
Defines functions effectivemass.cf

#' Computes effective mass values for a correlation function
#' Computes effective mass values for a correlation function using different
#' type of definitions for the effective mass. This function is mainly indented
#' for internal usage by \code{\link{bootstrap.effectivemass}}.
#' A number of types is implemented to compute effective mass values from the
#' correlation function:
#' "solve": the ratio\cr \eqn{C(t+1) / C(t) = \cosh(-m*(t+1)) / \cosh(-m*t)}\cr
#' is numerically solved for \eqn{m(t)}.
#' "acosh": the effective mass is computed from\cr
#' \eqn{m(t)=acosh((C(t-1)+C(t+1)) / (2C(t)))}\cr Note that this definition is
#' less tolerant against noise.
#' "log": the effective mass is defined via\cr \eqn{m(t)=\log(C(t) /
#' C(t+1))}\cr which has artifacts of the periodicity at large t-values.
#' "temporal": the ratio\cr \eqn{[C(t)-C(t+1)] / [C(t-1)-C(t)] =
#' [\cosh(-m*(t))-\cosh(-m*(t+1))] / [\cosh(-m*(t-1))-\cosh(-m(t))]}\cr is
#' numerically solved for \eqn{m(t)}.
#' "subtracted": like "temporal", but the differences \eqn{C(t)-C(t+1)} are
#' assumed to be taken already at the correlator matrix level using
#' \code{removeTemporal.cf} and hence the ratio\cr \eqn{[C(t+1)] / [C(t)] =
#' [\cosh(-m*(t))-\cosh(-m*(t+1))] / [\cosh(-m*(t-1))-\cosh(-m(t))]}\cr is
#' numerically solved for \eqn{m(t)}.
#' "weighted": like "subtracted", but now there is an additional weight factor
#' \eqn{w} from \code{removeTemporal.cf} to be taken into account, such that
#' the ratio\cr \eqn{[C(t+1)] / [C(t)] = [\cosh(-m*(t))-w*\cosh(-m*(t+1))] /
#' [\cosh(-m*(t-1))-w*\cosh(-m(t))]}\cr is numerically solved for \eqn{m(t)}
#' with \eqn{w} as input.
#' @param cf The correlation function either as a vector of length
#' \code{nrObs*(Thalf+1)} or as an array of dimension Nx\code{nrObs*(Thalf+1)},
#' where N is the number of observations. N will be averaged over.
#' @param Thalf Half of the time extent of the lattice
#' @param type The function to be used to compute the effective mass values.
#' Possibilities are "acosh", "solve", "log", "temporal", "shifted",
#' "weighted" and "power". While the first three assume normal cosh behaviour of the
#' correlation function, "temporal" is designed to remove an additional
#' constant stemming from temporal states in two particle correlation
#' functions. The same for "subtracted" and "weighted", the latter for the case
#' of two particle energies with the two particle having different energies. In
#' the latter case only the leading pollution is removed by
#' \code{removeTemporal.cf} and taken into account here.
#' "power" assumes a powerlaw decay instead of an exponential.
#' @param nrObs The number of "observables" included in the correlator
#' @param replace.inf If set to \code{TRUE}, all \code{\link{Inf}} values will
#' be replaced by \code{\link{NA}}. This is needed for instance for
#' \code{\link{bootstrap.effectivemass}}.
#' @param interval initial interval for the \code{\link{uniroot}} function when
#' numerically solving for the effective mass.
#' @param weight.factor relative weight for type "weighted" only, see details
#' @param deltat time shift for shifted correlation functions
#' @param tmax t-value up to which the effectivemass is to be computed
#' @return Returns a vector of length \code{Thalf} with the effective mass
#' values for t-values running from 0 to \code{Thalf-1}
#' @author Carsten Urbach, \email{curbach@@gmx.de}
#' @seealso \code{\link{bootstrap.effectivemass}}
#' @references arXiv:1203.6041
#' @examples
#' data(correlatormatrix)
#' cfnew <- extractSingleCor.cf(correlatormatrix, id=1)
#' cfnew <- bootstrap.cf(cfnew, boot.R=99, boot.l=1)
#' X <- effectivemass.cf(cfnew$cf, Thalf=25, tmax=24)
#' @export effectivemass.cf
effectivemass.cf <- function(cf, Thalf, type="solve", nrObs=1, replace.inf=TRUE, interval=c(0.000001,2.), 
                             weight.factor = NULL, deltat=1, tmax=Thalf-1) {
  if(missing(cf)) {
    stop("cf must be provided to effectivemass.cf! Aborting...\n")
  ## cf is supposed to have nrObs*(Thalf+1) elements in time direction
  if(length(dim(cf)) == 2) {
    Cor <- apply(cf, 2, mean)
  else {
    Cor <- cf

  if(length(Cor) != nrObs*(tmax+1)) {
    stop("cf does not have the correct time extent in effectivemass.cf! Aborting...!\n")
  ## here we generate the index arrays
  ## this is the complete index for time
  tt <- c(1:(nrObs*(tmax+1)))

  ## depending on the type, the result is not defined on all t
  ## so we have to cut
  ## this is for type "acosh", "temporal" and "shifted" where we loose t=0 and t=Time/2
  cutii <- c()
  ## this is for "log" and "solve" where t=Time/2 is not defined
  cutii2 <- c()

  for(i in 1:nrObs) {
    cutii <- c(cutii, (i-1)*(tmax+1)+1, i*(tmax+1))
    cutii2 <- c(cutii2, i*(tmax+1))
  t2 <- tt[-cutii2]

  effMass <- rep(NA, nrObs*(tmax+1))
  if(type == "acosh" || type == "temporal" || type == "shifted" || type == "weighted") {
    t <- tt[-cutii]
    if(type == "acosh") effMass[t] <- acosh((Cor[t+1] + Cor[t-1])/2./Cor[t])
    else {
      ## we take differences to remove constant contributions from temporal states
      if(type == "shifted" || type == "weighted") {
        Ratio <- Cor[t+1]/Cor[t]
      else Ratio <- (Cor[t]-Cor[t+1]) / (Cor[t-1]-Cor[t])
      w <- 1
      if(type == "weighted") {
        w <- weight.factor
      ## the t-dependence needs to be modified accordingly
      fn <- function(m, t, Time, Ratio, w) {
        return(Ratio - ( ( exp(-m*(t+1))+exp(-m*(Time-t-1)) - w*( exp(-m*(t+1-deltat))+exp(-m*(Time-(t+1-deltat))) ) ) /
                         ( exp(-m*t)+exp(-m*(Time-t)) - w*( exp(-m*(t-deltat))+exp(-m*(Time-(t-deltat))) ) ) ) ) 
      for(i in t) {
        if(is.na(Ratio[i])) effMass[i] <- NA
        else if(fn(interval[1], t=(i %% (tmax+1)), Time=2*Thalf, Ratio = Ratio[i], w=w)*fn(interval[2], t=(i %% (tmax+1)), Time=2*Thalf, Ratio = Ratio[i], w=w) > 0) effMass[i] <- NA
        else effMass[i] <- uniroot(fn, interval=interval, t=(i %% (tmax+1)), Time=2*Thalf, Ratio = Ratio[i], w=w)$root
  else {
    t <- tt[c(1:(length(tt)-1))]
    Ratio <- Cor[t]/Cor[t+1]
    if(type == "log") {
      effMass[t2] <- log(Ratio[t2])
    else if(type == "power") {
      tRat <- t/(t-1)
      effMass[t2] <- log(Ratio[t2])/log(tRat[t2])
    else {
      # note: for tmax > Thalf, this will produce NA
      for(t in t2) {
        effMass[t] <- invcosh(Ratio[t], timeextent=2*Thalf, t=(t %% (tmax+1)))
  ## we replace Infs if wanted by NA
  if(replace.inf) effMass[is.infinite(effMass)] <- NA

#' Computes effective masses with bootstrapping errors
#' Generates bootstrap samples for effective mass values computed from an
#' object of class \code{cf} (a correlation function)
#' A number of types is implemented to compute effective mass values from the
#' correlation function:
#' "solve": the ratio\cr \eqn{C(t+1) / C(t) = \cosh(-m*(t+1)) / \cosh(-m*t)}\cr
#' is numerically solved for m.
#' "acosh": the effective mass is computed from\cr \eqn{m=acosh((C(t-1)+C(t+1))
#' / (2C(t)))}\cr Note that this definition is less tolerant against noise.
#' "log": the effective mass is defined via\cr \eqn{m=\log(C(t) / C(t+1))}\cr
#' which has artifacts of the periodicity at large t-values.
#' "temporal": the ratio\cr \eqn{[C(t)-C(t+1)] / [C(t-1)-C(t)] =
#' [\cosh(-m*(t))-\cosh(-m*(t+1))] / [\cosh(-m*(t-1))-\cosh(-m(t))]}\cr is
#' numerically solved for \eqn{m(t)}.
#' "shifted": like "temporal", but the differences \eqn{C(t)-C(t+1)} are
#' assumed to be taken already at the correlator matrix level using
#' \code{removeTemporal.cf} and hence the ratio\cr \eqn{[C(t+1)] / [C(t)] =
#' [\cosh(-m*(t))-\cosh(-m*(t+1))] / [\cosh(-m*(t-1))-\cosh(-m(t))]}\cr is
#' numerically solved for \eqn{m(t)}.
#' "weighted": like "shifted", but now there is an additional weight factor
#' \eqn{w} from \code{removeTemporal.cf} to be taken into account, such that
#' the ratio\cr \eqn{[C(t+1)] / [C(t)] = [\cosh(-m*(t))-w*\cosh(-m*(t+1))] /
#' [\cosh(-m*(t-1))-w*\cosh(-m(t))]}\cr is numerically solved for \eqn{m(t)}
#' with \eqn{w} as input.
#' @param cf a correlation function as an object of type \code{cf}, preferably
#' after a call to \code{\link{bootstrap.cf}}. If the latter has not been
#' called yet, it will be called in this function.
#' @param type The function to be used to compute the effective mass values.
#' Possibilities are "acosh", "solve", "log", "temporal", "shifted" and
#' "weighted". While the first three assume normal cosh behaviour of the
#' correlation function, "temporal" is desigend to remove an additional
#' constant stemming from temporal states in two particle correlation
#' functions. The same for "shifted" and "weighted", the latter for the case of
#' two particle energies with the two particle having different energies. In
#' the latter case only the leading polution is removed by
#' \code{removeTemporal.cf} and taken into account here.
#' @return An object of class \code{effectivemass} is invisibly returned. It
#' has objects: \code{effMass}:\cr The computed effective mass values as a
#' vector of length \code{Time/2}. For \code{type="acosh"} also the first value
#' is \code{NA}, because this definition requires three time slices.
#' \code{deffMass}:\cr The computed bootstrap errors for the effective masses
#' of the same length as \code{effMass}.
#' \code{effMass.tsboot}:\cr The boostrap samples of the effective masses as an
#' array of dimension RxN, where \code{R=boot.R} is the number of bootstrap
#' samples and \code{N=(Time/2+1)}.
#' and \code{boot.R}, \code{boot.l}, \code{Time}
#' @author Carsten Urbach, \email{curbach@@gmx.de}
#' @seealso \code{\link{fit.effectivemass}}, \code{\link{bootstrap.cf}},
#' \code{removeTemporal.cf}
#' @references arXiv:1203.6041
#' @examples
#' data(samplecf)
#' samplecf <- bootstrap.cf(cf=samplecf, boot.R=99, boot.l=2, seed=1442556)
#' effmass <- bootstrap.effectivemass(cf=samplecf)
#' summary(effmass)
#' plot(effmass, ylim=c(0.14,0.15))
#' @export bootstrap.effectivemass
bootstrap.effectivemass <- function(cf, type="solve") {
  stopifnot(inherits(cf, 'cf_meta'))
  stopifnot(inherits(cf, 'cf_boot'))

  deltat <- 1
  if(type == "shifted" && any(names(cf) == "deltat")) {
    deltat <- cf$deltat

  ## number of time slices (hopefully in units of Time/2+1 or Time)
  Nt <- length(cf$cf0)
  tmax <- cf$Time/2
    tmax <- cf$Time-1
  nrObs <- floor(Nt/(tmax+1))
  ## we run on the original data first
  effMass <- effectivemass.cf(cf$cf0, Thalf=cf$Time/2, tmax=tmax, type=type, nrObs=nrObs, deltat=deltat, weight.factor = cf$weight.factor)
  ## now we do the same on all samples
  effMass.tsboot <- t(apply(cf$cf.tsboot$t, 1, effectivemass.cf, Thalf=cf$Time/2, tmax=tmax, type=type, nrObs=nrObs, deltat=deltat, weight.factor = cf$weight.factor))

  deffMass=apply(effMass.tsboot, 2, cf$error_fn, na.rm=TRUE)
  ret <- list(t.idx=c(1:(tmax)),
              effMass=effMass, deffMass=deffMass, effMass.tsboot=effMass.tsboot,
              opt.res=NULL, t1=NULL, t2=NULL, type=type, useCov=NULL, CovMatrix=NULL, invCovMatrix=NULL,
              boot.R = cf$boot.R, boot.l = cf$boot.l, seed = cf$seed,
              massfit.tsboot=NULL, Time=cf$Time, nrObs=nrObs, dof=NULL,
              chisqr=NULL, Qval=NULL
  ret$cf <- cf
  ret$t0 <- effMass
  ret$t <- effMass.tsboot
  ret$se <- apply(ret$t, MARGIN=2L, FUN=cf$error_fn, na.rm=TRUE)
  attr(ret, "class") <- c("effectivemass", class(ret))

fit.constant <- function(M, y) {
	res <- list()
	if(is.matrix(M)){ # this is the covariance case
		m.eff <- sum(M %*% y)/sum(M)
		res$value <- (y-m.eff) %*% M %*% (y-m.eff)
	}else{ # this is the uncorrelated case
		m.eff <- sum(M*y)/sum(M)
		res$value <- sum(M*(y-m.eff)^2)
	res$par <- c(m.eff)

#' Fits a constant to effective mass data
#' Performs a correlated fit of a constant to data generated with
#' \code{bootstrap.effectivemass}.
#' A correlated chisquare minimisation is performed on the original data as
#' well as on all bootstrap samples generated by
#' \code{bootstrap.effectivemass}. The inverse covariance matrix is generated
#' as described in hep-lat/9412087 in case of too little data to relibably
#' estimate it.
#' @param cf An object of class \code{effectivemass} generated by a call to
#' \code{bootstrap.effectivemass}.
#' @param t1,t2 The fit range. If several correlators are fitted, this is
#' automatically replicated accordingly. The fit range is adjusted such that
#' \code{NA}s are removed from the fit. They must fulfill \eqn{t_1<t_2}{t1<t2}.
#' For symmetric correlators, they must both run from 0 to \code{Time/2-1},
#' otherwise from 0 to \code{Time-1}.
#' @param useCov Use the correlated chisquare. This works only for not too
#' noisy data.
#' @param replace.na The functions inverted to determine the effective mass
#' values might, due to fluctuations, return \code{NA}. If
#' \code{replace.na=TRUE}, these are reaplaced in the bootstrap samples by
#' randomly chosen values from the distribution that are not \code{NA}.
#' Otherwise the fits in which the \code{NA} values occur will fail.
#' @param boot.fit If set to \code{FALSE}, the effective mass fit is not
#' bootstrapped, even though bootstrap samples are still used to estimate the
#' variance-covariance matrix for the correlated fit. This is a useful
#' time-saver if error information is not strictly necessary. Of course, this
#' affects the return values related to the bootstrap, which are set to
#' \code{NA}.
#' @param autoproceed When the inversion of the variance-covariance matrix
#' fails, the default behaviour is to abort the fit. Setting this to
#' \code{TRUE} means that the fit is instead continued with a diagonal inverse
#' of the variance-covariance matrix.
#' @param every Fit only a part of the data points. Indices that are not
#' multiples of \code{every} are skipped. If no value is provided, all points
#' are taken into account.
#' @return An object with class \code{effectivemassfit} is returned. It
#' contains all the data of the input object \code{effMass} with the following
#' additional member objects:
#' \code{opt.res}: the object returned by the \code{optim} on the original
#' data.
#' \code{massfit.tsboot}: the bootstrap values of the mass and the chisquare
#' function.
#' \code{ii}: the index array of data used in the fit.
#' \code{invCovMatrix}: the inverse covariance matrix.
#' \code{dof}: the degrees of freedom of the fit.
#' \code{t1,t2}: the fit range.
#' @author Carsten Urbach, \email{curbach@@gmx.de}
#' @seealso \code{\link{bootstrap.effectivemass}},
#' \code{\link{bootstrap.gevp}}, \code{\link{gevp2cf}},
#' \code{\link{invertCovMatrix}}
#' @references C.Michael, A.McKerrell, Phys.Rev. D51 (1995) 3745-3750,
#' hep-lat/9412087
#' @keywords optim
#' @examples
#' data(samplecf)
#' samplecf <- bootstrap.cf(cf=samplecf, boot.R=99, boot.l=2, seed=1442556)
#' effmass <- fit.effectivemass(bootstrap.effectivemass(cf=samplecf), t1=15, t2=23)
#' summary(effmass)
#' plot(effmass, ylim=c(0.14,0.15))
#' @export fit.effectivemass
fit.effectivemass <- function(cf, t1, t2, useCov=FALSE, replace.na=TRUE, boot.fit=TRUE, autoproceed=FALSE, every) {
  ## If it wasn't clear from the name, the `cf` argument is of type
  ## `effectivemass`.
  stopifnot(inherits(cf, 'effectivemass'))

  tmax <- cf$Time/2
  if(!cf$cf$symmetrised) {
    tmax <- cf$Time-1

  stopifnot(t1 < t2)
  stopifnot(0 <= t1)
  stopifnot(t2 <= tmax)

  cf$effmassfit <- list()
  cf$t1 <- t1
  cf$effmassfit$t1 <- t1
  cf$t2 <- t2
  cf$effmassfit$t2 <- t2
  cf$useCov <- useCov
  cf$effmassfit$useCov <- useCov
  cf$replace.na <- replace.na
  cf$effmassfit$replace.na <- replace.na
  ## create an index array for the fit range
  ## the '+1' for Fortran index convention
  ## t1 and t2 can be in range 0-Time/2
  ## if not symmetrised even in the range 0 - Time-1
  ii <- c()
	  for(i in 1:cf$nrObs) {
		ii <- c(ii, ((i-1)*tmax+t1+1):((i-1)*tmax+t2+1))
	  for(i in 1:cf$nrObs) {
		ii <- c(ii, seq((i-1)*tmax+t1+1, (i-1)*tmax+t2+1, by=every))

  ## get rid of the NAs for the fit, if there are any
  if(any(is.na(cf$effMass[ii]))) {
    ii.na <- which(is.na(cf$t0[ii]))
    ii <- ii[-ii.na]

  # cf here is a bootstrapped effective mass and $t is the matrix of bootstrap samples
  CovMatrix <- cf$cf$cov_fn(cf$t[,ii])
  ## here we generate the inverse covariance matrix, if required
  ## otherwise take inverse errors squared
  M <- diag(1/cf$se[ii]^2)

  cf$CovMatrix <- CovMatrix
  cf$effmassfit$CovMatrix <- CovMatrix
  tb.save <- cf$t
  ## now we replace all NAs by randomly chosen other bootstrap values
  ## or remove a given column if there are too many NAs to resample
  ii.remove <- c()
  if(replace.na && any(is.na(cf$t))) {
    for(k in ii) {
      cf$t[is.nan(cf$t[,k]),k] <- NA
      if(any(is.na(cf$t[,k]))) {
        ## indices of NA elements
        jj <- which(is.na(cf$t[,k]))
        ## if there are more NA elements than non-NA elements, the replacement
        ## below will fail
        if( length(cf$t[-jj, k]) > length(jj) ) {
          ## random indices in the non-NA elements of t
          rj <- sample.int(n=length(cf$t[-jj, k]), size=length(jj), replace=FALSE)
          ## replace
          cf$t[jj, k] <- cf$t[-jj, k][rj]
        else {
          ## so we remove this column from the analysis below
          ii.remove <- c( ii.remove, which( ii == k ) )
  if( length( ii.remove ) > 0 ) {
    ## remove the columns that should be excluded from the fit below
    ii <- ii[ -ii.remove ]
    message("Due to NAs we have removed the time slices ", ii.remove-1, " from the fit\n")
  cf$ii <- ii
  cf$dof <-  length(ii)-1
  cf$effmassfit$ii <- ii
  cf$effmassfit$dof <- length(ii)-1
  ## and treat the inverse covariance matrix accordingly
  if(useCov) {
    ## recompute covariance matrix and compute the correctly normalised inverse
    M <- try(invertCovMatrix(cf$t[,ii], boot.samples=TRUE), silent=TRUE)
    if(inherits(M, "try-error")) {
      if( autoproceed ){
        M <- M[ -ii.remove, -ii.remove]
        warning("[fit.effectivemass] inversion of variance covariance matrix failed, continuing with uncorrelated chi^2\n")
        useCov <- FALSE
      } else {
        stop("[fit.effectivemass] inversion of variance covariance matrix failed!\n")
  else {
    if( length( ii.remove ) > 0 ) {
      ## if the matrix is diagonal, we simply restrict it
      M <- M[ -ii.remove, -ii.remove]
	  M <- diag(M)

  opt.res <- fit.constant(M=M, y = cf$effMass[ii])
  par <- opt.res$par

  cf$chisqr <- opt.res$value
  cf$Qval <- 1-pchisq(cf$chisqr, cf$dof)
  cf$effmassfit$chisqr <- opt.res$value
  cf$effmassfit$Qval <- 1-pchisq(cf$chisqr, cf$dof)
  if( boot.fit ) {
    ## now we bootstrap the fit
    massfit.tsboot <- array(0, dim=c(cf$boot.R, 2))
    for(i in c(1:cf$boot.R)) {
      opt <- fit.constant(M=M, y = cf$t[i,ii])
      massfit.tsboot[i, 1] <- opt$par[1]
      massfit.tsboot[i, 2] <- opt$value
    cf$massfit.tsboot <- massfit.tsboot
  else {
    cf$massfit.tsboot <- NA
  } # if(boot.fit)
  cf$effmassfit$t <- cf$massfit.tsboot
  cf$effmassfit$t0 <- c(opt.res$par, opt.res$value)
  cf$effmassfit$se <-  cf$cf$error_fn(massfit.tsboot[c(1:(dim(massfit.tsboot)[1]-1)),1])
  cf$effmassfit$cf <- cf$cf
  cf$t <- tb.save

	  M <- diag(M)
  cf$invCovMatrix <- M
  cf$opt.res <- opt.res
  cf$useCov <- useCov
  cf$effmassfit$useCov <- useCov
  attr(cf, "class") <- c("effectivemassfit", class(cf))

#' summary.effectivemass
#' @param object Object of type \code{effectivemass} generated by \link{fit.effectivemass}
#' @param ... Generic parameters to pass on.
#' @return
#' No return value.
#' @export
summary.effectivemass <- function (object, ...) {
  effMass <- object
  cat("\n ** effective mass values **\n\n")
  cat("no. measurements\t=\t", effMass$N, "\n")
  cat("boot.R\t=\t", effMass$boot.R, "\n")
  cat("boot.l\t=\t", effMass$boot.l, "\n")
  cat("Time extent\t=\t", effMass$Time, "\n")
  cat("total NA count in bootstrap samples:\t", length(which(is.na(effMass$t))), "\n")
  cat("values with errors:\n\n")
  print(data.frame(t= effMass$t.idx-1, m = effMass$t0, dm = effMass$se))

#' summary.effectivemassfit
#' @param object Object of type \link{cf}
#' @param ... Generic parameters to pass on.
#' @param verbose More verbose output.
#' @return
#' No return value.
#' @export
summary.effectivemassfit <- function(object, ..., verbose = FALSE) {
  effMass <- object
  cat("\n ** Result of effective mass analysis **\n\n")
  cat("no. measurements\t=\t", effMass$N, "\n")
  cat("type\t=\t", effMass$type, "\n")
  cat("boot.R\t=\t", effMass$boot.R, "\n")
  cat("boot.l\t=\t", effMass$boot.l, "\n")
  cat("Time extent\t=\t", effMass$Time, "\n")
  cat("NA count in fitted bootstrap samples:\t", length(which(is.na(effMass$t[,effMass$ii]))),
      "(",100*length(which(is.na(effMass$t[,effMass$ii])))/ length(effMass$t[,effMass$ii]), "%)\n")
  cat("NAs replaced in fit:", effMass$effmassfit$replace.na, "\n")
  cat("time range from", effMass$effmassfit$t1, " to ", effMass$effmassfit$t2, "\n")
  cat("No correlation functions", effMass$nrObs, "\n")
  if(verbose) {
    cat("values with errors:\n\n")
    print(data.frame(t= effMass$t, m = effMass$t0, dm = effMass$se))
  cat("correlated fit\t=\t", effMass$effmassfit$useCov, "\n")
  cat("m\t=\t", effMass$effmassfit$t0[1], "\n")
  cat("dm\t=\t", effMass$effmassfit$se[1], "\n")
  cat("chisqr\t=\t", effMass$effmassfit$chisqr, "\n")
  cat("dof\t=\t", effMass$effmassfit$dof, "\n")
      effMass$effmassfit$chisqr/effMass$effmassfit$dof, "\n")
  cat("Quality of the fit (p-value):",   effMass$effmassfit$Qval, "\n")


#' print.effectivemassfit
#' @param x Object of class `effectivemass`
#' @param ... Additional parameters to be passed on.
#' @param verbose Boolean. More verbose output.
#' @return
#' No return value.
#' @export
print.effectivemassfit <- function (x, ..., verbose = FALSE) {
  effMass <- x
  summary(effMass, verbose = verbose, ...)

#' plot.effectivemass
#' @param x Object of class `effectivemass`
#' @param ... Graphical parameters to be passed on to \link{plotwitherror}
#' @param ref.value Numeric. A reference value to be plotted as a horizontal line
#' @param col String. Colour of the data points.
#' @param col.fitline String. Colour of the fitted line.
#' @return
#' No return value.
#' @export
plot.effectivemass <- function (x, ..., ref.value, col, col.fitline) {
  effMass <- x
  if(missing(col)) {
    col <- c("black", rainbow(n=(effMass$nrObs-1)))
  if(missing(col.fitline)) {
	col.fitline <- col[1]
  # BaKo: is this also valid for acosh type effective masses?
  t <- effMass$t.idx
  suppressWarnings(plotwitherror(x=t-1, y=effMass$effMass[t], dy=effMass$deffMass[t], col=col[1], ...))
  if(effMass$nrObs > 1) {
    for(i in 1:(effMass$nrObs-1)) {
      suppressWarnings(plotwitherror(x=t-1, y=effMass$t0[t+i*length(t)], dy=effMass$se[t+i*length(t)], rep=TRUE, col=col[i+1], ...))
  if(!missing(ref.value)) {
    abline(h=ref.value, col=c("darkgreen"), lwd=c(3))
      pcol <- col2rgb(col.fitline,alpha=TRUE)/255                                                                                                   
      pcol[4] <- 0.65
      pcol <- rgb(red=pcol[1],green=pcol[2],blue=pcol[3],alpha=pcol[4])
      rect(xleft=effMass$t1, ybottom=effMass$effmassfit$t0[1]-effMass$effmassfit$se[1],
           xright=effMass$t2, ytop=effMass$effmassfit$t0[1]+effMass$effmassfit$se[1],
HISKP-LQCD/hadron documentation built on Sept. 17, 2022, 10:03 a.m.