
Defines functions geoRts

Documented in geoRts

#' @title Geo-reconstruction of Time Series
#' @description This function aproximate by interpolation the values of a time series (unknonw), based in the values of near (geographically) time series.
#' @param TS is a object of class "ts" (time series), with \code{ncol()>2}
#' @param positions.TS is a data frame that containing longitude (\code{lon}) and latitude (\code{lat}) asociated to time series in TS.
#' @param weights.TS is a data frame that containing weights (of influence) of time series in TS.
#' @param positions.RTS is a data frame that containing values of longitude (\code{lon}) and latitude (\code{lat}) of each time serie to be reconstructed. If \code{positions.RTS=NULL}, then \code{positions.RTS} is calculated as a grid of points into a square that contains all points of \code{positions.TS}.
#' @param weights.RTS is a data frame that containing weights (of influence) of time series in RTS.
#' @param ... Extra arguments passed to \code{rts_hull_grid} function
#' @param D is a distance (or disimilarity) matrix between Time Series. If positions.TS is defined and \code{D=NULL} then D is calculated as the euclidean distance matrix between positions (i.e.  between rows of \code{positions.TS}). If \code{positions.TS=NULL}, D must be defined, and then \code{positions.TS} is calculated (with not a geographical representation) using Multidimensional Scaling (MDS).
#' @return returns an object of class "ts", containing the reconstructed time series associate to positions.RTS
#' @import smacof
#' @export

geoRts = function(TS,positions.TS,weights.TS = NULL,positions.RTS=NULL,weights.RTS=NULL,D = NULL,...){
  n = dim(TS)[2]
    if(is.null(weights.TS )){
      weights.TS = rep(1,dim(positions.TS)[1])

        print("Error: the distance matrix D must be defined")
        # Multidimensional Scaling
        mds = smacof::smacofSym(D,ndim = 2)
        positions.TS = data.frame(mds$conf)
        names(positions.TS) = c("lon","lat")

      # Grid of reconstruction
      positions.RTS = rts_hull_grid(positions.TS,...)

    if(is.null(weights.RTS)) weights.RTS = rep(1,dim(positions.RTS)[1])

    positions = rbind(positions.TS,positions.RTS)
    weights = c(weights.TS,weights.RTS)

    # Gravity Flow Matrix
    N = dim(positions)[1]
    G = matrix(NA, nrow = N,ncol = n)
    A = G
    for (i in seq(N)) {
      for(j in seq(n)){
        d = sum((positions[i,]-positions.TS[j,])^2) # Distance
          G[i,j] = (weights[i]*weights[j])/d

    BoolG = is.na(G)
    for(j in 1:dim(G)[2]){
      G[BoolG[,j],-j] = 0
      G[BoolG[,j],j] = 1

    # Standarized Alfa coefficients
    for(i in 1:dim(A)[1]){
      A[i,] = G[i,]/sum(G[i,])

    As = A[(n+1):N,]

    # Reconstruction of Time Series
    RTS = TS%*%t(As)
    RTS = ts(RTS,start = start(TS),frequency = frequency(TS))
    colnames(RTS) = paste0("Serie",(n+1):N)
    print("Error: not enough time series for reconstruction, dim(TS)[2] must be at least 2")


InstitutoInvestigacionesEconomicasPUCE/geortsBeta documentation built on June 17, 2020, 7:06 a.m.