
Defines functions cprintf cshow cstr ccat cprint cout cmsg mprintf mshow mstr mcat mprint mout

Documented in ccat cmsg cout cprint cprintf cshow cstr mcat mout mprint mprintf mshow mstr

# @RdocFunction mout
# @alias mprint
# @alias mshow
# @alias mcat
# @alias mstr
# @alias mprintf
# @alias cmsg
# @alias cout
# @alias cprint
# @alias cshow
# @alias ccat
# @alias cstr
# @alias cprintf
# @title "Miscellaneous functions for outputting via message()"
# \description{
#   @get "title".
#   These "m*" methods work analogously to their corresponding "*" methods
#   @see "base::print", @see "base::cat", @see "methods::show",
#   @see "utils::str", and @see "printf" but uses @see "base::message"
#   to output the content, which in turn outputs to standard error.
#   The \code{mout()} method can be used for all other output methods,
#   e.g. \code{mout(write(x, file=stdout()))}.
# }
# @synopsis
# \arguments{
#  \item{...}{Arguments passed to the underlying output method.}
#  \item{appendLF}{A @logical specifying whether to append a newline at
#   the end or not.}
# }
# \value{
#   Returns what the  @see "base::message" returns.
# }
# \examples{
#   print(letters[1:8])
#   mprint(letters[1:8])
#   cat(c(letters[1:8], "\n"))
#   mcat(c(letters[1:8], "\n"))
#   str(letters[1:8])
#   mstr(letters[1:8])
#   printf("x=\%d\n", 1:3)
#   mprintf("x=\%d\n", 1:3)
# }
# @author
# @keyword utilities
mout <- function(..., appendLF=FALSE) {
  bfr <- captureOutput(..., envir=parent.frame())
  bfr <- paste(c(bfr, ""), collapse="\n")
  message(bfr, appendLF=appendLF)

mprint <- function(..., appendLF=FALSE) {
  bfr <- captureOutput(print(...), envir=parent.frame())
  bfr <- paste(c(bfr, ""), collapse="\n")
  message(bfr, appendLF=appendLF)

mcat <- function(..., appendLF=FALSE) {
  bfr <- captureOutput(cat(...), envir=parent.frame())
  bfr <- paste(c(bfr, ""), collapse="\n")
  message(bfr, appendLF=appendLF)

mstr <- function(..., appendLF=FALSE) {
  bfr <- captureOutput(str(...), envir=parent.frame())
  bfr <- paste(c(bfr, ""), collapse="\n")
  message(bfr, appendLF=appendLF)

mshow <- function(..., appendLF=FALSE) {
  bfr <- captureOutput(show(...), envir=parent.frame())
  bfr <- paste(c(bfr, ""), collapse="\n")
  message(bfr, appendLF=appendLF)

mprintf <- function(..., appendLF=FALSE) {
  bfr <- sprintf(...)
  message(bfr, appendLF=appendLF)

cmsg <- function(..., appendLF=FALSE) {
  ## Write output to a temporary file
  ## FIXME: Do we have worry about encoding?!? /HB 2015-02-01
  fh <- tempfile()
  cat(..., file=fh)
  if (appendLF) cat("\n", file=fh, append=TRUE)

  ## Display file such that it cannot be
  ## captured/intercepted by R.
  if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows") {
    file.show(fh, pager="console", header="", title="", delete.file=FALSE)
  } else {
    system(sprintf("cat %s", fh))

cout <- function(..., appendLF=FALSE) {
  bfr <- captureOutput(..., envir=parent.frame())
  bfr <- paste(c(bfr, ""), collapse="\n")
  cmsg(bfr, appendLF=appendLF)

cprint <- function(..., appendLF=FALSE) {
  bfr <- captureOutput(print(...), envir=parent.frame())
  bfr <- paste(c(bfr, ""), collapse="\n")
  cmsg(bfr, appendLF=appendLF)

ccat <- function(..., appendLF=FALSE) {
  bfr <- captureOutput(cat(...), envir=parent.frame())
  bfr <- paste(c(bfr, ""), collapse="\n")
  cmsg(bfr, appendLF=appendLF)

cstr <- function(..., appendLF=FALSE) {
  bfr <- captureOutput(str(...), envir=parent.frame())
  bfr <- paste(c(bfr, ""), collapse="\n")
  cmsg(bfr, appendLF=appendLF)

cshow <- function(..., appendLF=FALSE) {
  bfr <- captureOutput(show(...), envir=parent.frame())
  bfr <- paste(c(bfr, ""), collapse="\n")
  cmsg(bfr, appendLF=appendLF)

cprintf <- function(..., appendLF=FALSE) {
  bfr <- sprintf(...)
  cmsg(bfr, appendLF=appendLF)
HenrikBengtsson/R.utils documentation built on March 7, 2024, 9:37 a.m.