
# Make a ``multi.dataset'' Object
# @param datasets a list containing data.frames
# @param labels a character vector labeling indices of the dataset
make.multi.dataset <- function (datasets, labels=NULL) {
  md <- datasets

  if (!missing(labels))
    names(md) <- labels

  # Set super important attributes
  #attr(md, "something") <- "red"
  class(md) <- "multi.dataset"

  # Return object

# Multiple Dataset Object
multi.dataset <- function (obj, ...) {

# Create a Multiple Dataset Object from a data.frame
# @param obj a data.frame to conver
# @return a ``multi.dataset'' object
multi.dataset.data.frame <- function (obj, ...) {
  # Place inside a list and label according to the name from the function call
  label <- as.character(as.expression(substitute(obj)))
  make.multi.dataset(list(obj), label)

# Create a Multiple Dataset Object from a data.frame
# @param obj a list of data.frame's
# @return a ``multi.dataset'' object
multi.dataset.list <- function (obj, ...) {

  # Iterate backwards through list, so that we can remove elements
  for (k in length(obj):1) {
    if (!is.data.frame(obj[[k]])) {
      warning('"obj" contains an element that is not a data.frame... removing.')
      obj[[k]] <- NULL

  LABELS <- names(obj)

  # If there are no labels, or they are uneven
  if (is.null(LABELS) || length(LABELS) != length(obj))
    LABELS <- paste("data-set-", 1:length(obj), sep = "")

  # Otherwise, we have a nice matching of labels, but we might still have some
  # that are empty
  else {
    for (k in 1:length(LABELS)) {
      lab <- LABELS[k]

      if (is.na(lab) || is.null(lab) || (is.character(lab) && nchar(lab) == 0))
        LABELS[k] <- paste("data-set-", k, sep = "")

  # Return object
  make.multi.dataset(obj, LABELS)

# Create a Multiple Dataset Object from a data.frame
# @param obj a list of data.frame's
# @return a ``multi.dataset'' object
multi.dataset.amelia <- function (obj, ...) {
  data.frames <- obj$imputations
  class(data.frames) <- NULL
  make.multi.dataset(data.frames, names(data.frames))

# Divide a Data Frame or Matrix Into Subsets
# @param obj a data.frame or matrix to be split into subsets, divided by the
# categorical variable
# @param by a character-string, specifying the column to subset
# @return a list, containing the subsetted data sets. The names of the list
# correspond to the value of the subsetted list
divide <- function (obj, by) {

  # Ensure that "obj" is valid (a data.frame or matrix)
  if (!is.data.frame(obj) && !is.matrix(obj)) {
    warning('"obj" is not a data.frame or matrix')

  # Ensure that "by" is valid (a character-string)
  if (!is.character(by) && length(by) == 1) {
    warning('"by" is not a character-string')

  # Ensure that "by" is a column in "obj"
  if (! by %in% colnames(obj)) {
    warning('"by" is not a valid column of "obj"')

  # Get the set of possible values
  column.levels <-if (is.factor(obj[, by]))
    levels(obj[, by])
    unique(obj[, by])

  # A list used to store each individual data.frame
  res <- list()

  # Iterate through all possible values and store each subset in a separate
  # entry in the list
  for (val in column.levels) {
    # Determine which rows match this value
    hits <- obj[, by] == val

    # Store data set temporarily in a local value
    data.set <- obj[hits, ]

    # Assign levels to the column. This adds levels to string data.
    levels(data.set[, by]) <- column.levels

    # Store data set in list
    res[[val]] <- data.set

  # Return list

# Print a ``multi.dataset'' Object
# @param x a multi.dataset object, essentially a list of data.frames
# @param ... parameters to pass to the print.data.frame object
# @return x (invisibly)
print.multi.dataset <- function (x, ...) {
  for (key in names(x)) {
    cat("label =", key, "\n")
    print(x[[key]], ...)

  # Return printed object (invisibly)
IQSS/Zelig4 documentation built on May 9, 2019, 9:13 a.m.