
Defines functions loadParticipantTrackingData loadParticipantAnnotationData getattention annotateTracking normalise0to1 getVeclocityAndAcceleration createFeatureDF createTrackingAnnotation getParticipantCodes flagtraining renameVariables loadExperimentData getVideoInfo getVideoLength getVideoFPS getVideoFrames getSkipTime addPredictionsToTracking recodevalues offsetTime

# Copyright (c) 2016 The University of Manchester, UK.
# Licenced under LGPL version 2.1. See LICENCE for details.
# The IDInteraction Attention Classification was developed in the IDInteraction project, funded by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, UK through grant agreement number EP/M017133/1.
# Author: David Mawdsley

# Functions to load and preprocess data

#'  Load participant tracking data
#'  Load the participant tracking data.  Assumes csv data is in "full" format
#'  i.e. all bounding box vertices are given
#' @param The input csv file
#' @return The tracking data
#' @export
loadParticipantTrackingData <- function(indata){
  participantData <- read.csv(file = indata,
                              col.names = c("frame",

#' Load annotation data for a participant
#' @param indata The input csv file
#' @return The annotation data
#' @export
loadParticipantAnnotationData <- function(indata){
  annotationdata <- read.csv(file = indata,

#' Get where the participants attention was directed at, at time t
#' @param time The time in ms
#' @param annotationdata The annotation data-set to query
#' @importFrom dplyr "%>%"
#' @export
getattention <- function(time, annotationdata){
  earliertimes <- annotationdata$time <= time
  # Return first attention in file, since annotation notes *changes* 
  if(sum(earliertimes) == 0){ 
  attention <- tail(annotationdata[earliertimes, "attentionlocation"], n=1)

#' Add annotations to a tracking data set
#' @param trackingdata  The tracking data-set
#' @param annotationdata The annotation data-set
#' @importFrom dplyr "%>%"
#' @export
annotateTracking <- function(trackingdata, annotationdata){
  # From Aitor's code:
  ##############TIME SHIFT FIX
  #It was found that there was a mismatch between the tracking and the annotations. I add 5 seconds to all tracking results.
  #tracking code already includes the start of the tracking, so I need to shift all annotations by that timestamp
  #annotatedDF$Timestamp..ms. = annotatedDF$Timestamp..ms. + trackingDF$Timestamp..ms.[1]
  annotationdata$time  = annotationdata$time + trackingdata$time[1]
  ###############TIME SHIFT END
  attentions <- sapply(trackingdata$time,  getattention, annotationdata=annotationdata)
  attentionlevels <-levels(annotationdata$attentionlocation)
  attentions <- factor(attentionlevels[attentions], levels = attentionlevels)
  trackingdata$attention <- attentions

#' given a numberSequence, normalises the numbers according to the min and max of the sequence
#' @param numberSequence The numbers to normalise to the range 0...1
normalise0to1 <- function(numberSequence){
  return((numberSequence - min(numberSequence))/(max(numberSequence)-min(numberSequence)))

#' Calculate velocity and acceleration of the bounding box centre
#' @param indata The input data set
#' @param fps The framerate of the video
#' @return A data table containing the x and y components of the bbox velocity
#' in pixels/second and acceleration in pixels/second^2
#' Note that there may be floating point precision issues in the values returned
#' TODO - deal with these
getVeclocityAndAcceleration <- function(indata, fps=50){
  deltat = 1/fps
  # Get the names we start off with.  These get dropped at the end so we
  # *only* return fields we've computed
  innames <- names(indata)
  indata <- indata %>% dplyr::mutate(lagx = lag(bbcx))
  indata <- indata %>% dplyr::mutate(lagy = lag(bbcy))
  indata <- indata %>% dplyr::mutate(vx = (bbcx - lag(bbcx))/deltat)
  indata <- indata %>% dplyr::mutate(vy = (bbcy - lag(bbcy))/deltat)
  indata <- indata %>% dplyr::mutate(ax = (vx - lag(vx))/deltat)
  indata <- indata %>% dplyr::mutate(ay = (vy - lag(vy))/deltat)
  indata$lagx <- NULL
  indata$lagy <- NULL
  outnames <- names(indata)
  newnames <- setdiff(outnames, innames)
  outdata <- indata[,newnames]

#' Add tracking features
#' Taken from Aitor's code
#' @param combinedDF the tracking data with added annotation data
#' @param participantCode the code of the participant
#' @return The data frame with tracking features added
#' @export
createFeatureDF <- function(combinedDF, participantCode = NA){
  featureDF <- data.frame(participantCode = participantCode,
                          frame = combinedDF$frame,
                          timestampms = combinedDF$time,
                          timestampMMSS = paste(floor(combinedDF$time/60/1000),":",floor((combinedDF$time/1000)%%60),sep=""),
                          attentionName = combinedDF$attention,
                          attentionIpad = as.integer(combinedDF$attention == "ipad"),
                          attentionTV = as.integer(combinedDF$attention == "tv"),
                          attentionElsewhere= as.integer(combinedDF$attention == "elsewhere"),
                          boxRotation = combinedDF$bbrot,
                          boxHeight = combinedDF$bbh,
                          boxWidth = combinedDF$bbw,
                          actpt = combinedDF$actpt)
  featureDF[,"boxArea"] <- featureDF$boxHeight * featureDF$boxWidth
  featureDF[, "boxXcoord"] <- combinedDF$bbcx
  featureDF[,"boxYcoord"] <- combinedDF$bbcy
  #same as boxYcoord, but adjusted for the max and min
  featureDF[,"boxXcoordRel"] <- normalise0to1(combinedDF$bbcx)
  featureDF[,"boxYcoordRel"] <- normalise0to1(combinedDF$bbcy)
  featureDF[,"widthHeightRatio"] <- featureDF$boxHeight / featureDF$boxWidth
  featureDF <- cbind(featureDF, getVeclocityAndAcceleration(combinedDF))
  ###Additional temporal features will be calculated here

#' Generate a tracking feature dataframe for a participant
#' @param participantCode The code number of the participant
#' @param trackingLoc The file path containing the tracking data
#' @param annoteLoc The file path containing the annotation data
#' @param trackingSuffix The suffiex to apply to tracking data, e.g. P01_suffix.csv
#' @param annoteSuffix The suffiex to apply to annotation data, e.g. P01_suffix.csv
#' @return A data frame containing tracking and annotation data
#' @export
createTrackingAnnotation <- function(participantCode,
                                     trackingSuffix = "_video.csv",
                                     annoteSuffix = "-timings.csv"){
  trackfn <- paste0(trackingLoc, participantCode, trackingSuffix)
  annotefn <- paste0(annoteLoc, participantCode, annoteSuffix)
  tracking <- loadParticipantTrackingData(trackfn)
  annotation <- loadParticipantAnnotationData(annotefn)
  trackannotate <- annotateTracking(tracking, annotation)
  featureDF <- createFeatureDF(trackannotate, participantCode = participantCode)

#' Get a list of participants from a directory
#' This function simply returns a list of all unique participant codes of the form P\\d+ in a
#' directory.  It doesn't (currently) check we have the same file for each participant.
#' @param indir The input directory
#' @return A vector of participant codes
#' @export
getParticipantCodes <- function(indir){
  filelist <- list.files(indir)
  participantCodes <- unique(stringr::str_extract(filelist, "(P\\d+)"))
  if(length(participantCodes) == 1 && all(is.na(participantCodes))){
    stop("No participants found")

#' Flag whether each observation is for training or prediction
#' Flag the start of the data with a training flag.  By default this function will flag the 
#' first trainingtime minutes of video, even if we don't start from t=0.  To restore the old (probably not what you want)
#' behaviour use the assume0 flag.
#' @param indata The input data set
#' @param traingtime The amount of time to use for training, in minutes
#' @param timevar The variable containing the timestamp in ms
#' @param assume0 Whether to calculate the training time with respect to t=0 (old behaviour) or from the start of the video
#' @return a logical vector of length nrow(indata) indicating whether data are for
#' training (TRUE), or prediction (FALSE)
#' @export
flagtraining <- function(indata, trainingtime, timevar = "timestampms", assume0 = FALSE){
  istraining <- ifelse(indata[,timevar] <= trainingtime * 1000 * 60, 
    istraining <- ifelse(indata[,timevar]-indata[1,timevar] <= trainingtime * 1000 * 60, 

#' Add a prefix to a set of variables
#' Add a prefix to all variables except those specified in a data-frame.
#' This is used to separate out the various object tracking/detection variables
#' @param indata The inputdata set
#' @param prefix The prefix to add to the variables
#' @param exclvars The variables not to prefix - will typically be participant codes, timestamps etc
#' @return The data-set with appropriate variables renamed
#' @export
renameVariables <- function(indata, prefix, exclvars = c("participantCode",
  invars <- names(indata)
  newnames <- ifelse(invars %in% exclvars, invars, paste0(prefix, invars))
  names(indata) <- newnames

#' Load a set of participants' tracking and annotation data; concatenate
#' @param participants The participant names
#' @param trackingLoc The directory containing the tracking data
#' @param annoteLoc The directory containing the annotation data
#' @return A date set containing combined tracking and annotation data for each participant
loadExperimentData <- function(participants, trackingLoc, annoteLoc, ...){
  allparticipants <- NULL
  for(p in participants){
    thisparticipant <- createTrackingAnnotation(p,
                                                trackingLoc = trackingLoc,
                                                annoteLoc = annoteLoc,
    allparticipants <- rbind(allparticipants, thisparticipant)

#' Get information about a video file
#' This function calls the Bash script midentify.sh, which is included as part of the package.
#' It requires mencoder is available in the path
#' @param videoIn the input video file
#' @return Information about the video file as a list
#' @export
getVideoInfo <- function(videoIn){
  scriptfile <- system.file("bin", "midentify.sh", package="IDInteraction")
  if(nchar(scriptfile) < 12){
    stop("Script not found")
  vidinfo <- system2(scriptfile, args = videoIn, stdout = TRUE) 
  vidsplit <- strsplit(vidinfo, "=")
  vidlist <- list()
  # Convert what we can to numeric
  convertValue <- function(x){
    if (suppressWarnings(all(!is.na(as.numeric(as.character(x)))))) {
    } else {
  for(c in vidsplit){
    vidlist[c[1]] <- convertValue(c[2])

#' Get the length of a video in ms
#' @param participantCode the participantCode e.g. "P01"
#' @param vidloc the folder containing the videos
#' @param videoSuffix the suffix to appent to the participantCode
#' @return The length of the video in ms
#' @export
getVideoLength <- function(participantCode, vidLoc,
                           videoSuffix = "_video.mp4"){
  videofile <- paste0(vidLoc, participantCode, videoSuffix)
  videolength <- 1000 * getVideoInfo(videofile)$ID_LENGTH

#' Get the number of fps in a video
#' @param participantCode the participantCode e.g. "P01"
#' @param vidloc the folder containing the videos
#' @param videoSuffix the suffix to appent to the participantCode
#' @return The number of fps in a video
#' @export
getVideoFPS <- function(participantCode, vidLoc,
                        videoSuffix = "_video.mp4"){
  videofile <- paste0(vidLoc, participantCode, videoSuffix)
  videofps <- getVideoInfo(videofile)$ID_VIDEO_FPS

#' Get the number of frames in a video
#' @param participantCode the participantCode e.g. "P01"
#' @param vidloc the folder containing the videos
#' @param videoSuffix the suffix to appent to the participantCode
#' @return The length of the video in ms
#' @export
getVideoFrames <- function(participantCode, vidLoc,
                           videoSuffix = "_video.mp4"){
  videofile <- paste0(vidLoc, participantCode, videoSuffix)
  videoinfo <- getVideoInfo(videofile)
  videoframes <- videoinfo$ID_LENGTH * videoinfo$ID_VIDEO_FPS

#' Get the timeskip at the start of a video
#' @param participantCode the participant code
#' @param skipLoc the location of the skip files
#' @return The time in ms before the experiment started
#' @export
getSkipTime <- function(participantCode, 
  skipfile <- paste0(skipLoc, participantCode, "_video.skip" )
  skipval <- scan(skipfile, quiet = TRUE)
  if(length(skipval) != 1 || !is.numeric(skipval)){
    stop("Error reading skip file")

#' Join model predictions to a tracking data-set, by frame
#' @param trackfile The participant tracking data file
#' @param predfile The predictions from a model
#' @return A data frame containing the participant data and model predictions
#' @export
addPredictionsToTracking <- function(trackfile, predfile){
  tracking <- loadParticipantTrackingData(trackfile)
  predictions <- read.csv(predfile)
  trackpreds <- sqldf::sqldf("select t.*, numpredclass from tracking as t
        left join predictions as p on t.frame=p.frame")
  if(nrow(tracking) != nrow(trackpreds)){
    warning("Number of rows post join does not agree")
    warning(paste(nrow(tracking), "rows in tracking set, ",
                  nrow(trackpreds), "rows in prediction set"))
  # Make no prediction class 1 and re-index the other predictions
  trackpreds$numpredclass <- (ifelse(is.na(trackpreds$numpredclass), 1, trackpreds$numpredclass+1))

#' Recode the values in a vector of data.  Warn if > warngtr values are changed
#' Function to recode data/correct typos in coding.
#' @param indata The input data vector
#' @param changecol The value to change from
#' @param to The value to change to
#' @param printgtr Print if more than this many values change
#' @param warngtr Warn if more than this many values change 
#' @return A vector containing the data with changes applied
#' @export
recodevalues <- function(indata,  from, to, printgtr = 50, warngtr = 50){
  if(printgtr > warngtr){
    warngtr <- printgtr
  outdata <- ifelse(indata == from, to, indata)
  changes <- sum(indata != outdata, na.rm = TRUE)
  changestring <- paste(changes ,"changes made to data:", from, "to", to)
  if(changes > printgtr){
  }else if(changes > warngtr){

#' Offset time
#' Return a vector containing times in seconds, offset by the specified amount
#' @param intimes A vector of times, in seconds
#' @param offsettime The time to offset by, in seconds
#' @return A vector of times, in seconds, with the offset applied
#' @export
offsetTime <- function(intimes, offsettime = 0){
  return( intimes + offsettime)
IDInteraction/IDInteractionRpackage documentation built on May 7, 2019, 5:04 a.m.