
Defines functions cast_rastro_obs.rastro_flux.rastro_mag cast_rastro_obs.rastro_mag.rastro_flux cast_rastro_obs.rastro_flux.default cast_rastro_obs.rastro_mag.default cast_rastro_obs.rastro_flux cast_rastro_obs.rastro_mag cast_rastro_obs.default cast_rastro_obs `%.%` vec_math.rastro_obs vec_arith.rastro_obs.rastro_obs vec_arith.numeric.rastro_obs vec_arith.rastro_obs.numeric vec_arith.rastro_obs.MISSING vec_arith.rastro_obs.default vec_arith.rastro_obs `%==%.rastro_obs.rastro_obs` `%==%.rastro_obs.default` `%==%.rastro_obs` vec_proxy_compare.rastro_obs vec_proxy.rastro_obs vec_restore.rastro_obs as_obs as_tibble.rastro_obs as.data.frame.rastro_obs vec_cast.rastro_obs.tbl_df vec_cast.rastro_obs.data.frame vec_cast.tbl_df.rastro_obs vec_cast.data.frame.rastro_obs vec_cast.rastro_obs.integer vec_cast.rastro_obs.double vec_cast.rastro_obs.double vec_cast.rastro_obs.rastro_obs vec_cast.rastro_obs.default vec_cast.rastro_obs is_obs vec_ptype2.tbl_df.rastro_obs vec_ptype2.data.frame.rastro_obs vec_ptype2.rastro_obs.tbl_df vec_ptype2.rastro_obs.data.frame vec_ptype2.double.rastro_obs vec_ptype2.integer.rastro_obs vec_ptype2.rastro_obs.integer vec_ptype2.rastro_obs.double vec_ptype2.rastro_obs.rastro_obs vec_ptype2.rastro_obs.default vec_ptype2.rastro_obs vec_ptype_full.rastro_obs vec_ptype_abbr.rastro_obs get_err.rastro_obs get_err.default get_err get_obs.rastro_obs get_obs.default get_obs common_frmt format.rastro_obs na_obs new_obs

Documented in as.data.frame.rastro_obs as_obs as_tibble.rastro_obs format.rastro_obs get_err get_err.default get_err.rastro_obs get_obs get_obs.default get_obs.rastro_obs is_obs na_obs new_obs vec_arith.numeric.rastro_obs vec_arith.rastro_obs vec_arith.rastro_obs.default vec_arith.rastro_obs.MISSING vec_arith.rastro_obs.numeric vec_arith.rastro_obs.rastro_obs vec_cast.data.frame.rastro_obs vec_cast.rastro_obs vec_cast.rastro_obs.data.frame vec_cast.rastro_obs.default vec_cast.rastro_obs.double vec_cast.rastro_obs.integer vec_cast.rastro_obs.rastro_obs vec_cast.rastro_obs.tbl_df vec_cast.tbl_df.rastro_obs vec_math.rastro_obs vec_proxy_compare.rastro_obs vec_proxy.rastro_obs vec_ptype2.data.frame.rastro_obs vec_ptype2.double.rastro_obs vec_ptype2.integer.rastro_obs vec_ptype2.rastro_obs vec_ptype2.rastro_obs.data.frame vec_ptype2.rastro_obs.default vec_ptype2.rastro_obs.double vec_ptype2.rastro_obs.integer vec_ptype2.rastro_obs.rastro_obs vec_ptype2.rastro_obs.tbl_df vec_ptype2.tbl_df.rastro_obs vec_ptype_abbr.rastro_obs vec_ptype_full.rastro_obs vec_restore.rastro_obs

#' @title Observation
#' @rdname rastro_obs
#' @param obs Observations.
#' @param err,p_err,n_err Symmetrical (\code{err}) or a pair of positive (\code{p_err}) and
#' negative (\code{n_err}) errors.
#' @param item_frmt A desired format string to control the output.
#' @param x,y \code{vec_ptype2*} arguments.
#' @param to \code{vec_cast} argument.
#' @param x_arg,y_arg \code{vec_ptype2*} and \code{vec_cast*} error message variable names.
#' @param op Arithmetic functions/operators.
#' @param .x \code{vec_arith*} argument.
#' @param format,na_string,format_eq,format_each \code{glue} flromat strings (support interpolation).
#' @param item_ptype Ptype of the contained data.
#' @param ... Additional parameters.
#' @param two_sided Controls if both errors should be present in the converted \code{data.frame}/\code{tibble}.
#' @param .fn Mathematical function.
#' @export
new_obs <- function(
    err = missing_arg(),
    n_err = missing_arg(),
    p_err = missing_arg(),
    item_frmt = NA_character_) {

    ptype <- vec_ptype(obs)
    if (is_missing(n_err) || is_missing(p_err)) {
        if (is_missing(err))
            err <- vec_cast(0, ptype)

        vec_recycle_common(!!!vec_cast_common(obs, err)) %->% c(obs, err)
        n_err <- err
        p_err <- err
    else {
        if (is_missing(err))
            err <- vec_cast(0, ptype)
        vec_recycle_common(!!!vec_cast_common(obs, n_err, p_err)) %->% c(obs, n_err, p_err)

    item_frmt <- vec_assert(vec_cast(item_frmt, character()), size = 1L)

    item_ptype <- vec_item_ptype(obs)

    if (!vec_is(item_ptype, ptype)) {
        na_val <- vec_init(ptype, 1L)
        na_val[[1]] <- vec_cast(NA, item_ptype)
        na_val <- vec_cast(NA, item_ptype)

    nas <- is.na(obs)
    vec_slice(n_err, nas) <- na_val
    vec_slice(p_err, nas) <- na_val

    if (!vec_is_empty(obs))
        assert(((n_err[!nas] >= vec_cast(0, item_ptype)) %===% TRUE) && ((p_err[!nas] >= vec_cast(0, item_ptype)) %===% TRUE),
            msg = "Errors should be strictly non-negative.",
            subclass = "rastro_error")

    new_rcrd(list(obs = obs, n_err = n_err, p_err = p_err),
             item_frmt = item_frmt,
             item_ptype = item_ptype,
             class = "rastro_obs")

#' @rdname rastro_obs
#' @export
na_obs <- function(item_ptype) new_obs(vec_init(item_ptype, 1L))

#' @rdname rastro_obs
#' @export
format.rastro_obs <- function(
        format = "{obs} (- {n_err}; + {p_err})",
        format_eq = "{obs} \U00B1 {err}",
        format_each = NULL,
        na_string = "NA_rastro_obs",
        ...) {

    obs <- field(x, "obs")
    n_err <- field(x, "n_err")
    p_err <- field(x, "p_err")
    err <- (n_err + p_err) / 2

    format_each <- (x %@% "item_frmt") %|% "{format(item)}"

    nas <- is.na(obs)
    eq <- vec_as_location(p_err %==% n_err, vec_size(obs))

    item <- obs
    obs <- glue_fmt_chr(format_each)

    item <- n_err
    n_err <- glue_fmt_chr(format_each)

    item <- p_err
    p_err <- glue_fmt_chr(format_each)

    item <- err
    err <- glue_fmt_chr(format_each)

    result <- glue_fmt_chr(format)
    result[eq] <- glue_fmt_chr(format_eq)[eq]

    result[nas] <- na_string


common_frmt <- function(x_frmt, y_frmt) {

    x_frmt <- vec_cast(x_frmt, character())
    y_frmt <- vec_cast(y_frmt, character())
    if (x_frmt %===% y_frmt)
        frmt <- x_frmt
    else if (is_na(x_frmt) && is_na(y_frmt))
        frmt <- NA_character_
        frmt <- x_frmt %|% y_frmt


#' @rdname rastro_obs
#' @export
get_obs <- function(x, ...) UseMethod("get_obs")
#' @rdname rastro_obs
#' @export
get_obs.default <- function(x, ...)
    abort(glue_fmt_chr("`get_obs` is not supported for the type <{vec_ptype_full(x)}>"),
          vec_c("rastro_invalid_arg", "rastro_error"))
#' @rdname rastro_obs
#' @export
get_obs.rastro_obs <- function(x, ...) field(x, "obs")

#' @rdname rastro_obs
#' @export
get_err <- function(x, ...) UseMethod("get_err")
#' @rdname rastro_obs
#' @export
get_err.default <- function(x, ...)
    abort(glue_fmt_chr("`get_err` is not supported for the type <{vec_ptype_full(x)}>"),
          vec_c("rastro_invalid_arg", "rastro_error"))
#' @rdname rastro_obs
#' @export
get_err.rastro_obs <- function(x, ...) 0.5 * (field(x, "n_err") + field(x, "p_err"))

#' @rdname rastro_obs
#' @export
vec_ptype_abbr.rastro_obs <- function(x, ...) glue_fmt_chr("obs<{vec_ptype_abbr(x %@% 'item_ptype')}>")
#' @rdname rastro_obs
#' @export
vec_ptype_full.rastro_obs <- function(x, ...) glue_fmt_chr("rastro_obs<{vec_ptype_full(x %@% 'item_ptype')}>")

#' @rdname rastro_obs
#' @export
vec_ptype2.rastro_obs <- function(x, y, ...) UseMethod("vec_ptype2.rastro_obs", y)
#' @rdname rastro_obs
#' @method vec_ptype2.rastro_obs default
#' @export
vec_ptype2.rastro_obs.default <- function(x, y, ..., x_arg = "x", y_arg = "y")
        vec_default_ptype2(x, y, x_arg = x_arg, y_arg = y_arg)
#' @rdname rastro_obs
#' @method vec_ptype2.rastro_obs rastro_obs
#' @export
vec_ptype2.rastro_obs.rastro_obs <- function(x, y, ...) {
    vec_ptype2(x %@% "item_ptype", y %@% "item_ptype") -> ptype

    frmt <- common_frmt(x %@% "item_frmt", y %@% "item_frmt")

    new_obs(vec_init(ptype, 0L), item_frmt = frmt)
#' @rdname rastro_obs
#' @method vec_ptype2.rastro_obs double
#' @export
vec_ptype2.rastro_obs.double <- function(x, y, ...) new_obs(double())
#' @rdname rastro_obs
#' @method vec_ptype2.rastro_obs integer
#' @export
vec_ptype2.rastro_obs.integer <- function(x, y, ...) new_obs(integer())
#' @rdname rastro_obs
#' @method vec_ptype2.integer rastro_obs
#' @export
vec_ptype2.integer.rastro_obs <- function(x, y, ...) new_obs(integer())
#' @rdname rastro_obs
#' @method vec_ptype2.double rastro_obs
#' @export
vec_ptype2.double.rastro_obs <- function(x, y, ...) new_obs(double())
#' @rdname rastro_obs
#' @method vec_ptype2.rastro_obs data.frame
#' @export
vec_ptype2.rastro_obs.data.frame <- function(x, y, ...,  x_arg = "x", y_arg = "y") {
    filler <- vec_init(x %@% "item_ptype", 0L)

    df_ptype_1 <- vec_ptype(data.frame(obs = filler, err = filler))
    df_ptype_2 <- vec_ptype(data.frame(obs = filler, n_err = filler, p_err = filler))

    if (vec_is(y, df_ptype_1)) {
    else if (vec_is(y, df_ptype_2)) {

    stop_incompatible_type(x, y, x_arg = x_arg, y_arg = y_arg, ...)
#' @rdname rastro_obs
#' @method vec_ptype2.rastro_obs tbl_df
#' @export
vec_ptype2.rastro_obs.tbl_df <- function(x, y, ..., x_arg = "x", y_arg = "y") {
    filler <- vec_init(x %@% "item_ptype", 0L)

    df_ptype_1 <- vec_ptype(tibble(obs = filler, err = filler))
    df_ptype_2 <- vec_ptype(tibble(obs = filler, n_err = filler, p_err = filler))
    if (vec_is(y, df_ptype_1)) {
    else if (vec_is(y, df_ptype_2)) {

    stop_incompatible_type(x, y, x_arg = x_arg, y_arg = y_arg, ...)

#' @rdname rastro_obs
#' @method vec_ptype2.data.frame rastro_obs
#' @export
vec_ptype2.data.frame.rastro_obs <- function(x, y, ..., x_arg = "x", y_arg = "y")
    vec_ptype2.rastro_obs.data.frame(y, x, ..., x_arg = y_arg, y_arg = x_arg)

#' @rdname rastro_obs
#' @method vec_ptype2.tbl_df rastro_obs
#' @export
vec_ptype2.tbl_df.rastro_obs <- function(x, y, ..., x_arg = "x", y_arg = "y")
    vec_ptype2.rastro_obs.tbl_df(y, x, ..., x_arg = y_arg, y_arg = x_arg)

#' @rdname rastro_obs
#' @export
is_obs <- function(x, item_ptype)
    vec_is(x, new_obs(vec_init(item_ptype, 0L)))

#' @rdname rastro_obs
#' @export
vec_cast.rastro_obs <- function(x, to, ...) UseMethod("vec_cast.rastro_obs")
#' @rdname rastro_obs
#' @method vec_cast.rastro_obs default
#' @export
vec_cast.rastro_obs.default <- function(x, to, ...) vec_default_cast(x, to)
#' @rdname rastro_obs
#' @method vec_cast.rastro_obs rastro_obs
#' @export
vec_cast.rastro_obs.rastro_obs <- function(x, to, ...) {
    vec_cast(x %@% "item_ptype", to %@% "item_ptype") -> ptype

    proxy <- vec_proxy(x)
    cast_rastro_obs(proxy$obs, ptype, proxy$p_err, proxy$n_err)

#' @rdname rastro_obs
#' @method vec_cast.rastro_obs double
#' @export
vec_cast.rastro_obs.double <- function(x, to, ...) {
    item_ptype <- to %@% "item_ptype"
        vec_cast(x, item_ptype),
        n_err = vec_cast(0, ptype),
        p_err = vec_cast(0, ptype),
        item_frmt = to %@% "item_frmt")

#' @rdname rastro_obs
#' @method vec_cast.rastro_obs double
#' @export
vec_cast.rastro_obs.double <- function(x, to, ...) {
    x <- vec_cast(x, vec_ptype(to %@% "item_ptype"))

    new_obs(x, item_frmt = to %@% "item_frmt")

#' @rdname rastro_obs
#' @method vec_cast.rastro_obs integer
#' @export
vec_cast.rastro_obs.integer <- function(x, to, ...) {
    x <- vec_cast(x, vec_ptype(to %@% "item_ptype"))

    new_obs(x, item_frmt = to %@% "item_frmt")

#' @rdname rastro_obs
#' @method vec_cast.data.frame rastro_obs
#' @export
vec_cast.data.frame.rastro_obs <- function(x, to, ...) {
    item_ptype <- x %@% "item_ptype"
    if (all(names(to) %vin% cc("obs", "err"))) {
        proxy <- vec_proxy(x)
                    obs = proxy$obs,
                    err = vec_cast(0.5 * (proxy$n_err + proxy$p_err), item_ptype)),
    else if (all(names(to) %vin% cc("obs", "n_err", "p_err"))) {
        proxy <- vec_proxy(x)
        return(vec_cast(as.data.frame(proxy), to))
    stop_incompatible_cast(x, to)

#' @rdname rastro_obs
#' @method vec_cast.tbl_df rastro_obs
#' @export
vec_cast.tbl_df.rastro_obs <- function(x, to, ...) {
    item_ptype <- x %@% "item_ptype"
    if (all(names(to) %vin% cc("obs", "err"))) {
        proxy <- vec_proxy(x)
                    obs = proxy$obs,
                    err = vec_cast(0.5 * (proxy$n_err + proxy$p_err), item_ptype)),
    else if (all(names(to) %vin% cc("obs", "n_err", "p_err"))) {
        proxy <- vec_proxy(x)
        return(vec_cast(as_tibble(proxy), to))
    stop_incompatible_cast(x, to)

#' @rdname rastro_obs
#' @method vec_cast.rastro_obs data.frame
#' @export
vec_cast.rastro_obs.data.frame <- function(x, to, ...) {
    if (all(names(x) %vin% cc("obs", "err")))
        return(vec_cast(new_obs(x$obs, x$err), to))
    else if (all(names(x) %vin% cc("obs", "n_err", "p_err")))
        return(vec_cast(new_obs(x$obs, n_err = x$n_err, p_err = x$p_err), to))
    stop_incompatible_cast(x, to)

#' @rdname rastro_obs
#' @method vec_cast.rastro_obs tbl_df
#' @export
vec_cast.rastro_obs.tbl_df <- function(x, to, ...) {

    if (all(names(x) %vin% cc("obs", "err")))
        return(vec_cast(new_obs(x$obs, x$err), to))
    else if (all(names(x) %vin% cc("obs", "n_err", "p_err")))
        return(vec_cast(new_obs(x$obs, n_err = x$n_err, p_err = x$p_err), to))
    stop_incompatible_cast(x, to)

#' @rdname rastro_obs
#' @method as.data.frame rastro_obs
#' @export
as.data.frame.rastro_obs <- function(x, ..., two_sided = FALSE) {
    item_ptype <- x %@% "item_ptype"
    filler <- vec_init(item_ptype, 0L)

    if (two_sided)
        df <- data.frame(obs = filler, n_err = filler, p_err = filler)
        df <- data.frame(obs = filler, err = filler)

    vec_cast(x, df)

#' @rdname rastro_obs
#' @export
as_tibble.rastro_obs <- function(x, ..., two_sided = FALSE) {
    item_ptype <- x %@% "item_ptype"
    filler <- vec_init(item_ptype, 0L)

    if (two_sided)
        tbl <- tibble(obs = filler, n_err = filler, p_err = filler)
        tbl <- tibble(obs = filler, err = filler)

    vec_cast(x, tbl)

#' @rdname rastro_obs
#' @export
as_obs <- function(x) new_obs(x)

#' @rdname rastro_obs
#' @export
vec_restore.rastro_obs <- function(x, to, ...) {
    item_ptype <- to %@% "item_ptype"

    obs <- vec_restore(x$obs, item_ptype)
    n_err <- vec_restore(x$n_err, item_ptype)
    p_err <- vec_restore(x$p_err, item_ptype)
    new_obs(obs = obs, n_err = n_err, p_err = p_err, item_frmt = to %@% "item_frmt")

#' @rdname rastro_obs
#' @export
vec_proxy.rastro_obs <- function(x, ...) {
    obs <- vec_proxy(field(x, "obs"))
    n_err <- vec_proxy(field(x, "n_err"))
    p_err <- vec_proxy(field(x, "p_err"))
    vec_cbind(obs = obs, n_err = n_err, p_err = p_err)

#' @rdname rastro_obs
#' @export
vec_proxy_compare.rastro_obs <- function(x, ...) {
    vec_proxy_compare(field(x, "obs"))

#' @rdname rastro_obs
#' @export
`%==%.rastro_obs` <- function(x, y) UseMethod("%==%.rastro_obs", y)
#' @rdname rastro_obs
#' @method %==%.rastro_obs default
#' @export
`%==%.rastro_obs.default` <- function(x, y) vec_equal(x, y) %|% FALSE
#' @rdname rastro_obs
#' @method %==%.rastro_obs rastro_obs
#' @export
`%==%.rastro_obs.rastro_obs` <- function(x, y) {
    vec_recycle_common(x, y) %->% c(x, y)

    proxy_x <- vec_proxy_equal(x)
    proxy_y <- vec_proxy_equal(y)

    (proxy_x %==% proxy_y) %|% FALSE

#' @rdname rastro_obs
#' @export
vec_arith.rastro_obs <- function(op, x, y, ...) UseMethod("vec_arith.rastro_obs", y)
#' @rdname rastro_obs
#' @method vec_arith.rastro_obs default
#' @export
vec_arith.rastro_obs.default <- function(op, x, y, ...) stop_incompatible_op(op, x, y)
#' @rdname rastro_obs
#' @method vec_arith.rastro_obs MISSING
#' @export
vec_arith.rastro_obs.MISSING <- function(op, x, y, ...) {
    if (op %==% "-") {
        data <- vec_data(x)
            obs = -data$obs,
            n_err = data$p_err,
            p_err = data$n_err,
            item_frmt = x %@% "item_frmt"))
    } else if (op %==% "+")

    stop_incompatible_op(op, x, y)
#' @rdname rastro_obs
#' @method vec_arith.rastro_obs numeric
#' @export
vec_arith.rastro_obs.numeric <- function(op, x, y, ...) {
    vec_recycle_common(x, y) %->% c(x, y)
    data_x <- vec_data(x)
    item_ptype <- x %@% "item_ptype"

    if ((op %===% "*") || (op %===% "/"))
                obs = vec_arith(op, data_x$obs, y),
                n_err = vec_arith(op, data_x$n_err, y),
                p_err = vec_arith(op, data_x$p_err, y),
                item_frmt = x %@% "item_frmt"))

    y <- vec_cast(y, integer())

    if ((op %===% "^") && (y %===% 1L))
               data_x$obs ^ 1L,
               n_err = data_x$n_err / log(data_x$obs),
               p_err = data_x$p_err / log(data_x$obs),
               item_frmt = x %@% "item_frmt"))

    if ((op %===% "^") && ((y %% 1L) %===% 0)) {
        err_1 <- abs(y * data_x$n_err * data_x$obs ^ (y - 1L))
        err_2 <- abs(y * data_x$p_err * data_x$obs ^ (y - 1L))

        idx <- y < 0
        n_err <- err_1
        n_err[idx] <- err_2[idx]
        p_err <- err_2
        p_err[idx] <- err_1[idx]

               data_x$obs ^ y,
               n_err = n_err, # Switch sides if power is negative?
               p_err = p_err, #
               item_frmt = x %@% "item_frmt"))

    stop_incompatible_op(op, x, y)
#' @rdname rastro_obs
#' @method vec_arith.numeric rastro_obs
#' @export
vec_arith.numeric.rastro_obs <- function(op, x, y, ...) {
    vec_recycle_common(x, y) %->% c(x, y)
    data_y <- vec_data(y)
    item_ptype <- y %@% "item_ptype"

    if ((op %===% "*") || (op %===% "/"))
                obs = vec_arith(op, x, data_y$obs),
                n_err = vec_arith(op, x, data_y$n_err),
                p_err = vec_arith(op, x, data_y$p_err),
                item_frmt = y %@% "item_frmt"))

    stop_incompatible_op(op, x, y)
#' @rdname rastro_obs
#' @method vec_arith.rastro_obs rastro_obs
#' @export
vec_arith.rastro_obs.rastro_obs <- function(op, x, y, ...) {
    vec_recycle_common(x, y) %->% c(x, y)
    data_x <- vec_data(x)
    data_y <- vec_data(y)
    item_ptype <- x %@% "item_ptype"
        "+" = new_obs(
            data_x$obs + data_y$obs,
            n_err = sqrt(data_x$n_err * data_x$n_err + data_y$n_err * data_y$n_err),
            p_err = sqrt(data_x$p_err * data_x$p_err + data_y$p_err * data_y$p_err),
            item_frmt = common_frmt(x %@% "item_frmt", y %@% "item_frmt")),
        "-" = new_obs(
            data_x$obs - data_y$obs,
            n_err = sqrt(data_x$n_err * data_x$n_err + data_y$p_err * data_y$p_err),
            p_err = sqrt(data_x$p_err * data_x$p_err + data_y$n_err * data_y$n_err),
            item_frmt = common_frmt(x %@% "item_frmt", y %@% "item_frmt")),
        "*" = new_obs(
            data_x$obs * data_y$obs,
            n_err = sqrt(data_y$obs * data_y$obs * data_x$n_err * data_x$n_err +
                         data_x$obs * data_x$obs * data_y$n_err * data_y$n_err),
            p_err = sqrt(data_y$obs * data_y$obs * data_x$p_err * data_x$p_err +
                         data_x$obs * data_x$obs * data_y$p_err * data_y$p_err),
            item_frmt = common_frmt(x %@% "item_frmt", y %@% "item_frmt")),
        "/" = new_obs(
            data_x$obs / data_y$obs,
            n_err = abs(data_x$obs / data_y$obs) *
                    data_x$n_err * data_x$n_err / (data_y$obs * data_y$obs) +
                    data_y$p_err * data_y$p_err / (data_y$obs * data_y$obs)),
            p_err = abs(data_x$obs / data_y$obs) *
                    data_x$p_err * data_x$p_err / (data_y$obs * data_y$obs) +
                    data_y$n_err * data_y$n_err / (data_y$obs * data_y$obs)),
            item_frmt = common_frmt(x %@% "item_frmt", y %@% "item_frmt")),
        stop_incompatible_op(op, x, y))

#' @rdname rastro_obs
#' @export
vec_math.rastro_obs <- function(.fn, .x, ...) {
    data <- vec_data(.x)
        sqrt = {
            obs <- sqrt(data$obs)
                p_err = vec_cast(0.5 * data$p_err / obs, obs),
                n_err = vec_cast(0.5 * data$n_err / obs, obs))
        sign = vec_cast(sign(data$obs), integer()),
        abs = {
            idx <- data$obs < 0
            n_err <- data$n_err
            p_err <- data$p_err
            new_obs(abs(data$obs), n_err = n_err, p_err = p_err, item_frmt = .x %@% "item_frmt")
        mean = {
            w <- 1 / (0.5 * vec_cast((data$n_err + data$p_err), double())) ^ 2
            w_p <- 1 / data$p_err ^ 2
            w_n <- 1 / data$n_err ^ 2
            mn <- (w %.% data$obs) / sum(w)
            err_p <- (w_p %.% (data$obs - mn) ^ 2) * sum(w_p) / (sum(w_p) ^ 2 - sum(w_p ^ 2))
            err_n <- (w_n %.% (data$obs - mn) ^ 2) * sum(w_n) / (sum(w_n) ^ 2 - sum(w_n ^ 2))
            new_obs(mn, n_err = err_n, p_err = err_p)
        sin = new_obs(
            n_err = abs(cos(data$obs) * data$n_err),
            p_err = abs(cos(data$obs) * data$p_err)),
        cos = new_obs(
            n_err = abs(sin(data$obs) * data$p_err),
            p_err = abs(sin(data$obs) * data$n_err)),
            glue_fmt_chr("Function `{.fn}` is not supported by <{vec_ptype_full(.x)}>"),
            vec_c("rastro_math_unsupported", "rastro_error")))

`%.%` <- function(x, y) {
    r <- vec_recycle_common(!!!vec_cast_common(x = x, y = y))
    sum(r$x * r$y)

cast_rastro_obs <- function(x, to, p_err, n_err, ...)
    UseMethod("cast_rastro_obs", to)

cast_rastro_obs.default <- function(x, to, p_err, n_err, ...)
    new_obs(vec_cast(x, to), p_err = vec_cast(p_err, to), n_err = vec_cast(n_err, to))

cast_rastro_obs.rastro_mag <- function(x, to, p_err, n_err, ...)
    UseMethod("cast_rastro_obs.rastro_mag", x)

cast_rastro_obs.rastro_flux <- function(x, to, p_err, n_err, ...)
    UseMethod("cast_rastro_obs.rastro_flux", x)

cast_rastro_obs.rastro_mag.default <- function(x, to, p_err, n_err, ...)
    new_obs(vec_cast(x, to), p_err = vec_cast(p_err, to), n_err = vec_cast(n_err, to))

cast_rastro_obs.rastro_flux.default <- function(x, to, p_err, n_err, ...)
    new_obs(vec_cast(x, to), p_err = vec_cast(p_err, to), n_err = vec_cast(n_err, to))

cast_rastro_obs.rastro_mag.rastro_flux <- function(x, to, p_err, n_err, ...) {
        vec_cast(x, to),
        n_err = vec_cast(abs(-2.5 / log(10) * (p_err / x)), to),
        p_err = vec_cast(abs(-2.5 / log(10) * (n_err / x)), to))

cast_rastro_obs.rastro_flux.rastro_mag <- function(x, to, p_err, n_err, ...) {
        vec_cast(x, to),
        n_err = vec_cast(abs(vec_cast(x, to) * log(10) / 2.5 * vec_cast(p_err, double())), to),
        p_err = vec_cast(abs(vec_cast(x, to) * log(10) / 2.5 * vec_cast(n_err, double())), to))
Ilia-Kosenkov/rastro documentation built on May 12, 2020, 12:56 a.m.