
Defines functions er_polygons

Documented in er_polygons

#' @title extract raster data on polygons (helper for extract_rast)
#' @param in_vect PARAM_DESCRIPTION
#' @param in_rast PARAM_DESCRIPTION
#' @param seldates PARAM_DESCRIPTION
#' @param selbands PARAM_DESCRIPTION
#' @param n_selbands PARAM_DESCRIPTION
#' @param date_check PARAM_DESCRIPTION
#' @param er_opts PARAM_DESCRIPTION
#' @param verb_foreach `logical` if TRUE, verbose output is sent out from within the foreach cycle,
#' Default: FALSE
#' @details DETAILS
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'  }
#' @seealso
#'  \code{\link[doSNOW]{registerDoSNOW}}

#'  \code{\link[foreach]{foreach}}

#'  \code{\link[gdalUtils]{gdalwarp}}

#'  \code{\link[sp]{proj4string}}

#'  \code{\link[velox]{velox}}

#'  \code{\link[utils]{setTxtProgressBar}},\code{\link[utils]{txtProgressBar}}
#' @rdname er_polygons
#' @export
#' @importFrom data.table data.table rbindlist setkey as.data.table setcolorder melt
#' @importFrom doSNOW registerDoSNOW
#' @importFrom dplyr case_when filter
#' @importFrom foreach foreach %dopar%
#' @importFrom gdalUtils gdalwarp
#' @importFrom raster res extent raster nrow ncol writeRaster getValues yFromRow extract xyFromCell
#' @importFrom sf st_bbox st_as_sf st_geometry st_set_crs
#' @importFrom sp proj4string
#' @importFrom tibble as_tibble
#' @importFrom velox velox
#' @importFrom parallel detectCores makeCluster stopCluster
#' @importFrom utils txtProgressBar setTxtProgressBar
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%

er_polygons <- function(in_vect,
                        verb_foreach = FALSE) {

  #   ____________________________________________________________________________
  #   crop in_vect to in_rast extent if necessary and identify "removed"   ####
  #   features + Find names of the attribute fields of the original shapefile

  if (er_opts$verbose) message("extract_rast --> Cropping the zones object on extent of the raster")

  #TODO  Do this only if extent of zone object is larger than that of the raster (in any direction)

  diff_ext <- as.numeric((extent(in_rast) + 461)[] ) -

  if (max(abs(diff_ext) >= 1000)) {
    crop               <- er_crop_object(in_vect, in_rast, er_opts$id_field, er_opts$verbose)
    in_vect_crop <- crop$in_vect_crop
    outside_feat <- crop$outside_feat
  } else {
    in_vect_crop <- in_vect
    outside_feat       <- NULL
  # in_vect_crop <- in_vect
  names_shp <- names(in_vect_crop)[!names(in_vect_crop) %in% c("mdxtnq", "geometry")]

  #   ____________________________________________________________________________
  #   find a correct cropping bounding box which allows to not "move" the corn####
  #    the corners while creating a vrt file

  vect_bbox <- sf::st_bbox(in_vect_crop)
  rast_bbox <- raster::extent(in_rast)[c(1,3,2,4)]

  col_coords <- rast_bbox[1] + raster::res(in_rast)[1] * seq_len(dim(in_rast)[2])
  row_coords <- rast_bbox[2] + raster::res(in_rast)[2] * seq_len(dim(in_rast)[1])
  start_x    <- ifelse((rast_bbox[1] < vect_bbox[1]),
                       col_coords[data.table::last(which(col_coords <= vect_bbox[1])) - 1],
  end_x      <- ifelse((rast_bbox[3] > vect_bbox[3]),
                       col_coords[data.table::last(which(col_coords <= vect_bbox[3])) + 1],
  start_y    <- ifelse((rast_bbox[2] < vect_bbox[2]),
                       row_coords[data.table::last(which(row_coords <= vect_bbox[2])) - 1],
  end_y      <- ifelse((rast_bbox[4] > vect_bbox[4]),
                       row_coords[data.table::last(which(row_coords <= vect_bbox[4])) + 1],

  te         <- c(start_x, start_y, end_x, end_y)

  # Ientify the bboxes of polygons (required later to check if all data was loaded for a given
  # polygon when processing in "chunks")

  if (er_opts$verbose) message("extract_rast --> Computing bounding boxes of input polygons")

  #   ____________________________________________________________________________
  #   If `er_opts$rastres` is not null and is er_opts$smaller tha the original                ####
  #   resolution of in_rast, both `in_vect` and `in_rast` are "super-sampled
  #   to `er_opts$rastres` resolution (using nn resampling) prior to data extraction

  supersample <- 0
  if (is.null(er_opts$rastres)) {
    er_opts$rastres = raster::res(in_rast)
  } else {
    if (length(er_opts$rastres) == 2 & length(is.finite(er_opts$rastres) == TRUE) & min(er_opts$rastres, na.rm = T) > 0) {
      er_opts$rastres     <- er_opts$rastres
      supersample <- 1
    } else {
      warning("extract_rast--> Provided `er_opts$rastres = `", er_opts$rastres, " seems invalid. It will be reset to `in_rast` resolution")
      er_opts$rastres = raster::res(in_rast)

  #   ____________________________________________________________________________
  #   Rasterize the shape to a temporary file (use `velox` to improve speed)  ####

  if (er_opts$verbose) {message("extract_rast --> Rasterizing shape")}
  if (er_opts$verbose) {message("extract_rast --> Writing temporary shapefile")}
  temp_shapefile = tempfile(tmpdir = tempdir(), fileext = ".shp")
  write_shape(in_vect_crop, temp_shapefile, overwrite = TRUE)

  # then convert it to raster
  if (er_opts$verbose) {(message("extract_rast --> Writing temporary rasterized shapefile"))}
  temp_rasterfile = tempfile(tmpdir = tempdir(), fileext = ".tif")
  max_id <- max(in_vect_crop$mdxtnq)
  ot <- dplyr::case_when(
    (max_id <= 255) == 1 ~ "Byte",
    (max_id >= 255 & max_id < 65535) == 1 ~ "UInt16",
    (max_id >= 65536) == 1 ~ "UInt32"

  rast_string <- paste("-a", "mdxtnq",
                       "-co" , "COMPRESS=DEFLATE",
                       "-co"  ,"NUM_THREADS=ALL_CPUS",
                       "-te", paste(te, collapse = " "),
                       "-tr", paste(er_opts$rastres, collapse = " "),
                       "-ot" , ot, sep = " ",
                       "-of GTiff",

  system2(file.path(find_gdal(), "gdal_rasterize"),
          args = rast_string, stdout = NULL)

  #   aa = gdalUtils::gdal_rasterize(temp_shapefile,
  #                             temp_rasterfile,
  #                             tr = er_opts$rastres,
  #                             te = raster::extent(in_rast)[c(1, 3, 2, 4)],
  #                             a  = "mdxtnq",
  #                             co = c("COMPRESS=DEFLATE", "NUM_THREADS=4"),
  #                             ot = ot,
  #                             verbose = T, output_Raster = T)

  rast_zoneobject <- raster::raster(temp_rasterfile)

  #  ____________________________________________________________________________
  #  setup the processing: initialize variables and foreach loop            ####

  # Setup the number of cores: defaults to available cores - 2, but up to a maximum
  # of 8. If user-provided er_opts$ncores is greater than available cores - 2 or greater than 8
  # er_opts$ncores is re-set to the minimum between those two. If selbands < er_opts$ncores,
  # use only selbands cores

  if (is.null(er_opts$ncores)) {
    er_opts$ncores <- parallel::detectCores() - 2
  er_opts$ncores <- min(c(er_opts$ncores, (parallel::detectCores() - 2)), 8)
  if (n_selbands < er_opts$ncores) (er_opts$ncores <- n_selbands)

  # cl      <- parallel::makeCluster(er_opts$ncores, outfile = "")
  cl <- parallel::makeCluster(er_opts$ncores)

  # Initialize other variables and progress bar
  er_opts$maxchunk  <- er_opts$maxchunk/er_opts$ncores
  nrows             <- raster::nrow(rast_zoneobject)
  ncols             <- raster::ncol(rast_zoneobject)
  n_cells           <- nrows * ncols
  n_chunks          <- floor(n_cells / er_opts$maxchunk) + 1

  if (er_opts$verbose) {
    message("extract_rast --> Extracting data from ", n_selbands, ifelse(date_check, " dates", "bands"),
            " - Please wait !")
    pb       <- utils::txtProgressBar(max = n_selbands, style = 3)
    progress <- function(n) utils::setTxtProgressBar(pb, n)
    opts     <- list(progress = progress)
  } else {
    opts = list()

  #   _______________________________________________________________________________
  #   Extract data from in_rast - foreach cycle on selected bands of in_rast    ####

  results <- foreach::foreach(band          = 1:n_selbands,
                              .packages     = c("gdalUtils", "raster", "dplyr", "tibble",
                                                "data.table", "sf", "velox"),
                              .verbose      = verb_foreach,
                              .options.snow = opts) %dopar%
                                # for (band in 1:1) {

                                if (er_opts$verbose) {
                                  message("extract_rast--> Extracting data from ", ifelse(date_check, " dates", "bands"), " - Please wait !")

                                all_data     <- list()
                                coords       <- list()
                                stat_data    <- list()
                                temp_outdata <- list()
                                selband      <- seldates[band]
                                chunk_n_all  <- 1 # Counter for non-empty chunks for all_data
                                chunk_n_summ <- 1 # Counter for non-empty chunks for all_data
                                start_cell   <- 1
                                in_band      <- in_rast[[selbands[band]]]
                                tempvrt      <- tempfile(fileext = ".vrt")

                                if (in_band@file@name == "") {
                                  temprastfile <- tempfile(fileext = ".tif")
                                              filename  = temprastfile,
                                              options   = c("COMPRESS=DEFLATE", "PREDICTOR=3"),
                                              overwrite = TRUE)
                                  in_band <- raster(temprastfile)

                                buildvrt_string <- paste("-te ", paste(te, collapse = " "),
                                                         "-b ", band,
                                                         in_band@file@name, " ")
                                system2(file.path(find_gdal(), "gdalbuildvrt"), args = buildvrt_string, stdout = NULL)

                                # "reload" in_band from the cropped vrt
                                in_band    <- raster::raster(tempvrt)
                                #   _____________________________________________________________________________
                                #   if "supersampling" requested, resample input raster to higher resolution ####
                                #    (with nearest neaighbour)
                                if (supersample) {

                                  temprast  <- tempfile(fileext = ".tif")
                                  raster::writeRaster(in_band, temprast)
                                  tempsuper <- tempfile(fileext = ".tif")
                                  in_band   <- gdalUtils::gdalwarp(temprast, tempsuper, tr = er_opts$rastres,
                                                                   te = raster::extent(in_band)[c(1, 3, 2, 4)], output_Raster = TRUE ,
                                                                   multi = TRUE)
                                  in_band   <- velox::velox(in_band)

                                if (n_chunks > 1) {

                                  bboxes <- in_vect_crop[c("mdxtnq", "geometry")] %>%
                                  bboxes = bboxes[, list(min_y = sf::st_bbox(geometry)[2],
                                                         max_y = sf::st_bbox(geometry)[4]),
                                                  by = "mdxtnq"]
                                } else {
                                  bboxes <- in_vect_crop[c("mdxtnq", "geometry")]

                                #   _______________________________________________________________________________
                                #   Perform data extraction (in chunks if number of cells greater then max_chunk) ####

                                for (chunk in seq_len(n_chunks)) {

                                  if (er_opts$verbose) message("Working on chunk: ", chunk, " of: ", n_chunks, " of band: ", selband)

                                  # Identify row numbers of the current "chunk" ----
                                  startrow   <- ifelse(chunk == 1, 1, 1 + (chunk - 1) * ceiling(nrows / n_chunks))
                                  chunkrows  <- ifelse(chunk != n_chunks,
                                                       ceiling(nrows / n_chunks),
                                                       (1 + nrows - startrow))
                                  endrow      <- startrow + chunkrows - 1
                                  ncells      <- ncols * chunkrows
                                  end_cell    <- start_cell + ncells - 1

                                  # print(paste(startrow, endrow, chunkrows))
                                  #   ________________________________________________________________________
                                  #   retrieve data of current "chunk" for the pixels included in the polygons ####
                                  #   and put it in all_data[[chunk_n]] (if not null)

                                  out_data  <- data.table::data.table(
                                    value   =  as.numeric(raster::getValues(in_band, startrow, chunkrows)),
                                    cell    =  seq(start_cell,end_cell),
                                    mdxtnq  =  as.numeric(raster::getValues(rast_zoneobject, startrow, chunkrows)),
                                    key = "mdxtnq")
                                  out_data <- out_data[mdxtnq != 0]

                                  ext_chunk <- data.frame(x_min = raster::extent(in_band)[1],
                                                          x_max = raster::extent(in_band)[2],
                                                          y_min = raster::yFromRow(in_band, endrow),
                                                          y_max = raster::yFromRow(in_band, 1)

                                  # If out_data not empty (i.e., at least one pixel of current chunk beer_opts$longs to an
                                  # polygon), put out_data in all_data[[chubnk_n_all]], then compute er_opts$summ_data
                                  if (dim(out_data)[1] > 0) {
                                    if (er_opts$full_data) {

                                      if (er_opts$addgeom) {
                                        # Here we create a temporary "velox" raster, allowing to quickly compute coordinates
                                        # and save coordinates for the chunk in the "coords" list

                                        temp_velox <- velox::velox(matrix(nrow = chunkrows, ncol = ncols),
                                                                   ext = as.numeric(ext_chunk),
                                                                   res = er_opts$rastres,
                                                                   crs = sp::proj4string(in_band))

                                        # Note: here out_data$cell - start_cell makes so that the first cell of the chunk
                                        # ends up in position 1 in the temporary velox (otherwise, out_data$cell is > than
                                        # the number of cells in tempvelox, after the first chunk)

                                        coords   <- temp_velox$getCoordinates()[(out_data$cell - start_cell),]

                                        # add coordinates to the data table and remove the "cell" column
                                        out_data <- out_data[,c("cell", "x_coord", "y_coord") :=
                                                               list(NULL, coords[,1], coords[,2])]

                                      } else {
                                        out_data <- out_data[, cell := NULL]

                                      all_data[[chunk_n_all]] <- out_data
                                      chunk_n_all             <- chunk_n_all + 1

                                    if (er_opts$summ_data) {
                                      #   ____________________________________________________________________________
                                      #   verify if currently in out_data we have all the data corresponding   ####
                                      #   to any of the polygons. In that case, compute the summary statistics
                                      #   for those polygons, and remove their data from "out_data" if full_data = FALSE)

                                      # get the extent of the area analysed so far on the basis of the coordinates of the
                                      # last row "loaded"

                                      tot_ext_y      <- data.frame(y_min = (raster::yFromRow(in_band, endrow) - er_opts$rastres[1]/2),
                                                                   y_max = (raster::yFromRow(in_band, 1) + er_opts$rastres[1]/2))
                                      temp_outdata   <- data.table::rbindlist(list(temp_outdata,out_data))

                                      if (n_chunks > 1) {
                                        complete_polys <- bboxes[min_y >= tot_ext_y$y_min]
                                      } else {
                                        complete_polys <- bboxes
                                      #   ____________________________________________________________________________
                                      #   If we have all data for any polygon, compute the summary statistics for ####
                                      #   those, and remove them from "temp_outdata", then put temp_outdata in out_data
                                      if (length(complete_polys$mdxtnq) != 0) {

                                        data_for_summary  <- subset(temp_outdata, mdxtnq %in% unique(complete_polys$mdxtnq)) %>%
                                        stat_data[[chunk_n_summ]] <- summarize_data(data_for_summary,

                                        temp_outdata  <- temp_outdata[!(mdxtnq %in% unique(complete_polys$mdxtnq))]
                                        chunk_n_summ  <- chunk_n_summ + 1

                                  start_cell  <- end_cell + 1  # Increment start_cell to get the start of the next chunk

                                } # end cycle on chunks

                                #   ____________________________________________________________________________
                                #   bind data from all chunks in `all_data`  and 'stat_data'                ####
                                if (er_opts$full_data) {

                                  all_data <- data.table::rbindlist(all_data) %>%


                                if (er_opts$summ_data) {
                                  stat_data <- data.table::rbindlist(stat_data) %>%


                                #   ____________________________________________________________________________
                                #   extract data for er_opts$small polygons if requested and necessary              ####

                                if (er_opts$small & length(unique(stat_data$mdxtnq) != length(unique(in_vect_crop$mdxtnq)))) {

                                  miss_feat <- setdiff(unique(in_vect_crop$mdxtnq), unique(stat_data$mdxtnq))
                                  for (mfeat in miss_feat) {

                                    poly_miss       <- in_vect_crop %>%
                                      dplyr::filter(mdxtnq == mfeat) %>%
                                      sf::st_as_sf() %>%
                                    data_feat       <- raster::extract(in_rast[[band]], poly_miss, small = TRUE,
                                                                       method = "simple", df = TRUE, cellnumbers = TRUE)
                                    cell            <- data_feat[,2]
                                    miss_feat_data  <- data.table::data.table(value = data_feat[,3],
                                                                              cell =  cell,
                                                                              mdxtnq = mfeat)
                                    if (er_opts$addgeom) {
                                      coords <- raster::xyFromCell(in_band, cell)
                                      miss_feat_data <- miss_feat_data[,c("cell", "x_coord", "y_coord") :=
                                                                         list(NULL, coords[,1], coords[,2])]
                                    } else {
                                      miss_feat_data <- miss_feat_data[,cell := NULL]
                                    if (er_opts$full_data) {
                                      all_data        <- rbind(all_data, miss_feat_data)
                                    # compute the summary statistics for the current "er_opts$small feature"
                                    if (er_opts$summ_data) {

                                      miss_feat_stats <- summarize_data(miss_feat_data,
                                      stat_data       <- rbind(stat_data, miss_feat_stats)

                                # ____________________________________________________________________________
                                # if er_opts$full_data required, add some additional columns to all_data  ####

                                if (er_opts$full_data) {

                                  # this computes number of pixels per polygon and gives a sequential number
                                  # to each pixel in the polygon (https://goo.gl/c83Pfd)

                                  all_data <- all_data[, c("band_n", "date", "N_PIX", "N") :=
                                                         list(band, seldates[band], .N, seq_len(.N)), by = mdxtnq]

                                ##  ............................................................................
                                ##  update progressbar                                                      ####
                                if (er_opts$verbose) {
                                  utils::setTxtProgressBar(pb, band)

                                #   ____________________________________________________________________________
                                #   return data processed by the "worker" (a.k.a. the "band" results)       ####

                                out <- list(alldata = all_data, stats = stat_data)

                              } # End Foreach cycle on bands


  if (er_opts$verbose) message("extract_rast --> Data extraction completed. Building outputs")

  # ___________________________________________________________________________________
  # End of data loading from in_rast. Now in all_data/stat_data we have all values  ####
  # needed to build the output

  # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  # if er_opts$keep_null selected and "outside features" found, replace
  # in_vect_crop  with in_vect, so that later joins "include" the missing
  # features

  if (er_opts$keep_null & !is.null(outside_feat)) {
    in_vect_crop <- in_vect

  #   ____________________________________________________________________________
  #   Reshuffle output to build the stats output list                       ####

  if (er_opts$summ_data) {

    # "bind" the different bands
    stat_data <- data.table::rbindlist(do.call(c,lapply(results, "[", 2))) %>%

    # if er_opts$addfeat, merge the extracted data with the shapefile features
    if (er_opts$addfeat) {
      stat_data <- stat_data[{
        data.table::as.data.table(in_vect_crop) %>%
    } else {
      if (!is.null(er_opts$id_field)) {

        stat_data <- stat_data[{
          data.table::as.data.table(in_vect_crop[,c(eval(er_opts$id_field), "mdxtnq")]) %>%

    # define the order of the output columns

    if (!is.null(er_opts$FUN)) {
      keep_cols <- c("mdxtnq", "band_n", "date",
                     "N_PIX", "myfun",
    } else {

      if (!er_opts$comp_quant) {
        keep_cols <- c("mdxtnq", "band_n", "date",
                       "N_PIX", "avg", "med", "sd", "min", "max",
      } else {
        keep_cols <- c("mdxtnq", "band_n", "date",
                       "N_PIX", "avg", "med", "sd", "min", "max",
                       "q01", "q05","q15", "q25", "q35", "q45", "q55", "q65", "q75", "q85", "q95", "q99",

    if (!er_opts$addfeat) {
      if (is.null(er_opts$id_field)) {
        keep_cols <- keep_cols[which(!keep_cols %in% names_shp)]
      } else {
        keep_cols <- keep_cols[which((!keep_cols %in% names_shp) & (keep_cols != er_opts$id_field))]

    if (!er_opts$addgeom) {

      keep_cols <- keep_cols[-length(keep_cols)]
      stat_data <- stat_data[, geometry := NULL]

    if (!is.null(er_opts$id_field)) {
      stat_data <- stat_data[, mdxtnq := NULL]
      keep_cols <- keep_cols[which(keep_cols != er_opts$id_field)]
      keep_cols[1] <- eval(er_opts$id_field)

    # build the final output and convert to tibble
    stat_data <- data.table::setcolorder(stat_data, keep_cols) %>%

    if (is.null(er_opts$id_field)) names(stat_data)[1] = "id_feat"

    # If er_opts$addgeom, convert to a sf object
    if (er_opts$addgeom) {
      stat_data <- sf::st_as_sf(stat_data)

  #   ____________________________________________________________________________
  #   Reshuffle output to build the alldata list (includes adding the "point"
  #   coordinates and transforming to a `sf` object                           ####

  if (er_opts$full_data) {

    # "bind" the different bands
    all_data <- data.table::rbindlist(do.call(c,lapply(results, "[", 1))) %>%
    sf::st_geometry(in_vect_crop) <- NULL

    # if er_opts$addfeat, merge the extracted data with the shapefile features
    if (er_opts$addfeat) {
      all_data <- merge(all_data, in_vect_crop, by = "mdxtnq", all.y = TRUE)
    } else {
      if (!is.null(er_opts$id_field)) {

        all_data <- all_data[{
          data.table::as.data.table(in_vect_crop[,c(eval(er_opts$id_field), "mdxtnq")]) %>%

    # define the order of the output columns
    keep_cols <- c("mdxtnq", "band_n", "date", "N_PIX", "N",
                   "x_coord", "y_coord")
    if (!er_opts$addfeat) {
      if (is.null(er_opts$id_field)) {
        keep_cols <- keep_cols[which(!keep_cols %in% names_shp)]
      } else {
        keep_cols <- keep_cols[which((!keep_cols %in% names_shp) & (keep_cols != er_opts$id_field))]

    if (!er_opts$addgeom) keep_cols <- keep_cols[which(!keep_cols %in% c("x_coord", "y_coord"))]
    if (!is.null(er_opts$id_field)) {
      keep_cols    <- keep_cols[which(keep_cols != er_opts$id_field)]
      keep_cols[1] <- eval(er_opts$id_field)

    # build the final output and convert to tibble
    all_data  <- all_data[ , .SD, .SDcols = keep_cols] %>%

    # If er_opts$addgeom, convert to a sf object
    if (er_opts$addgeom) {
      all_data  <- sf::st_as_sf(all_data, coords = c("x_coord", "y_coord"), na.fail = FALSE) %>%

  #   ____________________________________________________________________________
  #   Final cleanup                                                           ####

  # if dates were not passed, then change the name of column 3 to "band_name"
  if (!date_check) {
    if (er_opts$summ_data) names(stat_data)[3] <- "band_name"
    if (er_opts$full_data) names(all_data)[3]  <- "band_name"

  if (!er_opts$full_data) all_data  <- NULL
  if (!er_opts$summ_data) stat_data <- NULL

  # create the final output list
  ts_out <- list(stats = stat_data, alldata = all_data)


IREA-CNR-MI/sprawl documentation built on May 27, 2019, 1:12 p.m.