
#' Calculate infection prevalence by stratification variables
#' This function could be used to calculate the prevalence within different areas/regions of a country. Or alternatively, to calcluate prevalence by another grouping factor such as age group or sex.
#' @param data A line list-type data frame (one line per case), including a column with the region in which the case occurred and columns with stratification variables.
#' @param pops A data frame containing one line per region/stratification variable combination in \code{data}. The first column should give the region name, then should come the stratification variables, and finally the population size in that region and stratum. If \code{pops} is \code{NULL}, the population in each area and stratum is taken as 1, and numbers of cases (rather than prevalences) are calculated.
#' @param region.head A string containing the name of the column specifying the region for each case.
#' @param stratify.vars A vector of strings containing the names of the column specifying the stratification variables. These columns should be factors.
#' @param conf.level Level of confidence interval required for prevalence estimates.
#' @param scale Scaling with which to report prevalence (per head, per 100 000, etc.)

#' @return A list containing 1) \code{prevalence.list}, a list of data frames containing total population, number of cases and prevalence by region, for each unique combination of stratification variables. 2) \code{stratification.levels}, a vector of the stratification levels, in the same order that the stratified prevalence data frames are presented.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' my.data <- data.frame(	county.id = ceiling(3*runif(10)),
#'                      	age = rlnorm(10),
#'							sex = factor(floor(2*runif(10)), levels=c(0,1), labels=c("male", "female"))
#'                      )
#' my.data$age.group = floor(my.data$age)
#' my.populations <- my.data[!duplicated(my.data[,c(1,3,4)]),]
#' my.populations$population <- nrow(my.data) + ceiling(abs(rnorm(nrow(my.populations), 10, 5)))
#' # example without any population data
#' calculate_stratified_prevalence(my.data, stratify.vars=c("sex", "age.group"), region.head="county.id")
#' # example with stratified population data
#' calculate_stratified_prevalence(my.data, stratify.vars=c("sex", "age.group"), pops=my.populations, region.head="county.id")
calculate_stratified_prevalence <- function( data, stratify.vars, pops=NULL, region.head="region", conf.level=0.95, scale=1){

	stratify.cols <- which(names(data) %in% stratify.vars)

	# add a column giving unique combination of stratification variables
	data$stratvar <- factor(apply(as.matrix(data[,stratify.cols]), 1, paste, collapse="."))
		pops$stratvar <- factor(apply(
										as.matrix(pops[, which(names(pops) %in% stratify.vars)]),
										) )

	# now apply the prevalence calculation function, at each level of stratification

	prevalence <- vector("list", length(unique(data$stratvar)) )

	for(i in 1:length( unique(data$stratvar) ) ){

		sub <- subset(data, data$stratvar == ( unique(data$stratvar) )[i])

			prevalence[[i]] <- calculate_prevalence( sub, NULL, conf.level, region.head, scale )
			prevalence[[i]] <- calculate_prevalence( sub, pops[pops$stratvar == ( unique(data$stratvar) )[i], c(1, ncol(pops)-1)], conf.level, region.head, scale )}

				stratification.levels = unique(data$stratvar),
				prevalence.list = prevalence

Hackout2/mapData documentation built on May 6, 2019, 9:48 p.m.