
Defines functions record record_file record_expr transform_ast record_expr_ record_literal record_name record_call add_node.record_state make_node_data make_port_data

Documented in record record_expr record_file

# Copyright 2018 IBM Corp.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

#' Record as flow graph
#' @description Record the evaluation of an R expression as a flow graph.
#' @param x (unevaluated) expression
#' @param env evaluation environment
#' @param out file path or connection in which to write flow graph as GraphML
#' @param cwd working directory during evaluation (by default, the current
#'   working directory)
#' @param annotate whether to annotate the flow graph
#' @param annotations annotation database or JSON source for annotations, if
#'   `annotate` is enabled (by default, the Data Science Ontology via remote
#'   database)
#' @param data convenience switch to store metadata (on nodes and ports)
#' @param node_data whether to store function metadata as node data
#' @param port_data whether to store object metadata as port data
#' @param port_values whether to store object values as port data
#' @return A flow graph, of class \code{wiring_diagram}, for the evaluation.
#' @export
record <- function(x, env=rlang::caller_env(), ...) {
  expr = as.expression(substitute(x))
  record_expr(expr, env=env, ...)

#' @rdname record
#' @export
record_file <- function(x, env=rlang::caller_env(), ...) {
  if (!inherits(x, "connection"))
    x = file(x)
  record_expr(x, env=env, ...)

#' @rdname record
#' @export
record_expr <- function(x, env=rlang::caller_env(), out=NULL, cwd=NULL,
                        annotate=FALSE, annotations=NULL, data=annotate,
                        node_data=data, port_data=data, port_values=FALSE) {
  # Validate arguments and prepare recording state.
  exprs = if (is.expression(x)) as.list(x) else rlang::parse_exprs(x)
  expr = if (length(exprs) == 1)
    as.call(c(list(quote(`{`)), exprs))
  state = record_state$new(list(
    env=env, node_data=node_data, port_data=port_data, port_values=port_values))
  # Evaluate and record, including environment setup and tear down.
  oldwd = NULL
  if (!is.null(cwd)) {
    oldwd = getwd()
  env$`__record__` = function(x, index=NULL) {
    record_expr_(substitute(x), state, index)
  }, finally={
    rm(`__record__`, envir=env)
    if (!is.null(oldwd))
  # Annotate flow graph.
  graph = state$graph()
  if (annotate)
    graph = annotate(graph, annotations=annotations)

  # Write flow graph as GraphML.
  if (!is.null(out))
    write_graphml(graph, out)

transform_ast <- function(expr, index=NULL) {
  if (rlang::is_missing(expr))
    rlang::call2("__record__", expr, index)

record_expr_ <- function(expr, state, index=NULL) {
  if (is.atomic(expr)) {
    # Case 1: Literal values.
    record_literal(expr, state, index)
  else if (is.name(expr)) {
    # Case 2. Names.
    record_name(expr, state, index)
  else if (is.pairlist(expr)) {
    # Case 3: Pair lists.
    # Used only for formal arguments of functions. Ignore.
  } else if (is.call(expr)) {
    # Case 4: Function calls.
    record_call(expr, state, index)
  else {
    stop("AST transform: don't know how to handle type ",
         typeof(expr), call.=FALSE)

record_literal <- function(value, state, index=NULL) {
  # Create nullary node for literal.
  out_ports = list(make_port_data(state, value)) %>% set_names(return_port)
  data = if (state$options$node_data)
    list(kind="literal", value=value)
  node = add_node(state, class(value), list(), out_ports, data)
  # Attach value to node.
  graph_state = state$graph_state()
  graph_state$observe(index, list(node,return_port), value)

record_name <- function(name, state, index=NULL) {
  # Dereference the name.
  value = state$eval(name)
  name = as.character(name)
  # Attach value to corresponding node in output table, if any.
  graph_state = state$graph_state()
  source = get_default(graph_state$output_table, name, list(NULL,NULL))
  graph_state$observe(index, source, value)

record_call <- function(call, state, index=NULL) {
  # Get information about function: name, package, etc.
  fun = call_fun(call, state$options$env)
  call_info = inspect_call(call, fun=fun)
  name = call_info$name
  full_name = paste(call_info$package, name, sep="::")
  # Special cases: short circuit recording of call.
  if (full_name %in% NO_RECORD_FUNS) {
    # Completely ignore certain calls, like `library`.
  else if (full_name %in% LITERAL_FUNS) {
    # Treat certain calls, like formulas, as literals.
    return(record_literal(state$eval(call), state, index))
  else if (full_name == "base::function") {
    # Function definition.
    # TODO: Record inside user functions.
  # Prepare to evaluate function call.
  graph_state = state$graph_state()
  # Transform call arguments.
  args = rlang::call_args(call)
  new_call = if (full_name %in% SLOT_FUNS) {
    # Special case: Slot access.
    stopifnot(length(args) == 2)
    record_literal(as.character(args[[2]]), state, 2L)
    rlang::call2(name, transform_ast(args[[1]], 1L), args[[2]])
  } else if (full_name %in% ASSIGN_FUNS) {
    # Special case: Variable assignment.
    stopifnot(length(args) == 2)
    rlang::call2(name, args[[1]], transform_ast(args[[2]], 1L))
  } else {
    # Main case: Recorded function call.
    new_args = map2(args, seq_along(args), transform_ast)
    rlang::call2(name, !!! new_args)

  # Evaluate function call.
  value = state$eval(new_call) # Evaluate!
  call_state = graph_state$pop_call()
  observed = call_state$observed_args()
  # Create or retrieve node for call.
  c(node, out_port) %<-% list(NULL, return_port)
  if (name == "(" || name == "{") {
    # Special case: Don't create nodes for parentheses and braces,
    # which are represented as calls in R.
    # FIXME: This won't handle control flow changes through return().
    c(node, out_port) %<-% dplyr::last(observed)$source
  else if (full_name %in% ASSIGN_FUNS) {
    # Special case: Don't create nodes for assignments, but do update the
    # output table.
    rhs = observed[[1]]
    if (!rlang::is_missing(rhs)) {
      c(node, out_port) %<-% rhs$source
      varname = as.character(call[[2]])
      graph_state$output_table[[varname]] = list(node,out_port)
  else {
    # Match arguments to call, replacing missing names with numbers.
    matched = match_call(call, fun=fun)
    ell = matched == "" # missing names due to ellipsis
    matched = ifelse(ell, as.character(cumsum(ell)), matched)
    observed = observed %>% set_names(matched) %>% discard(rlang::is_missing)
    # Create call node.
    in_values = map(observed, ~.$value)
    in_ports = map(in_values, function(value) make_port_data(state, value))
    out_ports = list(make_port_data(state, value)) %>% set_names(return_port)
    data = make_node_data(state, call_info, in_values, value)
    node = add_node(state, name, in_ports, out_ports, data)
    # Add edges from observed argument nodes.
    iwalk(observed, function(data, port) {
      c(src_node, src_port) %<-% data$source
      if (is.null(src_node)) {
        # TODO: Add edge to input port of diagram.
      } else {
        add_edge(graph_state$graph, src_node, node, src_port, port)
  # Attach call value to node.
  graph_state$observe(index, list(node,out_port), value)

# Add node with name unique across all flow graphs.
add_node.record_state = function(state, name, ...) {
  i = get_default(state$node_names, name, 0L) + 1L
  state$node_names[[name]] = i
  node = paste(name, i, sep=":")
  add_node(state$graph(), node, ...)

make_node_data <- function(state, call_info, in_values, out_value) {
  if (!state$options$node_data)
  full_name = paste(call_info$package, call_info$name, sep="::")
    `function` = call_info$name,
    package = call_info$package,
    system = call_info$system,
    slot = if (full_name %in% SLOT_FUNS) in_values[[2]] else NULL

make_port_data <- function(state, value) {
  # FIXME: There should options to control which values get stored.
  # Only atomic vectors? Only values that are not too big (by memory size)?
  opts = state$options
  c(if (opts$port_data) inspect_obj(value) else list(),
    if (opts$port_values) list(value=value) else list())

# Data structures

record_state = R6Class("record_state",
  public = list(
    options = list(),
    node_names = NULL,
    initialize = function(options) {
      self$options = options
      self$node_names = dict()
      private$stack = stack$new()
    eval = function(...) eval(..., envir=self$options$env),
    push_graph = function() private$stack$push(graph_state$new()),
    pop_graph = function() private$stack$pop(),
    graph_state = function() private$stack$peek(),
    graph = function() self$graph_state()$graph
  private = list(
    stack = NULL

graph_state = R6Class("graph_state",
  public = list(
    graph = NULL,
    output_table = NULL,
    initialize = function() {
      self$graph = wiring_diagram()
      self$output_table = dict()
      private$stack = stack$new()
    push_call = function(call) private$stack$push(call_state$new(call)),
    pop_call = function() private$stack$pop(),
    call_state = function() private$stack$peek(),
    observe = function(...) {
      call_state = self$call_state()
      if (!is.null(call_state))
  private = list(
    stack = NULL

call_state = R6Class("call_state",
  public = list(
    initialize = function(call) {
      nargs = length(call) - 1
      private$args = rep(list(rlang::missing_arg()), nargs)
    observed_args = function() private$args,
    observe_arg = function(index, source, value) {
      private$args[[index]] = list(source=source, value=value)
  private = list(
    args = NULL

# XXX: Wrap dequer::stack to work around lack of peeking.
stack = R6Class("stack",
  public = list(
    initialize = function() {
      private$stack = dequer::stack()
    push = function(x) {
      dequer::push(private$stack, x)
      private$current = x
    peek = function() private$current,
    pop = function() {
      popped = dequer::pop(private$stack)
      private$current = if (is_empty(private$stack)) {
      } else {
        x = dequer::pop(private$stack)
        dequer::push(private$stack, x)
  private = list(
    current = NULL,
    stack = NULL

# Constants


return_port = ".return"
IBM/rflowgraph documentation built on Sept. 12, 2019, 7:45 p.m.