
Defines functions sens_spec_calc

Documented in sens_spec_calc

##' Calculate sensitivity and specificity
##' @description
##' `r lifecycle::badge('deprecated')`
##' Function to calculate the sensitivity and specificity of a genetic distance cutoff
##' given an underlying mutation rate and mean number of generations between cases
##' @param cutoff the maximum genetic distance at which to consider cases linked
##' @param mut_rate mean number of mutations per generation, assumed to be Poisson distributed
##' @param mean_gens_pdf the density distribution of the mean number of generations between cases;
##'       the index of this vector is assumed to be the discrete distance between cases
##' @param max_link_gens the maximum generations of separation for linked pairs
##' @param max_gens the maximum number of generations to consider, if `NULL` (default) value set to the highest
##'        number of generations in mean_gens_pdf with a non-zero probability
##' @param max_dist the maximum distance to calculate, if `NULL` (default) value set to max_gens * 99.9th percentile
##'       of mut_rate Poisson distribution
##' @return a data frame with the sensitivity and specificity for a particular genetic distance cutoff
##' @author Shirlee Wohl and Justin Lessler
##' @examples
##' # calculate the sensitivity and specificity for a specific genetic distance threshold of 2 mutations
##' sens_spec_calc(cutoff=2,
##'                mut_rate=1,
##'                mean_gens_pdf=c(0.02,0.08,0.15,0.75),
##'                max_link_gens=1)
##' # calculate the sensitivity and specificity for a a range of genetic distance thresholds
##' sens_spec_calc(cutoff=1:10,
##'                mut_rate=1,
##'                mean_gens_pdf=c(0.02,0.08,0.15,0.75),
##'                max_link_gens=1)
##' @family mutrate_functions
##' @export

sens_spec_calc <- function(cutoff, mut_rate, mean_gens_pdf, max_link_gens = 1, max_gens = NULL,
    max_dist = NULL) {
    lifecycle::deprecate_soft("1.0.0", "sens_spec_calc()", "gendist_sensspec_cutoff()")

    if (is.null(max_gens))
        max_gens <- which(mean_gens_pdf != 0)[length(which(mean_gens_pdf != 0))]
    if (is.null(max_dist))
        max_dist <- suppressWarnings(max_gens * stats::qpois(0.999, mut_rate))

    # check that we have used a sensible cutoff the mutation rate should be
    # high enough such that the cutoff used is less than the max possible
    # distance
    if (max_dist < max(cutoff + 1)) {
        warning("Nonsensical cutoff given distances considered")

    # get linked and unlinked probability distributions
    gendist <- gen_dists(mut_rate = mut_rate, mean_gens_pdf = mean_gens_pdf, max_link_gens = max_link_gens,
        max_gens = max_gens, max_dist = max_dist)

    linked_pdf <- gendist[, "linked_prob"]
    unlinked_pdf <- gendist[, "unlinked_prob"]

    linked_cdf <- cumsum(linked_pdf)/sum(linked_pdf)
    unlinked_cdf <- cumsum(unlinked_pdf)/sum(unlinked_pdf)

    # Utility function to allow for multiple sensitivity and specificity
    # cutoffs
    get_sens_spec <- function(cutoff) {

        # remember that cdf[cutoff] represents the probability of cutoff-1 but
        # this is what we want because the threshold is <cutoff (not <=)

        # decrease specificity by probability mass of unlinked
        spec <- 1 - unlinked_cdf[cutoff]

        # decrease sensitivity by probability mass of linked
        sens <- 1 - (1 - linked_cdf[cutoff])

        return(c(sens, spec))

    rc <- t(sapply(cutoff, get_sens_spec))
    rc <- cbind(cutoff, rc)
    colnames(rc) <- c("cutoff", "sensitivity", "specificity")

HopkinsIDD/phylosamp documentation built on May 28, 2023, 3:21 a.m.