("- Extracting sequence-based features...  ", Sys.time())
        featureSetFreq <- featureFreq(seqRNA = seqRNA, seqPro = seqPro,
                                      featureMode = "conc", computePro = "RPISeq", k.Pro = 3,
                                      k.RNA = 4, normalize = "none", cl = cl)

        # message("- Calculating MLC coverage...  ", Sys.time())
        featureSetCoverage <- Internal.featureCoverage(seqRNA = seqRNA, cl = cl)
        if (close_cl) parallel::stopCluster(cl)

        featureSet <- cbind(featureSetFreq, featureSetCoverage[,2,drop = F])

        selectedFeature_idx <- names(featureSet) %in% LncADeep_featureRank$Name
        featureSet <- featureSet[,selectedFeature_idx]

        if(mode == "prediction") {
                message("\n", "+ Predicting pairs using LncADeep (retrained model)...  ", Sys.time())

                if (is.null(retrained.model)) {
                        message("- Default retrained model selected. ")
                        data(mod_LncADeep, package = "LION", envir = environment())
                        mod_LncADeep <- get("mod_LncADeep")
                        # names(featureSet)[names(featureSet) %in% "MLC_Coverage"] <- "MLC_coverage"
                } else {
                        message("- Using model provided by user.")
                        mod_LncADeep <- retrained.model

                res <- stats::predict(mod_LncADeep, featureSet, type = "response")
                prob <- stats::predict(mod_LncADeep, featureSet, type = "prob")

                if (is.null(label)) {
                        outRes <- cbind(RNA_Name = names.seqRNA, Pro_Name = names.seqPro,
                                        LncADeep_retrain_pred = as.character(res),
                                        LncADeep_retrain_prob = prob[,1])
                        outRes <- data.frame(outRes, stringsAsFactors = F, row.names = NULL)
                } else {
                        outRes <- cbind(RNA_Name = names.seqRNA, Pro_Name = names.seqPro, label = label,
                                        LncADeep_retrain_pred = as.character(res),
                                        LncADeep_retrain_prob = prob[,1])
                        outRes <- data.frame(outRes, stringsAsFactors = F, row.names = NULL)
                message("\n", "+ Completed.  ", Sys.time())
        } else if (mode == "feature") {
                if (!is.null(label)) featureSet <- cbind(label = label, featureSet)
                message("\n", "+ Completed.  ", Sys.time())
        } else {
                featureSet <- cbind(label = label, featureSet)
                message("\n", "+ Retraining model...  ", Sys.time())
                retrained.model <- Internal.randomForest_tune(datasets = list(featureSet), label.col = 1,
                                                              positive.class = positive.class, folds.num = folds.num,
                                                              ntree = ntree,
                                                              mtry.ratios = mtry.ratios,
                                                              seed = seed, return.model = TRUE,
                                                              parallel.cores = parallel.cores, ...)
                message("\n", "+ Completed.  ", Sys.time())

#' Predict RNA-Protein Interaction Using LION Method
#' @description This function can predict lncRNA/RNA-protein interactions using LION method. Model retraining and feature extraction are also supported.
#' @param seqRNA RNA sequences loaded by function \code{\link[seqinr]{read.fasta}} from \code{\link[seqinr]{seqinr-package}}. Or a list of RNA/protein sequences.
#' RNA sequences will be converted into lower case letters.
#' @param seqPro protein sequences loaded by function \code{\link[seqinr]{read.fasta}} from \code{\link[seqinr]{seqinr-package}}. Or a list of protein sequences.
#' Protein sequences will be converted into upper case letters.
#' Each sequence should be a vector of single characters.
#' @param mode a string. Set \code{"prediction"} to predict ncRNA-protein pairs and return prediction results;
#' set \code{"retrain"} to build a new random forest model using the input data;
#' set \code{"feature"} to return a data frame contains the extracted features.
#' Users can use the extracted features generated by \code{mode = "feature"} to train classifiers
#' with other machine learning algorithms. Default: \code{"prediction"}.
#' @param retrained.model (only when \code{mode = "prediction"})
#' use the default model or a new retrained model to predict ncRNA-protein pairs?
#' If \code{NULL}, default machine learning model will be used. Or pass the model generated by this function
#' with parameter \code{"mode = retrain"}. Default: \code{NULL}. See examples below.
#' @param label a string or a vector of strings or \code{NULL}.
#' Optional when \code{mode = "prediction"} or \code{mode = "feature"}: used to give labels or notes to the output result.
#' Required when \code{mode = "retrain"}: must be a vector of strings that corresponds to input sequences.
#' Each string indicates the class of each input pair. Default: \code{NULL}.
#' @param positive.class (only when \code{mode = "retrain"}) \code{NULL} or a string used to indicate
#' which class is the positive class, Should be one
#' of the classes in \code{label} or leave \code{positive.class = NULL}.
#' In the latter case, the first class in \code{label} will be used
#' as the positive class. Default: \code{NULL}.
#' @param folds.num (only when \code{mode = "retrain"}) an integer indicates the number of folds for cross validation.
#' Default: \code{10} for 10-fold cross validation.
#' @param ntree integer, number of trees to grow. See \code{\link[randomForest]{randomForest}}.
#' Default: \code{3000}.
#' @param mtry.ratios (only when \code{mode = "retrain"}) used to indicate the ratios of \code{mtry} when tuning the random forest classifier.
#' \code{mtry} = ratio of mtry * number of features Default: \code{c(0.1, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8)}.
#' @param seed (only when \code{mode = "retrain"}) an integer indicates the random seed for data splitting.
#' @param parallel.cores an integer that indicates the number of cores for parallel computation.
#' Default: \code{2}. Set \code{parallel.cores = -1} to run with all the cores. \code{parallel.cores} should be == -1 or >= 1.
#' @param cl parallel cores to be passed to this function.
#' @param ... (only when \code{mode = "retrain"}) other parameters (except \code{ntree} and \code{mtry}) passed to \code{\link[randomForest]{randomForest}} function.
#' @return
#' If \code{mode = "prediction"}, this function returns a data frame that contains the predicted results.
#' If \code{mode = "retrain"}, this function returns a random forest classifier.
#' If \code{mode = "feature"}, this function returns a data frame that contains the extracted features.
#' @section References:
#' Han S, Yang X, Sun H, \emph{et al}.
#' LION: an integrated R package for effective prediction of ncRNA–protein interaction.
#' Briefings in Bioinformatics. 2022; 23(6):bbac420
#' @importFrom caret createFolds
#' @importFrom caret confusionMatrix
#' @importFrom randomForest randomForest
#' @importFrom parallel makeCluster
#' @importFrom parallel clusterExport
#' @importFrom parallel parLapply
#' @importFrom parallel parSapply
#' @importFrom parallel stopCluster
#' @importFrom parallel detectCores
#' @importFrom seqinr count
#' @importFrom seqinr getSequence
#' @importFrom stats predict
#' @examples
#' # Following codes only show how to use this function
#' # and cannot reflect the genuine performance of tools or classifiers.
#' data(demoPositiveSeq)
#' seqRNA <- demoPositiveSeq$RNA.positive
#' seqPro <- demoPositiveSeq$Pro.positive
#' # Predicting ncRNA-protein pairs:
#' Res_LION_1 <- run_LION(seqRNA = seqRNA, seqPro = seqPro,
#'                        parallel.cores = 2) # using the default setting
#' # the above command is equivalent to:
#' Res_LION_2 <- run_LION(seqRNA = seqRNA, seqPro = seqPro, mode = "prediction",
#'                        retrained.model = NULL, label = NULL,
#'                        parallel.cores = 2)
#' # Train a new model:
#' # Argument "label" which indicates the class of each input pair is required here.
#' # "label" should correspond to the classes of "seqRNA" and "seqPro".
#' # "positive.class" should be one of the classes in argument "label" or can be set as "NULL".
#' # In the latter case, the first label in "label" will be used as the positive class.
#' # Parameters of random forest, such as "replace", can be passed using "..." argument.
#' LION_model <- run_LION(seqRNA = seqRNA, seqPro = seqPro, mode = "retrain",
#'                        label = rep(c("Interact", "Non.Interact"), each = 10),
#'                        positive.class = NULL, folds.num = 5, ntree = 100,
#'                        seed = 1, parallel.cores = 2, replace = FALSE)
#' # Predicting using new built model by setting "retrained.model = LION_model":
#' Res_LION_2 <- run_LION(seqRNA = seqRNA, seqPro = seqPro, mode = "prediction",
#'                        retrained.model = LION_model,
#'                        label = rep(c("Interact", "Non.Interact"), each = 10),
#'                        parallel.cores = 2)
#' # Only extracting features:
#' LION_feature_df <- run_LION(seqRNA = seqRNA, seqPro = seqPro, mode = "feature",
#'                             label = "LION_feature", parallel.cores = 2)
#' # Extracted features can be used to build classifiers using other machine learning
#' # algorithms, which provides users with more flexibility.
#' @export

run_LION <- function(seqRNA, seqPro, mode = c("prediction", "retrain", "feature"),
                       retrained.model = NULL, label = NULL,  positive.class = NULL,
                       folds.num = 10, ntree = 3000, mtry.ratios = c(0.1, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8),
                       seed = 1, parallel.cores = 2, cl = NULL, ...) {

        mode <- match.arg(mode, choices = c("prediction", "retrain", "feature"))
        if (length(seqRNA) != length(seqPro)) stop("The number of RNA sequences should match the number of protein sequences!")
        if (!is.null(label)) {
                if (length(label) == 1) {
                        label <- rep(label, length(seqPro))
                if (length(label) != length(seqPro)) stop("The length of label should be one or match the length of sequences!")
        if (mode == "retrain") {
                if (length(label) != length(seqRNA) | length(unique(label)) != 2) {
                        stop("label is required and should correspond to input sequences!")
                if (!is.null(positive.class)) {
                        if (!positive.class %in% label) stop("positive.class should be NULL or one of the classes in label.")

        message("+ Initializing...  ", Sys.time())
        # message("- Creating cores...  ")
        # parallel.cores <- ifelse(parallel.cores == -1, parallel::detectCores(), parallel.cores)
        # cl <- parallel::makeCluster(parallel.cores)

        close_cl <- FALSE
        if (is.null(cl)) {
                message("- Creating cores...  ")
                parallel.cores <- ifelse(parallel.cores == -1, parallel::detectCores(), parallel.cores)
                cl <- parallel::makeCluster(parallel.cores)
                close_cl <- TRUE

        seqRNA <- parallel::parLapply(cl, seqRNA, Internal.checkRNA)

        if (length(names(seqRNA)) != 0) names.seqRNA <- names(seqRNA) else names.seqRNA <- "RNA.noName"
        if (length(names(seqPro)) != 0) names.seqPro <- names(seqPro) else names.seqPro <- "Protein.noName"

        # message("- Extracting sequence-based features...  ", Sys.time())
        featureSetEDP <- featureFreq(seqRNA = seqRNA, seqPro = seqPro, EDP = TRUE,
                                     featureMode = "conc", computePro = "rpiCOOL",
                                     k.Pro = 3, k.RNA = 4, normalize = "none", cl = cl)
        featureSetMLC <- Internal.featureCoverage(seqRNA = seqRNA, label = NULL, cl = cl)

        featureSetSeq <- cbind(featureSetEDP, MLC_Coverage = featureSetMLC$MLC_Coverage)
        # featureSetSeq <- featureSetSeq[,names(featureSetSeq) %in% LION_featureRank]

        # message("- Extracting motif-based features...  ", Sys.time())
        featureSetMotif <- featureMotifs(seqRNA = seqRNA, seqPro = seqPro,
                                         featureMode = "conc", cl = cl,
                                         motifRNA = c("Slm2", "Fusip1", "PTB", "QKI",
                                                      "HuD", "HuR", "AU", "UG"),
                                         motifPro = c("E", "H", "K", "R", "H_R",
                                                      "EE", "KK", "HR_RH", "RS_SR"))

        # message("- Extracting physicochemical features...  ", Sys.time())
        featureSetPhysChem <- featurePhysChem(seqRNA = seqRNA, seqPro = seqPro,
                                              # physchemRNA = c("hydrogenBonding", "vanderWaal"),
                                              # physchemPro = c("bulkiness.Zimmerman", "isoelectricPoint.Zimmerman"),
                                              cl = cl)
        if (close_cl) parallel::stopCluster(cl)

        featureSet <- cbind(featureSetSeq, featureSetMotif, featureSetPhysChem)

        if(mode == "prediction") {
                message("\n", "+ Predicting pairs using LION...  ", Sys.time())

                if (is.null(retrained.model)) {
                        message("- Default retrained model selected.")
                        data(mod_LION, package = "LION", envir = environment())
                        mod_LION <- get("mod_LION")
                } else {
                        message("- Using model provided by user.")
                        mod_LION <- retrained.model

                res <- stats::predict(mod_LION, featureSet, type = "response")
                prob <- stats::predict(mod_LION, featureSet, type = "prob")

                if (is.null(label)) {
                        outRes <- cbind(RNA_Name = names.seqRNA, Pro_Name = names.seqPro,
                                        LION_pred = as.character(res), LION_prob = prob[,1])
                        outRes <- data.frame(outRes, stringsAsFactors = F, row.names = NULL)
                } else {
                        outRes <- cbind(RNA_Name = names.seqRNA, Pro_Name = names.seqPro, label = label,
                                        LION_pred = as.character(res), LION_prob = prob[,1])
                        outRes <- data.frame(outRes, stringsAsFactors = F, row.names = NULL)
                message("\n", "+ Completed.  ", Sys.time())
        } else if (mode == "feature") {
                ### TODO - Select feature

                if (!is.null(label)) featureSet <- cbind(label = label, featureSet)
                message("\n", "+ Completed.  ", Sys.time())
        } else {
                ### TODO - Select feature

                featureSet <- cbind(label = label, featureSet)
                message("\n", "+ Retraining model...  ", Sys.time())
                retrained.model <- Internal.randomForest_tune(datasets = list(featureSet), label.col = 1,
                                                              positive.class = positive.class, folds.num = folds.num,
                                                              ntree = ntree,
                                                              mtry.ratios = mtry.ratios,
                                                              seed = seed, return.model = TRUE,
                                                              parallel.cores = parallel.cores, ...)
                message("\n", "+ Completed.  ", Sys.time())

#' Confident Prediction of RNA-Protein Interaction Using Multiple Methods Simultaneously
#' @description This function can predict lncRNA/RNA-protein interactions using all supported methods, which is useful to have a high-confident prediction.
#' @param seqRNA RNA sequences loaded by function \code{\link[seqinr]{read.fasta}} from \code{\link[seqinr]{seqinr-package}}. Or a list of RNA/protein sequences.
#' RNA sequences will be converted into lower case letters.
#' @param seqPro protein sequences loaded by function \code{\link[seqinr]{read.fasta}} from \code{\link[seqinr]{seqinr-package}}. Or a list of protein sequences.
#' Protein sequences will be converted into upper case letters.
#' Each sequence should be a vector of single characters.
#' @param label optional. A string or a vector of strings or \code{NULL}. Used to give labels or notes to the output result.
#' Default: \code{NULL}.
#' @param methods strings. Indicate the method(s) to be used for prediction.
#' Can be: \code{"RPISeq_web"}, \code{"RPISeq_retrain"}, \code{"lncPro_original"},
#' \code{"lncPro_retrain"}, \code{"rpiCOOL_retrain"}, \code{"LncADeep_retrain"} and \code{"LION"}.
#' @param RPISeq.mod,lncPro.mod,rpiCOOL.mod,LncADeep.mod,LION.mod use default retrained model (if \code{NULL}) or assign a new retrained model?
#' New retrained model can be generated with \code{\link{run_RPISeq}}, \code{\link{run_lncPro}}, \code{\link{run_rpiCOOL}}, \code{\link{run_LncADeep}} and \code{\link{run_LION}}.
#' @param parallel.cores an integer that indicates the number of cores for parallel computation.
#' Default: \code{2}. Set \code{parallel.cores = -1} to run with all the cores. \code{parallel.cores} should be == -1 or >= 1.
#' @param cl parallel cores to be passed to this function.
#' @return A list containing the predicted results.
#' @section References:
#' Han S, Yang X, Sun H, \emph{et al}.
#' LION: an integrated R package for effective prediction of ncRNA–protein interaction.
#' Briefings in Bioinformatics. 2022; 23(6):bbac420
#' @importFrom caret createFolds
#' @importFrom caret confusionMatrix
#' @importFrom randomForest randomForest
#' @importFrom parallel makeCluster
#' @importFrom parallel clusterExport
#' @importFrom parallel parLapply
#' @importFrom parallel parSapply
#' @importFrom parallel mcmapply
#' @importFrom parallel stopCluster
#' @importFrom parallel detectCores
#' @importFrom seqinr a
#' @importFrom seqinr s2c
#' @importFrom seqinr count
#' @importFrom seqinr write.fasta
#' @importFrom seqinr getSequence
#' @importFrom utils data
#' @importFrom stats predict
#' @importFrom RCurl postForm
#' @examples
#' # Following codes only show how to use this function
#' # and cannot reflect the genuine performance of tools or classifiers.
#' data(demoPositiveSeq)
#' seqRNA <- demoPositiveSeq$RNA.positive
#' seqPro <- demoPositiveSeq$Pro.positive
#' # Using methods RPISeq (retrained model) and rpiCOOL (retrained model):
#' Res_confidence <- run_confidentPrediction(seqRNA = seqRNA, seqPro = seqPro,
#'                                           methods = c("RPISeq_retrain",
#'                                           "rpiCOOL_retrain", "LION"),
#'                                           label = "Interact", # label is optional
#'                                           parallel.cores = 2)
#' # Convert to data frame:
#' Res_confidence_df <- do.call("cbind", Res_confidence)
#' Res_confidence_df <- Res_confidence_df[!duplicated(names(Res_confidence_df))]
#' @export

run_confidentPrediction <- function(seqRNA, seqPro, label = NULL,
                                    methods = c("RPISeq_web", "RPISeq_retrain",
                                                "lncPro_original", "lncPro_retrain",
                                                "LncADeep_retrain", "LION"),
                                    RPISeq.mod = NULL, lncPro.mod = NULL,
                                    rpiCOOL.mod = NULL, LncADeep.mod = NULL,
                                    LION.mod = NULL,
                                    parallel.cores = 2, cl = NULL) {

        methods <- match.arg(methods, several.ok = TRUE)
        if (length(seqRNA) != length(seqPro)) stop("The number of RNA sequences should match the number of protein sequences!")
        if (!is.null(label)) {
                if (length(label) == 1) {
                        label <- rep(label, length(seqPro))
                if (length(label) != length(seqPro)) stop("The length of label should be one or match the length of sequences!")

        close_cl <- FALSE
        if (is.null(cl)) {
                parallel.cores <- ifelse(parallel.cores == -1, parallel::detectCores(), parallel.cores)
                cl <- parallel::makeCluster(parallel.cores)
                close_cl <- TRUE

        outRes <- list()

        if ("lncPro_original" %in% methods) {
                message("\n>>> ", "lncPro (original model)   ", Sys.time())
                res_lncPro <- run_lncPro(seqRNA = seqRNA, seqPro = seqPro,
                                         mode = "prediction",
                                         prediction = "original", label = label,
                                         cl = cl)
                outRes <- c(outRes, list(res_lncPro))

        if ("lncPro_retrain" %in% methods) {
                message("\n>>> ", "lncPro (retrained model)   ", Sys.time())
                res_lncPro <- run_lncPro(seqRNA = seqRNA, seqPro = seqPro,
                                         mode = "prediction", retrained.model = lncPro.mod,
                                         prediction = "retrained", label = label,
                                         cl = cl)
                outRes <- c(outRes, list(res_lncPro))

        if ("RPISeq_web" %in% methods) {
                message("\n>>> ", "RPISeq (original model, web server-based)   ", Sys.time())
                res_RPISeq <- run_RPISeq(seqRNA = seqRNA, seqPro = seqPro,
                                         mode = "prediction",
                                         prediction = "web", label = label,
                                         cl = cl)
                outRes <- c(outRes, list(res_RPISeq))

        if ("RPISeq_retrain" %in% methods) {
                message("\n>>> ", "RPISeq (retrained model)   ", Sys.time())
                res_RPISeq <- run_RPISeq(seqRNA = seqRNA, seqPro = seqPro,
                                         mode = "prediction", retrained.model = RPISeq.mod,
                                         prediction = "retrained", label = label,
                                         cl = cl)
                outRes <- c(outRes, list(res_RPISeq))

        if ("rpiCOOL_retrain" %in% methods) {
                message("\n>>> ", "rpiCOOL (retrained model)   ", Sys.time())
                res_rpiCOOL <- run_rpiCOOL(seqRNA = seqRNA, seqPro = seqPro,
                                           mode = "prediction", label = label,
                                           retrained.model = rpiCOOL.mod,
                                           cl = cl)
                outRes <- c(outRes, list(res_rpiCOOL))

        if ("LncADeep_retrain" %in% methods) {
                message("\n>>> ", "LncADeep (retrained model)   ", Sys.time())
                res_LncADeep <- run_LncADeep(seqRNA = seqRNA, seqPro = seqPro,
                                             mode = "prediction", label = label,
                                             retrained.model = LncADeep.mod,
                                             cl = cl)
                outRes <- c(outRes, list(res_LncADeep))

        if ("LION" %in% methods) {
                message("\n>>> ", "LION   ", Sys.time())
                res_LION <- run_LION(seqRNA = seqRNA, seqPro = seqPro,
                                     mode = "prediction", label = label,
                                     retrained.model = LION.mod,
                                     cl = cl)
                outRes <- c(outRes, list(res_LION))

        if (close_cl) parallel::stopCluster(cl)

HAN-Siyu/ncProR documentation built on Nov. 3, 2023, 12:08 a.m.