
Defines functions myknit_search2 myknit_search

#' myknit
#' myknit can be used to make the process of knitting more flexible.
#' The Usage and Arguments section specify how the function would be used on a standalone base. \cr\cr
#' Normally however I do the \code{knit} with the **knit** button in RStudio.
#' When I include in the yaml metadata block the yaml statement \cr
#' \code{knit:  (function (...) \{  HOQCutil::myknit(...) \})}
#' the \code{myknit} code will be run instead of \code{rmarkdown::render}.\cr\cr
#' The \code{myknit} function removes (R) commented lines from the yaml metadata block and can do one or more of the following things (based on extra YAML statements): \cr
#' * specify an alternative name for the output file (based on \code{hoqc_output})
#' * append a version indicator to the name of the output file (based on \code{hoqc_version})
#' * force that the proper extension is given to the name of the output file (when not specified) (based on \code{hoqc_force_ext})
#' * create a file with the yaml metadata block that was specified with a name including the version indicator  (based on \code{hoqc_yaml})
#' * create a file with the yaml metadata block after processing with a name including the version indicator (based on \code{hoqc_yaml_new})
#' * create a copy of the input file with a name including the version indicator (based on \code{hoqc_rmd_in})
#' * create a copy of the processed input file with a name including the version indicator (based on \code{hoqc_rmd_out})
#' An example of use  is given in the
#' [pdf file](https://github.com/HanOostdijk/rmd_pdf_examples/blob/master/output/Flex/%20Knit_v1.pdf)
#' and the corresponding
#' [rmd file](https://github.com/HanOostdijk/rmd_pdf_examples/blob/master/flexknit.Rmd) of the GitHub repository
#' **rmd_pdf_examples**.\cr
#' Note: in the repository the myknit function is (still) included as a separate function.
#' @param inputFile base file to render
#' @param encoding encoding of basefile
#' @param hoqc_render boolean to indicate that output file is to be created. Default TRUE
#' @param clean boolean to indicate that intermediary files are removed. Default TRUE
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @importFrom utils head tail
#' @importFrom rmarkdown render
#' @export

myknit <-
	function (inputFile,
		encoding = getOption("encoding"),
		hoqc_render = TRUE,
		clean = TRUE) {

		# Acknowledgement: idea comes from
		# https://stackoverflow.com/questions/39885363/importing-common-yaml-in-rstudio-knitr-document

		# read in the src file
		rmd <- readLines(inputFile)
		# the line numbers of the start and end line for the yaml section
		yaml_ind <- stringr::str_which(rmd, '^---$')[1:2]
		# retrieve the yaml metadata block
		yaml_org <- rmd[do.call(seq.int, as.list(yaml_ind))]
		yaml <- yaml_org
		# remove yaml lines beginning with '#' or '  #'
		yaml      <- yaml[!stringr::str_detect(yaml, '^[ ]*#')]
		# first document type determines the output type
		doctype_line <-
			c(stringr::str_subset(yaml, 'pdf_document|html_document'),
		doc_type     <- stringr::str_match(doctype_line, '(pdf|html)_document')[1, 2]
		# specify the additional yaml options
		hoqc_items <-
				'hoqc_version' ,
				'hoqc_rmd_in' ,
				'hoqc_rmd_out' ,
		# read the values of the hoqc_* options and remove the options from yaml
		values     <- list()
		for (hoqc_item in hoqc_items) {
			mks <- myknit_search(yaml, hoqc_item)
			yaml <- mks[['new_yaml']]
			values[[hoqc_item]] <- mks[['value']]
		# insert params: hoqc_version
		if (!is.null(values[['hoqc_version']])) {
			hoqc_version = values[['hoqc_version']]
		} else {
			hoqc_version = ''
		if (!is.null(values[['hoqc_force_ext']]))
			hoqc_force_ext <- values[['hoqc_force_ext']]
			hoqc_force_ext <- ''
		# if requested create file with copy of Rmd input
		if (!is.null(values[['hoqc_rmd_in']])) {
			hoqc_rmd_in <- values[['hoqc_rmd_in']]
			hoqc_rmd_in <-
				myknit_force_ext(hoqc_rmd_in, 'Rmd', TRUE, hoqc_version)
			# write new input to the indicated file
			writeLines(rmd, hoqc_rmd_in)
		} else
			hoqc_rmd_in <- ''
		# if requested create file with copy of Rmd input
		if (!is.null(values[['hoqc_rmd_out']])) {
			hoqc_rmd_out <- values[['hoqc_rmd_out']]
			hoqc_rmd_out <-
				myknit_force_ext(hoqc_rmd_out, 'Rmd', TRUE, hoqc_version)
		} else
			hoqc_rmd_out <- ''

		# if requested create file with original yaml contents
		if (!is.null(values[['hoqc_yaml']])) {
			hoqc_yaml <- values[['hoqc_yaml']]
			hoqc_yaml <-
				myknit_force_ext(hoqc_yaml, 'txt', hoqc_force_ext, hoqc_version)
			# write new input to the indicated file
			writeLines(yaml_org, hoqc_yaml)
		} else
			hoqc_yaml <- ''
		# if requested create file to contain new yaml contents
		if (!is.null(values[['hoqc_yaml_new']])) {
			hoqc_yaml_new <- values[['hoqc_yaml_new']]
			hoqc_yaml_new <-
				myknit_force_ext(hoqc_yaml_new, 'txt', hoqc_force_ext, hoqc_version)
			# because yaml will be extended with params do not yet write to the file
			# writeLines(yaml, hoqc_yaml_new)
		} else
			hoqc_yaml_new <- ''
		# determine output name for pdf or html file
		if (!is.null(values[['hoqc_output']])) {
			hoqc_output = values[['hoqc_output']]
			hoqc_output = myknit_force_ext(hoqc_output, doc_type, hoqc_force_ext, hoqc_version,
				hoqc_render = hoqc_render)
		} else {
			inputFileb <- strsplit(inputFile, '.', fixed = T)[[1]][1]
			hoqc_output = myknit_force_ext(inputFileb, doc_type, hoqc_force_ext, hoqc_version,
				hoqc_render = hoqc_render)
		# create the additional params lines
		# hoqc_render only in params when false (empties are removed)
		hoqc_render2 <- hoqc_render
		if (hoqc_render == TRUE)
			hoqc_render = ''
			hoqc_render = 'false'
		#   ensure that all options have the same length after padding
		hoqc_items <-
			stringr::str_pad(hoqc_items, max(sapply(hoqc_items, stringr::str_length)), side = 'right')
		hoqc_values <-
			lapply(hoqc_items, function(x)
				eval(parse(text = x)))
		# remove the empty options
		hoqc_items <- hoqc_items[stringr::str_length(hoqc_values) > 0]
		hoqc_values <- hoqc_values[stringr::str_length(hoqc_values) > 0]
		#   format the param lines
		hoqc_parms <-
			paste(hoqc_items, paste0("'", hoqc_values, "'"), sep = ' : ')
		# insert params
		# locate params line and lines not starting with space
		parmline <- stringr::str_which(yaml, '^params[ ]*:')
		nbline   <- stringr::str_which(yaml, '^[^ ]')
		if (length(parmline) == 0) {
			# when params line not found then add it with
			# hoqc_version line at the end of the yaml block
			yaml   <-
				append(yaml, c('params: ', paste0('  ', hoqc_parms)), after = utils::tail(nbline, 1) -
		} else {
			# when params line found then add hoqc_* lines at the end of the params block
			nbline <- utils::head(nbline[nbline > parmline[1]], 1)
			lpline <- yaml[nbline - 1]
			# ensure that the hoqc_version line starts with the correct number of spaces
			lpline <-
				paste0(strrep(' ', as.numeric(regexec('[^ ]', lpline)) - 1), hoqc_parms)
			yaml   <- append(yaml, lpline, after = nbline - 1)
		# write modified yaml to file if requested
		if (!is.null(values[['hoqc_yaml_new']])) {
			writeLines(yaml, hoqc_yaml_new)
		# combine changed yaml with payload
		inputNew   <-
			append(yaml, rmd[(yaml_ind[2] + 1):length(rmd)])
		# write new input to a temp file
		if (stringr::str_length(hoqc_rmd_out) == 0)
			tfile  <- fs::file_temp(pattern = 'tmpfile',
				tmp_dir = '.',
				ext = '.Rmd')
			tfile = hoqc_rmd_out
		writeLines(inputNew, tfile)
		# render adjusted file with rmarkdown.
		if (hoqc_render2 == TRUE) {
			ofile <-
					encoding = encoding,
					output_file = hoqc_output,
					envir = new.env(),
					clean = clean
			# remove temporary file
			if (stringr::str_length(hoqc_rmd_out) == 0)

myknit_force_ext <- function (filename, doc_type, tf, suffix, hoqc_render=TRUE) {
	# optionally give an extension or suffix to filename
	# ensure tf becomes a logical variable
	tf1       <- as.logical(tf)
	if (is.na(tf1))
		tf1 = switch(tolower(tf), yes = T, no = F, T)
	# do not consider path
	filename1 <- basename(filename)
	dirname1  <- dirname(filename)
	# split proper name and extension
	ibe <-  strsplit(filename1, '.', fixed = T)
	# unpack the list
	ibe <- ibe[[1]]
	# append suffix to proper name
	ibe[1] <- paste0(ibe[[1]][1], suffix)
	# if extension is required add the given one (will only be used when length(ibe) ==1)
	if (tf1 == TRUE)
		ibe <-  c(ibe, doc_type)
	# new filename
	if (length(ibe) < 2)
		newname <- ibe
		newname <- paste(ibe[1:2], collapse = '.')
	# ensure that folders exist and retrieve the full name
	newname <- paste(dirname1, newname, sep = '/')
	newname %>% fs::path_dir() %>% fs::dir_create()
	already_there <- fs::file_exists(newname)
	newname %>% fs::file_create() %>% fs::path_real() %>% as.character() -> newname
	if ((doc_type %in% c('pdf','html')) && (hoqc_render == F) && (already_there == F) ) {
		# remove file created here that will not be used

myknit_search <- function(yaml, yaml_keyword) {
  # read the values of the keyword and remove the keyword line from yaml
  value   <- NULL
  # prepare grep pattern
  g1      <- sprintf('%s[ ]*:[ ]*', yaml_keyword)
  # look for keyword
  ofound	<- stringr::str_which(yaml, g1)
  # if there is exactly one such line then retrieve its value
  if (length(ofound) == 1) {
    # the hoqc_output line
    keyline <- yaml[ofound]
    # the part after the colon
    after_colon <- stringr::str_match(keyline, paste0(g1, '(.*)'))[1, 2]
    # retrieve the value
    value <- myknit_search2(after_colon)
    # remove the line containing the keyword
    yaml <- yaml[-ofound]
  # return the keyword value and the yaml without the keyword line
  list('new_yaml' = yaml, 'value' = value)

myknit_search2 <- function(after_colon) {
  # find option value
  # comments refer to cases in test_myknit_search
  if (stringr::str_detect(after_colon, "\"`[rR]")) {        #keyword5
    value <- stringr::str_match(after_colon,  "\"`[rR]([^`]*)`\"")
    value[[2]] = eval(parse(text=value[[2]]))
  } else if (stringr::str_detect(after_colon, "\'`[rR]")) { #keyword4
    value <- stringr::str_match(after_colon,  "\'`[rR]([^`]*)`\'")
    value[[2]] = eval(parse(text=value[[2]]))
  } else if (stringr::str_detect(after_colon, "\'")) {      #keyword2
    value <- stringr::str_match(after_colon, "[\']([^\']*)[\']")
  } else if (stringr::str_detect(after_colon, '\"')) {      #keyword1
    value <- stringr::str_match(after_colon, '[\"]([^\"]*)[\"]')
  } else {                                         #keyword0 and keyword3
    value <- stringr::str_match(after_colon, '([^ #]*)')

test_myknit_search <- function (){
  # test function for the various cases in myknit_search
  yaml <- c('keyword1 : "ni hao"',
    "keyword2:  'hello'",
    "keyword3:  hallo",
    "keyword4:'`r format(Sys.time(), \'_%Y%m%d\')`'",
    'keyword5:"`r format(Sys.time(), \"_%Y%m%d\")`"'
HanOostdijk/HOQCutil documentation built on July 28, 2023, 5:56 p.m.