
Defines functions getProjectName getProjectScenarios getScenarioQueries

Documented in getProjectName getProjectScenarios getScenarioQueries

### Helper functions for the server side of the app.

### Conventions:
###    rFileinfo:  The reactive fileinfo structure returned by the file browser

tag.noscen <- '->No scenarios selected<-'     # placeholder when no scenario selected

#### State variables
last.region.filter <- NULL

#' Get the name of the project for display
#' Returns a place holder string if no project has been loaded yet.
#' @param rFileinfo Reactive fileinfo object returned by the file browser in the UI
#' @export
getProjectName <- function(rFileinfo)
    fn <- rFileinfo()$project.filename
    if(is.null(fn)) {
    } else {

#' Get the scenarios in the project for display
#' Returns a place holder string if no project has been loaded yet.
#' @param rFileinfo Reactive fileinfo object returned by file browser in the UI.
#' @param concat Separator string to use when concatenating scenario names.
#' @importFrom magrittr "%>%"
#' @export
getProjectScenarios <- function(rFileinfo, concat=NULL)
    pd <- rFileinfo()$project.data
    if(is.null(pd)) {
    } else {
        rgcam::listScenarios(rFileinfo()$project.data) %>% paste(collapse=concat)

#' Get the queries for a project and scenario(s) for display
#' @param rFileinfo Reactive fileinfo object returned by file browser in the UI.
#' @param scenarios List of scenarios.
#' @param concat Separator string for concatenating query names.
#' @importFrom magrittr "%>%"
#' @export
getScenarioQueries <- function(rFileinfo, scenarios, concat=NULL)
    prj <- rFileinfo()$project.data
    if(is.null(prj)) {
            ''                          # probably not intended for display
            '->none<-'                  # probably intended for display
    else if(length(scenarios) == 0 || all(scenarios=='')) {
            ''                          # probably not intended for display
            tag.noscen                  # probably intended for display
    else {
            lapply(scenarios, . %>% rgcam::listQueries(prj, .)) %>%
                Reduce(intersect,.) %>% sort %>%
            ## errors in the pipeline above are caused by selecting a new data
            ## set that doesn't contain the current scenario.  The problem will
            ## clear up once the scenario selector is repopulated.
            error = function(e) {
                if(is.null(concat)) '' else tag.noscen

#' Indicate whether the UI is in an obviously invalid state.
#' Invalid states frequently occur as transients when a new project is being
#' loaded and the UI elements are being updated.
#' @param prj Project data structure
#' @param scenario Scenario name
#' @param query Query name
#' @return Boolean indicating whether the UI state appears to be valid.
#' @export
uiStateValid <- function(prj, scenario, query)
    valid.values <- !(is.null(prj) || scenario == '' || query == '' ||
    if(valid.values) {
        prjscens <- listScenarios(prj)
        valid.scen <- all(scenario %in% prjscens)
    else {
        valid.scen <- FALSE

    ## This if block is the return value
    if(valid.scen) {
        scenqueries <- listQueries(prj, scenario)
        all(query %in% scenqueries)
    else {

#' Indicate whether a query is a gridded data set
#' @param prj Project data structure
#' @param scenario Name of the scenario
#' @param query Name of the query
#' @export
isGrid <- function(prj, scenario, query)
    colnames <- names(getQuery(prj, query, scenario))
    'lat' %in% colnames && 'lon' %in% colnames

#' Get the years for which a query is defined
#' @param prj Project data structure
#' @param scenario Name of the scenario
#' @param query Name of the query
#' @export
getQueryYears <- function(prj, scenario, query)
    if(!uiStateValid(prj, scenario, query)) {
        c(2005, 2100)
    else {
        range(getQuery(prj, query, scenario)["year"])

### Helpers for making plots

#' Plot a default panel
#' Mainly intended for use when no data has been loaded.
#' @param label.text Text to display in the middle of the panel
#' @importFrom ggplot2 ggplot geom_label theme_minimal aes aes_
#' @export
default.plot <- function(label.text='No data selected')
    ggplot(mapping=aes(x=0,y=0)) + geom_label(aes_(label=label.text), size=10) +

#' Plot GCAM data on a global or regional map
#' @param prjdata Project data file
#' @param query Name of the query to plot
#' @param pltscen Name of the scenario to plot
#' @param diffscen Name of the scenario to difference against pltscen, or NULL if none
#' @param projselect Projection to use for the map
#' @param year Year to plot data for
#' @importFrom ggplot2 scale_fill_gradientn guides
#' @importFrom gcammaptools add_region_ID plot_GCAM plot_GCAM_grid
#' @export
plotMap <- function(prjdata, query, pltscen, diffscen, projselect, year)

    if(is.null(prjdata)) {
    else if(is.null(pltscen) ||
            !pltscen %in% listScenarios(prjdata) ||
            (!is.null(diffscen) && pltscen==diffscen) ||
            query==tag.noscen) {
        ## These condition(s) all indicate a transitional state, so don't do anything.
    else {
        scens <- paste(c(pltscen, diffscen), collapse=', ')

        is.diff <- !is.null(diffscen)      # We'll do a couple of things differently for a diff plot

        mapset <- determineMapset(prjdata, pltscen, query)

        if(isGrid(prjdata, pltscen, query)) {
            key <- c('lat', 'lon')
        else {
            key <- if(mapset==gcammaptools::basin235) 'basin' else 'region'
        pltdata <- getPlotData(prjdata, query, pltscen, diffscen, key)

        ## map plot is expecting the column coresponding to the map locations to
        ## be called "region", so if we're working with water basins, we have to
        ## rename it.
        if(mapset==gcammaptools::basin235 && 'basin' %in% names(pltdata))
            pltdata$region <- pltdata$basin

        mapLimits <- getMapLimits(pltdata, is.diff)
        unitstr <- summarize.unit(pltdata$Units)

        # Filter the data to only the selected year
        pltdata <- dplyr::filter_(pltdata, paste("year ==", year))

        map.params <- getMapParams(projselect) # map projection and extent
        pal <- getMapPalette(is.diff)   # color palette
        datacol <- 'value' # name of the column with the data.

        # Determine whether to use basin or region map, and which level of detail
        simplify_map <- isTRUE(all.equal(map.params$ext, gcammaptools::EXTENT_WORLD))
        if(mapset==gcammaptools::rgn32 && simplify_map)
            map.dat <- gcammaptools::map.rgn32.simple    # rgn32 and world extent
        else if(mapset==gcammaptools::rgn32)
            map.dat <- gcammaptools::map.rgn32           # rgn32 and smaller extent
        else if(simplify_map)
            map.dat <- gcammaptools::map.basin235.simple # basin235 and world extent
            map.dat <- gcammaptools::map.basin235        # basin235 and smaller extent

        if('region' %in% names(pltdata)) {
            # This is a table of data by region
            pltdata <- add_region_ID(pltdata, lookupfile = mapset, drops = mapset)

            plt <- plot_GCAM(map.dat, col = datacol, proj = map.params$proj,
                             proj_type = map.params$proj_type, extent = map.params$ext,
                             legend = TRUE, gcam_df = pltdata, gcam_key = 'id',
                             mapdata_key='region_id', zoom = map.params$zoom)

        else if(isGrid(prjdata, pltscen, query)) {

            plt <- plot_GCAM_grid(pltdata, datacol, map = map.dat,
                                  proj_type = map.params$proj_type,
                                  proj = map.params$proj, extent = map.params$ext,
                                  zoom = map.params$zoom, legend = TRUE) +
                scale_fill_gradientn(colors = pal, limits = mapLimits, name = unitstr)
        } else {
            plt <- default.plot(label.text = "No geographic data available for this query")
        ## set up elements that are common to both kinds of plots here
        plt + guides(fill=ggplot2::guide_colorbar(title.position='bottom', title.hjust=0.5,

#' Figure out which map to plot a query on.
#' Right now we assume that if the query table contains a 'basin' column, then
#' we want to plot on the basin map; otherwise we plot on the region map.
#' @param prjdata Project data structure
#' @param pltscen Name of the scenario to plot
#' @param query Name of the GCAM query to plot
#' @return Base map suitable for plotting this data
determineMapset <- function(prjdata, pltscen, query)
    tp <- rgcam::getQuery(prjdata, query, pltscen)
    if('basin' %in% names(tp)) {
        ## mapping the 235 basins
        mapset <- gcammaptools::basin235
    else {
        ## mapping the 32 regions
        mapset <- gcammaptools::rgn32

### Data wrangling

#' Extract and format data for a plot
#' @param prjdata Project data structure
#' @param query Name of the query to plot
#' @param pltscen Name of the scenario to plot
#' @param diffscenDifference scenario, if any
#' @param key Aggregation variable.  (e.g., 'region' or 'sector')
#' @param filtervar If not NULL, filter on this variable before aggregating
#' @param filterset:  Set of values to include in the filter operation.  Ignored
#'   if filtervar is NULL.
#' @keywords internal
getPlotData <- function(prjdata, query, pltscen, diffscen, key, filtervar=NULL,
    tp <- getQuery(prjdata, query, pltscen) # 'table plot'

    if('region' %in% names(tp)) {
        ## If the data has a region column, put it in the canoncial order given above.
        tp$region <- factor(tp$region,
                            levels=c(names(gcammaptools::gcam32_colors), '0'),
                            ordered=TRUE) # convert to ordered factor
    if(!is.null(diffscen)) {
        dp <- getQuery(prjdata, query, diffscen) # 'difference plot'
        if('region' %in% names(dp)) {
            dp$region <- factor(dp$region,
                                levels=c(names(gcammaptools::gcam32_colors), '0'),
    else {
        dp <- NULL

    if(!is.null(dp)) {
        ## We're doing a difference plot, so subtract the difference scenario.
        ## Join the data sets first so that we can be sure that we have matched
        ## the rows and columns correctly
        varnames <- names(tp)
        mergenames <- varnames[!varnames %in% c('scenario', 'Units', 'value')]

        joint.data <- merge(tp, dp, by=mergenames, all=TRUE)
            joint.data[is.na(joint.data)] <- 0 # zero out missing values

        value <- joint.data$value.x - joint.data$value.y

        mergenames <- sapply(mergenames, as.name) # Don't eval hyphenated col names

        # Construct the new data frame.  We use the scenario name from the left
        # (dp) data frame.
        tp <- dplyr::rename(joint.data, scenario=scenario.x, Units=Units.x) %>%
           dplyr::select_(.dots=c('scenario', mergenames, 'Units')) %>% cbind(value)

    ## If filtering is in effect, do it now
    if(!is.null(filtervar) &&
       !is.null(filterset) &&
       length(filterset) > 0 &&
       filtervar %in% names(tp)
       ) {

        tp <- dplyr::filter_(tp, lazyeval::interp(~y %in% x, y = as.name(filtervar), x = filterset))

    if(!isGrid(prjdata, pltscen, query)) {
        ## Select the key and year columns, then sum all values with the same
        ## key.  Force the sum to have the name 'value'. Skip this step for
        ## grid data.
        if(!is.null(key) &&
           toString(key) %in% (tp %>% names %>% setdiff(c('year', 'Units')))
           ) {
          tp <- dplyr::group_by_(tp, key, 'year', 'Units') %>%
                dplyr::summarise(value = sum(value))
        else {
          tp <- dplyr::group_by_(tp, 'year', 'Units') %>%
                dplyr::summarise(value = sum(value))
    else {
        ## for gridded data, just get the lat, lon, year, data, and units
        tp <- dplyr::select_(tp, .dots=c('lat', 'lon', 'value', 'year', 'Units'))

    ## Occasionally you get a region with "0.0" for the unit string because
    ## most of its entries were zero. Fix these so that the column all has the
    ## same unit.
    tp$Units <- summarize.unit(tp$Units)

#' Get projection parameters for the pre-defined projections
#' Valid inputs are "global", "lac" (Latin America and Caribbean), "usa",
#' "china", and "africa".
#' @param projselect Name of the predefined projection
#' @keywords internal
getMapParams <- function(projselect)
    if(projselect == 'global') {
        list(proj=gcammaptools::eck3, ext=gcammaptools::EXTENT_WORLD)
    else if(projselect == 'usa') {
        list(proj=gcammaptools::na_aea, ext=gcammaptools::EXTENT_USA)
    else if(projselect == 'china') {
        list(proj=gcammaptools::ch_aea, ext=gcammaptools::EXTENT_CHINA)
    else if(projselect == 'africa') {
        list(proj=gcammaptools::af_ortho, ext=gcammaptools::EXTENT_AFRICA, zoom=10)
    else if(projselect == 'lac') {
        list(proj=7567, proj_type='SR-ORG', ext=gcammaptools::EXTENT_LA, zoom=8)

#' Select a suitable color palette
#' @param is.diff Boolean indicating whether the plot is a difference plot
#' @keywords internal
getMapPalette <- function(is.diff)
    if(is.diff) {
        RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(9, 'RdBu')
    } else {

#' Select suitable scale limits for a plot
#' @param pltdata The data being plotted
#' @param is.diff Boolean indicating whether the plot is a difference plot
#' @keywords internal
getMapLimits <- function(pltdata, is.diff)
    limits <- range(pltdata['value'], na.rm=TRUE)
    if(is.diff) {
        ## For a difference plot, force the limits to be balanced on either side of zero
        mag <- max(abs(limits))
        c(-mag, mag)
    else {

#' Summarize the unit column of a GCAM data frame by taking the most common
#' entry.
#' In theory the unit should have a single, common value, but in practice GCAM
#' isn't always great about getting its unit strings consistent.
#' @param unitcol Character vector of unit names.
#' @keywords internal
summarize.unit <- function(unitcol)

#' Plot values over time as a bar chart
#' @param prjdata A project data structure
#' @param query  Name of the query to plot
#' @param scen  Name of the scenario to plot
#' @param diffscen  Name of the difference scenario, or NULL if none
#' @param subcatvar  Variable to use for subcategories in the plot
#' @param filter  If TRUE, then filter to regions in the rgns argument
#' @param rgns  Regions to filter to, if filter is TRUE.
#' @importFrom magrittr "%>%"
#' @importFrom ggplot2 ggplot aes_string geom_bar theme_minimal ylab scale_fill_manual
#' @export
plotTime <- function(prjdata, query, scen, diffscen, subcatvar, filter, rgns)
    if(is.null(prjdata)) {
    else if(isGrid(prjdata, scen, query)) {
        default.plot("Can't plot time series of spatial grid data.")
    else {
            filtervar <- 'region'
            filtervar <- NULL

            subcatvar <- NULL
            subcatvar <- as.name(subcatvar)

        pltdata <- getPlotData(prjdata, query, scen, diffscen, subcatvar,
                               filtervar, rgns)

        plt <- ggplot(pltdata, aes_string('year','value', fill=subcatvar)) +
          geom_bar(stat='identity') + theme_minimal() + ylab(pltdata$Units)

        if(is.null(subcatvar)) {
        else {
            subcatvar <- toString(subcatvar)
                fillpal <- gcammaptools::gcam32_colors
            else {
                n <- length(unique(pltdata[[subcatvar]]))
                if(n<3) {
                    fillpal <- RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(3,'Set3')
                else if(n<=12) {
                    fillpal <- RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(n,'Set3')
                else {
                    fillpal <- grDevices::rainbow(n, 0.8, 0.9)

            plt + scale_fill_manual(values=fillpal)
JGCRI/GCAM-dashboard documentation built on May 3, 2019, 11:48 p.m.