
Defines functions dir2

Documented in dir2

#' List many files
#' @description (Windows only) Same as \code{\link[base]{list.files}} but much faster.
#' Present since \code{v1.4.0.}
#' @param path A string representing the trunk path to search within.
#' @param file_ext A string like `*.txt` or `.csv` to limit the result to files 
#' with that extension.
#' @param full.names \code{TRUE} by default.
#' @param recursive \code{TRUE} by default.
#' @param pattern,perl,ignore.case,fixed,invert As in \code{grep} but with different defaults.
#' Used to filter files with extension \code{file_ext}.
#' @param .dont_use Only used for tests to simulate non-Windows systems.
#' @return The same as \code{\link[base]{list.files}}, a character vector of files sought.
#' @export

dir2 <- function(path = ".", 
                 file_ext = NULL,
                 full.names = TRUE,
                 recursive = TRUE,
                 pattern = NULL,
                 fixed = FALSE,
                 perl = TRUE && missing(fixed) && !fixed,
                 ignore.case = FALSE,
                 invert = FALSE,
                 .dont_use = FALSE) {
  if (!identical(.Platform$OS.type, "windows") || .dont_use) {
    stop("Only useful on Windows with access to the 'dir' command.")
  # nocov start
  # The shell command on Windows uses Sys.getenv('COMSPEC') so we 
  # also require its presence. It's difficult to obtain a test environment
  # with Windows but without this variable, so we only emit a message
  # in case the test reaches this point untrapped.
  if (Sys.getenv("COMSPEC") == "") {
    message("On Windows but 'cmd.exe' appears to be absent. ",
            "To continue would risk unexpected behaviour, so returning NULL.")
  # nocov end

  old <- "."
  if (!identical(path, ".")) {
    if (!is.character(path)) {
      stop("`path` was a ", paste(class(path), collapse = " "),
           ", but must be a string identifying an extant directory.")
    if (length(path) != 1L) {
      stop("`path` was length ", length(path), ", but must be length-one.")
    if (!dir.exists(path)) {
      stop("`path = ", path,
           "` does not exist.")
    old <- setwd(dir = path)
  temp.txt <- tempfile("dir2")
  if (is.null(file_ext)) {
    file_ext <- "*.*"
            length(file_ext) == 1L,
            startsWith(file_ext, "*.") || startsWith(file_ext, "."))
  if (startsWith(file_ext, ".")) {
    file_ext <- paste0("*", file_ext)
  shell_res <- 
    shell(paste("dir /b ",
                if (recursive) {
          # no warning on failure
          mustWork = NA)
  if (shell_res) {
    out <- character(0)  # typical case: no files found
    if (file.size(temp.txt) != 0) { # nocov start
      warning("Exited with status ", shell_res, ", but file was non-empty.") 
      out <- readLines(temp.txt)
    } # nocov end
  } else {
    # fread will return a warning if file is empty
    out <- fread(temp.txt, sep = NULL, header = FALSE)
    ## I'm confident I've handled the length(out) == 0
    ## case with the other branch above; however, it
    ## may be possible to get a null data table for 
    ## some other reason.
    # nocov start
    if (length(out)) {
      out <- out[[1L]]
    } else {
      out <- character(0L)  # null.data.table
    # nocov end
  if (!is.null(pattern)) {
    # Else fixed and perl warning when both TRUE
    if (missing(perl) && fixed) {
      perl <- FALSE
    if (missing(fixed) && perl) {
      fixed <- FALSE
    out <- grep(pattern, 
                x = basename(out),
                value = TRUE,
                perl = perl,
                fixed = fixed, 
                ignore.case = ignore.case, 
                invert = invert)
HughParsonage/hutils documentation built on Feb. 12, 2023, 8:26 a.m.