
Defines functions f.OR f.FPA f.var.ci f.area.occ.mscn plotScnDiff plotMdlDiff f.thr.batch f.thr mxnt.p.batch.mscn mxnt.p.batch mxnt.p mxnt.c.batch mxnt.c f.args ENMevaluate.l.opt ENMevaluate.batch pred.a.batch.rst.mscn pred.a.batch.rst pred.a.rst pred.a.batch.mscn pred.a.batch pred.a pred.a.poly.batch pred.a.poly sel_env sel_env_b loadTocc thin.batch env.cut bffr.batch poly.c.batch poly.c

Documented in bffr.batch ENMevaluate.batch ENMevaluate.l.opt env.cut f.area.occ.mscn f.args f.FPA f.OR f.thr f.thr.batch f.var.ci loadTocc mxnt.c mxnt.c.batch mxnt.p mxnt.p.batch mxnt.p.batch.mscn plotMdlDiff plotScnDiff poly.c poly.c.batch pred.a pred.a.batch pred.a.batch.mscn pred.a.batch.rst pred.a.batch.rst.mscn pred.a.poly pred.a.poly.batch pred.a.rst sel_env sel_env_b thin.batch

##### 1.1.
#' Create minimum convex polygon based on species occurence data
#' This function will create minimum convex polygon based on coordinates of species occurence data.
#' @param ... additional arguments
#' @export
poly.c <- function(...){
  stop("Deprecated function. Use 'set_calibarea'")

#' Create minimum convex polygon based on coordinates of species occurence data for several species
#' This function will use a list of coordinates of species occurence data and create minimum convex polygons
#' for each element in the list.
#' It is possible to create concave or convex polygons, create several small polygons based on clusters
#' of points.
#' @inheritParams poly.c
#' @export
poly.c.batch <- function(...){
  stop("Deprecated function. Use 'set_calibarea_b'")

#' Create buffer based on species polygons
#' This funcion will create a buffer using species polygons. Buffer width may be manually specified or
#' calculated based on the extent of the SpatialPolygons object (i.e. mean of latitudinal and longitudinal extent).
#' If width is calculated based on the extent of the SpatialPolygons object, it can be adjusted (enlarged or reduced)
#' using 'mult' argument.
#' @inheritParams poly.c
#' @export
bffr.batch <- function(...){
  stop("Deprecated function. Use 'buffer_b'")

#' Cut calibration area based on a list of SpatialPolygons
## #' Crop environmental variables for each species
#' Use a list of SpatialPolygons to crop environmental variables for each species.
#' @inheritParams poly.c
#' @export
env.cut <- function(...){
  stop("Deprecated function. Use 'cut_calibarea_b'")

#' Spatially thin a list of species occurrence data
#' Will use spThin optimisation algorithm to subset the dataset such that
#' all occurrence locations are a minimum distance apart. This process helps
#' reduce the effect of biases in observation records on the predictive
#' performance of ecological niche models.
#' Make sure coordinates are in decimal degrees. This function will use
#' great.circle.distance to thin the datasets
#' @inheritParams poly.c
#' @export
thin.batch <- function(...){
  stop("Deprecated function. Use 'thin_b'")

#' Load filtered occurrence data
#' Load filtered occurrence data from object returned by "thin_b" function
#' @inheritParams poly.c
#' @export
loadTocc <- function(...){
  stop("Deprecated function. Use 'load_thin_occ'")

##### 1.2.

#' Find, optionally remove, highly correlated variables from a list (several species) of raster brick/stack
#' @inheritParams poly.c
#' @export
sel_env_b <- function(...){
  stop("Deprecated function. Use 'select_vars_b'")

#' Find, optionally remove, highly correlated variables from a raster brick/stack
#' @inheritParams poly.c
#' @export
sel_env <- function(...){
  stop("Deprecated function. Use 'select_vars'")

##### 2.
#' Select area for projection based on the extent of occ points
#' This function will create SpatialPolygons that will be used to crop/mask raster/brick objects to be used on model projections. It has several options
#' The user can crop a squared area with an extent larger than the extent of occ.poly. By default, the "extent increase"
#' is the maximum of latitudinal and longitudinal extent "max(abs(ext.proj[1]-ext.proj[2]), abs(ext.proj[3]-ext.proj[4]))".
#' The result is added to each side of the occ.poly extent. This may be changed by setting "mult", which will be multiplied
#' by the "extent increase". Latitudinal and longitudinal increase may also vary independently by setting "same=FALSE".
#' The user can also set a buffer around occ.poly to cut the raster/brick object. Buffer value is, by default,
#' calculated in the same way as "extent increase", using "max(abs(ext.proj[1]-ext.proj[2]), abs(ext.proj[3]-ext.proj[4]))".
#' But the exact value can be defined through "deg.incr" and "mult". This method takes longer to run.
#' @inheritParams poly.c
#' @export
pred.a.poly <- function(...){
  stop("Deprecated function. Use 'set_projarea'")

#' Select area for projection based on the extent of occ points for multiple species
#' This function is a wrapper for "cut_projarea". See ?cut_projarea
#' It works with a named list of occ.polys to delimit the projection area for each of the species.
#' @inheritParams poly.c
#' @export
pred.a.poly.batch <- function(...){
  stop("Deprecated function. Use 'set_projarea_b'")

#' Cut area for projection based on a list of SpatialPolygons
#' This function is a wrapper for "cut_projarea". See ?cut_projarea
#' It works with a named list of pred.poly to delimit the projection area for each of the species.
#' @inheritParams poly.c
#' @export
pred.a <- function(...){
  stop("Deprecated function. Use 'cut_projarea_b'")

#' Cut area for projection based on a list of SpatialPolygons
#' This function is a wrapper for "cut_projarea". See ?cut_projarea
#' It works with a named list of pred.poly to delimit the projection area for each of the species.
#' @inheritParams poly.c
#' @export
pred.a.batch <- function(...){
  stop("Deprecated function. Use 'cut_projarea_b'")

#' Cut multiple projection areas (climatic scenarios) for multiple species (list of SpatialPolygons)
#' This function is a wrapper for "cut_projarea". See ?cut_projarea. This function delimits the projection area for
#' each of the species contained in the pred.polys named list and crops
#' multiple rasters/bricks (i.e. representing distinct climatic scenaries) based on the same criteria for each species.
#' @inheritParams poly.c
#' @export
pred.a.batch.mscn <- function(...){
  stop("Deprecated function. Use 'cut_projarea_mscn_b'")

#' Cut a projection area based on a SpatialPolygon (e.g. Ecoregion)
#' This function will use a single SpatialPolygon to crop/mask raster/brick objects to be used on model projections.
#' @inheritParams poly.c
#' @export
pred.a.rst <- function(...){
  stop("Deprecated function. Use 'cut_projarea_rst'")

#' Cut projection areas of multiple species based on a single SpatialPolygon object (e.g. Ecoregion)
#' This function will use a single SpatialPolygon to crop/mask raster/brick objects to be used on model projections.
#' @inheritParams poly.c
#' @export
pred.a.batch.rst <- function(...){
  stop("Deprecated function. Use 'cut_projarea_rst_b'")

#' Cut multiple projection areas of multiple species based on a single SpatialPolygon object (e.g. Ecoregion)
#' This function will use a single SpatialPolygon to crop/mask multiple raster/brick objects
#' to be used on model projections.
#' @inheritParams poly.c
#' @export
pred.a.batch.rst.mscn <- function(...){
  stop("Deprecated function. Use 'cut_projarea_rst_mscn_b'")

##### 3.
#' Tuning and evaluation of ENMs with Maxent for several species using ENMeval
#' This function is a wrapper for ENMeval::ENMevaluate. See ?ENMeval::ENMevaluate for details
#' It works with a named list of species occurrence data (occ.l) and a list of
#' cropped environmental variables (a.calib.l) for model tuning.
#' @inheritParams poly.c
#' @export
ENMevaluate.batch <- function(...){
  stop("Deprecated function. Use 'ENMevaluate_b'")

#' Optimize the size of ENMevaluate_b objects
#' This function will set to NULL (erase) the largest slots ('predictions', 'models', 'occ.grp', and 'bg.grp')
#' of ENMeval::ENMevaluate objects. Only results, occ.pts, and bg.pts are returned.
#' Use with care. It will not be possible to check MaxEnte models, predictions and grouping of occ and bg points.
#' Can be used to optimize allocated RAM memory when 'ENMevaluate' objects are too large.
#' @inheritParams poly.c
#' @export
ENMevaluate.l.opt <- function(...){
  stop("Deprecated function. Use 'optENMevalObjL'")

##### 4.
## 4.2 Generate final models for occ
#' Model selection and creation of MaxEnt arguments for selected models
#' This function will read an object of class ENMevaluation (See ?ENMeval::ENMevaluate for details) and
#' return the results table with models selected by the chosen criteria. It can also return the
#' necessary arguments for final model calibration and predictions.
#' @inheritParams poly.c
#' @export
f.args <- function(...){
  stop("Deprecated function. Use 'mod_sel'")

#### 4.3 Run top corresponding models and save predictions
#### 4.3.1 save maxent best models and predictions for each model
# "f.mxnt.mdl.pred" renamed to "calib_mdl" and now to "calib_mdl"
#' Calibrate MaxEnt models based on model selection criteria
#' This function will read an object of class ENMevaluation (See ?ENMeval::ENMevaluate for details) and
#' calibrate the selected maxent models.
#' @inheritParams poly.c
#' @export
mxnt.c <- function(...){
  stop("Deprecated function. Use 'calib_mdl'")

# "f.mxnt.mdl.pred.batch" renamed to "calib_mdl_b" and now to "calib_mdl_b"

#' Calibrate MaxEnt models based on model selection criteria for several species
#' This function will read a list of objects of class ENMevaluation (See ?ENMeval::ENMevaluate for details) and
#' return selected maxent model calibrations and predictions. Each element on the list is usually a species.
#' a.proj.l, a.calib.l, occ.l are lists with occurence data, projection and calibration/predictor data.
#' Species in these lists must all be in the same order of species in ENMeval.o.
#' @inheritParams poly.c
#' @export
mxnt.c.batch <- function(...){
  stop("Deprecated function. Use 'calib_mdl_b'")

##### 5.
### 4.8 predictions for future and past
### functions to predict areas based on fitted models

#' Project calibrated MaxEnt models
#' This function will read an object returned by "calib_mdl", read the calibrated models and project into
#' new areas/climatic scenarios. These new projections will be returned together with (appended to)
#' the original object.
#' @inheritParams poly.c
#' @export
mxnt.p <- function(...){
  stop("Deprecated function. Use 'proj_mdl'")

#' Project calibrated MaxEnt models
#' This function will read an object returned by "calib_mdl", read the calibrated models and project into
#' new areas/climatic scenarios. These new projections will be returned together with (appended to)
#' the original object.
#' @inheritParams poly.c
#' @export
mxnt.p.batch <- function(...){
  stop("Deprecated function. Use 'proj_mdl'")

#' Project calibrated MaxEnt models for several species onto multiple environmental scenarios
#' This function will read an object returned by "calib_mdl_b", read the calibrated models and project into
#' several environmental (areas/climatic) scenarios (specified in a.proj.l). These new projections will be returned together with (appended to)
#' each element (species) the original object.
#' @inheritParams poly.c
#' @export
mxnt.p.batch.mscn <- function(...){
  stop("Deprecated function. Use 'proj_mdl_b'")

##### 6.
#### 4.3.3 aplicar threshold
# name of arg "mxnt.mdls.preds.sp[...]" shortened to "mcmp"

#' Apply threshold for MaxEnt projections of a species
#' This function will apply the selected threshold criterias to MaxEnt model projection(s) of a 'mcmp' object
#' and save on the folder "3_out.MaxEnt/Mdls.[species name]/Mdls.thrshld". For each projection (species and climatic
#' scenario), two layers will be generated, one with suitability above the threshold value and another with presence/absence only.
#' @inheritParams poly.c
#' @export
f.thr <- function(...){
  stop("Deprecated function. Use 'thrshld'")

#### 4.8.5 threshold for past and future pred
#' Apply threshold for MaxEnt projections for multiple species
#' This function will apply the selected threshold criterias to MaxEnt model projection(s) of a 'mcmp.l' object
#' and save on the folder "3_out.MaxEnt/Mdls.[species name]/Mdls.thrshld". For each projection (species and climatic
#' scenario), two layers will be generated, one with suitability above the threshold value and another with presence/absence only.
#' @inheritParams poly.c
#' @export
f.thr.batch <- function(...){
  stop("Deprecated function. Use 'thrshld_b'")

##### 7.
#### 4.4 plot differences among model selection criteria predictions
#### 4.8.6 plot prediction diff between models
#' Plot differences in suitable areas between models selected using distinct criteria for multiple species
#' Plot differences between predictions of models selected using distinct
#' criteria (e.g. "AvgAIC", "LowAIC", "OR", "AUC") for multiple climatic scenarios and multiple species
# #' @inheritParams f.plot.mxnt.preds
#' @inheritParams poly.c
#' @export
plotMdlDiff <- function(...){
  stop("Deprecated function. Use 'plot_mdl_diff_b'")

#### 4.8.6 plot prediction diff between models
#' Plot differences in suitable areas between models selected using distinct criteria
#' Plot differences between predictions of models selected using distinct
#' criteria (e.g. "AvgAIC", "LowAIC", "OR", "AUC") for multiple climatic scenarios
# #' @inheritParams f.plot.mxnt.preds
# #' @export
# plotMdlDiff <- function(...){
#   stop("Deprecated function. Use 'plot_mdl_diff'")
# }

#' Plot differences in suitable areas between climatic scenarios for multiple species
#' Plot differences between a selected climatic scenario and all other climatic scenarios for each species.
#' This function will plota and (optionally) save the figures on pdf files in the folder "Mdls.thrshld/figs".
#' @inheritParams poly.c
#' @export
plotScnDiff <- function(...){
  stop("Deprecated function. Use 'plot_scn_diff_b'")

#' Plot differences in suitable areas between climatic scenarios
#' Plot differences between a selected climatic scenario and all other climatic scenarios for each species.
#' This function will plota and (optionally) save the figures on pdf files in the folder "Mdls.thrshld/figs".
# #' @export
# plot_scn_diff <- function(...){
#   stop("Deprecated function. Use 'set_projarea'")
# }

##### 8.1.

#' Compute species' total suitable area
#' Compute total suitable area at multiple climatic scenario, threshold and model criteria.
#' @inheritParams poly.c
#' @export
f.area.occ.mscn <- function(...){
  stop("Deprecated function. Use 'get_tsa_b' or 'get_tsa'")

#' Compute species' total suitable area
#' Compute total suitable area at multiple climatic scenario, threshold and model criteria.
# #' @export
# get_tsa <- function(...){
#   stop("Deprecated function. Use 'set_projarea'")
# }

# #### 4.7 extract model results
# ### 4.7.1 variable contribution and importance

#' Compute variable contribution and permutation importance
#' Compute variable contribution and importance for each model
#' @inheritParams poly.c
#' @export
f.var.ci <- function(...){
  stop("Deprecated function. Use 'get_cont_permimport_b' or 'get_cont_permimport'")

#' Compute variable contribution and permutation importance
#' Compute variable contribution and importance for each model
# #' @export
# get_cont_permimport <- function(...){
#   stop("Deprecated function. Use 'set_projarea'")
# }

#' Compute "Fractional predicted area" ('n of occupied pixels'/n)
#' Compute "Fractional predicted area" ('n of occupied pixels'/total n) or ('area of occupied pixels'/total area)
#' @inheritParams poly.c
#' @export
f.FPA <- function(...){
  stop("Deprecated function. Use 'get_fpa_b' or 'get_fpa'")

#' Compute "Fractional predicted area" ('n of occupied pixels'/n)
#' Compute "Fractional predicted area" ('n of occupied pixels'/total n) or ('area of occupied pixels'/total area)
# #' @export
# get_fpa <- function(...){
#   stop("Deprecated function. Use 'set_projarea'")
# }

#' Compute "Omission Rate"
#' Compute "Omission Rate" of species occurence points for a climatic scenario (usually "current")
#' @inheritParams poly.c
f.OR <- function(...){
  stop("Deprecated function. Use 'get_OR' or 'get_or_ensemble' or 'get_or_ensemble_b'")

##### 8.2.

#########	Omission Rate for AICc Averaged Model #############
#' Compute Omission Rate for a species' ensembled model
#' This function will compute the omission rate (OR) for a species' ensembled model
#' from a 'mcmp' object, based on the selected threshold value.
# #' @export
# get_or_ensemble <- function(...){
#   stop("Deprecated function. Use 'set_projarea'")
# }

#' Compute Omission Rate for a list of species' ensembled models
#' This function will compute the omission rate (OR) for each species' ensembled model
#' from a 'mcmp.l' object, based on the selected threshold value.
# #' @export
# get_or_ensemble_b <- function(...){
#   stop("Deprecated function. Use 'set_projarea'")
# }

##### 8.3.

#' Extrapolation risk analysis
#' This function will compute the omission rate (OR) for a species' AICc Averaged Model
#' from a 'mcmp' object, based on the selected threshold value.
# #' @export
# mop <- function(...){
#   stop("Deprecated function. Use 'set_projarea'")
# }

#' Extrapolation risk analysis for a list of species
#' This function will compute the omission rate (OR) for each species' AICc Averaged Model
#' from a 'mcmp.l' object, based on the selected threshold value.
# #' @export
# mop_b <- function(...){
#   stop("Deprecated function. Use 'set_projarea'")
# }

##### 9.
# #### 5.3 comparar as distribuições (rasteres de adequabilidade) geradas por diferentes critérios de
# ## seleção de modelo (AvgAIC, LowAIC, avg.test.orMTP, avg.test.or10pct, avg.test.AUC.MTP, avg.test.AUC10pct),
# ## usando função ENMTools::raster.overlap(r1, r2).
#' Raster overlap between models selected using different criteria
#' Measures overlap between two ENMs. Used to compare differences among model selection criteria.
#' See ?ENMTools::raster.overlap for details.
# #' @inheritParams poly.c
# #' @export
# f.raster.overlap.mscn <- function(...){
#   stop("Deprecated function. Use 'raster_overlap_b'")
# }
HemingNM/ENMwizard documentation built on Jan. 4, 2024, 3:24 p.m.