#' @title Get BMI prevalence results from Adult Weight Change Model
#' @description Gets survey proportions \code{\link[survey]{svytable}}, standard error and
#' confidence interval estimates of BMI from \code{\link{adult_weight}}.
#' @param weight (list) List from \code{\link{adult_weight}}
#' \strong{ Optional }
#' @param design A \code{survey.design} object. See \code{\link[survey]{svydesign}}
#' for additional information on design objects.
#' @param days (vector) Vector of days in which to compute the estimates
#' @param confidence (numeric) Confidence level (\code{default = 0.95})
#' @param group (vector) Variable in which to group the results.
#' @author Dalia Camacho-GarcĂa-FormentĂ \email{daliaf172@gmail.com}
#' @author Rodrigo Zepeda-Tello \email{rzepeda17@gmail.com}
#' @details The default \code{design} is that of simple random sampling.
#' @importFrom survey svyby
#' @importFrom stats update
#' @importFrom survey svymean
#' @importFrom survey svydesign
#' @importFrom stats coef
#' @importFrom stats confint
#' @examples
#' #--------------------------------------------------------
#' #Antropometric data
#' weights <- c(45, 67, 58, 67, 81)
#' heights <- c(1.30, 1.73, 1.77, 1.92, 1.73)
#' ages <- c(45, 23, 66, 44, 23)
#' sexes <- c("male", "female", "female", "male", "male")
#' #Matrix of energy consumption reduction:
#' EIchange <- rbind(rep(-100, 365), rep(-200, 365), rep(-200, 365),
#' rep(-123, 365), rep(-50, 365))
#' #Create weight change model
#' model_weight <- adult_weight(weights, heights, ages, sexes,
#' EIchange)
#' #Calculate proportions
#' adult_bmi(model_weight)
#' #EXAMPLE 2: Survey data
#' #-------------------------------------------------------
#' set.seed(7423)
#' #Data frame for use in survey
#' probs <- runif(10, 20, 60)
#' datasvy <- data.frame(
#' id = 1:10,
#' bw = runif(10,60,90),
#' ht = runif(10, 1.5, 2),
#' age = runif(10, 18, 80),
#' sex = sample(c("male","female"),10, replace = TRUE),
#' kcal = runif(10, 2000, 3000),
#' group = sample(c(0,1), 10, replace = TRUE),
#' svyw = probs/sum(probs))
#' #Days to model
#' days <- 365
#' #Energy intake matrix
#' EIchange <- matrix(NA, ncol = days, nrow = 0)
#' for(i in 1:nrow(datasvy)){
#' EIchange <- rbind(EIchange, rep(datasvy$kcal[i], days))
#' }
#' #Calculate weight change
#' weight <- adult_weight(datasvy$bw, datasvy$ht, datasvy$age,
#' datasvy$sex, EIchange)
#' #Create survey design using survey package
#' design <- survey::svydesign(id = ~id, weights = datasvy$svyw,
#' data = datasvy)
#' #' #Group to calculate means
#' group <- datasvy$group
#' #Calculate survey mean and variance for 25 days
#' adult_bmi(weight, design = design, group = group)
#' @export
adult_bmi <- function(weight,
days = seq(0, length(weight[["Time"]])-1, length.out = 25),
group = rep(1,nrow(weight[["BMI_Category"]])),
design = svydesign(ids=~1, weights = rep(1,nrow(weight[["BMI_Category"]])),
data = as.data.frame(weight[["BMI_Category"]])),
confidence = 0.95){
#Throw message that it will take time
if (length(days) > 50){
message("This process will take some time...")
# Check time values
if(any(unlist(lapply(days, function(day){
if(day %in% weight$Time){TRUE}
stop("Some time values are not available in object weight")
# Check groups do not exceed individuals
if(length(group)>1 & length(group)!=nrow(weight$BMI_Category)){
stop(paste("Dimension mismatch.",
"Group must be defined for every individual or a unique for all individuals."))
#Check confidence
if(confidence > 1 || confidence <= 0){
warning("Invalid confidence level. Confidence must be between 0 and 1")
#Create empty data frame
mydata <- as.data.frame(matrix(NA, ncol = 5, nrow = 0))
#Set time to integers
days <- which(weight[["Time"]] %in% floor(days))
#Update design to add group
design <- update(design, group = group)
#Loop through every day
for(t in 1:length(days)){
#Weight update to add variable of interest
myvar <- as.factor(weight[["BMI_Category"]][,days[t]])
design <- update(design, bmi_ = myvar)
#Get mean and ci
if (length(levels(myvar)) < 2){
mu <- 1
confmean <- matrix(NA, ncol = 2)
names(mu) <- levels(myvar)
} else {
mymean <- svyby(~bmi_, ~group, design, svymean)
confmean <- confint(mymean, level = confidence)
mu <- coef(mymean)
#Add to same data frame
varnames <- unlist(lapply(names(mu), function(x){gsub(".*bmi_","",x)}))
#Empty names to allow for data frame to work and bind
names(mu) <- c()
colnames(confmean) <- c()
#Create data frame
today <- data.frame(Day = weight[["Time"]][days[t]],
Group = mymean$group,
BMI_Category = varnames,
Mean = mu,
today <- data.frame(Day = weight[["Time"]][days[t]],
Group = NA,
BMI_Category = varnames,
Mean = mu,
#Bind to previous data
mydata <- rbind(mydata, today)
#Clear rownames
rownames(mydata) <- c()
#Add colnames
colnames(mydata) <- c(colnames(mydata)[1:(ncol(mydata) - 2)], colnames(confmean))
#Return data frame
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