
#' Fitting Poisson Network Models
#' Fit social network data.
#' @param formula formula
#' @param data data.frame
#' @param LF character-string
#' @param family family object
#' @param ... additional parameters
#' @param mode character-string
#' @param diag logical
#' @param nullhyp character-vector or NULL
#' @param tol numeric
#' @param reps integer
#' @return Some kind of model
#' @export
poisson.net <- function (
                         formula, data, LF="log", 
                         mode = "digraph", diag = FALSE, 
                         nullhyp = NULL,
                         tol = 1e-07, 
                         reps = 1000
                         ) {

  # The following if-statement was added to prevent bugs in Roxygen
  if (missing(nullhyp) || is.null(nullhyp)) {
    nullhyp <- c("qap", "qapspp", "qapy", "qapx", "qapallx", "cugtie", "cugden",
                 "cuguman", "classical")

    gfit <- function(glist, mode, diag) {
        y <- gvectorize(glist[[1]], mode = mode, diag = diag, 
            censor.as.na = TRUE)
        x <- vector()
        for (i in 2:length(glist)) x <- cbind(x, gvectorize(glist[[i]], 
            mode = mode, diag = diag, censor.as.na = TRUE))
        if (!is.matrix(x)) 
            x <- matrix(x, ncol = 1)
        mis <- is.na(y) | apply(is.na(x), 1, any)
        glm.fit(x[!mis, ], y[!mis], family = poisson(link=LF), intercept = FALSE)
    gfitlm <- function(glist, mode, diag, tol) {
        y <- gvectorize(glist[[1]], mode = mode, diag = diag, 
            censor.as.na = TRUE)
        x <- vector()
        for (i in 2:length(glist)) x <- cbind(x, gvectorize(glist[[i]], 
            mode = mode, diag = diag, censor.as.na = TRUE))
        if (!is.matrix(x)) 
            x <- matrix(x, ncol = 1)
        mis <- is.na(y) | apply(is.na(x), 1, any)
        list(qr(x[!mis, ], tol = tol), y[!mis])
   call <- match.call()
   Terms <- terms(formula)
    intercept.value <- attr(Terms, "intercept") 
    if (intercept.value > 0){
    	intercept = TRUE
    if (intercept.value == 0){
    	intercept = FALSE
   if (missing(data)) 
		data <- environment(formula)		
	mf <- match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)	
    m <- match(c("formula", "data", "weights"), names(mf), 0)
    mf <- mf[c(1, m)]
    mf$drop.unused.levels <- TRUE
    mf[[1]] <- as.name("model.frame")
    mf <- eval(mf, parent.frame())
    mt <- attr(mf, "terms")
	D <- model.frame(formula, data = data)
	y <- D[[1]]
	#x.array.names <- as.list(for(i in 2:length(D)) {names(D[[i]])})
	x <- array(dim=c((length(D) - 1), nrow(y), ncol(y)))
	for(i in 2:length(D)) {
		x[i - 1,,] <- D[[i]]	}
    y <- as.sociomatrix.sna(y)
    x <- as.sociomatrix.sna(x)
    if (is.list(y) || ((length(dim(y)) > 2) && (dim(y)[1] > 1))) 
        stop("y must be a single graph.")
    if (length(dim(y)) > 2) 
        y <- y[1, , ]
    if (is.list(x) || (dim(x)[2] != dim(y)[2])) 
        stop("Homogeneous graph orders required.")
    nx <- stackcount(x) + intercept
    n <- dim(y)[2]
    g <- list(y)
    if (intercept) 
        g[[2]] <- matrix(1, n, n)
    if (nx - intercept == 1) 
        g[[2 + intercept]] <- x
    else for (i in 1:(nx - intercept)) g[[i + 1 + intercept]] <- x[i, 
        , ]
    if (any(sapply(lapply(g, is.na), any))) 
        warning("Missing data supplied to poisson.net; this may pose problems for certain null hypotheses.  Hope you know what you're doing....")
    fit.base <- gfit(g, mode = mode, diag = diag)
    fit <- list()
    fit$coefficients <- fit.base$coefficients
    fit$fitted.values <- fit.base$fitted.values
    fit$residuals <- fit.base$residuals
    fit$linear.predictors <- fit.base$linear.predictors
    fit$n <- length(fit.base$y)
    fit$df.model <- fit.base$rank
    fit$df.residual <- fit.base$df.residual
    fit$deviance <- fit.base$deviance
    fit$null.deviance <- fit.base$null.deviance
    fit$df.null <- fit.base$df.null
	fit$weights <- fit.base$weights
	fit$boundary <- fit.base$boundary
	fit$converged <- fit.base$converged
	fit$contrasts <- fit.base$contrasts
	fit$control <- fit.base$control
	fit$effects <- fit.base$effects
	fit$iter <- fit.base$iter
	fit$model <- fit.base$model
	fit$offset <- fit.base$offset
	fit$prior.weights <- fit.base$prior.weights
	fit$R <- fit.base$R
	fit$y <- fit.base$y
	#fit$summary <- summary(fit.base)
    fit$aic <- fit.base$aic
    fit$bic <- fit$deviance + fit$df.model * log(fit$n)
    fit$qr <- fit.base$qr
    #fit$ctable <- table(as.numeric(fit$fitted.values >= 0.5), 
    #    fit.base$y, dnn = c("Predicted", "Actual"))
    #if (NROW(fit$ctable) == 1) {
    #    if (rownames(fit$ctable) == "0") 
    #        fit$ctable <- rbind(fit$ctable, c(0, 0))
    #    else fit$ctable <- rbind(c(0, 0), fit$ctable)
    #    rownames(fit$ctable) <- c("0", "1")
    if ((nullhyp %in% c("qap", "qapspp")) && (nx == 1)) 
        nullhyp <- "qapy"
    if (nullhyp == "classical") {
        cvm <- chol2inv(fit$qr$qr)
        se <- sqrt(diag(cvm))
        tval <- fit$coefficients/se
        fit$dist <- NULL
        fit$pleeq <- pt(tval, fit$df.residual)
        fit$pgreq <- pt(tval, fit$df.residual, lower.tail = FALSE)
        fit$pgreqabs <- 2 * pt(abs(tval), fit$df.residual, lower.tail = FALSE)
    else if (nullhyp %in% c("cugtie", "cugden", "cuguman")) {
        repdist <- matrix(0, reps, nx)
        for (i in 1:nx) {
            gr <- g
            for (j in 1:reps) {
                gr[[i + 1]] <- switch(nullhyp, cugtie <- rgraph(n, 
                  mode = mode, diag = diag, replace = FALSE, 
                  tielist = g[[i + 1]]), cugden <- rgraph(n, 
                  tprob = gden(g[[i + 1]], mode = mode, diag = diag), 
                  mode = mode, diag = diag), cuguman <- (function(dc, 
                  n) {
                  rguman(1, n, mut = x[1], asym = x[2], null = x[3], 
                    method = "exact")
                })(dyad.census(g[[i + 1]]), n))
                repdist[j, i] <- gfit(gr, mode = mode, diag = diag)$coef[i]
        fit$dist <- repdist
        fit$pleeq <- apply(sweep(fit$dist, 2, fit$coefficients, 
            "<="), 2, mean)
        fit$pgreq <- apply(sweep(fit$dist, 2, fit$coefficients, 
            ">="), 2, mean)
        fit$pgreqabs <- apply(sweep(abs(fit$dist), 2, abs(fit$coefficients), 
            ">="), 2, mean)
    else if (nullhyp == "qapy") {
        repdist <- matrix(0, reps, nx)
        gr <- g
        for (i in 1:reps) {
            gr[[1]] <- rmperm(g[[1]])
            repdist[i, ] <- gfit(gr, mode = mode, diag = diag)$coef
        fit$dist <- repdist
        fit$pleeq <- apply(sweep(fit$dist, 2, fit$coefficients, 
            "<="), 2, mean)
        fit$pgreq <- apply(sweep(fit$dist, 2, fit$coefficients, 
            ">="), 2, mean)
        fit$pgreqabs <- apply(sweep(abs(fit$dist), 2, abs(fit$coefficients), 
            ">="), 2, mean)
    else if (nullhyp == "qapx") {
        repdist <- matrix(0, reps, nx)
        for (i in 1:nx) {
            gr <- g
            for (j in 1:reps) {
                gr[[i + 1]] <- rmperm(gr[[i + 1]])
                repdist[j, i] <- gfit(gr, mode = mode, diag = diag)$coef[i]
        fit$dist <- repdist
        fit$pleeq <- apply(sweep(fit$dist, 2, fit$coefficients, 
            "<="), 2, mean)
        fit$pgreq <- apply(sweep(fit$dist, 2, fit$coefficients, 
            ">="), 2, mean)
        fit$pgreqabs <- apply(sweep(abs(fit$dist), 2, abs(fit$coefficients), 
            ">="), 2, mean)
    else if (nullhyp == "qapallx") {
        repdist <- matrix(0, reps, nx)
        gr <- g
        for (i in 1:reps) {
            for (j in 1:nx) gr[[1 + j]] <- rmperm(g[[1 + j]])
            repdist[i, ] <- gfit(gr, mode = mode, diag = diag)$coef
        fit$dist <- repdist
        fit$pleeq <- apply(sweep(fit$dist, 2, fit$coefficients, 
            "<="), 2, mean)
        fit$pgreq <- apply(sweep(fit$dist, 2, fit$coefficients, 
            ">="), 2, mean)
        fit$pgreqabs <- apply(sweep(abs(fit$dist), 2, abs(fit$coefficients), 
            ">="), 2, mean)
    else if ((nullhyp == "qap") || (nullhyp == "qapspp")) {
        xsel <- matrix(TRUE, n, n)
        if (!diag) 
            diag(xsel) <- FALSE
        if (mode == "graph") 
            xsel[upper.tri(xsel)] <- FALSE
        repdist <- matrix(0, reps, nx)
        for (i in 1:nx) {
            xfit <- gfitlm(g[1 + c(i, (1:nx)[-i])], mode = mode, 
                diag = diag, tol = tol)
            xres <- g[[1 + i]]
            xres[xsel] <- qr.resid(xfit[[1]], xfit[[2]])
            if (mode == "graph") 
                xres[upper.tri(xres)] <- t(xres)[upper.tri(xres)]
            for (j in 1:reps) repdist[j, i] <- gfit(c(g[-(1 + 
                i)], list(rmperm(xres))), mode = mode, diag = diag)$coef[nx]
        fit$dist <- repdist
        fit$pleeq <- apply(sweep(fit$dist, 2, fit$coefficients, 
            "<="), 2, mean)
        fit$pgreq <- apply(sweep(fit$dist, 2, fit$coefficients, 
            ">="), 2, mean)
        fit$pgreqabs <- apply(sweep(abs(fit$dist), 2, abs(fit$coefficients), 
            ">="), 2, mean)
    fit$nullhyp <- nullhyp
    fit$names <- names(mf[2:length(mf)])
	#fit$names <- names(mf[2:stackcount(mf)])  # paste("x", 1:(nx - intercept), sep = "")
    if (intercept) 
        fit$names <- c("(intercept)", fit$names)
    fit$intercept <- intercept
	fit$xlevels <- .getXlevels(mt, mf)
	fit <- c(fit, list(call = call, formula = formula, terms = mt, 
	data = data, xlevels = .getXlevels(mt, mf)))
		new.data <- as.data.frame(as.vector(data[,1]))
	for(i in 2:ncol(data)){
	new.data <- cbind(new.data, as.vector(data[,i])) } 
	names(new.data) <- names(data)
	fit$data <- new.data
	fit$family <- family
	fit$rank <- fit$df.model
	so <- summary.glm(fit)
	fit$mod.coefficients <- so$coefficients
	fit$cov.unscaled <- so$cov.unscaled
	fit$cov.scaled <- so$cov.scaled
    class(fit) <- c("netglm")
IQSS/ZeligNetwork documentation built on May 7, 2019, 6:13 a.m.