AbstractCBS | The AbstractCBS class |
as.CBS.DNAcopy | Coerces a DNAcopy object to a CBS object |
as.data.frame.AbstractCBS | Gets the table of segments |
as.data.frame.CBS | Gets the table of segments |
as.DNAcopy.CBS | Coerces a CBS object to a DNAcopy object |
bootstrapTCNandDHByRegion.PairedPSCBS | Estimate confidence intervals of TCN and DH segment levels |
callAB.PairedPSCBS | Calls segments that are in allelic balance |
callAllelicBalanceByDH.PairedPSCBS | Calls segments that are in allelic balance |
callAmplifications.CBS | Calls (focal) amplifications |
callCopyNeutralByTCNofAB.PairedPSCBS | Calls regions that are copy neutral |
callCopyNeutral.PairedPSCBS | Calls segments that have a neutral total copy number |
callGainsAndLosses.CBS | Calls gains and losses |
callGNL.PairedPSCBS | Calls segments that are gained, copy neutral, or lost |
callLOH.PairedPSCBS | Calls segments that are in LOH |
callOutliers.CBS | Calls outliers |
callROH.PairedPSCBS | Calls segments that are in ROH |
callSegmentationOutliers | Calls/drops single-locus outliers along the genome |
CBS | The CBS class |
c.CBS | Concatenates segmentation results |
dropChangePoints.AbstractCBS | Drops zero or more change points |
dropRegions.AbstractCBS | Drops chromosomal regions (a connected set of segments) |
estimateDeltaABBySmallDH.PairedPSCBS | Estimate a threshold for calling allelic balance from DH |
estimateDeltaAB.PairedPSCBS | Estimate a threshold for calling allelic balance from DH |
estimateDeltaCN.PairedPSCBS | Estimates the length of one total copy-number (TCN) unit |
estimateDeltaLOHByMinC1ForNonAB.PairedPSCBS | Estimate a threshold for calling LOH from DH |
estimateDeltaLOH.PairedPSCBS | Estimate a threshold for calling LOH from DH |
estimateKappaByC1Density.PairedPSCBS | Estimate global background in segmented copy numbers |
estimateKappa.PairedPSCBS | Estimate global background in segmented copy numbers |
estimateStandardDeviation.CBS | Estimates the whole-genome standard deviation of the signals |
exampleData | Gets an example data set |
extractMinorMajorCNs.PairedPSCBS | Extract minor and major copy-number mean levels per segment |
extractSegmentMeansByLocus.CBS | Extracts segments means at each locus |
extractTCNAndDHs.PairedPSCBS | Extract TCN and DH mean levels per segment |
findLargeGaps | Identifies gaps of a genome where there exist no observations |
findNeutralCopyNumberState | Call segments to be copy neutral based on allelic imbalance... |
gapsToSegments.data.frame | Gets the genomic segments that are complementary to the gaps |
getBootstrapLocusSets.PairedPSCBS | Generates original and bootstrapped segment-specific index... |
getCallStatistics.CBS | Calculates various call statistics per chromosome |
getChromosomes.AbstractCBS | Gets the set of chromosomes |
getFractionOfGenomeLost.CBS | Calculates the fraction of the genome lost, gained, or... |
getLocusData.AbstractCBS | Gets the locus-level data |
getSampleName.AbstractCBS | Gets the name of the sample segmented |
getSegments.AbstractCBS | Gets the segments |
getSegments.PSCBS | Gets the segments |
getSmoothLocusData.CBS | Gets smoothed locus-level data |
hclustCNs.AbstractCBS | Performs a hierarchical clustering of the CN mean levels |
installDNAcopy | Install the DNAcopy package |
joinSegments.CBS | Joins neighboring segments such that there is no gap in... |
mergeNonCalledSegments.CBS | Merge neighboring segments that are not called |
mergeThreeSegments.AbstractCBS | Merge a segment and its two flanking segments |
mergeTwoSegments.AbstractCBS | Merge two neighboring segments |
mergeTwoSegments.PairedPSCBS | Merge two neighboring segments |
nbrOfChangePoints.AbstractCBS | Gets the number of change points |
nbrOfChromosomes.AbstractCBS | Gets the number of chromosomes |
nbrOfLoci.AbstractCBS | Gets the number of loci |
nbrOfSegments.AbstractCBS | Gets the number of segments |
Non-documented_objects | Non-documented objects |
NonPairedPSCBS | The NonPairedPSCBS class |
normalizeTotalCNs.AbstractCBS | Normalizes copy numbers such that the whole-genome average... |
PairedPSCBS | The PairedPSCBS class |
ploidy.AbstractCBS | Gets and sets ploidy |
plotTracks1.PairedPSCBS | Plots parental specific copy numbers along the genome |
plotTracks.AbstractCBS | Plots the segmentation result along the genome |
plotTracks.CBS | Plots copy numbers along the genome |
pruneByDP.AbstractCBS | Prunes the CN profile using dynamical programming |
pruneByHClust.AbstractCBS | Prunes the CN profile by pruning and merging through... |
pruneBySdUndo.CBS | Prune the CBS profile by dropping change points that are too... |
PSCBS | The PSCBS class |
PSCBS-package | Package PSCBS |
randomSeed | Sets and resets the .Random.seed in the global environment |
report.AbstractCBS | Generates a report of the segmentation results |
resetSegments.AbstractCBS | Reset the segments |
Restructuring_AbstractCBS_objects | Restructuring AbstractCBS objects |
segmentByCBS | Segment genomic signals using the CBS method |
segmentByNonPairedPSCBS | Segment total copy numbers and allele B fractions using the... |
segmentByPairedPSCBS | Segment total copy numbers and allele B fractions using the... |
setSampleName.AbstractCBS | Sets the name of the sample segmented |
testROH.numeric | Tests if a segment is in Run-of-Homozygosity (ROH) |
updateMeans.AbstractCBS | Updates the CN mean levels for each segment independently |
updateMeansTogether.AbstractCBS | Updates the CN mean levels jointly in sets of segments |
weightedQuantile | Weighted Quantile Value |
writeSegments.CBS | Writes the table of segments to file |
writeSegments.PSCBS | Writes the table of segments to file |
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