
Defines functions do.clip

Documented in do.clip

#' do.clip - Clips data using a specified lower and upper value
#' This function allows you to clip data using specified lower and upper values. E.g. if the upper value is set to 1000, then any values above 1000 will be converted to 1000. No rows are lost, rather the values in those rows are converted.
#' @seealso \url{https://sydneycytometry.org.au/spectre} for usage instructions and vignettes.
#' @references \url{https://sydneycytometry.org.au/spectre}
#' @param dat NO DEFAULT. data.table Input sample.
#' @param use.cols NO DEFAULT. Columns to clip
#' @param min.value DEFAULT = NULL. Specify the value for which values below will be converted to. If set to NULL, no clipping will occur.
#' @param max.value DEFAULT = NULL. Specify the value for which values above will be converted to. If set to NULL, no clipping will occur.
#' @param append.name DEFAULT = '_clipped'. Text appended to new column names after clipping.
#' @return A data.table with new columns added, that contain the clipped data.
#' @import data.table
#' @export

do.clip <- function(dat,
                    min.value = NULL,
                    max.value = NULL,
                    append.name = '_clipped') {

  ### Packages
  ### Demo data
      # dat <- demo.asinh
      # use.cols <- names(demo.asinh)[c(11:19)]
      # min.value <- 1
      # max.value <- 3
      # append.name = '_clipped'
  ### Setup data
      value <- dat[,use.cols,with = FALSE]

  ### Numeric checks
      if(isFALSE(all(sapply(value, is.numeric)))){
          message("It appears that one column in your dataset is non numeric")
          print(sapply(value, is.numeric))
          stop("do.clip stopped")
  ### Lower clipping
        for(a in use.cols){
          # a <- use.cols[[1]]
          temp <- value[,a,with = FALSE]
          temp[temp[[a]] < min.value,] <- min.value
          value[,a] <- temp

  ### Upper clipping
        for(a in use.cols){
          # a <- use.cols[[1]]
          temp <- value[,a,with = FALSE]
          temp[temp[[a]] > max.value,] <- max.value
          value[,a] <- temp
  ### Wrap up
      names(value) <- paste0(names(value), append.name)
      dat <- cbind(dat, value)
ImmuneDynamics/Spectre documentation built on Nov. 12, 2023, 8:12 a.m.