
Defines functions Condense.EPL Exon.Filter Create.Null.Table AA.df.cs AA.df.check AAtable.builder AlignmentFilter

#' Alignment Filter
#' Filter Protein Exon Alignment File for Specific Alleles.
#' @param Align Protein Alignment Object.
#' @param Alleles to be pulled.
#' @param Locus Locus to be filtered against.
#' @note This function is for internal BIGDAWG use only.
AlignmentFilter <- function(Align, Alleles, Locus) {

  getCols <- c(match(c("Trimmed","Unknowns","NullPositions"),
  getRows <-  Align[,"Trimmed"] %in% Alleles
  Align.sub <- Align[getRows,getCols]
  Align.sub <- unique(Align.sub)

  if(!is.null(nrow(Align.sub))) {

    Alleles.S <- names(which(table(Align.sub[,'Trimmed'])==1))
    Alleles.M <- names(which(table(Align.sub[,'Trimmed'])>1))

    # Removing Duplicates at 2-Field Level
    if( length(Alleles.M > 0 ) ) {

      Align.tmp <- list()
      for( m in 1:length(Alleles.M) ) {

        Allele <- Alleles.M[m]
        Alignsub.Grp <- Align.sub[which(Align.sub[,"Trimmed"]==Allele),]

        Unknowns.Grp <- which(Alignsub.Grp[,'Unknowns']==min(Alignsub.Grp[,'Unknowns']))
        if(length(Unknowns.Grp)>1) { Unknowns.Grp <- Unknowns.Grp[1] }
        Align.tmp[[Allele]] <- Alignsub.Grp[Unknowns.Grp,]

      Align.tmp <- do.call(rbind,Align.tmp)

      if( length(Alleles.S) > 0 ) {
        AlignMatrix <- rbind(Align.tmp, Align.sub[which(Align.sub[,'Trimmed'] %in% Alleles.S==T),,drop=F])
      } else {
        AlignMatrix <- Align.tmp

    } else {

      AlignMatrix <- Align.sub


    AlignMatrix <- cbind(rep(Locus,nrow(AlignMatrix)),AlignMatrix)
    rownames(AlignMatrix) <- NULL
    colnames(AlignMatrix)[1] <- "Locus"
    colnames(AlignMatrix)[which(colnames(AlignMatrix)=="Trimmed")] <- "Allele.2D"
    AlignMatrix <- AlignMatrix[ order(AlignMatrix[,'Allele.2D']), ]

  } else {

    AlignMatrix <- cbind(rep(Locus,nrow(Align.sub)),Align.sub)
    rownames(AlignMatrix) <- NULL
    colnames(AlignMatrix)[1] <- "Locus"
    colnames(AlignMatrix)[which(colnames(AlignMatrix)=="Trimmed")] <- "Allele.2D"
    AlignMatrix <- AlignMatrix[ order(AlignMatrix[,'Allele.2D']), ]



#' Amino Acid Contingency Table Build
#' Build Contingency Tables for Amino Acid Analysis.
#' @param x Filtered alignmnet list element.
#' @param y Phenotype groupings.
#' @note This function is for internal BIGDAWG use only.
AAtable.builder <- function(x,y) {
  #x = list element for filtered alignment (TabAA.list)
  #y = HLA_grp (case vs control)

  # Create count Grp 0 v Grp 1 (Control v Case)
  x[,2] <- gsub(" ","Null",x[,2])
  x[,2] <- gsub("\\*","Unknown",x[,2])
  x[,2] <- gsub("\\.","InDel",x[,2])

  Residues <- unique(x[,2])
  AminoAcid.df <- mat.or.vec(nr=length(Residues),2)
  colnames(AminoAcid.df) <- c("Group.0", "Group.1")
  rownames(AminoAcid.df) <- Residues

  y[,2:3] <- apply(y[,2:3],MARGIN=c(1,2),GetField,Res=2)

  # Grp 0 (Control)
  Grp0 <- y[which(y[,'grp']==0),]
  Grp0cnt <- table(c(x[match(Grp0[,2],x[,1]),2],
  PutRange <- match(rownames(AminoAcid.df),names(Grp0cnt))
  AminoAcid.df[,'Group.0'] <- Grp0cnt[PutRange]

  # Grp 1 (Case)
  Grp1 <- y[which(y[,'grp']==1),]
  Grp1cnt <- table(c(x[match(Grp1[,2],x[,1]),2],
  PutRange <- match(rownames(AminoAcid.df),names(Grp1cnt))
  AminoAcid.df[,'Group.1'] <- Grp1cnt[PutRange]

  AminoAcid.df[is.na(AminoAcid.df)] <- 0

  # drop unknowns
  rmRow <- which(row.names(AminoAcid.df)=="Unknown")
  if( length(rmRow) > 0 ) { AminoAcid.df <- AminoAcid.df[-rmRow,,drop=F] }



#' Contingency Table Check
#' Checks amino acid contingency table data frame to ensure required variation exists.
#' @param x contingency table.
#' @param Strict.Bin Logical specify if strict rare cell binning should be used in ChiSq test.
#' @note This function is for internal BIGDAWG use only.
AA.df.check <- function(x,Strict.Bin) {
  # Returns true if insufficient variations exists
  # RunChiSq Flag is true is sufficient variant exists

  if( nrow(x)<2 ) {
  } else if (Strict.Bin) {
  } else {


#' Contingency Table Amino Acid ChiSq Testing
#' Runs ChiSq test on amino acid contingency table data frames.
#' @param x contingency table.
#' @param Strict.Bin Logical specify if strict rare cell binning should be used in ChiSq test.
#' @note This function is for internal BIGDAWG use only.
AA.df.cs <- function(x,Strict.Bin) {
  # RunChiSq on data frame

  if( nrow(x) < 2 ) {

    tmp.chisq <- data.frame(rbind(rep("NCalc",4)))
    colnames(tmp.chisq) <- c("X.square", "df", "p.value", "sig")
    row.names(tmp.chisq) <- "X-squared"
    chisq.out <- list(Matrix = x,
                      Binned = NA,
                      Test = tmp.chisq,
                      Flag = FALSE)

    return( chisq.out )

  } else if (Strict.Bin) {

    return( RunChiSq(x) )

  } else {

    return( RunChiSq_c(x) )



#' Create Empty Table
#' Creates matrix of NA for no result tables.
#' @param Locus Locus being analyzed.
#' @param Names Column names for final matrix.
#' @param nr Number of rows.
#' @note This function is for internal BIGDAWG use only.
Create.Null.Table <- function(Locus,Names,nr) {
  nc <- length(Names)
  Data <- c( Locus,rep(NA,nc-1) )
  tmp <- matrix(Data,nrow=nr,ncol=nc)
  colnames(tmp) <- Names
  rownames(tmp) <- NULL

#' Filter Exon Specific Alignment Sections
#' Filters the ExonPtnAlign object by locus and exon.
#' @param Locus Locus being analyzed.
#' @param Exon Exon being analyzed.
#' @param EPL.Locus ExonPtnAlign object filtered by Locus
#' @param RefExons Reference Exon Table
#' @param E.Ptn.Starts Exon Protein Overlay Map
#' @note This function is for internal BIGDAWG use only.
Exon.Filter <- function(Locus,Exon,EPL.Locus,RefExons,E.Ptn.Starts) {

  # Get Reference Protoen Start
  Ref.Start <- as.numeric(RefExons[RefExons[,'Locus']==Locus,'Reference.Start'])

  # Define 5'/3' Boundary Positions
  E.Start <- as.numeric(E.Ptn.Starts[which(E.Ptn.Starts[,'Exon']==Exon),'Start'])
  E.Stop <- as.numeric(E.Ptn.Starts[which(E.Ptn.Starts[,'Exon']==Exon),'Stop'])
  E.Length <- E.Stop - E.Start + 1

  # Ensure Number Shift Due to lack of Position 0
  if( E.Start >= abs(Ref.Start) ) {
    E.Start.Pos <- E.Start + Ref.Start
  } else {
    E.Start.Pos <- E.Start + Ref.Start - 1

  E.Stop.Pos <- E.Start.Pos + E.Length - 1
  if( E.Start.Pos < 0 && E.Stop.Pos > 0 )  { E.Stop.Pos <- E.Start.Pos + E.Length }

  # Find Exon 5' Boundary Position in ExonPtnAlign Object
  E.Start.Pos <- paste0("Pos.",E.Start.Pos)
  getStart <- match(E.Start.Pos,colnames(EPL.Locus))

  # Find Exon 3' Boundary Position
  E.Stop.Pos <- paste0("Pos.",E.Stop.Pos)
  getStop <- match(E.Stop.Pos,colnames(EPL.Locus))
  testStop <- grep(paste0(E.Stop.Pos,"."),colnames(EPL.Locus),fixed=TRUE)
  if( length(testStop)>0 ) { getStop <- max(testStop) }

  # Define Amino Acid Range to Carve Out
  getOverlap <- seq(getStart,getStop)

  # Restructure Final ExnPtnAlign Object
  getEndCol <- seq(ncol(EPL.Locus)-3,ncol(EPL.Locus))
  EPL.Locus.Exon <- EPL.Locus[,c(1:4,getOverlap,getEndCol),drop=F]



#' Condensing Exon Specific Alignments to Single Dataframe
#' Combines multiple Exon Specific Alignments into a single Alignment object
#' @param EPL.Exon Exon-Locus Specific Amino Acid Alignment.
#' @note This function is for internal BIGDAWG use only.
Condense.EPL <- function(EPL.Exon) {

  df.1 <- EPL.Exon[[1]][,1:4]
  getCol <- ncol(EPL.Exon[[1]])
  df.2 <- EPL.Exon[[1]][,seq(getCol-3,getCol)]

  df <- list()
  for( i in 1:length(EPL.Exon) ) {

    totalCol <- ncol(EPL.Exon[[i]]) - 4
    df[[i]] <- EPL.Exon[[i]][,5:totalCol,drop=F]

  df <- do.call(cbind,df)
  df.out <- cbind(df.1,df,df.2)


IgDAWG/BIGDAWG documentation built on Sept. 15, 2023, 5:51 p.m.