# Run Hector using R6 module
run_ui <- function(id) {
ns <- NS(id)
sidebarPanel(id = "params",
chooseSliderSkin(skin = "Flat", color = "#375a7f"),
inputId = ns("ssp_path"),
label = "Select SSPs:",
choices = scenarios,
multiple = TRUE,
selected = list("input/hector_ssp245.ini")),
sliderInput(ns("time"), label="Select dates:",
min = 1750, max = 2300, value = c(1900,2100), sep="", width = "90%", step=5),
h5("Include permafrost thaw:", id = "perm-lab"),
switchInput(ns("permafrost"), "Permafrost", value = TRUE, size = 'small', onStatus = "danger"),
h5("Model Parameters"),
sliderInput(ns("alpha"), label="Aerosol forcing scaling factor", # AERO_SCALE()
value = 1,
min = 0.01, max = 1, width = "90%"),
sliderInput(ns("beta"), label="CO2 fertilization factor", # BETA()
value = 0.53,
min = 0.01, max = 4, step=0.01, width = "90%"),
sliderInput(ns("diff"), label="Ocean heat diffusivity", # DIFFUSIVITY()
value = 2.38,
min = 0, max = 5, step=0.1, post = " cm2/s", width = "90%"),
sliderInput(ns("S"), label="Equilibrium climate sensitivity", # ECS()
value = 3,
min = 1, max = 6, step=0.1, post = " °C", width = "90%"),
sliderInput(ns("q10_rh"), label="Heterotrophic temperature sensitivity", # Q10_RH()
value = 1.76,
min = 1, max = 5, step=0.1, width = "90%"),
sliderInput(ns("volscl"), label="Volcanic forcing scaling factor", # VOLCANIC_SCALE()
value = 1,
min = 0, max = 1, width = "90%"),
bsPopover(ns("alpha"), title="", content = "Decreasing this means aerosols exert less radiative forcing",
placement = "top", trigger = "hover", options = NULL),
bsPopover(ns("beta"), title="", content = "Increasing this means vegetation grows faster as CO2 increases",
placement = "top", trigger = "hover", options = NULL),
bsPopover(ns("diff"), title="", content = "Increasing this means heat moves deeper into the ocean quicker",
placement = "top", trigger = "hover", options = NULL),
bsPopover(ns("S"), title="", content = "Increasing this means a larger temperature rise as CO2 increases",
placement = "top", trigger = "hover", options = NULL),
bsPopover(ns("q10_rh"), title="", content = "Increasing this means soil microbes respire faster as temperature rises",
placement = "top", trigger = "hover", options = NULL),
bsPopover(ns("volscl"), title="", content = "Decreasing this means that volcanic eruptions exert less radiative forcing",
placement = "top", trigger = "hover", options = NULL)
actionButton(ns("run"), label="Load Graph", width = '150px', style = "background: #0B3F8F; color: white;"),
downloadButton(ns("downloadData"), label="Download Data", style = "background: #B8B8B8; color: black;"),
downloadButton(ns("downloadParam"), label="Download Parameters", style = "background: #B8B8B8; color: black;")
selectInput(ns("variable"), "Output Variable (please choose after clicking Load Graph):",
list("Carbon Cycle" = list("Atmospheric CO2" = CONCENTRATIONS_CO2(),
"FFI Emissions" = FFI_EMISSIONS(),
"LUC Emissions" = LUC_EMISSIONS(),
"Methane Concentrations" = CONCENTRATIONS_CH4()),
"Temperature" = list("Global Temperature" = GLOBAL_TAS(),
"Ocean Temperature" = OCEAN_TAS(),
"Ocean Surface Temperature" = SST()),
"Concentrations" = list("N2O Concentration" = CONCENTRATIONS_N2O()),
"Emissions" = list("Black Carbon Emissions" = EMISSIONS_BC(),
"Organic Carbon Emissions" = EMISSIONS_OC()),
"Forcings" = list("RF - Total" = RF_TOTAL(),
"RF - Albedo" = RF_ALBEDO(),
"RF - CO2" = RF_CO2(),
"RF - N2O" = RF_N2O(),
#"RF - Black Carbon" = RF_BC(),
#"RF - Organic Carbon" = RF_OC(),
#"RF - Total SO2" = RF_SO2(),
#"RF - Volcanic Activity" = RF_VOL(),
"RF - CH4" = RF_CH4())),
selected = "Atmospheric CO2", multiple = FALSE)
run_server <- function(id, r6) {
moduleServer(id, function(input, output, session) {
r6$run_mode <- "regular"
cores <- list()
runs <- list()
for(i in 1:length(input$ssp_path)) {
r6$selected_var <- reactive({input$variable})
r6$run_name <- reactive({input$run_name})
r6$ini_file <- system.file(input$ssp_path[i],package="hector")
r6$time <- reactive({input$time})
withProgress(message = paste("Running Hector", names(which(scenarios == r6$ini_file, arr.ind = FALSE)), "...\n"), value = 1/2, {
print("Running...") # in command line
core <- reactive({newcore(r6$ini_file)}) # create core
# Set parameters using inputs (function to only call setvar once in final version)
if (input$permafrost == TRUE) {
r6$permafrost <- "On"
} else if (input$permafrost == FALSE) {
setvar(core(),0,PERMAFROST_C(),0,"Pg C")
r6$permafrost <- "Off"
cores[[i]] <- core()
incProgress(1/1, detail = paste("Load complete."))
#put cores in a list and fetchvars outsite
r6$core <- cores
runs2_list <- list()
for(i in 1:length(input$ssp_path)) {
runs[[i]] <- fetchvars(r6$core[[i]], r6$time()[1]:r6$time()[2], vars = list(r6$selected_var())) %>%
mutate(Scenario = names(which(scenarios == input$ssp_path[i], arr.ind = FALSE)))
if(r6$selected_var() == "ffi_emissions" | r6$selected_var() == "luc_emissions") {
if(r6$selected_var() == "ffi_emissions") {
runs2_list[[i]] <- fetchvars(r6$core[[i]], r6$time()[1]:r6$time()[2], vars = "daccs_uptake") %>%
mutate(Scenario = names(which(scenarios == input$ssp_path[i], arr.ind = FALSE)))
} else if(r6$selected_var() == "luc_emissions") {
runs2_list[[i]] <- fetchvars(r6$core[[i]], r6$time()[1]:r6$time()[2], vars = "luc_uptake") %>%
mutate(Scenario = names(which(scenarios == input$ssp_path[i], arr.ind = FALSE)))
if(r6$selected_var() == "ffi_emissions" | r6$selected_var() == "luc_emissions") {
if(r6$selected_var() == "ffi_emissions") {
runs2 <- bind_rows(runs2_list) %>% pivot_wider(names_from = variable, values_from = value)
bind_rows(runs) %>%
pivot_wider(names_from = variable, values_from = value) %>%
left_join(runs2) %>%
mutate(ffi_emissions = ffi_emissions - daccs_uptake) %>%
select(-daccs_uptake) %>% pivot_longer(cols = ffi_emissions, names_to = "variable", values_to = "value") %>%
select(scenario, year, variable, value, units, Scenario) -> runs_w_uptake
} else if(r6$selected_var() == "luc_emissions") {
runs2 <- bind_rows(runs2_list) %>% pivot_wider(names_from = variable, values_from = value)
bind_rows(runs) %>%
pivot_wider(names_from = variable, values_from = value) %>%
left_join(runs2) %>%
mutate(luc_emissions = luc_emissions - luc_uptake) %>%
select(-luc_uptake) %>% pivot_longer(cols = luc_emissions, names_to = "variable", values_to = "value") %>%
select(scenario, year, variable, value, units, Scenario) -> runs_w_uptake
runs_df <- as.data.frame(runs_w_uptake)
} else{
runs_df <- bind_rows(runs)
r6$output <- runs_df
# Save scenarios used in run
r6$ini_list <- unique(r6$output$Scenario)
output$graph <- renderPlotly({
graph_plots(r6 = r6)
}) %>%
bindEvent(input$run, ignoreNULL = FALSE, ignoreInit = FALSE)
r6$selected_var <- reactive({input$variable})
runs <- list()
runs2_list <- list()
for(i in 1:length(r6$ini_list)) {
runs[[i]] <- fetchvars(r6$core[[i]], r6$time()[1]:r6$time()[2], vars = list(r6$selected_var())) %>%
mutate(Scenario = r6$ini_list[i])
if(r6$selected_var() == "ffi_emissions" | r6$selected_var() == "luc_emissions") {
if(r6$selected_var() == "ffi_emissions") {
runs2_list[[i]] <- fetchvars(r6$core[[i]], r6$time()[1]:r6$time()[2], vars = "daccs_uptake") %>%
mutate(Scenario = r6$ini_list[i])
} else if(r6$selected_var() == "luc_emissions") {
runs2_list[[i]] <- fetchvars(r6$core[[i]], r6$time()[1]:r6$time()[2], vars = "luc_uptake") %>%
mutate(Scenario = r6$ini_list[i])
if(r6$selected_var() == "ffi_emissions" | r6$selected_var() == "luc_emissions") {
if(r6$selected_var() == "ffi_emissions") {
runs2 <- bind_rows(runs2_list) %>% pivot_wider(names_from = variable, values_from = value)
bind_rows(runs) %>%
pivot_wider(names_from = variable, values_from = value) %>%
left_join(runs2) %>%
mutate(ffi_emissions = ffi_emissions - daccs_uptake) %>%
select(-daccs_uptake) %>% pivot_longer(cols = ffi_emissions, names_to = "variable", values_to = "value") %>%
select(scenario, year, variable, value, units, Scenario) -> runs_w_uptake
} else if(r6$selected_var() == "luc_emissions") {
runs2 <- bind_rows(runs2_list) %>% pivot_wider(names_from = variable, values_from = value)
bind_rows(runs) %>%
pivot_wider(names_from = variable, values_from = value) %>%
left_join(runs2) %>%
mutate(luc_emissions = luc_emissions - luc_uptake) %>%
select(-luc_uptake) %>% pivot_longer(cols = luc_emissions, names_to = "variable", values_to = "value") %>%
select(scenario, year, variable, value, units, Scenario) -> runs_w_uptake
runs_df <- as.data.frame(runs_w_uptake)
} else{
runs_df <- bind_rows(runs)
r6$output <- runs_df
output$graph <- renderPlotly({
graph_plots(r6 = r6)
}) %>%
bindEvent(input$variable, ignoreInit = TRUE)
# Download handler for downloading the raw data output from a Hector run. This is activated upon button click.
output$downloadData <- downloadHandler(
filename = function()
paste0('HectorUI_Output_', format(Sys.time(), "%Y-%m-%d_%H%M%S"), '.csv')
content = function(file)
write.csv(as.data.frame(r6$output), file, row.names = FALSE)
shinyalert::shinyalert("No active Hector cores", "Please set at least one of the SSP scenarios to active.", type = "warning")
outputOptions(output, "downloadData", suspendWhenHidden = FALSE)
output$downloadParam <- downloadHandler(
filename = function()
paste0('HectorUI_Parameters_', format(Sys.time(), "%Y-%m-%d_%H%M%S"), '.txt')
content = function(file)
ssp_names <- list()
for(i in 1:length(input$ssp_path)) {
ssp_names[[i]] <- names(which(scenarios == input$ssp_path[i], arr.ind = FALSE))
names <- paste(unlist(ssp_names), collapse = ', ')
header_text <- paste0("File created with Hector UI - https://github.com/JGCRI/hector-ui accessed on ", format(Sys.time(), "%Y-%m-%d %X"), "\n",
"Hector Version: ", packageVersion("hector"), "\n",
"SSPs Used: ", names, "\n",
"Permafrost: ", r6$permafrost, "\n",
"Model Parameters: " , input$input_paramToggle , "\n",
"Alpha: ", input$alpha, "\n",
"Beta: ", input$beta, "\n",
"Diff: ", input$diff, "\n",
"ECS: ", input$S, "\n",
"Q10: ", input$q10_rh, "\n",
"Volc: ", input$volscl)
writeLines(header_text, file)
shinyalert::shinyalert("No active Hector cores", "Upload a custom emissions scenario before downloading.", type = "warning")
outputOptions(output, "downloadParam", suspendWhenHidden = FALSE)
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.