#' Fit the marginal distributions for each row of a count matrix
#' @keywords internal
#' @param x A matrix of shape p by n that contains count values.
#' @param marginal Specification of the types of marginal distribution.
#' Default value is 'auto_choose' which chooses between ZINB, NB, ZIP
#' and Poisson by a likelihood ratio test (lrt) and whether there is
#' underdispersion.
#' 'zinb' will fit the ZINB model. If there is underdispersion, it
#' will choose between ZIP and Poisson by a lrt. Otherwise, it will try to
#' fit the ZINB model. If in this case, there is no zero at all or an error
#' occurs, it will fit an NB model instead.
#' 'nb' fits the NB model that chooses between NB and Poisson depending
#' on whether there is underdispersion.
#' 'poisson' simply fits the Poisson model.
#' @param pval_cutoff Cutoff of p-value of the lrt that determines whether
#' there is zero inflation.
#' @param epsilon Threshold value for preventing the transformed quantile
#' to collapse to 0 or 1.
#' @param jitter Logical, whether a random projection should be performed in the
#' distributional transform.
#' @param DT Logical, whether distributional transformed should be performed.
#' If set to FALSE, the returned object u will be NULL.
#' @return a list with the following components:
#' \item{params}{a matrix of shape p by 3. The values of each column are: the ZI proportion,
#' the dispersion parameter (for Poisson, it's Inf), and the mean parameter.}
#' \item{u}{NULL or a matrix of the same shape as x, which records the transformed quantiles,
#' by DT.}
fit_marginals <- function(x, marginal = c('auto_choose', 'zinb', 'nb', 'poisson'),
pval_cutoff = 0.05, epsilon = 1e-5,
jitter = TRUE, DT = TRUE){
p <- nrow(x)
n <- ncol(x)
marginal <- match.arg(marginal)
if(marginal == 'auto_choose'){
params <- t(apply(x, 1, function(gene){
m <- mean(gene)
v <- var(gene)
if(m >= v){
mle_Poisson <- glm(gene ~ 1, family = poisson)
mle_ZIP <- zeroinfl(gene ~ 1|1, dist = 'poisson')
chisq_val <- 2 * (logLik(mle_ZIP) - logLik(mle_Poisson))
pvalue <- as.numeric(1 - pchisq(chisq_val, 1))
if(pvalue < pval_cutoff)
c(plogis(mle_ZIP$coefficients$zero), Inf, exp(mle_ZIP$coefficients$count))
c(0.0, Inf, m)
error = function(cond){
c(0.0, Inf, m)})
mle_NB <- glm.nb(gene ~ 1)
if(min(gene) > 0)
c(0.0, mle_NB$theta, exp(mle_NB$coefficients))
mle_ZINB <- zeroinfl(gene ~ 1|1, dist = 'negbin')
chisq_val <- 2 * (logLik(mle_ZINB) - logLik(mle_NB))
pvalue <- as.numeric(1 - pchisq(chisq_val, 1))
if(pvalue < pval_cutoff)
c(plogis(mle_ZINB$coefficients$zero), mle_ZINB$theta, exp(mle_ZINB$coefficients$count))
c(0.0, mle_NB$theta, exp(mle_NB$coefficients))
error = function(cond){
c(0.0, mle_NB$theta, exp(mle_NB$coefficients))
}else if(marginal == 'zinb'){
params <- t(apply(x, 1, function(gene){
m <- mean(gene)
v <- var(gene)
if(m >= v)
mle_Poisson <- glm(gene ~ 1, family = poisson)
mle_ZIP <- zeroinfl(gene ~ 1|1, dist = 'poisson')
chisq_val <- 2 * (logLik(mle_ZIP) - logLik(mle_Poisson))
pvalue <- as.numeric(1 - pchisq(chisq_val, 1))
if(pvalue < pval_cutoff)
c(plogis(mle_ZIP$coefficients$zero), Inf, exp(mle_ZIP$coefficients$count))
c(0.0, Inf, m)
error = function(cond){
c(0.0, Inf, m)})
if(min(gene) > 0)
mle_NB <- glm.nb(gene ~ 1)
c(0.0, mle_NB$theta, exp(mle_NB$coefficients))
mle_ZINB <- zeroinfl(gene ~ 1|1, dist = 'negbin')
c(plogis(mle_ZINB$coefficients$zero), mle_ZINB$theta, exp(mle_ZINB$coefficients$count))
error = function(cond){
mle_NB <- glm.nb(gene ~ 1)
c(0.0, mle_NB$theta, exp(mle_NB$coefficients))
}else if(marginal == 'nb'){
params <- t(apply(x, 1, function(gene){
m <- mean(gene)
v <- var(gene)
if(m >= v){
c(0.0, Inf, m)
mle_NB <- glm.nb(gene ~ 1)
c(0.0, mle_NB$theta, exp(mle_NB$coefficients))
}else if(marginal == 'poisson'){
params <- t(apply(x, 1, function(gene){
c(0.0, Inf, mean(gene))
u <- t(sapply(1:p, function(iter){
param <- params[iter, ]
gene <- unlist(x[iter,])
prob0 <- param[1]
u1 <- prob0 + (1 - prob0) * pnbinom(gene, size = param[2], mu = param[3])
u2 <- (prob0 + (1 - prob0) * pnbinom(gene - 1, size = param[2], mu = param[3])) *
as.integer(gene > 0)
v <- runif(n)
v <- rep(0.5, n)
r <- u1 * v + u2 * (1 - v)
idx_adjust <- which(1-r < epsilon)
r[idx_adjust] <- r[idx_adjust] - epsilon
idx_adjust <- which(r < epsilon)
r[idx_adjust] <- r[idx_adjust] + epsilon
u <- NULL
return(list(params = params, u = u))
#' Fit a Gaussian copula model for a count matrix of a single cell type
#' @inheritParams fit_marginals
#' @param zp_cutoff The maximum propotion of zero allowed for a gene to be included
#' in the joint copula model.
#' @param min_non_zero_num The minimum number of non-zero values required for a gene to be
#' fitted a marginal model.
#' @return The genes of \code{x} will be partitioned into three groups. The first group contains
#' genes whose zero proportion is less than \code{zp_cutoff}. The second group contains genes
#' whose zero proportion is greater than \code{zp_cutoff} but still contains at least
#' \code{min_non_zero_num} non-zero values. The third and last group contains the rest of the
#' genes. For the first group, a joint Gaussian copula model will be fitted. For the second group,
#' only the marginal distribution of each gene will be fitted. For the last group, no model will
#' be fitted and only the index of these genes will be recorded. A list that contains the above
#' fitted model will be returned that contains the following components.
#' \describe{
#' \item{cov_mat}{The fitted covariance (or equivalently in this case, correlation) matrix of the
#' Gaussin copula model.}
#' \item{marginal_param1}{A matrix of the parameters for the marginal distributions of genes in
#' group one.}
#' \item{marginal_param2}{A matrix of the parameters for the marginal distributions of genes in
#' group two.}
#' \item{gene_sel1}{A numeric vector of the row indices of the genes in group one.}
#' \item{gene_sel2}{A numeric vector of the row indices of the genes in group two.}
#' \item{gene_sel3}{A numeric vector of the row indices of the genes in group three.}
#' \item{zp_cutoff}{Same as the input.}
#' \item{min_non_zero_num}{Same as the input.}
#' \item{sim_method}{A character string that says 'copula'. To be distinguished with the
#' (w/o copula) model.}
#' }
# @export
fit_Gaussian_copula <- function(x, marginal = c('auto_choose', 'zinb', 'nb', 'poisson'),
jitter = TRUE, zp_cutoff = 0.8,
min_nonzero_num = 2){
marginal <- match.arg(marginal)
n <- ncol(x)
p <- nrow(x)
gene_zero_prop <- apply(x, 1, function(y){
sum(y < 1e-5) / n
gene_sel1 <- which(gene_zero_prop < zp_cutoff)
gene_sel2 <- which(gene_zero_prop < 1.0 - min_nonzero_num/n &
gene_zero_prop >= zp_cutoff)
gene_sel3 <- (1:p)[-c(gene_sel1, gene_sel2)]
if(length(gene_sel1) > 0){
marginal_result1 <- fit_marginals(x[gene_sel1, , drop = FALSE], marginal, jitter = jitter, DT = TRUE)
quantile_normal <- qnorm(marginal_result1$u)
cov_mat <- cor(t(quantile_normal))
cov_mat = NULL
marginal_result1 = NULL
if(length(gene_sel2) > 0){
marginal_result2 <- fit_marginals(x[gene_sel2, , drop = FALSE], marginal, DT = FALSE)
marginal_result2 = NULL
return(list(cov_mat = cov_mat, marginal_param1 = marginal_result1$params,
marginal_param2 = marginal_result2$params,
gene_sel1 = gene_sel1, gene_sel2 = gene_sel2, gene_sel3 = gene_sel3,
zp_cutoff = zp_cutoff, min_nonzero_num = min_nonzero_num,
sim_method = 'copula', n_cell = n, n_read = sum(x)))
#' Fit a (w/o copula) model for a count matrix of a single cell type
#' This function only fits the marginal distribution for each gene.
#' @inheritParams fit_marginals
#' @inheritParams fit_Gaussian_copula
#' @return The genes of \code{x} will be partitioned into two groups. The first group contains
#' genes with at least \code{min_non_zero_num} non-zero values. The second group contains the
#' other genes. For the first group, the marginal distribution of each gene will be fitted.
#' For the last group, no model will be fitted and only the index of these genes will be
#' recorded. A list that contains the above fitted model will be returned that contains the
#' following components.
#' \describe{
#' \item{marginal_param1}{A matrix of the parameters for the marginal distributions of genes in
#' group one.}
#' \item{gene_sel1}{A numeric vector of the row indices of the genes in group one.}
#' \item{gene_sel2}{A numeric vector of the row indices of the genes in group two.}
#' \item{min_non_zero_num}{Same as the input.}
#' \item{sim_method}{A character string that says 'ind', short for 'independent'. To be
#' distinguished with the copula model.}
#' }
# @export
fit_wo_copula <- function(x, marginal = c('auto_choose', 'zinb', 'nb', 'poisson'),
jitter = TRUE, min_nonzero_num = 2){
marginal <- match.arg(marginal)
n <- ncol(x)
p <- nrow(x)
gene_zero_prop <- apply(x, 1, function(y){
sum(y < 1e-5) / n
gene_sel1 <- which(gene_zero_prop < 1.0 - min_nonzero_num/n)
gene_sel2 <- (1:p)[-gene_sel1]
if(length(gene_sel1) > 0){
marginal_result1 <- fit_marginals(x[gene_sel1, ], marginal, jitter = jitter, DT = FALSE)
marginal_result1 = NULL
return(list(marginal_param1 = marginal_result1$params,
gene_sel1 = gene_sel1, gene_sel2 = gene_sel2,
min_nonzero_num = min_nonzero_num, sim_method = 'ind',
n_cell = n, n_read = sum(x)))
#' Fit models for a count matrix
#' @param data_mat A matrix of shape p by n that contains count values. Each of its
#' column names should be the cell type names of that cell. Its column
#' names should also match \code{cell_type_sel}.
#' @param cell_type_sel A character vector that contains the selected cell types for which a
#' model will be fitted.
#' @param sim_method Specification of the type of model.
#' Default value is 'copula', which selects the copula model.
#' 'ind' will select the (w/o copula) model.
#' @inheritParams fit_Gaussian_copula
#' @param ncores A numeric value that indicates the number of parallel cores for model
#' fitting. One core for each cell type.
#' @return A list with the same length as \code{cell_type_sel} that contains the fitted model
#' as each of its element.
#' @export
fit_model_scDesign2 <- function(data_mat, cell_type_sel, sim_method = c('copula', 'ind'),
marginal = c('auto_choose', 'zinb', 'nb', 'poisson'),
jitter = TRUE, zp_cutoff = 0.8,
min_nonzero_num = 2, ncores = 1){
sim_method <- match.arg(sim_method)
marginal <- match.arg(marginal)
if(sum(abs(data_mat - round(data_mat))) > 1e-5){
warning('The entries in the input matrix are not integers. Rounding is performed.')
data_mat <- round(data_mat)
if(sim_method == 'copula'){
param <- mclapply(1:length(cell_type_sel), function(iter){
fit_Gaussian_copula(data_mat[, colnames(data_mat) == cell_type_sel[iter]], marginal,
jitter = jitter, zp_cutoff = zp_cutoff,
min_nonzero_num = min_nonzero_num)
}, mc.cores = ncores)
}else if(sim_method == 'ind'){
param <- mclapply(1:length(cell_type_sel), function(iter){
fit_wo_copula(data_mat[, colnames(data_mat) == cell_type_sel[iter]], marginal,
jitter = jitter,
min_nonzero_num = min_nonzero_num)
}, mc.cores = ncores)
names(param) <- cell_type_sel
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