
Defines functions parse_levels

Documented in parse_levels

#' A non-standard evaluation parser
#' This is just a handy function I use for parsing two non-standard variables, a column name and associated tolerances/levels, into a single list object.
#' @param var A column name (non-standard evaluation).
#' @param levels Levels in the form of tilde-separated vectors (e.g. `c("noun", "name") ~ c("verb", "adjective")`) or character vectors (e.g. `"noun" ~ "verb"`). Numeric levels can be in the form `1.5:2.75 ~ 3.5:4.75`.
#' @return Returns a list object in the form `list("column_name", c(1, 2), c(3, 4), c(5, 6))`.
#' @examples
#' # Numeric sections of a distribution can be specified as lower:upper bound...
#' parse_levels(substitute(Zipf.SUBTLEX_UK), substitute(1:2 ~ 3:4 ~ 5:6))
#' # ...or c(lower, upper)
#' parse_levels(substitute(Zipf.SUBTLEX_UK), substitute(c(1, 2) ~ c(3, 4) ~ c(5, 6)))
#' # Can give any level as just `NULL` or `NA` to store the level as `NA`
#' # (e.g. for `split_by_map()` function in future)
#' parse_levels(substitute(example_variable), substitute(NULL ~ 1.2:4 ~ 5.2:6))
#' parse_levels(substitute(example_variable), substitute(NA ~ 1.2:4 ~ 5.2:6))
#' # Non-numeric categories can be specified like so
#' parse_levels(substitute(PoS.SUBTLEX_UK), substitute("noun" ~ "verb"))
#' parse_levels(substitute(PoS.SUBTLEX_UK), substitute(c("noun", "name") ~ c("adjective", "verb")))
#' # Can give no value for `levels` (i.e. `levels` is `NA`),
#' # e.g. when matching exactly, or categorically
#' parse_levels(substitute(PoS.SUBTLEX_UK))
#' # Can give vector of variables in non-standard eval
#' parse_levels(substitute(c(Zipf.SUBTLEX_UK, Length)), substitute(0:2.5))
#' parse_levels(substitute(c(Zipf.SUBTLEX_UK, Length)))
#' @export

parse_levels <- function(var, levels = NA) {
  var <- deparse(var) %>%
    paste0(collapse = "") %>%

  levels <- deparse(levels) %>%
    paste0(collapse = "") %>%
    strsplit("~", fixed = TRUE) %>%
    .[[1]] %>%
    gsub(" ", "", .)

  if ( all(grepl(":", levels)) | (any(grepl(":", levels)) & any(levels %in% c("NA", "NULL")) )) {
    levels <- strsplit(levels, ":", fixed = TRUE) %>%
      lapply( function(x) if ( length(x)==1 & any(x %in% c("NA", "NULL")) ) NA else as.numeric(x) )
  } else {
    levels <- lapply(levels, function(l) eval(parse(text = l)) )

  out <- if (all(is.na(levels))) {
  } else {
    prepend_list(levels, var)


#' A non-standard evaluation parser for ellipses
#' This is a version of `parse_levels()` that supports ellipses. This is useful for specifying multiple parameters in one function. This function was specifically designed for a non-standard evaluation update to `match_item()`.
#' @param ... Variables and tolerances, in the form `num_variable1 = -1:3, num_variable2 = -0.5:0.5, char_variable1`. Variables and tolerances should be separated by a `=`, and lower and upper boundaries of tolerances should be separated by `:`. Variables without tolerances are also supported (useful for character variables or matching by numeric variables exactly, i.e. shorthand for `0:0`).
#' @return Returns a list object in the form `list(c("num_variable1", -1, 3), c("num_variable2", -0.5, 0.5), "char_variable1")`.
#' @examples
#' parse_ellipsis(substitute(c(Length = 0:0, Zipf.SUBTLEX_UK = -0.1:0.1, PoS.SUBTLEX_UK)))
#' parse_ellipsis(substitute(c(Length = 0:0,
#'                            Zipf.SUBTLEX_UK = -0.1:0.1,
#'                            PoS.SUBTLEX_UK,
#'                            BG.SUBTLEX_UK = -0.005:0.005)))
#' @export

parse_ellipsis <- function(...) {
  deparse(...) %>%
    paste0(collapse = "") %>%
    lapply(parse.unvectorise) %>%
    lapply(strsplit, "=", fixed = TRUE) %>%
    .[[1]] %>%
    lapply(function(x) {
      # remove spaces
      x <- x %>%
        lapply(function(x_x) gsub(" ", "", x_x)) %>%
      # get var and (optionally) levels for this section
      var <- x[1]
      if (length(x == 2) & !is.na(x[2])) {
        if (grepl(":", x[2])) {
          levels <- strsplit(x[2], ":", fixed = TRUE) %>%
            lapply(as.numeric) %>%
        } else {
          levels <- lapply(x[2], function(l) eval(parse(text = l)) ) %>%
        c(var, levels)
      } else {

parse.unvectorise <- function(vec_str) {
  if (grepl("^c\\(.+\\)$", vec_str)) {
    vec_str %>%
      gsub("^c\\(|\\)$", "", .) %>%
      strsplit(", *") %>%
  } else {
JackEdTaylor/LexOPS documentation built on Jan. 18, 2025, 10:37 a.m.