#' Implements a Bayesian PCA missing value estimator, as in pcaMethods.
#' Use of Rcpp makes this version faster and
#' the emphasised output is the covariance matrix \code{Sigma}, which
#' can be used for network reconstruction.
#' Details about the probabilistic model underlying BPCA are found in
#' Oba et. al 2003. The algorithm uses an expectation maximation
#' approach together with a Bayesian model to approximate the
#' principal axes (eigenvectors of the covariance matrix in PCA).
#' The estimation is done iteratively, the algorithm terminates if
#' either the maximum number of iterations is reached or if the
#' estimated increase in precision falls below \eqn{1e^{-4}}{1e^-4}.
#' @title Bayesian PCA (\code{pcaMethods} version)
#' @param myMat \code{matrix} -- Pre-processed matrix (centered,
#' scaled) with variables in columns and observations in rows. The
#' data may contain missing values, denoted as \code{NA}.
#' @param nPcs \code{numeric} -- Number of components used for
#' re-estimation. Choosing few components may decrease the
#' estimation precision.
#' @param threshold \code{numeric} -- Convergence threshold.
#' If the increase in precision of an update
#' falls below this then the algorithm is stopped.
#' @param maxIterations \code{numeric} -- Maximum number of estimation
#' steps.
#' @param loglike \code{logical} -- should the log-likelihood
#' of the estimated parameters be returned? See Details.
#' @param verbose \code{logical} -- verbose intermediary
#' algorithm output.
#' @return {A \code{list} of 4 elements:
#' \describe{
#' \item{W}{\code{matrix} -- the estimated loadings.}
#' \item{sigmaSq}{\code{numeric} -- the estimated isotropic variance.}
#' \item{Sigma}{\code{matrix} -- the estimated covariance matrix.}
#' \item{pcaMethodsRes}{\code{class} --
#' see \code{\link[pcaMethods:pcaRes-class]{pcaRes}}.}
#' }}
#' @export
#' @references Oba, S., Sato, M.A., Takemasa, I., Monden, M.,
#' Matsubara, K.I. and Ishii, S., 2003.
#' \href{https://doi.org/10.1093/bioinformatics/btg287}{doi}.
#' Stacklies, W., Redestig, H., Scholz, M., Walther, D. and
#' Selbig, J., 2007.
#' \href{https://doi.org/10.1093/bioinformatics/btm069}{doi}.
#' @seealso \code{\link{pcapM}}
#' @examples
#' # simulate a dataset from a zero mean factor model X = Wz + epsilon
#' # start off by generating a random binary connectivity matrix
#' n.factors <- 5
#' n.genes <- 200
#' # with dense connectivity
#' # set.seed(20)
#' conn.mat <- matrix(rbinom(n = n.genes*n.factors,
#' size = 1, prob = 0.7), c(n.genes, n.factors))
#' # now generate a loadings matrix from this connectivity
#' loading.gen <- function(x){
#' ifelse(x==0, 0, rnorm(1, 0, 1))
#' }
#' W <- apply(conn.mat, c(1, 2), loading.gen)
#' # generate factor matrix
#' n.samples <- 100
#' z <- replicate(n.samples, rnorm(n.factors, 0, 1))
#' # generate a noise matrix
#' sigma.sq <- 0.1
#' epsilon <- replicate(n.samples, rnorm(n.genes, 0, sqrt(sigma.sq)))
#' # by the ppca equations this gives us the data matrix
#' X <- W%*%z + epsilon
#' WWt <- tcrossprod(W)
#' Sigma <- WWt + diag(sigma.sq, n.genes)
#' # select 10% of entries to make missing values
#' missFrac <- 0.1
#' inds <- sample(x = 1:length(X),
#' size = ceiling(length(X)*missFrac),
#' replace = FALSE)
#' # replace them with NAs in the dataset
#' missing.dataset <- X
#' missing.dataset[inds] <- NA
#' # run bpca
#' bp <- bpcapM(t(missing.dataset), nPcs = 5)
#' names(bp)
#' # sigmasq estimation
#' abs(bp$sigmaSq-sigma.sq)
#' # X reconstruction
#' recon.X <- bp$pcaMethodsRes@loadings%*%t(bp$pcaMethodsRes@scores)
#' norm(recon.X-X, type="F")^2/(length(X))
#' # covariance estimation
#' norm(bp$Sigma-Sigma, type="F")^2/(length(X))
bpcapM <- function(myMat, nPcs=NA, threshold=1e-4, maxIterations=100,
loglike = TRUE ,verbose=TRUE) {
N <- nrow(myMat)
D <- ncol(myMat)
if (!is.na(nPcs))
qDim <- nPcs
qDim <- D - 1
isNAmat <- is.na(myMat)
numberOfNonNAvaluesInEachCol <- colSums(!isNAmat)
numberOfNonNAvaluesInEachRow <- rowSums(!isNAmat)
hidden <- which(isNAmat)
nomissIndex <- which(numberOfNonNAvaluesInEachRow == D)
missIndex <- which(numberOfNonNAvaluesInEachRow != D)
myMatsaved <- myMat
nMissing <- length(hidden)
if(nMissing) {
myMat[hidden] <- 0
covmyMat <- cov(myMat)
ppcaOutput <- bpcaNet(myMat, covmyMat, N, D, hidden, numberOfNonNAvaluesInEachCol, nomissIndex, missIndex, nMissing, qDim, threshold, maxIterations=1000)
R2cum <- rep(NA, nPcs)
TSS <- sum(myMatsaved^2, na.rm=TRUE)
for (i in 1:nPcs) {
difference <- myMatsaved - (ppcaOutput$scores[,1:i, drop=FALSE] %*% t(ppcaOutput$W[,1:i, drop=FALSE]) )
R2cum[i] <- 1 - (sum(difference^2, na.rm=TRUE) / TSS)
pcaMethodsRes <- new("pcaRes")
pcaMethodsRes@scores <- ppcaOutput$scores
pcaMethodsRes@loadings <- ppcaOutput$W
pcaMethodsRes@R2cum <- R2cum
pcaMethodsRes@method <- "bpca"
pcaMethodsRes@missing <- isNAmat
# create hinton diagram
main="Hinton diagram of loadings",
if (loglike){
# compute log-likelihood scores
loglikeobs <- compute_loglikeobs(dat = t(myMatsaved), covmat = ppcaOutput$C,
meanvec = ppcaOutput$mu,
verbose = verbose)
loglikeimp <- compute_loglikeimp(dat = t(myMatsaved), A = ppcaOutput$W,
S = t(ppcaOutput$scores),
covmat = ppcaOutput$C,
meanvec = ppcaOutput$mu,
verbose = verbose)
# Return standard ppcaNet output:
output <- list()
output[["W"]] <- ppcaOutput$W
output[["sigmaSq"]] <- ppcaOutput$ss
output[["Sigma"]] <- ppcaOutput$C
output[["m"]] <- ppcaOutput$mu
if (loglike){
output[["logLikeObs"]] <- loglikeobs
output[["logLikeImp"]] <- loglikeimp
output[["pcaMethodsRes"]] <- pcaMethodsRes
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