
Defines functions `inla.as.sparse` `inla.as.dgTMatrix` `inla.sparse.dim` `inla.sparse.check` `inla.sparse.get` inla.sm.write inla.sm.read

## Export: inla.as.sparse inla.as.dgTMatrix

##!\title{Convert a matrix or sparse matrix into the sparse formate used by INLA}
##!\description{Convert a matrix or sparse matrix into the sparse format used by INLA (dgTMatrix)}
##! inla.as.sparse(...)
##! inla.as.dgTMatrix(A, unique = TRUE, na.rm = FALSE, zeros.rm = FALSE)
##!  \item{...}{The arguments. The matrix or sparse matrix,  and the additonal arguments}
##!  \item{A}{The matrix}
##!  \item{unique}{Logical. If \code{TRUE}, then ensure that the internal representation is unique and
##!                there are no duplicated entries.
##!                (Do not change this unless you know what you are doing.)}
##!  \item{na.rm}{Replace \code{NA}'s in the matrix with zeros.}
##!  \item{zeros.rm}{Remove zeros in the matrix.}
##!  \code{inla.as.sparse} and \code{inla.as.dgTMatrix} is the same function.
##!  The returned value is a sparse matrix in the \code{dgTMatrix}-format.
##!\author{Havard Rue \email{hrue@r-inla.org}}
##! A = matrix(1:9, 3, 3)
##! inla.as.sparse(A)

`inla.as.sparse` = function(...)
    return (inla.as.dgTMatrix(...))

`inla.as.dgTMatrix` = function(A, unique = TRUE, na.rm = FALSE, zeros.rm = FALSE)
    ## convert into dgTMatrix format of Matrix. Argument A is any
    ## matrix.  make sure the representation is unique if the UNIQUE
    ## flag it TRUE. (ie no double triplets etc).
    ## if na.rm then replace NA's with zeros.
    ## if zeros.rm then remove zeros.
    if (unique) {
        ## convert through the 'dgCMatrix'-class to make it unique;
        A = as(as(as(A, "CsparseMatrix"), "dgCMatrix"), "dgTMatrix")
    } else {
        if (!is(A, "dgTMatrix")) {
            ## Convert via virtual class TsparseMatrix; this allows more general conversions
            ## than direct conversion.
            A = as(as(A, "TsparseMatrix"), "dgTMatrix")

    if (na.rm) {
        idx.na = is.na(A@x)
        if (any(idx.na)) {
            A@x[idx.na] = 0.0

    if (zeros.rm) {
        x.zero = (A@x == 0.0)
        if (any(x.zero)) {
            idx.zero = which(x.zero)
            A@x = A@x[-idx.zero]
            A@i = A@i[-idx.zero]
            A@j = A@j[-idx.zero]
    return (A)

### Some utilities for sparse matrices using the `Matrix' library

`inla.sparse.dim` = function(A) {
    ## return the dimension of the matrix A
    A = inla.sparse.check(A, must.be.squared = FALSE)

    if (is.character(A)) {
        Am = read.table(A, col.names = c("i", "j", "Aij"))
        if (min(Am$i) == 0 || min(Am$j) == 0) {
            cindex = 1
        } else {
            cindex = 0
        return (c(max(Am$i) + cindex, max(Am$j) + cindex))
    } else {
        return (dim(A))

`inla.sparse.check` = function(A, must.be.squared = TRUE)
    ## just check if matrix A exists and return either a filename or a
    ## dgTMatrix.
    if (is.character(A)) {
        if (!file.exists(A)) {
            stop(paste("File not found:", A))
        return (A)

    if (is.list(A))
        stop("Define matrix using Matrix::sparseMatrix() instead!!! The list(i=, j=, values=)-format is obsolete!")

    if (must.be.squared) {
        if (dim(A)[1] != dim(A)[2]) {
            stop(paste(c("Matrix is not a square matrix:", dim(A)[1], "x", dim(A)[2])))

    return (inla.as.dgTMatrix(A))

`inla.sparse.get` = function(A, row, col)
    ## extract a list of the a specific row or col of a dgTMatrix
    ## A. the list returned is of type list(i=..., j=..., values=...)

    if (missing(row) && missing(col))
        return (list(i=numeric(0), j=numeric(0), values=numeric(0)))

    if (!missing(row) && !missing(col))
        stop("Only one of 'row' and 'col' can be specified.")

    ## need this particular format. I think this is faster for
    ## repeated use, as we do not need to duplicate the A matrix in
    ## memory. but perhaps I'm wrong...
    if (!is(A, "dgTMatrix")) {
        ## This can be slow, so its better to stop and say that the
        ## matrix has to be converted upfront.
        stop("Matrix is not of type 'dgTMatrix'; please convert it with inla.as.dgTMatrix().")
        A = inla.as.dgTMatrix(A)

    if (!missing(row)) {
        stopifnot(row >=1 && row <= A@Dim[1])
        stopifnot(length(row) == 1)

        idx = which(A@i == row-1)
        return (list(i = row, j = A@j[idx]+1, values = A@x[idx]))
    } else {
        stopifnot(col >=1 && col <= A@Dim[2])
        stopifnot(length(col) == 1)

        idx = which(A@j == col-1)
        return (list(i = A@i[idx]+1, j = col, values = A@x[idx]))

inla.sm.write = function(A, filename = "SparseMatrix.dat")
    A = inla.as.sparse(A)

    x.int = as.integer(c(dim(A)[1], dim(A)[2], length(A@i), A@i + 1, A@j + 1))
    fp = file(filename, "wb")
    writeBin(x.int, fp)
    writeBin(A@x, fp)
    return (filename)
inla.sm.read = function(filename = "SparseMatrix.dat")
    fp = file(filename, "rb")
    nn = readBin(fp, integer(), n=3L)
    nx = nn[3]
    ii = readBin(fp, integer(), n = nx)
    jj = readBin(fp, integer(), n = nx)
    xx = readBin(fp, double(),  n = nx)

    M = inla.as.sparse(sparseMatrix(i = ii -1L,
                                    j = jj -1L,
                                    x = xx, 
                                    dims = nn[1:2],
                                    index1 = FALSE,
                                    giveCsparse = FALSE))
    return (M)
INBO-BMK/INLA documentation built on Dec. 4, 2019, 11:43 p.m.