
Defines functions loadTimestampsSheet cleanSensorData readSensdataFile readSensData epochToWebcam mapSensorData validateTSFields

#' Read in the timestamps spreadsheet, and parse it
#' Read in the spreadsheet containing the relative times, which we use to synchronise the sensor
#' and webcam times
#' @param infile The input file
#' @return The relative times of the various parts of the experiment, for each participant, in seconds
#' @export
loadTimestampsSheet <- function(infile = "~/IDInteraction/spot_the_difference/controlfiles/begin_experiment_timestamp - added relative times.csv") {
  timestamps <- read.csv(infile, header = FALSE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE, colClasses = "character")
  names(timestamps) <- c("participant",
  ) # Rest of columns aren't needed so don't bother to name them
  # Drop un-needed columns
  timestamps <- timestamps[, -which(is.na(names(timestamps) ))]
  timestamps <- timestamps[, -which(!is.na(stringr::str_match(names(timestamps), "Date$")))]
  # Drop header rows
  timestamps <- timestamps[-(1:5),]
  # Parse participant to participantCode
  timestamps$participantCode <- paste0("P", stringr::str_pad(stringr::str_match(timestamps$participant, "\\d+"), 2, "left", "0"))
  # If we have multiple times we only want the last; times are delmited by /s
  getLasttime <- function(indata){
    lasttime <- stringr::str_match(indata, "/?(?:((\\d+)?:)?)(\\d+)\\.(\\d+)$")
    consolidatedTimes <- paste0(ifelse(is.na(lasttime[,3]), 0, lasttime[,3]),
                                lasttime[,4], ".", 
   # Deal with missing minutes for P16
  timestamps$multiInputVideo <- getLasttime(timestamps$multiInputVideo)
  # Convert everything to seconds
  timestamps$multiInputVideo <- as.numeric(lubridate::ms(timestamps$multiInputVideo))
  relativeTimeColumns <- names(timestamps)[!is.na(stringr::str_match(names(timestamps), "relative"))]
  for (r in relativeTimeColumns) {
    timestamps[,r] <- as.numeric(timestamps[,r])/1000
  # Convert the epoch times to numbers
  epochColumns <- c("weblogStart", "endTraining", "start1", "end1", "start2", "end2")
  for (r in epochColumns) {
    timestamps[,r] <-  as.numeric(timestamps[,r])

#' Remove spurious (?) "STREAM" entries from sensor data
#' @param indata  Some sensor data
#' @param verbose Whether to report what we're doing
#' @return The sensor data with invalid readings removed
#' At the moment we just look for "STREAM" in the tabletTime column, and (optionally) report
cleanSensorData <- function(indata, verbose = TRUE){
  # Warnings suppressed since the creation of the NAs will throw a warning 
  badrows <- suppressWarnings(is.na(as.numeric(indata$tabletTime)))
  if (verbose) {
    print("The following rows will be removed")
  indata <- indata[!badrows, ]
  indata$tabletTime <- as.numeric(indata$tabletTime)

#' Read in accelerometer or gyro data from a file, and add useful fields
#' @param infile The input file
#' @param checkorder Whether to check the timestamps are in the correct order
#' @param warnBadData Whether to warn or just print a message if data are removed
#' @return A data frame containing the accelerometer data
readSensdataFile <- function(infile, checkorder = TRUE, warnBadData = FALSE){
  # First row is incomplete
  sensdata <- read.csv(infile, header = TRUE,
                       col.names = c("tabletTime", "eventTime", "sens1", "sens2", "sens3"),
                       stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  sensdata$sensabs <- with(sensdata, sqrt(sens1**2 + sens2**2 + sens3**2))
  sensdata$relTime <- (sensdata$eventTime - min(sensdata$eventTime))/1000
  # Check each column is numeric
  needclean = FALSE
  for (n in names(sensdata)) {
    if (!is.numeric(sensdata[,n])) {
      baddatamsg = paste("Non numeric data found in column:", n) 
      if (warnBadData)
      needclean = TRUE
  if (needclean) { 
    sensdata <- cleanSensorData(sensdata)
  if (checkorder) {
    if (any(cummax(sensdata$eventTime) != sensdata$eventTime)) {
      stop("Event times in incorrect order")
    # Check the times are in ascending order
    if (any(cummax(sensdata$tabletTime) != sensdata$tabletTime)) {
      stop("Tablet times in incorrect order")

#' Read in sensor data, and synchronise to webcam time
#' @param participantCode The participant Code
#' @param sensortype The sensor type; acc or gyro
#' @param hand The hand; right or left
#' @param sensorloc The location of the (renamed) sensor files
#' @param renamecols Whether to rename sensNN to accNN or gyroNN as appropriate
#' @return The sensor data, with useful data fields added
#' @export
readSensData <- function(participantCode, sensortype, hand, 
                         sensorloc = "~/IDInteraction/spot_the_difference/sensors/",
                         renamecols = TRUE, ...) 
  if (!(tolower(sensortype) %in% c("acc", "gyro")))
    stop("Invalid sensor type given")
  if (!(tolower(hand) %in% c("left", "right")))
    stop("Invalid hand given")
  casehand <- ifelse(tolower(hand) == "left", "Left", "Right")
  sensfile <- paste0(sensorloc, participantCode, "_STREAM", tolower(sensortype), casehand, ".csv")
  sensdata <- readSensdataFile(sensfile, ...)
  #rename columns to reflect data type
  if (renamecols)
    colstems <- stringr::str_match(names(sensdata), "sens(abs|\\d+)")[,2]
    newnames <- ifelse(is.na(colstems), names(sensdata), paste0(tolower(sensortype), colstems))
    names(sensdata) <- newnames

#' Convert an epoch time to a webcam time, for a given participant
#' Given an epoch timestamp and a participantCode, what's the time in the webcam timeframe?
#' @param epochtime The epoch timestamp
#' @param participantCode The participant code
#' @param timefunction The function to call to load the offset data
#' @return The corresponding webcam time, in seconds
#' @export
epochToWebcam <- function(epochtime, participantCode, timefunction=loadTimestampsSheet){
  timestamps <- timefunction()
  weblogStartEpoch <- timestamps[timestamps$participantCode == participantCode, "weblogStart"] 
  weblogStartWebcam <- timestamps[timestamps$participantCode == participantCode, "multiInputVideo"] * 1000
  eventtimeMS <- epochtime - weblogStartEpoch + weblogStartWebcam
  eventtime <- eventtimeMS / 1000

#' Map the sensor data to webcam time
#' We have epoch time for each row of the sensor data.  We need to convert this to webcam time, as used
#' in the rest of the code.  Furthermore, the sensor data was recorded at a different frame rate to the webcam,
#' and contains dropouts.   There are also some readings ~1ms apart (i.e >> quicker than the nominal framerate). 
#' We get a sensor reading for each webcam reading by selecting the reading closest to the frame number, and
#' performing linear interpolation where we have gaps
#' @param sensdata The sensor data
#' @param participantCode The participant the sensor data is for
#' @param timefunction The function to call to load the offset data
#' @param webcamFps The frame rate of the webcam stream
#' @param maxgap The maximum number of NAs to interpolate between
#' @param maxtime The maximum time to map, in seconds, with respect to the video
#' @return The sensor data, mapped to webcam time
#' @export
mapSensorData <- function(sensdata, participantCode, timefunction = loadTimestampsSheet,
                          webcamFps = 30, maxgap = 3, maxtime = Inf){
  # Convert the epoch time to webcam time
  sensdata$webcamTime <- epochToWebcam(sensdata$eventTime, participantCode)
  # And map to closest video frame
  sensdata$framefloat <- sensdata$webcamTime * 30
  sensdata$frame <- round(sensdata$framefloat)
  # drop frames before the webcam started
  sensdata <- sensdata[sensdata$frame > 0,]
  # Our sensor data is irregularly sampled (or has an irregular timestamp), contains dropouts and 
  # is sampled at a different rate to the webcam video.  
  # WE ASSUME THE EVENTTIME IS CORRECT - this (probably) isn't (quite) the case
  # We make a list of webcamtimes corresponding to our webcam frame rate, add these into the time series and use
  # the zoo package to interpolate between the missing values (corresponding to webcam time) and the observed
  # There are some timestamps where we have > 1 reading; i.e. two events have arrived within
  # 1ms 
  # We handle these by taking the average of each of them
  # ett <- table(sensdata$eventTime)
  #length( ett[ett>1])
  deduped <- list()
  tsfields <- names(sensdata)[3:6]
  # The fields to interpolate are extracted by position
  # This isn't particularly safe, to the following function checks they are 
  # plausbily named
  for (tsfield in tsfields) {
    # Warnings suppressed since we know we have duplicate timestamps
    thisSeries <- suppressWarnings(zoo::zoo(sensdata[,tsfield], sensdata$webcamTime))
    deduped[[tsfield]] <- aggregate(thisSeries, identity, mean)
  dedupeddf <- data.frame(deduped)
  dedupeddf$webcamtime <- time(deduped[[1]])
  dedupeddf$actualFrameTime <- dedupeddf$webcamtime
  if (maxtime == Inf) {
    encodetime = max(sensdata$webcamTime)
  } else {
    if (max(sensdata$webcamTime) < maxtime) { 
      warning(paste("Specified endtime (", maxtime ,") is beyond the end of the sensor data (",
                    max(sensdata$webcamTime), ")"))
    encodetime = min(max(sensdata$webcamTime), maxtime)
  frameTimes <- data.frame(actualFrameTime = seq(from = 0,
                                                 to = encodetime,
                                                 by = 1/webcamFps),
                           webcamFrame = TRUE
  joinedseries <- dplyr::full_join(dedupeddf, frameTimes, by = "actualFrameTime")
  joinedseries <- joinedseries[order(joinedseries$actualFrameTime, joinedseries$webcamFrame),]
  interpolated <- list()
  for (tsfield in tsfields) {
    thisSeries <- zoo::zoo(joinedseries[, tsfield], order.by = joinedseries$actualFrameTime)
    interpolated[[tsfield]] <- zoo::na.approx(thisSeries, na.rm = FALSE, maxgap = maxgap)
  interpolateddf <- data.frame(interpolated)
  interpolateddf$actualFrameTime <- joinedseries$actualFrameTime
  interpolateddf$webcamFrame <- joinedseries$webcamFrame
  interpolateddf$frame = interpolateddf$actualFrameTime * webcamFps + 1
  allframes <- interpolateddf[!is.na(interpolateddf$webcamFrame),]
  allframes$webcamFrame <- NULL

#' Check that the fields we've extracted are credible names for our sensor objects
#' @param fields
#' @return Nothing - will error if names are invalid
validateTSFields <- function(fields) {
  checknames <- stringr::str_match(fields, "\\w+(abs|\\d+)")
  if (any(is.na(checknames[,2]))) {
    stop("Invalid sensor field names")
IDInteraction/IDInteractionRpackage documentation built on May 7, 2019, 5:04 a.m.