
Defines functions generate.find_fun_matches generate.are_matches_inclusive generate.find_matches generate.filter_tol generate.check generate

Documented in generate

#' Generate stimuli
#' Generates the stimuli from the data frame after it has been passed through `split_by()`, and optionally, `control_for()`. Will generate `n` items per condition. If <`n` items can be generated, will generate as many as possible given the experiment's design. Can be reproducible with `seed` argument.
#' @param x A LexOPS_pipeline object resulting from one of `split_by()`, `control_for()`, etc..
#' @param n The number of strings per condition (default = 20). Set to `"all"` to generate as many as possible.
#' @param match_null The condition that words should be matched to. Should be a string indicating condition (e.g. `"A1_B2_C1"`), or a string indicating one of the following options: "balanced" for randomly ordered null conditions with (as close to as possible) equal number of selections for each condition (default), "inclusive" to match each condition within the tolerances to every other condition, "first" for the lowest condition (e.g. `"A1"` or `"A1_B1_C1_D1"`, etc.), "random" for randomly selected null condition each iteration.
#' @param seed An integer specifying the random seed, allowing reproduction of exact stimuli lists. If `NA`, will not set the seed. Default is `NA`.
#' @param silent Logical: should output to the console (via `cat()`) be suppressed? Default is FALSE.
#' @param is_shiny Allows printing in a shiny context with `shinyjs::html()`. Outputs from the cat() function are stored in the div with id "gen_console". Default is FALSE.
#' @return Returns the generated stimuli.
#' @examples
#' # Generate 20 words per condition, for design with 3 levels of syllables, controlled for frequency
#' lexops |>
#'   split_by(Syllables.CMU, 1:3 ~ 4:6 ~ 7:20) |>
#'   control_for(Zipf.SUBTLEX_UK, -0.2:0.2) |>
#'   generate(n = 20)
#' # Generate 2 levels of bigram probability, controlling for frequency and length
#' # (Note that the matching null is balanced across all stimuli)
#' # (Also note that the data is filtered by proportion known to be >75%)
#' lexops |>
#'   dplyr::filter(PK.Brysbaert >= .75) |>
#'   split_by(BG.SUBTLEX_UK, 0.001:0.003 ~ 0.009:0.011) |>
#'   control_for(Zipf.SUBTLEX_UK, -0.2:0.2) |>
#'   control_for(Length) |>
#'   generate(n = 1000, match_null = "balanced")
#' # Generate stimuli for a concreteness x valence (2 x 3) design
#' # (Note that abstract, neutral is set as the matching null)
#' lexops |>
#'   split_by(CNC.Brysbaert, 1:2 ~ 4:5) |>
#'   split_by(VAL.Warriner, 1:3 ~ 4.5:5.5 ~ 7:9) |>
#'   control_for(Zipf.SUBTLEX_UK, -0.25:0.25) |>
#'   control_for(Length) |>
#'   generate(n = 30, match_null = "A2_B2")
#' # As above but with inclusive tolerance
#' # (all words are within the specified tolerances relative to each other)
#' lexops |>
#'   split_by(CNC.Brysbaert, 1:2 ~ 4:5) |>
#'   split_by(VAL.Warriner, 1:3 ~ 4.5:5.5 ~ 7:9) |>
#'   control_for(Zipf.SUBTLEX_UK, -0.25:0.25) |>
#'   control_for(Length) |>
#'   generate(n = 30, match_null = "inclusive")
#' # Bypass non-standard evaluation
#' lexops |>
#'  split_by("Syllables.CMU", list(c(1, 3), c(4, 6), c(7, 20)), standard_eval = TRUE) |>
#'  control_for("Zipf.SUBTLEX_UK", c(-0.2, 0.2), standard_eval = TRUE) |>
#'  generate(n = 20)
#' # Create two levels of arousal, controlling for orthographic Levenshtein distance
#' library(stringdist)
#' lexops |>
#'  split_by(AROU.Warriner, 1:3 ~ 6:9) |>
#'  control_for_map(stringdist, string, 0:4, method="lv") |>
#'  generate(20)
#' # Create two levels of arousal, controlling for phonological similarity
#' library(stringdist)
#' lexops |>
#'  split_by(AROU.Warriner, 1:3 ~ 6:9) |>
#'  control_for_map(stringdist, eSpeak.br_1letter, 0:2, method="lv") |>
#'  generate(20)
#' # Create two levels of arousal, controlling for phonological Levenshtein distance, and rhyme
#' library(stringdist)
#' lexops |>
#'  split_by(AROU.Warriner, 1:3 ~ 6:9) |>
#'  control_for(Rhyme.eSpeak.br) |>
#'  control_for_map(stringdist, eSpeak.br_1letter, 0:2, method="lv") |>
#'  generate(20)
#' # A similar design to that above, but with 3 levels of valence, and inclusive matching
#' # Note that this will result in exactly the same result as above.
#' # A function that calculates something like Semantic Similarity will produce very different results.
#' library(stringdist)
#' lexops |>
#'  split_by(VAL.Warriner, 1:3 ~ 4.5:5.5 ~ 7:9) |>
#'  control_for(Rhyme.eSpeak.br) |>
#'  control_for_map(stringdist, eSpeak.br_1letter, 0:2, method="lv") |>
#'  generate(20, match_null = "inclusive")
#' @export

generate <- function(x, n=20, match_null = "balanced", seed = NA, silent = FALSE, is_shiny = FALSE) {
  if (is_shiny) {
    # if in a shiny context, replace the base cat() function with one which captures the console output
    cat <- function(str) shinyjs::html("gen_console", sprintf("%s", str))

  # get pipeline info
  lp_info <- if (is.LexOPS_pipeline(x)) {
    if (is.null(x$info)) {
    } else {
  } else {

  # extract df if class is LexOPS_pipeline
  if (is.LexOPS_pipeline(x)) {
    df <- x$df
  } else {
    stop("x must be a LexOPS_pipeline")

  # get options from pipeline info
  if (!is.null(lp_info$options)) {
    id_col <- lp_info$options$id_col
    cond_col <- lp_info$options$cond_col
    cond_col_regex <- sprintf("^%s_[A-Z]$", cond_col)
  } else {
    id_col <- "string"
    if (!id_col %in% colnames(df) & is.data.frame(df)) {
      df[[id_col]] <- 1:nrow(df)  # use row number as id if there isn't one
      warning("No id_col detected; will use current row numbers (after any subsetting).")
    cond_col <- "LexOPS_splitCond"
    cond_col_regex <- sprintf("^%s_[A-Z]$", cond_col)

  # check for problems with arguments
  generate.check(df, n, match_null, seed, id_col, cond_col, is_shiny, lp_info)

  # get the columns containing the split data
  LexOPS_splitCols <- colnames(df)[grepl(cond_col_regex, colnames(df))]

  df <- df %>%
    # create new column, which will give the cell of the design that each string belongs to
    tidyr::unite(!!dplyr::sym(cond_col), dplyr::all_of(LexOPS_splitCols), sep = "_") %>%
    # remove strings that are members of no condition (i.e. if filter=FALSE in previous functions)

  all_conds <- sort(unique(df[[cond_col]]))

  # check match_null is an expected value
  if (!match_null %in% c(all_conds, "inclusive", "balanced", "random", "first")) stop('Unknown match_null; expected "inclusive", "random", "balanced", "first", or a specific condition (e.g. "A2_B1_C1")')

  # set the seed if specified
  if (!is.na(seed)) set.seed(seed)

  # if no controls, just return the df with the condition variable, otherwise generate matches
  if (!is.null(lp_info$controls) | !is.null(lp_info$control_functions)) {

    # get the absolute smallest number of possible match rows (a count of the least frequent condition)
    min_nr_of_match_rows <- df %>%
      dplyr::group_by(!!dplyr::sym(cond_col)) %>%
      dplyr::count() %>%
      dplyr::pull(n) %>%
    # if n is "all", set to the largest possible number of match rows
    if (n == "all") {
      n <- min_nr_of_match_rows
      n_all <- TRUE
    } else {
      n_all <- FALSE
    # give warning if min_nr_of_match_rows < n, as this means n is definitely not achievable
    if (min_nr_of_match_rows < n) {

      n_too_large_message <- if (is.null(lp_info$random_splits) | length(lp_info$random_splits)==0) {
        sprintf("n is too large; requested n of %i, but the condition with the fewest members has %i entries. Ensure n <= %i. Will generate as many stimuli as possible.", n, min_nr_of_match_rows, min_nr_of_match_rows)
      } else {
        sprintf("n is too large; requested n of %i, but the condition with the fewest members has %i entries. Ensure n <= %i. You may also increase the number of candidates by setting equal_size=TRUE in split_random(). Will generate as many stimuli as possible.", n, min_nr_of_match_rows, min_nr_of_match_rows)

    # specify exactly how many null conditions are needed
    null_cond_n <- if (n < min_nr_of_match_rows) n else min_nr_of_match_rows

    # specify the null conditions
    null_conds <- if (match_null == "first") {
      rep(sort(all_conds)[1], null_cond_n)
    } else if (match_null == "random") {
      sample(all_conds, null_cond_n, replace = TRUE)
    } else if (match_null == "balanced") {
      if (n_all) warning('`match_null="balanced"` may not work when `n="all"`. Check distributions of match_null in the output.')
      # As close to equal number of each condition as possible, randomly ordered.
      # If doesn't perfectly divide, the condition(s) which are over-represented are also randomly chosen.
      all_conds %>%
        sample(length(all_conds)) %>%
        rep_len(null_cond_n) %>%
    } else if (match_null == "inclusive") {
      # same as balanced for starting match null
      all_conds %>%
        sample(length(all_conds)) %>%
        rep_len(null_cond_n) %>%
    } else if (match_null %in% all_conds) {
      rep(match_null, null_cond_n)

    # iterate over all items in the null_condition, and for each, generate row of matched stimuli if possible
    n_tried <- 0
    n_tried_this_n_generated <- 0  # increases by 1 each iter but resets to 0 each time a row of matches is successfully generated
    n_generated <- 0
    words_tried_this_generated <- c()
    out <- matrix(ncol=length(all_conds)+1, nrow=n)
    printing_points <- round(seq(0, n, n/20))
    successful_iterations <- c()
    control_for_map_values <- dplyr::tibble()

    while(n_generated < n) {
      n_tried <- n_tried + 1
      n_tried_this_n_generated <- n_tried_this_n_generated + 1

      this_match_null <- null_conds[n_generated+1]
      null_word_bank <- df[[id_col]][!df[[id_col]] %in% out & df[[cond_col]] %in% this_match_null & !df[[id_col]] %in% words_tried_this_generated]

      if (length(null_word_bank) == 0) {
        if (n_all) {
          if (!silent) cat(sprintf("Generated %i (%i iterations, %.2f success rate)\r", n_generated, n_tried, n_generated/n_tried))
        } else {
          warning_text <- sprintf("\nFailed to generate any new matches for matched row %i (all %i candidate null matches were tried)", n_generated + 1, n_tried_this_n_generated)
          if (is_shiny) {
          } else {

      this_word <- sample(null_word_bank, 1)
      words_tried_this_generated <- c(words_tried_this_generated, this_word)

      matches <- sapply(all_conds[all_conds != this_match_null], function(cnd) {
        m <- df[(!df[[id_col]] %in% out & df[[cond_col]] == cnd) | df[[id_col]]==this_word, ] %>%
            target = this_word,
            vars = lp_info$controls,
            matchCond = this_match_null,
            id_col = id_col,
            cond_col = cond_col
          ) %>%
            target = this_word,
            vars_pre_calc = lp_info$control_functions,
            matchCond = this_match_null,
            id_col = id_col,
            cond_col = cond_col
        # remove the target word
        m <- m[m[[id_col]]!=this_word, ]

        if (nrow(m)==0) {
          item_out <- NA
          } else {
            # pick a match randomly
            item_out <- m %>%
              dplyr::pull(id_col) %>%
            # store any control_for_map values
            if (length(lp_info$control_functions) > 0) {
              out_cont_map_val <- sapply(lp_info$control_functions, function(cont) {
                # get the representations of the words in the given column
                this_word_rep <- df[[ cont[[3]] ]][df[[id_col]]==this_word]
                out_rep <- df[[ cont[[3]] ]][df[[id_col]]==item_out]
                # get the value from the function
                unname(cont[[2]](out_rep, this_word_rep))
              names(out_cont_map_val) <- sapply(lp_info$control_functions, function(cont) cont[[1]] )
              out_val <- item_out
              names(out_val) <- id_col
              control_for_map_values <<- dplyr::bind_rows(control_for_map_values, c(out_val, out_cont_map_val))

              if (!this_word %in% control_for_map_values[[id_col]]) {
                this_word_map_val <- sapply(lp_info$control_functions, function(cont) {
                  # get the representation in the given column
                  this_word_rep <- df[[ cont[[3]] ]][df[[id_col]]==this_word]
                  # get the value from the function
                  unname(cont[[2]](this_word, this_word))
                names(this_word_map_val) <- sapply(lp_info$control_functions, function(cont) cont[[1]] )
                this_word_val <- this_word
                names(this_word_val) <- id_col
                control_for_map_values <<- dplyr::bind_rows(control_for_map_values, c(this_word_val, this_word_map_val))


      # add the target word
      matches[this_match_null] <- this_word
      # ensure ordered correctly (e.g. A1, A2, A3)
      matches <- matches[order(factor(names(matches)))]

      # check the matches are inclusive if match_null = "inclusive"
      if (match_null == "inclusive") {
        matches <- generate.are_matches_inclusive(
          df = df[!df[[id_col]] %in% out | df[[id_col]]==this_word, ],
          vars=lp_info$controls, vars_pre_calc = lp_info$control_functions,
          matchCond=this_match_null, id_col, cond_col

      # if n=="all", print progress every 100 iterations
      if (!silent) {
        if (n_tried%%100==0 & n_all) {
          if (all(!is.na(matches))) {
            cat(sprintf("Generated %i (%i iterations, %.2f success rate)\r", n_generated+1, n_tried, (n_generated+1)/n_tried))
          } else {
            cat(sprintf("Generated %i (%i iterations, %.2f success rate)\r", n_generated, n_tried, n_generated/n_tried))

      if (all(!is.na(matches))) {
        this_match_null_out <- if (match_null=="inclusive") NA else this_match_null  # if match_null is inclusive, don't store initial match_nullvalue
        out[n_generated + 1, ] <- c(matches, this_match_null_out)
        n_generated <- n_generated + 1
        successful_iterations <- c(successful_iterations, n_tried)
        n_tried_this_n_generated <- 0
        words_tried_this_generated <- c()
        if (!silent) {
          if (n_generated %in% printing_points & !n_all) {
            cat(sprintf("Generated %i/%i (%i%%). %i total iterations, %.2f success rate.\r", n_generated, n, round(n_generated/n*100), n_tried, n_generated/n_tried))

    if (!silent & !is_shiny) cat(sprintf("\n"))

    # create meta_df
    meta_df <- df

    # add control_for_map() values if any
    if (length(lp_info$control_functions) > 0) {
      meta_df <- dplyr::left_join(meta_df, control_for_map_values, by=id_col)

    df <- as.data.frame(out, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    colnames(df) <- c(all_conds, "match_null")
    df <- df %>%
      tidyr::drop_na(-match_null) %>%  # na.omit() but allowing NAs in match_null column
      dplyr::mutate(item_nr = dplyr::row_number()) %>%  # add the item number as item_nr
      dplyr::select(item_nr, dplyr::everything())
    # add the original df to the attributes
    lp_info$meta_df <- meta_df
    # add the success rate to the attributes
    lp_info$success_rate <- n_generated/n_tried
    # add a vector of the iteratons that were successful
    lp_info$successful_iterations <- successful_iterations


  # add a marker to the attributes that df has gone through the generate function
  lp_info$generated <- TRUE

  # add the info as attributes to the output object
  attr(df, "LexOPS_info") <- lp_info


# function to check supplied arguments makes sense
generate.check <- function(df, n, match_null, seed, id_col, cond_col, is_shiny, lp_info) {
  # check id_col is a string
  if (!is.character(id_col)) stop(sprintf("Expected id_col to be of class string, not %s", class(id_col)))

  # check that id_col uniquely identifies the rows
  if (length(unique(df[[id_col]])) != nrow(df)) stop("LexOPS assumes that id_col uniquely identifies the rows")

  # check n is a number or expected string
  if (!is.numeric(n) & n != "all") stop(sprintf('n must be numeric or a string of value "all"'))

  # check the splits are defined
  if (length(lp_info$splits)==0) stop("No splits defined - see ?LexOPS::generate for example usage of generate()")

  # check the controls are defined
  if (length(lp_info$controls)==0 & length(lp_info$control_functions)==0) stop("No controls defined - see ?LexOPS::generate for example usage of generate()")

  # check that the conditions are present in the attributes
  if (is.null(cond_col)) {
    # if the column containing the condition info is missing and not defined manually, throw error
    stop("Could not identify split conditions column! Make sure you run split_by() before generate().")
  # if control_for() has been run (can tell from attributes), check the specified columns exist
  if (!is.null(lp_info$controls)) {
    controls_exist <- sapply(lp_info$controls, function(cont) {cont[[1]] %in% colnames(df)})
    if (!(all(controls_exist))) stop(sprintf("%i unknown control columns. Check columns specified in control_for() are in df.", length(controls_exist[!controls_exist])))
  # if control_for_fun() has been run, check the column to be fed to the function exists in df
  if (!is.null(lp_info$control_functions)) {
    controls_exist <- sapply(lp_info$control_functions, function(cont) {cont[[3]] %in% colnames(df)})
    if (!(all(controls_exist))) stop(sprintf("%i unknown control columns. Check columns specified in control_for() are in df.", length(controls_exist[!controls_exist])))

# function to filter exactly for categories, and with tolerances for numeric in a vectorised manner
generate.filter_tol <- function(df_matches, vars) {
  # generate the expression
  filter_char <- sapply(vars, function(tol) {
    if(is.numeric(df_matches[[tol[[1]]]]) & length(tol)>=3) {
      sprintf("dplyr::between(`%s`, %s, %s)", tol[[1]], tol[[3]]+tol[[2]][1], tol[[3]]+tol[[2]][2])
    } else {
      if (is.numeric(df_matches[[tol[[1]]]])) {
        sprintf("`%s`==%s", tol[[1]], tol[[2]])
      } else {
        sprintf("`%s`==\"%s\"", tol[[1]], tol[[2]])
  }) %>%
    paste(collapse = " & ")
  # filter the dataframe on the generated expression
  dplyr::filter(df_matches, eval(parse(text = filter_char)))

# function to find matches for a particular word (better than current match_word() function?)
generate.find_matches <- function(df, target, vars, matchCond, id_col, cond_col) {
  # if no controls, return the df unchanged
  if (length(vars)==0) return(df)
  # get a copy of df excluding the null condition, but keep the target word
  df_matches <- df[df[[cond_col]] != matchCond | df[[id_col]] == target, ]
  # add a 2nd (for categorical) or 3rd (for numeric) item to each control's list, indicating the value for the string being matched to
  vars <- lapply(vars, function(cont) {
    cont_val <- if (is.factor(df[[cont[[1]]]])) {
    } else {
    if (is.list(cont)) append(cont, cont_val) else list(cont, cont_val)
  # for each control, filter out non-suitable matches for this word
  df_matches_filt <- generate.filter_tol(df_matches, vars)


# function to check whether the matches are inclusive (neceessary if match_null = "inclusive")
# This treats each possible condition for the current item as the match null for one iteration, and tests that all other words are suitable matches
# if TRUE, will return the matches unchanged, else will return same vector with all values replaced by NAs
generate.are_matches_inclusive <- function(df, matches, vars, vars_pre_calc, matchCond, id_col, cond_col) {
  # if there are NAs in matches, return NAs
  if (any(is.na(matches))) return(rep(NA, length(matches)))
  # if no controls, return matches unchanged
  if (length(vars)==0) return(matches)
  # check words are matched inclusively
  are_inclusive <- lapply(matches, function(this_word) {
    # get this word's condition
    matchCond_this_word <- names(matches)[matches==this_word]
    # get list of suitable matches based on controls
    df_matches_this_word <- generate.find_matches(df, this_word, vars, matchCond_this_word, id_col, cond_col)
    # get a similar list, but mapping any specified functions
    df_matches_this_word_funs <- generate.find_fun_matches(df, this_word, vars_pre_calc, matchCond_this_word, id_col, cond_col)
    # check the other items are in there, and return this value
    all(matches[matches != this_word] %in% df_matches_this_word[[id_col]]) & all(matches[matches != this_word] %in% df_matches_this_word_funs[[id_col]])
  # leave unchanged if inclusive, otherwise return NAs
  if (all(unlist(are_inclusive))) {
  } else {
    rep(NA, length(matches)) %>%

# function to find matches for a particular word using functions defined by `control_for_fun()`
generate.find_fun_matches <- function(df, target, vars_pre_calc, matchCond, id_col, cond_col) {
  # if no control functions, return the df unchanged
  if (length(vars_pre_calc)==0) return(df)

  # if df has a 0 rows (e.g. if generate.find_matches() found no matches), return df unchanged
  if (nrow(df)==0) return(df)

  # get the new columns' values for the target word
  target_vals <- sapply(vars_pre_calc, function(x) {
    fun <- x[[2]]
    var <- x[[3]]
    tol <- x[[4]]
    target_input <- df[[var]][df[[id_col]]==target]
    fun(target_input, target_input)

  # get a copy of df excluding the null condition and the target word
  df_matches <- df[df[[cond_col]] != matchCond | df[[id_col]] == target, ]

  # calculate the new columns based on the supplied functions and arguments
  # (each item of var should have a structure of `list(name, fun, var, tol)`)
  func_col_names <- sapply(vars_pre_calc, function(x) x[[1]])  # get the names (set after `purrr::map()`)
  df_matches <- vars_pre_calc %>%
    purrr::map( ~ .x[[2]](df_matches[[ .x[[3]] ]], df[[ .x[[3]] ]][df[[id_col]]==target] ) ) %>%
    purrr::set_names(func_col_names) %>%
    dplyr::bind_cols(df_matches, .)

  # create vars list which will be used for matching purposes
  vars <- lapply(1:length(vars_pre_calc), function(cont_nr) {
    cont <- vars_pre_calc[[cont_nr]]
    col_name <- func_col_names[[cont_nr]]
    if (length(cont) >= 4) {
      list(col_name, cont[[4]])
    } else {

  # add a 2nd (for categorical) or 3rd (for numeric) item to each control's list, indicating the value for the string being matched to
  vars <- lapply(1:length(vars), function(cont_nr) {
    cont <- vars[[cont_nr]]
    fun <- vars_pre_calc[[cont_nr]][[2]]
    var <- vars_pre_calc[[cont_nr]][[3]]
    cont_val <- target_vals[[cont_nr]]
    if (is.list(cont)) append(cont, cont_val) else list(cont, cont_val)

  # for each control, filter out non-suitable matches for this word
  df_matches_filt <- generate.filter_tol(df_matches, vars)

JackEdTaylor/LexOPS documentation built on Jan. 18, 2025, 10:37 a.m.