Man pages for HuaZou/MyRtools
Statistic Approaches on Data Analysis

AA_MediationCausal Mediation Analysis (CMA)
AA_PartialCCAssociation Analysis by Partial Correlation Coefficient
AA_SimpleCCAssociation Analysis by Spearman correlation coefficient
get_ExprSetBuilding ExpressionSet Object
get_imputedExprSetthe new imputed ExpressionSet object
get_NormalizedExprSetthe new Normalized ExpressionSet object
get_processedExprSetBuilding ExpressionSet Object with preprocess
get_TransformedExprSetthe new transformed ExpressionSet object
get_TrimedExprSetthe new filtered ExpressionSet object
impute-methodsGlobal Standard imputation
InstallPackageInstallation of R packages
intersect_featureReturns the intersection of species and samples for the...
lefserR implementation of the LEfSe method
normalize-methodsTotal-Sum Scaling (TSS) method
run_ANCOMDifferential Expression Analysis by Analysis of composition...
run_DESeq2Differential Expression Analysis by DEseq2 Package
run_edgeRDifferential Expression Analysis by edgeR Package
run_imputeimpute the expression profile in 'assayData' by features
run_LEfSeDifferential Expression Analysis by LEfSe Package
run_LimmaDifferential Expression Analysis by limma Package
run_MDSDimensionality Reduction Analysis: Multidimensional...
run_OrdPlotPlot Ordination result with scatterplot
run_PCADimensionality Reduction Analysis: Principal Component...
run_PCoADimensionality Reduction Analysis: Principal Coordinate...
run_PERMANOVAPermutational Multivariate Analysis of Variance (PERMANOVA)...
run_transformTransform the expression profile in 'assayData' sample by...
run_trimTrim samples or features in 'assayData' by Occurrences
run_tsneDimensionality Reduction Analysis: t-Distributed Stochastic...
run_TtestDifferential Expression Analysis by T test
run_Ttest_PairedDifferential Expression Analysis by Paired T test
run_TWilcoxDifferential Expression Analysis by T test or Wilcox-rank-sum...
run_umapDimensionality Reduction Analysis: Uniform Manifold...
run_WilcoxDifferential Expression Analysis by Wilcox-rank-sum test
run_Wilcox_PairedDifferential Expression Analysis by Paired Wilcox-rank-sum...
HuaZou/MyRtools documentation built on Jan. 6, 2022, 8:56 a.m.