prepConfig: Prepares config list for inclusion in final report

Description Usage Arguments Details

View source: R/prepConfig.R


Converts the configuration used to call MotifBinner to a data.frame that can be included in the final report.


prepConfig(all_results, config)



A list of all results given the class 'all_results'.


A list of configuration options


The configuration used to specify which opertation should be applied and what settings to use is contained in a nested list of lists. These lists are typically built using the buildConfig function. By including these settings and the version of MotifBinner in the final report an easy way to document the exact procedures that were used to produce a dataset.

The main action performed by this prepConfig operation is just to convert the nested list of lists that holds the config to a data.frame and to provide a convenient way, using the standard approach of MotifBinner, to add this information into the final report.

HIVDiversity/MotifBinner2 documentation built on May 6, 2019, 6:44 p.m.